Second Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-09

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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 20 1916 111 25 3 110 CAREEN ArtilleryTrainer b m 6 111 By Joe Carey Scrccnwcll Lake by Artillery Trainer W II Do Holt Owner Hall Do Bolt Bolt6S477 6S477 Tijuana 31 l14fast 42 111 5 12 12 121 II20 P Martinez I Capers Cobalt York Lassie 63143 Tijuana 4 I15fst2710f 111 3 2 1 6 7 i G Yeargin 111 Review Cobalt Little Orphan 53119 Tijuana 5S l01fast IS 111 II G 12 13 = 113 C WhHfiiM DdcGuise TomCaro KIJaiikiin 63379 Tijuana 58103 fast G 113 3 3 1 2 C C WhlttiiKi WCIhwIy ViNail 1 Squirrel B210C Tijuana 5S l01fast 19 111 II11 A Xeiglor It Little lake I Hrigade Daisy N 61NUG Tijuana DS 102 fast 17 111 1013 A Heiglcr 11 Nog j I Sugg Daisy N 00111 Ilcno 5S l01fast 25 112 3 = jDeFord Perch Okla Irisb MFrankliu 500SO MFrankliu500SO Reno 41 f 54fast 2310 107 1s J DeFord 0 Nashotah Scallywag MissSalvo SMILING ANNA ch m 7 111 111Trainer By Smile Moxicanna by Calvados Trainer W Smith Owner A B Wright C345I Tijuana 5S l02 fast 33 111 0 3 7i P MartinesiM PPaync 3IDunbir ISSijuirrel 63391 Tijuana 34 115 fast 25 111 1 3 4s P Martinez M Dicnoro Review Last Chance 63319 Tijuana 58 l01fast 9f 113 12 125l 10 = 73 T Kindle 15 Celebrate Review EinmaWoIler 520C2 Tijuana 5l f 1OS fast llGf 103 li T Kindle 11 Hoover CalOiirn Clear tliu Way 51910 Tijuana 51 f l09 mud 130f 103 1035S S T Kindle 1 Mex Hilda Lewis 1 51S7G Tijuana 5S l02ifast 14f 110 U J C Taylor 12 Joscnia Miuil Jim Gertrudel E1745 Tijuana 58 102 fast 2Gf 10G Si W Taylor 10 Cover Up J D Sugg Crispic 33176 Cheycnno 58 102 fast 95 101 I1 J De Ford 8 Maciuoudc Meljen J D Sugg SuggBy ROBERT LEE b g 8 103 103Trainer By General Roberts Princess by Cheviot Trainer J G Stadlcr Owner R S Irwin 53456 Tijuana 58 l02fast 7 113 13 14 12 12ijuana 10 8 = 1 C Wliittnlt PPayne MDiinbar I Squirrel ijuana 58 103 fast G 115 11 12 12 11 = ll ° i P Martinezir NVCItooly ViNail IS iiirrel ijuana Im70y l1GVfast 41 110 110420G2 3 = G Ycargin S TFMcMahon TGlant VUidy 420G2 Oaklwn 1 l12fast 7 112 8 8 8 7 3 1J J Roll 11 TliScvcn LitStriiiK LPrincess 41997 Oaklwn 31 l14fast 15 109 J S 2 I2 LPrincessI2 I5 A Johnson32 Kurcget UighNotc SilvShapiro 41694 Oaklwn 5J f 108 fast 15 111 9 10 11 11 II5 F Stevens 12 Lil Star LitPrincess Stelclid 41071 FGnda 1 11G l54hvy 30 109 11 11 12 12 12 12 F Stevens 12 OldManCrit Kombast Yennak 40937 FGnda 6i f lOS slow 20 107 9 88 91 9i p Stevens 10 Opheliu W Langden Tom Ciiro 40777 Jcfson 58 105 good 45 107 2 11 11406GG 21 31 F Stevens 7 Juanitu III LitD DrClmrcot 406GG Jefson 51 I l12hvy 4 112 4 56 56EMMA 6 GJ H Stearns 0 O Man Crit Dartworth BrBilly BrBillyBy EMMA WELLER b f 4 109 109Trainer By Boots and Saddle Marty Lou by Marta SanU SanUSI Trainer E Moore Owner J Green 53502 Tijuana 5S l01fast 12 lOfi 10 SI S ° D Powell 11 Olivel KillarncyHelle Viva 5tl3 Tijuana 34 l15fast 13 101 11 115S 12 12 K Josiah la Review Cobalt Little Orphan 53119 Tijuana 5S l01rast 1 103 6 4 5 = 3 E Josiah 14 DdcGiilse TomCaro KUaukiln 63319 Tijuana 58 103fast 10 107 1 5 = 33 D Powell 15 Celebrate Review Capers 63214 Tijuana 5J f l10 = slo 0 103 3 5J SSJ B Taylor 11 Annabelle SealScaeh Celebrate VIVA b m 9 9Trainer 111 By Oiseau Cutter by Gotham Trainer W L Stanfield Owner Polo Stable StableI 53502 Tijuana 5S l01fast I 113 8 G 4 4 3 P Martinez Olivel KilHelle LStPatrkk 5343G Tijuana 58 l02Jfcfast 2 111 4 G 8 81 G l O Willis 14 IMaync MDunbar 15S tiirrcl 63406 Tijuana 5S l02V fast 18 105 2 44 3 3l D Powell 12 Maid of Ansel EiSahio Jlcview XOfiZ Tijuana 61 f lOSfast 25 110 4 34 41 453 O Willis 12 MkGarncr FanNail MScdalia 52383 Tijuana TijuanaTOM 34 114 fast 31 103 5 10 11 11 II10 L Gaugcl 11 Golilio Rose Striker Quid NUIJC TOM CARD b 8 EsherOwner 108 By Marta Santa Argon Esher by Esher Trainer P A Sandidge Owner P A Sandidge 53177 Tijuana 34 l14fast 11 113 9 2 3 Ci 12 = 3 V Cloud 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 53156 Tijuana 58 l02fast 185 10S 5 37 G1 4J D Powell 14 PPayne MDiinbar 18 Squirrel 53119 Tijuana 5S l03Lfast 21f Squirrel21f 108 1 22 21 2 H Howe 14 DdeGuise KathUankin OliveD 63319 Tijuana 58 l01fast 91 110 2 47 95 II1 A Gantnerl5 Celebrate Review EmmaWeller 6272U Tijuana 5S l02fast 122f EmmaWeller122f 105 10 N Foden 11 Joe Tag English Lady JulyFly 62505 Tijuana 58 l03hvy 351 110 10 = M Mthewsl2 Miinnchen Ilummn Dlvland 62190 Tijuana 1 l43Vifast 129 113 101 W Perry 12 Wclga Tiajan Gift GiftM 61876 Tijuana 68 l02Mfast M 112 12 E Haywrdl2 Josenia Mitial Jim GertrudeB MARGARET IngoldsbyTrainer SCHLAFER b f 4 109 By McGce Lithia by Ingoldsby Trainer A E Sherman Owner W T Branron 53477 Tijuana 34 l14iSfast IGf 109 10 99 9 = 10 R Carter 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 534G1 Tijuana 1 114 fast 192 107 112 10 9 9 ° L Gauwl 10 LJoseiif Propliecy UIIargan 5JM19 Tijuana 5S l01fast 21 f 110 14 It 14 14 14IS W Hinphy 14 DdeCuisc TomCaro KICiiiikiln 62I2 Tijuana 34 llfi slow 141 108 11 0 12 12 121T H Rowe 12 ICthcl V C Dooly IJaby Faust 50139 Reno 12 4Sfast 4 103 2 = J G Gross 10 Forum Dr Kendall Jimp J9977 Reno 12 48fast 11 103 43 G Gross Missltrusli LStIatk JDSugg 498S1 Reno 4L f 55fast 31 107 G l C Gross 7 CODorcn Ehenezer McCroan 42H Reno 41 f 65fast 5 100 aJ E Taylor 7 Kpiphanes Prophecy LibItond 431G1 Reno 5S l011 fast 6 100 4 = E Taylor 8 FrNursc Epiphanes Mike Daly CHATTAN MorpheusTrainer COURT b g 6 M 113 By Chanter Wynoneen by Morpheus Trainer A Hubbard Owner James Child 53478 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 225117 60S 9 71 7 B Pinngarll IVkliornll Czardom LPointcr 534G4 Tijuana 1 144 fast 2i 113 7 7 3 2 2l 4 = 1 II Rettig 10 LJosene Prophecy RIInrgan 53420 Tijuana 1 11G litfast 28 117 2 7 7 7 Gl 7 H Rettig III Faimli Nitil MissSedalia Xutelie f34 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 113 5 G 1 1 1 3 J II Rettig 14 KimucRift LOrpiian DanVan 533IS Tijuana 34 l14fast 107f 109 4 23 G = l C53 W Taylor 11 La 1 Noire PMtin MSthem 6SUSI Tijuana 51 f lOSTfast 22 lit 1 77 7 = 5 = 1 U PinnegrlT ttMinard Toreador PegMartln 53023 Tijuana InVTOy 147 fast 5J 107 10 5 G G CJ GIS W Taylor 11 Ostentations MSedalia AInndM 52969 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 24 109 4 5 5 3 3 21 AV Taylor 12 VonLady Ostentatious HFausI 52900 Tijuana 1 l40 fast 33 103 5 5 5 5 42 4J C Thpson 8 Uardora Maud M Miss Manage MISS HILDA II br f 4 M 109 By Great Jubilee Mrs Nugent by Hamilton II IITrainer Trainer J J Quinlan Owner B Heigel HeigelDS45Q DS45Q Tijuana 5J f lVSfugt 3f U9 W 10 1 ° UsU16 B Carter 13 UaneTopaz BuggnlaK JiVuu OKLAHOMA IRISH br m 9 108 By Brigade Wild Irish by Pontiao PontiaoTrainer Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan 53502 Tijuana 58 l01fast 13 106 3 1 C G2 G J Noble 14 Olivel Killarneylielle Viva 534G3 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 13f 101 4 2 2 21 3 B Josiah 111 Stuidab L Gentry Kclicltor 52SSG Tijuana 61 f lOSfast 103 4 3 3 3l 5 E Taylor 11 Krmitana FanNall GeoJamcs 52827 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 9 10 1 9 8 6 Ch C1 D Powell 12 Oldllomcstcad ElSablo lantern lanternG5i 52771 Tijuana 34 l15V fast 65 103 G5i II Jones 12 Arietta JJHdock BShllllng LADY ENFIELD blk f 4 M 4 109 109Trainer By Enficld Comette by Bloomsbury Trainer R Enos Owner F R Doyle 53537 Tijuana Im70y l17fast 38 107 11 11 11 11 11 11 = = J Majestic 11 Prophecy 31 Dunbar UJlsati 5t477 Tijuana 34 l14 ffast IGf lot 12 11 II 11 = 9 D Powell 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 53443 Tijuana 34 1 10fast2710f 109 9 12 13 13 1310 L Gaugel 13 Uevicw Cobalt Lil tie Orphan l403 Tijuana Im70y 147 fsst 23 102 G 10 10 9 9l 8 = ° E Josiah 14 Uunecft LOrplmi CliiitConrt 53333 Tijuana 34 l14fast 34f 10G 12 11 11 12 12 J Majestic IS Striker Dienero Miss Dimliir 53292 Tijuana 34 116 slow 137 113 S S 10 9 = J 9 3 J Majestic 12 Ethel W C Dooly Haby Faust 52917 Tijuana 61 f lOSslow 137 105 S 99 9 9 W Hinphy 9 AnnalJeclna IJIposta Jlonitukur 2877 Tijuana 5S 69Hfast 13 111 6 77 7 6 C Gross 7 Iting T o th Morniug JJhlfty HYNDLA b m 10 111 By Solitaire II Oratossa by Ormonde OrmondeTrainer Trainer T H Wells Owner W A Well 53478 Ti Ilia a 1 l4 fast Kif 10S 2 7 7 9J 915 R Carter 11 Itkliornll Czardom LPointer LPointer540f 540f Tijua a Ini70y 117 fast 23f 111 7 9 9 7 7 = 10 R Carter 14 Kunecft LOrpiian Cliat Court CourtOKiGl OKiGl Tijuana 1 l4 fast 21f 113 5 11 11 11 11 11 P Martinez2 Holnian LHOrplian Yklvissie Yklvissieemri emri Tijua a Ini70y 148 fast 39 117 1 5 G G fii fi7i C AVhlfton f ItabyKst LitOrphan LJphlnc 33241 Tijua a 51 f l10slop Sf 11010 10 10 10ill10 R Carter 14 Annabelle SeaBeach Celebrate Celebrate52G83 52G83 Tijua a 1 IMUfcslow IBf 105 9 J IItamerK Audrey A Tours Rifle Shooter Shooter62G46 62G46 Tijuana 61 f 112 mud 90 104 S l D Powell 12 Gertrude R Ann S Vivn 52258 Tijuana 1 l42fast S 111 19IJ R Carter 12 Gila T F McMahon Blazer BlazerSATSUMA SATSUMA BELLE br m 7 111 By Marta Santa Miss Laetitia by G W Johnson JohnsonTrainer Trainer H Thomas Owner M H Morrison Morrison5r02 5r02 Tijuana 5S l01fnst 10f 11313 13 13 13s 12 = T McCullhM Olive KillanuvHelIe Viva Viva5330ri 5330ri Tijuana linVOy 148 fast 15 110 5 Unseated rider II Saladin ItabyFst LltOrphau IjJpldno 53292 Tijuana 34 11C Klow lit 110 5 4 6 6s 5SA T Kindle 12 Ethel W C Dooly Iaby Faust 5324 1 Tijuana 51 f l10slop St 10312 S G 72 GJ T Kindle 14 Annabelle SeaHeach Olcbrato Olcbrato52G47 52G47 Tijuana 51 112 mud G 10S 4 G Taylor 7 Dots Maud Itucon MightyLcvcr DOCTOR DOORLEY b g 5 M 113 113Trainer By Luck nnd Charity Winifred D by Knight of Trainer S F Varian Owner S S5D F Varian tho Thistle 5D 105 Tijuana Ini70y 117 fast 105 10S 10S33G1 1 2 7 10 13 = 123 ° A eiglcr 14 Uuiiecft LOrpiian Chat Court 33G1 Tijuana 1 l43ifist 46 115 711 1 41 7 A Xelglcr 12 Ilelman LitOrphan Ykl ssie 53105 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 98 117 744 5 5l 4 = 3 A Zeiglcr ItabyFst LitOrphan LJphinc LJphincG 53232 Tijuana 34110 slow 14 f 117 G G S SI Sl A Xciglcr 12 Ethel W C Dooly Baby Faust FaustS 52911 Tijuana 58101 slow 149 109 10952SS8 S C 6 9s 91 A Xciglcr 14 CloJunia MissOuri PegMartlu 52SS8 Tijuana 1 l41fast 29 112 11252GS2 112 4 9 11 O Willis 12 IarSliillinK Ely MtyLever 52GS2 Tijuana 1 143 slow 20 103 10352fi28 8 II Jones 8 E Ilarrijran A p Jack Otress 52fi28 Tijuana 61 f 103 slow 100 107 10752TGO 12 R McCrnnl2 Prin Douglas AnStar EdlxsVan 52TGO Tijuana 1 l Oiinud 27f 110 110524S3 8 A Xeigler 9 Argento Ethel Anna Star 524S3 Tijuan 1 l45mud 13f 110 9 = 8 A Zeigler 11 Haby Girl Audrey A Von Lady 52301 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 1751 113 9 = N Foden 9 lUJlackwl JIloshor Vulcanite LISTAL br h 8 M 11G 11GTrainer By Lissak Kitsilas by Kitimat Trainer A Christie Owner A Christie J3477 Tijuana 34 l14ffast IGf 11G 7 51 G H Rettig 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie Lassie11s 3345G Tijuana 58 l02ffast i4 11G 10 11s 10 II Rettig 14 PPayne MDiinbar ISSquirrcl 53151 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 7f 11G 10 10 = 10 A Heigler la KItankin Pittsburg VionaNail 5S 103 fast2310f 118 S 10 91 II Itettig 15 VCD x ly ViNail USquirrel 52S20 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 5f 110 9 11 = 11 II Rettlg III Shorcacres Sea Ucach Rosellis Rosellisll 52G1G Tijuana 61 f 112 mud fflf 113 ll R Carter 12 Gertrude I Ann S Viva 52153 Tijuana Im70y l48 islop 19f 113 10 R Carter 10 Modiste Honolulu IJusy Bird

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921040901_6_1
Library of Congress Record: