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SEVENTH KACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claim ¬ ing Feb 1 1920 143 15 6 122 122NEPPERHAN NEPPERHAN br h 6 115 By King James Price by Matt Byrnei Trainer ByrneiTrainer W Walker Owner W Walker Walker5S526 5S526 Tijuana 1 18 155 fast 1710 117 111 1 2 1 E Taylor 8 Sasin Sam Hill Cork 534S4 Cork534S4 Tijuana linTOy 45faHt 1 115 3 1 1 1 2 = 1 221 U Powell 7 Salgeorgc liaby Faust Zetetic 53451 Tijuana 51 f l07rast 4 118 G G G 51 54i P Martinczll Shoreacres MEiiretta Dclancey 518SO Tijuana Im70y l41Afast 8 115 53 C Duggan Thslorni TSNPass Franklin 51S07 Franklin51S07 Tijuana 1 116 148 fast 3 116 3n C Duggan S TheySNotPass Anzac Pledra 5581 Tijuana 1 11G 148 fast 1010 111 l C DiiKgan 1 Iteydo Picdra The Desert 53534 Tijuana Iin70y l4Gfast 2 106 1i C Uuggan 8 Auzac The Desert Great Hawk 50S03 Hawk50S03 Ivwrth Im70y l434 fast 41 302 5 2 2 2 21 2J J Grune 5 MayHousi JncleJolm EdStona 6074J EdStona6074J Kwrth 3m70y l4r 5faHt G 306 5 3 3 1 22 2 ° C Duggan 8 Pierrot lilaise Dragoon 50CSO Dragoon50CSO Kvrth 3m70y l4Cruat 75 114 G 3 4 2 3 571 J Dreyer 10 IJefugce Philistine Frank F LITTLE GINK b g 8 112 By Tim Payne La Poeta by HondurM HondurMTrainer Trainer J J McPherson Owner J J XcPTierson XcPTiersonijuana ijuana 1 115 l40ifast 215117 0153 3 3i E Taylor l Pierrit G Muehlibacb Dione 1 5346 Tijuana 1 I4Ifast 9 316 5 G G G fi = 7 E Taylor 9 liardora CliTtonian I iTNoire 5 12 Tijuana 1 1S lS5fast 1110 307 411 1 Ill B Parke 7 Cork Dickie V Sam Hill CSXyi Tijuai a Iin70y 345fast 225130 077 G 4 4J 15 Taylor 10 Trophy WMtcomery Dkhand KCGS DkhandKCGS Tijuaia 1 1S l54fast 5 107 G 2 2 2 31 33 B Parko 8 MlitiiGirl MDaly Hickorynut 53337 Tijuai a 1 116 l4Siffast S 313 5 2 2 2 3 GJ AV Oargan 7 Christ iellolters Gen liyng Sasln 5C297 Sasln5C297 Tijuai a 1 116 l48 slow 2S 100 4 7 7 7 6s G3i E Taylor 7 Yermak Salgeorge Short Stop 5216 Tijuai a 1 136 l4Sfust 9 112 G 4 G G G1 Gi E Taylor 7 Bees Wing liIiaker SwApple PRINCE DIRECT b g 6 110 By Rey Hindoo Directa by Vinctor Trainer VinctorTrainer H C Smith Owner H 0 Smith ISC Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast S 310 5 G r 4 31 3 J IIMainer 8 Deckliand Sasin Boreas KJIGI BoreasKJIGI Tijuana 1 136 140 fast 4110 110 177 G3 43 J Htamer 8 OMaid AudreyK GMhlebach GMhlebachiMr iMr Tijuana 1 1JG l48fast 175115 477 7 51 451 C Whiftn 7 Pardora Sasin Minnie U 53340 Tijuana Im70y l46V fast 3710 112 118 7 31 1 C WhittnlO Sadie 1 Bardora Cork 53311 Tijuana 34 131 fast 28 112 G OS 82 4 C Whiftonll GoldItose LPNre Hansllr 33002 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 45 113 453 3 I1 11 R Carter 8 Maudie lien Levy liorcas 32003 Tijuana 3m70y Il5fast 16 114 264 3 22 2k II Carter 8 Audrey A Sauer Mike Daly 52S59 Tijuana 34 314fast 39 33711 11 11 7l fiS K Carter 31 OlWood JJMurdock SisPoIly 52704 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 114 41 R Dority Little Gink Gen liyng Saner 52G73 Tijuana 34 l17 hvy 21 11G 2s R Dority 9 MissParnell llillyIoe DickieW PIERROT b g 9 115 By Galveston Phantasma by Ormonddo or Goldea Trainer GoldeaTrainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham Garter 53540 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast G lli 4 1 1 1 li 12 T McCullh 9 G Mbach Little Gink Diono 53520 Tijuana 34 313 fast 23 111 7 G S S 6 3 T McCullh 9 MKurotta OlWood HarIIeir 5S1S5 HarIIeir5S1S5 Tijuana 1 136 l4Sfast S 312 2 1 1 1 31 31 T McCullh J Cork GMhlebach LInnocence 534GO LInnocence534GO Tijuana 1 l41fast 41 133 4 4 G 5 43 472 E Haywrd 9 3iardora ChItonian LaliNoiro 53452 Tijuana Im70y l4Gifast 4 114 211 1 Ink 3 = 1 E Taylor 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Dione SAUER b g C 112 By McGee Frances S by Dick Wellei Trainer WelleiTrainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson ParsonC3520 C3520 Tijuana 34 l13fast 52C 107 4 0 9 0 9 = ° E Taylor 9 MKurctta OlWood IlarITcir 5o3 5 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfart 15 114 G Fell M Buxton S Dickie W Moun Girl Modiste 3311 Tijuana 34 114 fast IOC 112 7 30 30 01 7 G Yeargin 11 GcldItosc LIiNre Hansllr 53011 Tijuana 1 11G 151 hvy 42 100 7 4 7 7 71 8 B Parke 11 Salgcorgc liciiPayne CHolters 52C5S CHolters52C5S Tijuana Im70y 147 good2710 10S 445 4 42 11 E Taylor 8 RutldArms Modiste IrishDaisy 52003 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 1110 100 G 2 2 2 3 3J B Marielli 8 AudreyA PrDirect Mike Daly 52SG2 Daly52SG2 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 145107 554 4 2 21 B Marelli i GciiIiyng LittleGink AudreyK 32S2S AudreyK32S2S Tijuana Im70y 14C fast S5 112 222 1 I1 2 B Marcllil2 AnnaJackson Maudie ItutArnis 52704 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 109 3J H Rowo G LitGink GenIiyng PrinceDirct 52G85 Tijuana 1 136 l49slow 8 109 5 E Taylor 7 Ola Lee Horace Lcrch Yerinak YerinakAUDREY AtmajEY AUDREY K b jtn m 8 1I5 By Ballot Captivity by Goldfinch or Star Huby Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Irwin54SG 54SG Tijuana 1 11G l48fast 14 110 G S S 8 G5S C D Hurn S Deckhand Sasin Prince Direct 5S484 Direct5S484 Tijuana JmOy l43fast 51 111 2 a 7 7 7 G2 P Martinez 7 Snlceorge Neppcrhaii liFaust 534G1 liFaust534G1 Tijuana 1 116 140 fast 11 113 5 G 5 a 41 2 P Martinez S OMaid GMhlehach PDirect 53448 Tijuana 1 1S l53 fast 10 112 C G G G G2 43i P Martinez 7 liardora Runecraft LcDosaure 2411 Tijuana 1 116 l4S fast 15 110 7 7 G G 43 49 D Hurn 8 Pt toPoint Runccraft Cork 533G3 Cork533G3 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast G 110 2 G G 6 G G73 P Martinez 8 LitGiak MntnGiri MikcDaly 53347 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 10 110 10 10 10 9 G1 5 D Hurn 10 Dickie AV Ilumrna Cobrita 63323 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 36 110 7 6 G 6 6 G11 D Hurn 8 Dickie W Moun Girl Modiste 53011 Tijuana 1116151 hvy 5f 115 563 4 43 4 P Martinez 11 Salgeorse lleulayue CUoltcra CUoltcraMAYWORTH MAYWORTH b m 5 105 By Brummel Binda by The Bard BardTrainer Trainer W T Anderson Owner San Diego Stable Stable5C3S1 5C3S1 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast G 110 G 7 7 7 9 10 ° S E Josiah lli PerfLady TokMarcli ClJuuia 52 5 Tijuana 34 l14 fast llf 110 13 13 33 13 13 L Gaugel IS AuntAmiie Tawtiia Shoreacres 52920 Tijuana 1 1S l5Sslop 9 107 2 7 7 G Gl GB D Powell 7 liabySister RiitlandArms Cork 52S52 Cork52S52 Tijuana 1 18 155 fast 95 107 1 G G 5 54 431 E Taylor 7 Le Dinosaure liernice E Cork 52751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 2710 103 11 E Taylor 10 liorcas Von Lady Prophecy 52334 Tijuana Im70y I5l7hvy 8 113 4i J Callahanll AAcIga Saucr Plaything 52277 Tijuana 1 l43fast 2310 103 In B MarielH12 MaudM Mighty Lever Mistake 52108 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 257 102 GJ J Clements 30 Riposta Cover Up IrishDaisy 51979 Tijuana 5S l00fast 100 110 9l G Yeargin 10 DeLand OlaLco ClaudeWeaver 51910 DaisyGEORGE Tijuana 51 f l07fast 140 108 10 D Hurn 10 Delancey Pvt Peat Irish Daisy GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b g 5 112 By McGee Stolen Moments by Kiniton KinitonTrainer Trainer J McDowell Owner L A McDowell McDowellXSIO XSIO Tijuana 1 116 l40fast 225 132 1 2 2 2 2V 23 B Marielli 9 Pierrot Little Gink Dione 531S5 Dione531S5 Tijuana 1 11G l4S fast 51 112 4 2 2 2 2 31 I Powell 9 Pierrot Cork Lady Innocence 33161 Tijuana 1 116 140 fast 43 112 732 2 2 = 3 K Josiah 8 OMaid AudrcyK Pria Direct 53S65 Direct53S65 Tijuana 1 1S l51fast 31 107 S 4 G 5 71 S 3 II Rowe S LitGink MntnGiri MikcKaly 5S323 MikcKaly5S323 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 20 112 1 4 4 4 5 4i D Powell S Dickie AV Moun Girl Modiste 532GS Modiste532GS Tijuana 1 116 151 hvy 6 112 633 4 52 5J M Slighter i ChrHoUcrs TomGoose liardora 5S250 liardora5S250 Tijuana Im70y IMOfelop 135112 123 3 31 3 M Slghterll TomGoose MntnGiri liSistcr 53C24 liSistcr53C24 Tijuana 1 18 l53fast 51 112 3 1 1 1 I1 13 M Slghtcr 7 Judge David Cork liaby Sister 52092 Tijuana 1 11G 140 fast IS 112 S G 5 4 4t 33 M Slghter S Modiste MtnGirl PerfectLady 52970 Tijuana 1 11G l40fast 14 112 4 2 3 4 61 G3i M Slshter 7 liFavorite FShannon JDavid