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FIRST EACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances May 12 1916 47 45 2 123 123Index Index Course Dlst TlmcTckOdda Wt St U Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishAPRICOT APRICOT b c 2 M 118 By Atheling II Scarlet Oaks by Dick Welles WellesTrainer Trainer W S Heath Owner Nevada Stock Farm 53490 Tijuana 41 f SIVfefast 27f lit 1 45 51 4 1 L Gaugel 8 JDnndec 1cpTea Incognancc Incognancc633J2 633J2 Tijuana 12 49 fast 310111 G 4 2 = 1 2l P Marline 10 IlazingFire Hal Wricht Aleso 53332 Tijuana 12 49fast 32 115 4 3 21 2 E Haywd 7 Jottclnraiiio OaptClovcr Aleso 3249 Tijuana 12 4Sl slop 13 112 G 7 8 S = 13 Marielll 9 1epTea JDundee Incognance Incognance500l 500l Tijuana 31 f 42 fast 5 108 4 3 S 4 P Martinez 7 CwoodHoy Incosnance P Wale 62967 Tijuana 31 f 43fast 45f 115 6 3 31 41 P MartlnexlO CaptGreet IIMajor KWIllims KWIllims62S72 62S72 Tijuana 3S 3Gfast 12 118 S 8 8J P Martinez 9 CrcstKoy Ashland UelMajoi UelMajoiFLOTATION FLOTATION b f 2 M 112 By Disguise Maid of Avon by St Avonicus AvonicusTrainer Trainer W S Heath Owner Nevada Stock Farm FarmT24no T24no Tijuana 4if 54ffast 37f 112 2 G 7 71 7 E Denny S 1 Dundee PepTea Iiicognancc 53149 Tijuana 12 50 fast 23f 112 G 5 51 5 = 1 M Huxton 8 J Campbell ItilDunn CClover ALESO b f 2 M 112 112Trainer By Reformation Miss Roberts by General Roberts Trainer C W Ross Owner C W Ro 63TK1 Tijuana 12 49Vffisl SJ 115 4 7 Gi r5 M Uuxtoii 7 HaUVriRhl CClover Candorosa CandorosaG 53HK5 Tijuana 3i f 4fast 3 110 S G E 5J 35 M Huxton S NMcKinniy H Wright Sample 53II92 Tijuana 12 49 fast 50 10S 2 7 G = l 4 J Majestic 10 IlazingFire Apricot IlWripht tsi32 Tijuana 12 49Vffast 22 107 1 4 5 4 = O Willis 7 LLornine Apricot CaptClover 63021 Tijuana 31 I 42fast 40 10S 3 6 G1 G10 O Willis 7 K Williams Odorosa MFoxII CABT CLOVER ch g 2 M 115 By Gen Roberts Ravaria by Ravolston RavolstonTrainer Trainer Dr Lovell Owner G Van Gordon 63501 Tijuana 12 49faNt jl10 110 5 4 5 = 2 II Jones 7 II Wright Candorosa DrTubbs DrTubbsC3H3 C3H3 Tijuana 12 50 fast II 112 4 4 31 31 H Jones S JCamplKll ItllDiinn DrTubla 63333 Tijuana 12 49 faKt t 112 3 2 3 Slz H Jones 7 Iillie Ix raine Apricot Aleso 62421 Tijuana 38 SGfast 1910 112 53 I Pinnegr 7 Magnesia Candorosa Fiesta 62312 Tijuana 3S SGfist 19 115 2 P Pinnegr 7 It Ashlaml Wolfs Cry 621S9 Tijuana 38 3Gfast 13 115 5 3 N Koden 7 Wolfs Cry Jwood 15oy Aland POLLY WALE ch f 2 M 115 By Uncle Our Lassie by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer W T Anderson Owner San DIeeo Stable 5219 Tijuana 12 4SVfKlop 11 112 S G C3 5l L Gaugcl 9 1epTea JDumlrc Imogiuince 53010 Tijuana 31 f 44 livy 15 105 4 4 53 33 L Gaugel i PopperTea Ashland Inciignaiifu 53001 Tijuana 31 f 42fast f 103 6 G G 3 L Gaugel 7 CwoodHoy Incognancc Apricot 62702 Tijuana 38 36fast 2310 110 21 L Gaugcl II Photoplay Ashland Tabloid Tabloid523SO 523SO Tijuana 3S 3Gfast 115 110 2i J Callahan i AldaGirl Swiftcrickct PSteel 52257 Tijuana 3S 35 fast 35 115 57 J Clements 5 PepTea Photoplay LFlorenco PLOW STEEL ch c 2 M 115 By Honeywood Decency by Martinet MartinetTrainer Trainer G W Berry Owner Mcadowbrook Stable 53001 Tijuana 31 f 42fast 45 10S 2 5 4 5 M Slghtcr 7 CwoodHoy Incognancc P Wale 52914 HelMajor62S72 Tijuana 31 f 44slop 25 118 3 3 3 31 J Glass 8 Ashlaml JCampbell HelMajor 62S72 llelJlajorf2G06 Tijuana 3S 3Gfast 5 US 7 1 5 1 C Thpson Crcstltoy Ashland llelJlajor f2G06 Tijuana 3S 37slow S5 IIS 21 E Haywd S iugiiancc Tabloid Kwiftcricket 623SO Tijuana 3S 3Gfast 20 113 0 AldaGirl PWale Swiftcrickct DOCTOR TUBES b c 2 M 115 By Norford Laura E by Ben Strome Trainer A Neal Owner Ncal Bartholomew 53Ti01 Tijuana 12 49V fast 15 118 3 1 21 45 A 7ciglcr 7 Hal Wright CClover Candorosa 53449 Tijuana 12 50 fast 12 115 3 C G = i 4 = 1 U Pinngar S Campbell JSIlDiiiin CClover 63263 Tijuana 31 f 451 hvy 9 US 2 21 351 B Plnncgr S HelenMajor Flycast UlazFire 63249 Tijuana 12 4SVfslop 71 110 2 4 41 Gs C Gross 9 PepTea J Dundee Incognancc 52967 Tijuana 31 f 43fast 42 115 9 9CANDOROSA 8 10 1011 A Zeigler 10 CaptGrcct IIMajor EWillima EWillimaBy CANDOROSA b f 2 M 115 115Trainer By Wherewithal Helen Harvey by Star Ruby Trainer A Jones Owner A Jones 53501 Tijuana 12 49V4fast 115 114 2 2 3 = 1 3S P Martinez 7 II Wright CClover Dr Tubbs 63318 Tijuana 3X f 42fast 195 115 5 5 3 = 1 3 B Plnnegr 7 Flycast IllazingFirc Martha L 53021 Tijuana 31 t 42fast 1C 111 G 2 23 2 = 1 P Martinez 7 EAVilliams MFoxII Itogonlr 62914 Tijuana 31 f 44V slop 18 115 7 6 S S15 E Taylor 8 Ashland J Campbell PlovSteel PlovSteel6i 62790 Tijuana 31 f 43 fast 5 110 6i E Taylor 10 Swiftcket CrestdHoy Ashlnd TATTING ch f 2 M 108 108Trainer By Gen Roberts Frill by Burgomaster Trainer C W Ross Owner C W Ross 53119 Tijuana 12 50 fast 37 112 2 3 4 6rl S Smith 8 TCampbell ItilDiinn CClover 53318 Tijuana 31 f 42fast 195 112 3 4 5 = Ti8 O Willis 7 Flycast IMazingFire Candorosa 63263 Tijuana 31 f 45V hvy 51 115 7 4 4MIDNIGHT 51 58J O Willis 8 llel Major Flycast Doc Tubbs TubbsBy MIDNIGHT STORIES b e 2 M 108 108Trainer By Norford Zubclda by Montgomery Trainer F Bicknell Owner F Bickncll 53501 Tijuana 12 49 ifast 59 103 7 G 41 7 ° O Willis 7 HalWright CClover Candorosa 63163 Tijuana 31 f 43fast 7G 111 G 7 8 S A Zeigler 8 NanMcKinncy H Wright Aleso 63449 Tijuana 12 50 fast 283 107 S S S S10 E Josiah S JCampbell IHlDunii CClover 63392 Tijuana 12 49 fast 375 112 9 D 9 9 II Saladin io IllazingKirc Apricot IlWriglit 63332 Tijuana 12 49fast 53 112 6 7 6 G1T C Whiftn 7 LLoraine Apricot CaptClover 62189 Tijuana 3S 36fast 13 115 115LITTLE GJ E Fator 7 Wolfs Cry Owood loy Aland LITTLE FLORENCE ch f 2 M 112 By Gen Roberts Lori Nita by Reformation Trainer Dr Lovell Owner G Van Gordon 53463 Tijuana 31 f 43Vifast 7 110 7 S 72 7 II Jones S NaiiMcKinney HWright Aleso 63442 Tijuana 31 f 42 fast GG 102 8 4 G1 71 H Jones 8 Tabloid Captain Greet It ItB 32 Tijuana 12 49 fost 34 112 4 B IlWriglitG S 7 II Jones 10 ISIazingFiro Apricot IlWriglit 53318 Tijuana 31 f 42fast 27 112 G G Gh Gi C Gross 7 Flycast IIazingFiro Candorosa 63263 Tijuana 31 f 45V hvy 15 112 5 7 GS 63 II Jones 8 Hel Major Flycast Doc Tubbs Tubbs5i 52380 Tijuana 38 26fast 21 110 5i H Jones C AldaGirl PWale Swiftcricket 62257 Tijuana 38 35fast 63 115 3 R Pinnegr 5 PcpTca Photoplay N Harper 62167 Tijuana 38 35fast 5 115 6 P Martinez 7 Pep Tea NclUarpcr Magnesia First start for the following DARK AGES b f 2 M By Honoywood Ina L by Otis Trainer W S Heath Owner Nevada Stock Farm EYE BRIGHT ch g 2 M 115 115IRISH By General Roberts Eye Full by Harrigan IRISH REINA b f 2 M 115 115Trainer By Irish Ezilo Quconlaml II by Clicveclcn ClicveclcnBy Trainer i L Allen Owner L L Allen AllenHERMOSA HERMOSA NEGRA blk f 2 M 115 115Trainer By Sempronius Yo El Rcync by Yo El Roy Trainer L L Allen Owner L L Allen