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FIFTH EACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 241916 145 3 110 110HELMAN HELMAN ContcstorTrainer ch g G 112 By Fireman Helen Scott by Contcstor Trainer J B Clark Owner Toppenish Stable 53501 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 112 214 3 2i 1 = J II Jones 11 ItabvKaiist KannieXail ISLcvy T3I5S ISLcvyT3I5S Tijuana 1 l42fnst 145 112 7 8 4 2 2 1 IT tamer t MaudM Pink Tcnny illvlot illvlotE34I1 E34I1 Tijinna 1 l12 fast ilf 1171211 7 5 3 = 24 G Ycargii 1 Ostentatious PTonny MaudM 533G1 MaudM533G1 Tijuana 1 ll4fast 5 115 8753 21 1 = W Taylor J2 LittleOrphan Yorkl Yorklissie issie GoOa C3321 GoOaC3321 Tijuana 31 115 fast 19 109 15 14 13 13l 12 II Rowe 15 Kof Pythias Itosellis Laiiteru LaiiteruFANNIE FANNIE NAIL br xn 5 107 By Leonid Bessie Rembcrt by Dungarven DungarvenTrainer Trainer F Samples Oxvner J S McDaniel McDaniel5X01 5X01 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3310 113 10 53 4 4 = 33i T McCiilIlilS HelniMii Itahy Faust Ucn Levy 5S452 Levy5S452 Tijuana Im70y l4ifast 2910 112 S G 5 5 4 = 1 2l C Whlffnll Minnie II Pierrot Dionu 53420 Tijuana 1 11G l40fast 17531510 431 1J I4 C AVhiffnllJ MihsSedalia Zetutic MityLcvcr 53SG2 MityLcvcr53SG2 Tijuana 5 f lOSfast 7 111 G 42 22J 25 T McCulh 11 MackCiirncr MissSodalia Viva 53047 Tijuana 34 l15hvy SGf 101 1 OS 8 = G T Kintllo 10 V Welles OrcliidKlnjj I Harvey HarveyZETETIC ZETETIC ch m 9 112 By Abo Frank Josios Jewel by Rancocas Trainer RancocasTrainer W L Stanfield Owner V L Stanfield 53503 Tijuana Im70y l47fust 1910 115 277 7 4 3J P Martinez 11 Slienandoali PkTenny VLady 534S4 VLady534S4 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 9 103 4 G 5 5 53 4 O Willis 7 Salgcorgu Ncpperhan 15 Fanst 53457 Tijuana Im70y 117 fast 3710 110 2 1 1 1 I2 1J O Willis 8 Czardoin Tours Fairy Prince 53420 Tijuana 1 11G l40fast 225 112 7 S 4 4 3i 3 J O Willis 13 FNail MSedalia Miglitylxvcr 529GO Miglitylxvcr529GO Tijuana 1 18 l55good 35 9G 5 7 7 7 7 7 M Slshtcr 7 WMgomy LeDaurc GcnUuj DIONE b m 5 112 112Trainer By Assagai Bradawl by Pessar Trainer C C Richards Owner C Richards 53540 Tijuana 1 11G l49Vfsist 13 109 9 9K4 3 4 4 4SJ i Dority 0 Pierrot GMuohlebach L Gink K4 Tijuana 1 l41tast S 07 0 9 0 5X 57S 1 Ilurn J liardora CliTlonian I iItNoiro 53452 Tijuana ImTOy llG16fast 14 112 7 C 4 3 42i M Buxton 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Piurrot 53347 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast G 107 S S5i307 4 4 4i G1 W Gargan 10 Dickie W llumma Cobrita 5i307 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 2710 115 C 2 1 31 S11 W Gargan 0 Sasln Von Lady Miss Sodalia 53250 Tijuana Im70y l40Vislop 10 100 5 5 G II5 II23 W Carganll TGoose MntiiGirl GMiilebh 52944 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 5 115 9 9B290G 2 2 2l 2s P MartinezlO WMIJaker PTcnny Shendoah B290G Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast G 110 4 452S51 2 2 7 77J G Ycargin 7 lices Wing liIiaker SwApple 52S51 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 1 112 G 5 C 31 31 E Fator 8 Sweet Apple Plielan Al Wick 52035 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfasl G5 107 107B1SK1 11 E Fator 8 TheGallaiit Pierrot Cavdourll B1SK1 Tijuana C8lOO faMt 1GS 100 7i 13 Fator 7 IlillonA OpiaiiKIng IlarryD 40101 Kwrth Im70y 14G fast 8 100 6 6 3 2l 3j E Fator 10 Philistiuc Gourmand 15uby Cal SIIENANDOAH HamburgTrainer ch g 4 113 By Sea King Blue Grass by Hamburg Trainer J Givcns Owner E S Townsend 53503 Tijuana Iin70y l47fa t 11 113 7 9 S 5 3l 1 E Taylor 11 Pink Teiiuv Xototic Aon Lady 53411 Tijuana 1 l12fast 16 113 S S S 7 71 fii C Whittn 11 Ostentatious llcliuan PTcnny 5S3S1 PTcnny5S3S1 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 22 110 S 9 0 fJ G Ycargin 1 PcrfLady TokManli ClJiiiiia C331G Tijuana Im70y l4Gl fast 7 105 4 2 2 3 7l 9 G Yeargin 11 PrinccDiect Sadie D liardoru DICKIE V br g 6 112 112Trainer By Dick Finnoll Bellegardo II by Beauclcro BeauclcroJ Trainer J Hill Owner H V Barnei BarneiC352S C352S Tijuana 1 l41fast 100 2 C J Gl 1 Noble S Trophy OrrhidKinK lake Sclias E344S Tijuana 1 1S l53Stfast Gi 111 3 G u 01 5S 11 Lowe 7 Pardora Ktmccraft LcDosaiire 53123 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast S 110 1 5 5 4i It Lowe 7 Little Jink Cork Sam Hill 53317 Tijuana Iin70y 147 fast 5J 111 G 5 C 3 13 II Lowe 10 Htimma Colirita IVrfect I idj 5332 Tijuana IntfOy l4rrist 301 111 3 5 5 5522G7 2s lk U Lowe 8 MouGirl Modiste JMhlohacli 522G7 Tijuana Iin70y 149 hvy 10 110 8 C G GB21G 41 31 G YwirRin y Sasia Mountain irl Cobrita B21G Tijuana 5S l03sop HC HO 0 12 12ES003 II3 CobritaII3 10 R Carter 11 MacLIiyug Ilaucliita A p Tack ES003 Tijuana Iin70y l4rifast 3i 105 2 4 21 2 = M Slghtor liDtrlunati Klcctric MonPolle 52073 Tijuana 1 141 fast S3 109 144 4 51U W Taylor KShilling Don Jose JTMdocfc 52042 Tijuana 5 f l00slow llf 310 G 10 10B2S08 103 Sr i W Taylor 11 Harslleir GoIdICosc PrHaby B2S08 Tijuana 1 11G 149 fust 11 100 100ELGTS ol W Taylor S HeesWing LitGink AuilreyK ELGTS Tijuana 34 l17hvy 251 112 4s C Thpson 0 MissParnell PceDirect BilJoe VON OrsinlTrainer 1ADY ch m 8 107 By Von Tromp Cirlina by Orsinl Trainer F Howland Owner F Howland 503 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 10 110 3 S 5 4 51 43 P Marlellill Slienandoali 1iiikTciiiiy 7eletic 534S5 7eletic534S5 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast IS 102 G a 7 7 9 32 JJ Marielli J Pierrot Cork Geo Muolilebach 53411 Tijuana 1 l42fast 20 11511 9 0 10 91 9i II Carter lli Ostentatious Hclmaii PTenny 52307 Tijuana 1 11G i48fast 9 110 1 5 G 5 5l 2s B Marielli U Sasia Miss Scdalia lien Levy 520CO Levy520CO Tijuana Im70y l4Gfefast 225 105 9 G 3 2 2 11 B Marlellill CliCourt Ostentatious liFaust liFaustMIKE MIKE GreenTrainer DALY br g 7 112 By David Tenny Dewinne by Green Murphy531SG Trainer G W Billerman Owner lawless Murphy 531SG Tijuana 1 11G l S fast 245 107 1 7 G 5 O4 5Z J Marielli S Deckhand Sasin Prince Direct 53452 Tijuana ImOy l4Gfast Ifif 112111111 II 5J 5 = 1 E Josiah 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot 5S43G Pierrot5S43G Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 18 107 7 C 2 2 4 7 ° J Htamer 7 liardorn Sasin Minnie II 3365 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast 13 102 7 C 4 4 4Z 33j 15 Marielli 8 LGink MntnGiri Hickorynut 4G Hickorynut4G Tijuana Im70y l4GMjfast G 107 8 0 9 9 9s S3 R MariellilO rrinnDiif it Sadiu D liardora 52958 Tijuana Im70y 147 good 5 112 2 G C 5 51 fi5 M Slghtur 8 Saner Rutland Arms Modiste 52920 Tijuana 1 18 l5Sslop 0 300 G 3 G 7 7 7 M Slghter 7 ISaliySister KiitlandArms Cork 52903 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 325 112 1 8 G 4 4l 41 M SlKhtcr 8 Audrey A Irince Direct Saner 52850 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 4710 112 5 G 6 4 3 2J M Slghter 8 John Jr Pink Tcnuy Honolulu HonoluluIADY IADY SantiagoTrainer INNOCENCE b m 10 115 By Salvation Mi Reina by Santiago Trainer J A Morgan Owner J A Morgan Morgan5352G 5352G Tijuana 1 1S 155 fast 11 112 S 5 2 3 4s 5s II Rottiff 8 Xepperban Sasin Sam Hill 534S5 Hill534S5 Tijuana 1 11G l4S4 fast 11 110 1 7 5 5 5i 4i JI Kcitit 9 Pierrot Cork Geo Mueblebncli 53155 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 21f 11012 12 11 II4 74J II Rettiir 11 JolinJr Hars Heir Ike Mills 52750 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 21 110 I1 II Rettiff 9 Mary Fuller Viva liuckborn II 52705 Tijuana 1 1S 156 fast 12 112 Z II Rettig 8 AtidrcyK LcDinosatire Plunger fGOO PlungerfGOO Tijuana 1 11G l51slow 11 110 4ZJ J Htamer 11 FShanWn Von Lady ITorynut 524SO ITorynut524SO Tijuana 1 18 158 mud 49 110 87 N Foden 0 Viva Cuba Ilaby Sister Cork 5231G Cork5231G Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 0 115 41 N Foden 7 JudgeDavid Lewisll Nasliotab E2212 NasliotabE2212 Tijuana 1 l42fast 32 113 3J N Foden 10 Examiner TFMMhn VLady BOREAS br p G 117 117Trainer By Zeus Yuletreo by Hastings Hastings1J Trainer B Warren Owner B Warren WarrenHC1SG HC1SG Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 2 lit 7433 1J 4i V Cloud 8 Deckhand Sasin Prince Direct 53452 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 9 117 4 2 4 G 78 I Martinczll Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot 52409 Tijuana 1 142 fast 13 117 1 1 1 1 1K3S2 1 = I4 C WhittnlO linFavorite Arsento Plylhing K3S2 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 31f 114 S S 8 S S8 8 ° 1 Martinet Point to Point Sasin Bardora 53346 Tijuana Im70y l4fi fast lOf 10G 10 30 30 10 10 1013 II Rowe 10 Priicclirc t adio D liardora 53002 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 145105 1 7S S 71 4 = 1 B JIarielll S Prince Direct Maudie lieji Levy 52751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 105 112 11252G70 2 P Martinez 10 Mayworth Von Lady Prophecy 52G70 Tijuana 1 l4Shvy 28 112 11252COO 2J H Rowo 8 Weinland liernice E Frivolous 52COO Tijuana 1 116 l51slow 13 112 5s C Whlttonll FShannon Von Lady Horynut HorynutBy ELECTRIC SandriaghamTrainer b m 12 103 By Martinet Perdition by Sandringham Trainer W Mikel Owner W M Mlkol 53478 Tijuana 1 l43fast 21 107 10 5 G 53 4J E Josiah 11 likhornll Csardom LPointct 53459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 2Gf 106 11 10 10 10 91 914 D Prible 11 TokMarch Bcnlxjvy PatMack 53306 Tijuana 1116149 fast 103 103 0 S 3 0 0 9 D Prible 9 liardora llumma Cork 53245 Tijuana 1 l45slon 57 110 3 7 7 9 951 8 = D Ilurn 10 Maud M Sasin Patsy Mack MackBERNICE BERNICE E ch m 6 112 By Salvation Bertola by Albert AlbertTrainer Trainer B Omspoch Owner Gorman Omspcch 503 Tijuana Im70y l47fefast 13 1151010 9 9 10 301 M Woods 11 Slienandoali PinkTenuy Xutetic i3452 Xutetici3452 Tijuana Im70y l46ffast IGf 107 91010 0 91 G1 J Htamer 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot RKG5 PierrotRKG5 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast 4j 102 377 7 5 543 J II1 turner 8 LitGink MntiiGirl MikcDaly 532G7 MikcDaly532G7 Tijuana Im70y 149 hvy 51 112 2 8 S 8 Sll 914 C Whittn 9 Sasin Mount Girl Dickie W WCOBRITA COBRITA b m 6 115 By Sweep Valeurouse by Orsinl OrsinlTrainer Trainer J Pierce Owner Coeur dAlene Stable StableF3152 F3152 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 11 110 6 9 S S 11 II1 B Parke 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot 53436 Tijuana 1 116 l48fast 11 ICG 3 5 G G 7 6 B Parke 7 Pardora Sasin Minnie II 53382 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 17 110 567 7 ol 4 = 1 D Powell J Point to Point Sasin Bnrdora 53347 PfectLadyE32G7 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 10 103 7 9 9 7 5 3J B Parke 10 Dickie W llumma PfectLady E32G7 Tijuana Im70y 149 hvy 0 110 5 G 5 G 5s 4 B Marielli 9 Sasin Mount Girl Dickie W GMhlpliacbF MSOS Tijuan 1 11C 149 fast 32 107 7 7 S 8 S S1 II Rowe S Modiste MtnGlrl GMhlpliacb F ModisteE2S0 9S Tijuana ImTOy 147 good 21 115 313 0 T3 7si P Martinez 8 Saner Rutland Arms Modiste E2S0 Tijuana ImTyO l4Cfnst 44 11G 8 7 S 7 t 7 J Rohson 8 John Jr Mike Daly PiiikTonnj 52807 Tijuana 1116140 fast 1C 107 7 D Powell 7 GouPyiiK TDavid IxDinosaure 52772 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast Gl 110 54 D Powell 12 liSister Lobelia T likcnrhlcc likcnrhlccEiG49 EiG49 Tijuana Im70y l S mud 22 115 1 F J Baker 0 LeUinosaure Honolulu Argun to 52G29 Tijuana 1 116 l50slow 2710 110 G J G Yeargin 7 Sauer liaby Sister Prairie PrairieE2582 E2582 Tijuana Irn70y lEOalow 33 114 3ll R McCrnn S GMuehlcbach PluiiRer Sgeorgc E24SO SgeorgcE24SO Tijuana 1 18 158 mud 47 103 918 D Powell 0 Viva Cuba liaby Sister Cork E2423 CorkE2423 Tijuana 1 142 fast 61 103 I1 B MarteMlO TBreckenrldge Mistake JJdort