Sixth Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-09

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SIXTH EACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 WALTER WHITAKER b g G By J F Crowley Prithee by Filigrano Trainer G W Crippcn Owner Becbo Crip pen 53492 Tijuana 5S l00fast 27 51 41 n Iowcll i AKcKina Ethel Prown JooTaj J34G2 Tijuana 4 f 54 fast 4G 110 2 3 4 G GT C Whltln i Cornciitter Shifty Joe Tag 5279G Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 4 100 10052C03 Gl B Marielli PvtIcat AnUcRina CldeWvcr 52C03 Tijuana 41 f 53fast 12 106 7 B MariellilO Joclllalr JnltaFdrick Cornctr 51530 Tijuana 51 f 100 fust 1 110 11015G07 1i P Martinexll NCR Merry Lass Fireplace 15G07 Tijuana 58 I004 fast 12 113 113155GO I4 B Plnneffr 7 Chantour Tern Duncan Lantern 155GO Tijuana 58 101 fast 35 117 I4 B Plnncsr 7 U Harrlgan Arrieta TChandler 14302 Reno 5S l01 fast 10 111 2h R Carter 7 Cal Cwrn Chas Canuell Antrim AntrimBy HAZEL DeanTrainer DALE ch m 8 107 By Barnsdale Tern by Black Dean Trainer J Pelter Owner Pelter Bros BrosC352 C352 Tijuana 5S l01fast 12 10S 3 1 1 1 13 E Taylor 9 CalCuni Mannikin II Kl Stlio StlioKOUS KOUS Tijuana 4 f 54fast 4 307 3 2 2 Ji 54i C Gross 8 Riposta CAComkey Lit laku 47974 Tijuana 51 f 1 06ifajt 85 310 33 C Thpson 8 ClearLake J Frederick Clininin 47776 Tijuana 5S l00y l00yfast fast 12 112 I1 C Thpson 1 LittleJake Ringleader LSpidcr r ° f Tijuana 5S lflO fast 45 111 U Thpson IWHarpcr ClearLake Iliposla LadyHarrican471S2 ijuana Iliposlaijuana 58 100 fast 1 113 I4 C Thpson 8 Sybil Lit Jake LadyHarrican 471S2 Tijuana 5S l00fast 65 110 I2 C Thpson 8 C the Way Miss MissSedalia Scdali ScdaliSMILING Herder SMILING WoolsthorpoTrainer MAGGIE ch m 8 101 By Smile Margaret M by Woolsthorpo Trainer N W Burkhart Owner N W Burkhart 5iM7 Tijuana 51 f l076fast 2110 10S 2 4 4 31 3 B Parke S Stanley OLoadcr = 4l Tijuana 51 f 307fast 2730 108 4 31 3 D Iowcll 111 Celcliralc G JSosc Hoover 53154 Tijuana 51 f 07fast 26 305 9 OS 4 = 3 D Powell 1 1 Shoreacres MKuntta Dclanccy r3433 Tijuana 5S lUfast 2130 107 2 1 2 22 31 E Josiah 7 Perch Kl Sahio Tenipy Duncan 33308 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 26 103 3 33 31 4J D Powell 11 Herder Uarrigans Heir Ncg NcgDUG DUG DE GUISE ch g 5 102 By Star Shoot Miss Granville by Y nkeo Trainer nkeoTrainer J W Murphy Owner V OReilly 53483 Tijuana 5 f 108 fast 1G5 110 G 1 1 1 451 R Carter 31 HarIIeir Dclancey Mof Ansel 53410 Tijuana 5S l01fast 25 113 3 11 121 1 R Carter 31 TomCaro Katliltankin OlivcD 1003 Latonia 34 l33 fast 10 133 3 2 2 21 S F Cltileltllt Tim McGee Serbian Larry B 30058 Latonia 34 l Svifast 10 112 S 7 10 10 10z T Murray 1U Ruby Pyx Military Girl GirlENGLISH ENGLISH LADY ch m 7 110 By Dick Welles MiladI Love by Flying Dutchman Trainer DutchmanTrainer B Warren Owner V Cloud by Wagner 53505 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 30 113 G 4 G 1 l k T McCullhlO FMoon GeoJames PegMartin 534S1 PegMartin534S1 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast 47 113 5 4 5 G G V Cloud 11 Celebrate GolRose SmMacgie 53438 Tijuana 1 l42fast 40f 115 511 1 721 O2 V Cloud 9 Maud M Ilelman Iink Tenny 53421 Tijuana GJ f 108 fast 30 IOC 3 G G G1 532 II Rowe 10 Thirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover 53363 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 5f 110 5 44 81 75i P MartinezlS ThirtyScvcn Hoover GertdeB GertdeBDULY DULY FASHION ch g 7 110 By Roy del Shasta Queen of Fashion by Mainlc Trainer MainlcTrainer J H Wilkerson Owner Allen Wilkerson 53247 Tijuana 5S l02 fslop 05 110 3 2 1 1 C WhittnlO AValtcr Mack Mex Billy Joe 52037 Tijuana 51 f l07goocl 9 107 3 11 121 I4 T Kindle 7 Gertrude SmilMag Hoover 52S48 Hoover52S48 Tijuana 5S l01fast 5 112 6 G 4 3 3 = R McCrnnll Uidy Small Chronic Charmant 52GG8 Tijuana 58 l045hvy 1310 115 2k R McCrnn 30 CamflagcII LJake ColMphy 52457 Tijuana 51 t l00 slop 5 100 1s R McCrnn 8 Pastime HMcCarty NIcdovat 520S1 NIcdovat520S1 Tijuana 5S l014 fast 70 112 2 O Willis 1U Trulanc Yukon Dr Kendall CRISPIE b m 8 100 100Trainer By Hapsburg Stanncl by Himyar Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B B5S201 wljO 5S201 Tijuana 51 f lOS5slow 1C 103 fi 7 S 0 911 D Ilurn 9 MilddKureta Wclga Dclancey 5217 Tijuana 5S l02slop S 90 1 4 4 G3 Gl D Hum 10 DiilyFashion AValtcrMack Mex 53026 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 7f 110 n 7 G 43 47 P Martine13 ICingldcr CtiieWay HKansIlr 52016 Tijuana 5S l02slop 75f 10S 4 452S17 C HKansIlrC 5 51 5 P Marline S Perch Ringleader Little Jake 52S17 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 13 110 3 7 5 5s 21 P Martinez 9 KdLcVan Fireplace Stanley JI i 5iGJ2 Tijuana 51 f l09tfslow 18 113 7 P Martinez S WMKomery WMack Llicach 1 52581 Tijuana 58 l05slow 1710 112 112TILLOTSON 441 P Martinez 9 MissParnell MasFranklin Mex TILLOTSON br g 9 103 By Marta Santa Black Banner by Masotto Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z McGregor 5 505 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 12 115 7 G 3 81 10i A Xeigler 10 Ea I idy FMoon GcoJames 53125 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 25 110 S G 30 32 32 D Ilurn lli MKuretta Uelaiicey ApplcJack f3291 ApplcJackf3291 Tijuana 51 f liOSfeslow 39 335 1 22 21 42 W Gargan 9 MilddKurela Welga Dclancey 52026 Tijuana 51 f l08fast 7f 31030 S S S1 93 C WhittonlS Ilingldcr CthcWay Hgansnr 356 Tijuana 51 f 103 good 14 115 3 58 S1 9IT P Martinez 9 Perch Mex Clear the Way WayDOCTOR DOCTOR LamplighterTrainer CORBETT b h 8 109 By Rapid Water Bridge Light by Lamplighter Trainer R M Hollenbcck Owner R M Hollenbeck 53523 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 05 110 3 1 1 11 31 P MartlnczM Eugenia 1C Viona Nail lilazcr 53451 VionaNailHOOVER Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 7f 10S G 76 4 41 E Josiah la KICankin Pittsburg VionaNail HOOVER ch g 4 101 By Hilarious Ethel Scruggs by Fonso Trainer FonsoTrainer G Waddell Owner Waddcll Bros Bros531S1 531S1 Tijuana 5 f l07fast 9 101 10 5 4 43 41 J Noble 12 Celebrate ColKosc SmMnRgic 3421 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 25 110 4 3 4 41 32 C WhittnlO ThirScvcn ItillyJoe Shorencrea 53CG3 Shorencrea53CG3 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast nr 306 9 96 5l 2i D Powell IS ThtySeven GcrtIi HarsHoir 5324G HarsHoir5324G Tijuana 5S l03 = slop G 103 G 7 8 8J 9 G Yeargin 12 MadIiyng Blanchita Ap Jack

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Local Identifier: drf1921040901_7_2
Library of Congress Record: