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LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA, KY., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 4921. Latonia 1 mile. Second day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 31 days, eather cloudy; temperature 82. Stewards. Chas. F. Price, S. C. Nuchols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. AY. Hay. Judges, W. II. Shelley. N. If. McClelland and E. Jasper. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. II. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. ST fiFfrfO FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Juno 7. 19211:10G110, Purse ,500. 3-year-olds 4 3 ml and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner .150; second, 25;- third. 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt. yt Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equ"rvT"Odds Strt 56572 2-ItUBY w 4 109 1 3 li 2 r1 l3 H Gregory J Umensetter 5t".-H 5-5273 COLUMBIA TENNwn 5 113110 2 2.- l 2" 2 W W Tor J H Baker 1S5-K0 55391 COZETTE w 3 101 7 0 5" 4 31 33 G Fields G J Long 1G75-10O 553G9MABEL G. w I 109 4 5 NU 7-" 4" 4 .1 Francis AY S Payne G00-1CO 5G711 BLOND BUDDY w 3 10i 5 8 G1 SI GJ 51 .T D Mney J B Sweeney 9i;7o-liiti 5G510 GLORIA KRANCEwn 4 lit 3 7 4 G" 71 Gl II J Burke .1 S AAard 130-100 5253X-MAHONY wn 5 1151 s 4 7 5" 8 73 II Lunsfd Florisant Stable 1215-100 55441 LOAELINESS w 3 102 G 9 91 91 91 8l J McCoy .1 O and G II Keene 3310-1CU 55327 RING ROSE w 3 112 2 10 10 10 10 91 R Harton Masterson and Rogers G.25-ino 47803 SKILES KNOB w 9 110 9 1 31 31 5 10 E Pool AY Feuchter 2i33-10 Time, 24, 49, 1:15. Track slow. mutuels paid, Ruby, ;12.!I0 straight, .10 place, .80 show; Columbia Tenu, .90 place. S3. 50 show; Cozette. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Ruby. 545 to 100 straight. 155 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Columbia Tcnn, 95 to KM place, 75 to 100 show: Cozette. 170 to 100 show. Winner It. f, by Golden Maxim Kiva, by Sempronius trained by .1. Umensetter; bred by Mr. Joseph Umensetter. Went to post at 2:0S. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily: second and third driving. RUBY, away forwardly, set Hit; early pace and was under restraint until reaching the stretch, where she took the lead again and drew away decisively. COLUMBIA TENN had no mishaps, inn a good race and took the lead, but tired in the stretch drive. COZETTE ran well and finished gamely. MAREL G. began slowly and closed a big gap. SKILES KNOB quit after running a good half. Scratched 50714 Herald, 112 : 53331 Sir Thomas Kean, 110; 50O1O Gnvnor, 114; 40S02 AVise Man, 110; 55570Col. Taylor, 117; .53328 Acclaim, 102: 50714 Plus Ultra. 105; 55203 Dixie Girl. 107. Overweights Columbia Tcnn. ll pounds: Cozette, 4; Blond Buddy, l1...; Mahony, 31-:. K"g5r7fQ SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlong. Juno 7, 19091 :05 3 93. Purse ,400. 2-vcar-tfU 4 iJd olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str.t 53017 GIVYN w 113 3 2 lh 11 l3 1 H J Burke Gallahcr Bros 570.Oi 55001 MABGART AYINSORw 113 7 11 5 l3 21 23 AV AV Tor D Lchan 2t3-H 55003 COLLEGE GIRL w 113 11 5 21 31 3J J Howard T C McDowell 1375 1n 55577 OUR BETSY wr. 113 G 7 SI 63 I3 4 AV Andrcss A L Ferguson 1333 Wi 56G35 MOCKING BIRD w 113 4 3 31 3l 31 53 AV Morscy J B Resprss UMMho FLORIDA BLOSSOM w 113 2 9 103 10 7i 6 E Barnes 11 P Headley fl320 m 55469 DIXIE ODAY w 113 1 1 Gn 51 6 7 J Francis L AVedderstrand t 552353BLUE DEEP w 113 9 10 9l 9 S1! 5 E Pool A B Hancock 270-UO 55550 LAST BRUSH wn 11.5 3 12 12 llil0ll 93 15 Konnily 11 L Hubble ::tlu-1oo 55577 IMAGE w 113 12 0 I1 7 93 101 H Kinir Treaey and Wnlki-r 4l2o-liM 55523 AVHO CAN TELL w 113 10 4 7b Slll 11s D Connelly Fair Acre Farm lY.Gil Itrt 55387 McGEES T1N1C w 113 S S 11112 12 12 T Murray AV E Applcgate tMutuel field. Time, 23, 49, 1:02, 1:09. Track slow. mutuels jiulil. Glyn. trainlil, .70 place, .20 show: Margaret, Wiiusor, .30 place, .50 show; Collegt Girl, .01 show. Equivalent booking odds Glyn, 370 to 100 straight. 285 to 100 place, ItiO to 100 show; Margaret Winsor, 113 to 100 place. 73 to 100 show; College Girl, 230 to 100 show. Winner II. f, by Delhi- -Dour-bun Lass, by Dourbon Dean trained by J. C. Gallaher: bred by Messrs. Gallaher Bios.. Went to post at 2:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AYou easily; second and third dnv-hi" GLYN took tie lead quickly, showed much the most speed and drew away in the stretch to win as her rider pleased. MARGARET WINSOR began slowly and raced wide, but finished fast and gamely. COLLEGE GIRL raced prominently throughout, but was tiring in the stretch drive. MOCKING BIKD retired in the last eighth. OUR BETSY closed a big gap. A THIRD RACE 1 3-16 Miles. July 9, 1S21 1:56 4-t119. Piirse ,400. 4-year-olds tt3 l Ot and upward. Claiming. Net valut to winner 91.100; second, 00; third, 00. inOe Horses AWtPPSt U X Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqniv. Odds Strt !V4HIGH GEAR v 7 110 5 3 I1 1 1?. 1 li E Scobie K Spence 90-103 Vflr60 VIRGO w HO "l5 33 -: 2 E Pool E C Walker 220-100 36714 AVILD FLOWER w 4 112 2 1 21 2 3s 3 tn ConnMly T OHern 9C0-100 30133 CAPITAL. CITY ws 7 110 3 2 G 6 41 I 43 T Murray A Hill 843-100 51474 FOX BROW ws 5 107 1 5 5" 4?. 53 54 5" J Howard J H List GS20-100 4 lfilOELKAVOOD w 5 107 C 41 51 6 t; J J Francis C W Crowley S030-1O0 Time, 24, 50, 1:17, 1:43, l:5fi. 2:03. Track slow. mutuels paid, High Gear, .S0 straight. .50 place, .20 show; Virgo, .70 place, .30 sliow; 11 Equivalent bookingodds High Gear, 00 to 100 straight. 2." to 100 place, 10 to 100 sliow; Virgo, 35 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Wild Flower, 30 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Ivan the Terrible Miss Mooney, by My Doy II. trained by K. Spence; bred by WentV ioDpostC at 3:10. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving HIGH GE Ml raced into the lead at once and keeping it, was given a rousing ride through the last eighth nnd out staved VIRGO. The latter moved up menacingly just before reaching the stretch, but tired in the final eighth. WILD FLOWER raced gamely, but was tiring fast at the end. CAPITAL CITr closed a gap. Overweights Elkwood, 2 pounds; Wild Flower, - p n wQ FOURTH RACE 1 Kile. J11I7 3, 1019 1:3G 5 ICC. Xafcor Day Purse. Purse OUl 09 ,600. 3-year-olds end upward. Allowances, liet, value to winner ,200; second, 50; third. 60. "index Horses " AWtPPSt Vx - Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt T-sVlTnCHE- MAC w :: 93 2 3 lh 15 li li 1- F Poretto Chandler Stable 1245-103 544143AVESTAOOD w 4 115 3 1 21 2i 23 23 2 II Lur.sfd Florisant Stable 555-100 1494 7 1 LEGAL w 5 106 1 2 5 i" 35 3 35 C Studor K Spence 4915-1CO 5-.499Al,IIlE DEAR w 3 105 5 5 0 G 44 4 4 E Pool A Baker S0-1C0 fillGlSADVOCATE w 3 110 C C 3i 3and 51 5 53 D ConnMly II H Hewitt 1400-100 f,i;19 BULLION w 7 112 4 4 4 51 G C C W Morsey J B Respess 425-100 Time, 23. 48, 1:14, 1:41. Track slow. mutuels paid, Rlanche Mac, 0.90 straight, .30 place, .70 show; Westwood, place, S4 40 show; Legal, 2.r0 show. Equivalent booking odds Rlanche Mae. 124". to 100 straight, 315 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Westwood 225 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Legal, 525 to 100 show. Winner D. f, by Light Drigade Caviet, by Handsome trained by L. V. Bellew; bred by Mr. J. . W2. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving DLVNCHE MAC. favored by her light weight, raced into the load at once and, setting a good 11-ce for the going, won all the way. WESTWOOD raced forward! from the start and finished gamely. LEGAL had no mishaps and finished well. APIIIE DEAR ran poorly in the going. ADVOCATE tired after showing speed. BULLION was badly outpaced. Overweights Westwood, 3 pounds; Aplile Dear, 3; Advocate, 5. f tr1rn riFTH RACE 3-4 Mile." June 7, 1921 1:10 G 110. Third Running AUTUMN W3 and 0 HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,560; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 20. . -nlt.x norms AWtPPSt. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ,-r-i rUO CIIO W 3 108 : 4 lnt li 14 p o Willis F E Courson 430-100 v-ln? U VNGOOX wi: 3 11-10 8 T- 4J 3i 2 M Garner J N Camden 1515-100 r.-444:NGON wh 4 115 SI 4i 3 J 2i 3!AVlVTlor L Gentry 505-KX "-...-.-,: BKOOKHOLT w 4 127 3 li 5i 4i 45 E Pool ilontfort Jones t -"2Zl AfAPTrtiilF HYXESw 4 113 7 3 G" S1 7l 5U J Kederis Harnefl Bros 1305-1O1 "ilm.aGEH 5 lf.0 4 10 8- Gand CJ Ch" AV Morsey W E Applejjate 1003-100 rfiiii FAVFI L COMBS wis fi 107 2 5 2 2! 5 7 It J Burke Gallaher Bro.s 1405-100 52wsRVIN MAY w 4 101 1 7 5J 10 n S G Fields Fair Acre F.lrm 15-100 rVso WOODTRAP w 7 110 0 2 0"k 2 10 "J4 D OoimMly Fair Acre Farm t hhh-imucn COST wb 119 5 9 10 7 Si 10 n LunsfM Florisant Stable 410-100 ,1-oupic.i oimlcd in bettin" as J. X. Camden . and Montfort Jones entry; JKair Acre Farm Stable entry. 243 4g 1.134, slow mutuels paid, Chn Clio. 0.00 straight, .-10 place, .70 sliow; J. X. Camden and Montfort Jones rntrv $.1.50 place, .10 show: Angon, .!0 siinw. Fduivalcnt hooking odds Cho Clio. 430 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place. 8.. to 100 show; .7. X. Camden and Montfort Jones entry. 175 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; Angon. 95 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Jack Atkin English Esther, by Lord Esterluig trained by .1. O. Whitlow; bred by Jtl" Weiit Vo postal 4:lfi. At post -1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driy-in" CIIO OHO showing a high order of speed, raced into a good lead at once and was only at a stiff -alion through the stretch, winning in a canter. ltAXGOOX began slowly, but came, fast in the stretch Mild linished gamelv. AXGOX raced prominently all the way and held on fairly well at the end. IIROOK-HOIT need gamelv, but tired under his weight in the stretch. MA1UORIE HYXES dropped back in the tirstquarter, then closed a gap and finished fast. SEW ELL COM1SS ran a fast half, but tired in the l ist eielith HIGH COST was always far back. It may be different next time. Ser-itehed 55444 Jack Hare Jr., 104; r.tVlSOMIest Pal, 121; 55172 Mile. Dazie, 95; 50714 Cinderella, OS- H5580 Lady Madcap. 105; r.ttir.fc Pongee, 102: ."..-WMiss Mulllns, 9li; 53S90:Ace High, 102; 555S2 Den Valet. 95; 507 i.2; Columbia Tenn, 103; 5li71S3rnited Verde, 101. Overweights Marvin May, 1 pound; Woodtrap, 1. P fFrfP7 SIXTH RACE 0 1-2 Furlongs. June 7. 1909 1:05 3 93. Purse ,500. 2-year- tV V olds. Claiming. Net value to winner .150; second, 25; third, 25. j Horsesi AWtlPSt j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Str V7I0WOLFrS CRY w 101 7 I li Is Is li A Wilson G Knebelkamp 223.-100 V!CSUAVE PRINCE w 102 4 2 :- 3i 2- 2 H Gregor J B Respess 1215-100 iriSnaitERNMCE K. w 112 9 4 4 V VI 3 M Garner J C Milam 275-100 li li 4 LITTLE POLLY w 10" 10 3 21 2 3 4n E Pdol S C Lyne 455-100 ViS LDY MOTHER w 101 1 li 07. 7i CJ 5 B Kennedy V J Kelley 720-100 H719 COLOSSUS wis 110 3 8 St S 7l 6r- II J Burke J S Ward 785-100 rr2t:,MISS CRESTWOOD w 9D 2 5 5 5h 5l 7 E Scobie AV E Applegato Sf.0-100 Va8I THE COL LS LADY w 10-1 0 7 7 fii 8s S F Smith A Aubuehon 2.W5-100 htVi LliFWFLLYN avis 10S7. S9 9 04 92 91 N Barrett J O and G H Keeno 2C75-100 rVll--tMMOORESQi;E v 101 5 10 10 10 10 10 G Fields M Goldblalt 1195-100 Time, 23, 48, 1:02, 1:09. Track slow. mutuels paid, Wolfs Cry. 0.00 straight. 1.50 place, 1.7o show; Suave Prince, 2.70 place, S7. 70 "show; Bcrnice K., .90 show. Equivalent booking odds Wolfs Cry, 2230 to 100 straight, 97. to 100 place, 48. to 100 show; Suave Prince KJ5 to 100 place, 285 to 100 show; Dernice K., 95 to 100 show. Winner Dr. e, by Iloneywooil Kumiss, by Atlieling trained by L. Johnson; bred by Nevada Stock 1 iriWent to post at 4:50. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-in WOLFS CRY began fast and. sprinting into a good early lead, held SUAVE PRIXCE safe through the stretch to win with speed in reserve. SUAVE PRINCE was restrained during the early running and c-iine f-ist -when ridden hard. DERX1CE K. began slowly, but saved considerable ground when coming into the stretch and linished with a rush. LITTLE POLLY showed speed, hut tired badly in the last quarter. COLOSSUS was caught in a jam soon after the start and closed a big gap. LADY MOTHER was forced back in the first eighth. Scratched 50719;Lina Clark, 104. .Overweights Llewellyn, lyj. pounds. f O r7!C? SEVENTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. Oct. 7. 191G 1:43 3 122. ,600 Added. 3-year-OO 4 OS olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,200; second. 80; third, 74. judex Horses AWtPPSt ,4 Vs A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds StPt 7icr hOPARADER wn 3 107 1 4 21?. 21 ll li 1 E Scobie T J Pendergast 1G5-100 ia-tandt- GENERAL HAIG vc 5 107 5 3 1 lll 2 21 24 H J Burke W O Stoner 725-100 "r,6714 FURBELOW v. 4 101 3 2 "M 4 3l 3 3 B Kennedy Nugent Bros 1000-100 TGIOO UNCLE VELO wsu 3 100 2 1 41 3 4- 41 4 E Pool G F Baker 435-100 5 1 K " B ROT H LY LOVE w 4 113 4 5 0 C 51 51 5i D Connlly J McPherson 590-100 Tiri0 D VNCG SPRAY v 5 101 6 G 5s 53 G C C H Grefiory Treacy and Walker G30-10J Time, 23, 45, 1:14, 1:41, 1:47. Track slow. mutuels paid, Parader, .30 straight, .S0 place, .S0 sliow; General Haig, place, .30 show: Furbelow. .90 show. . Equivalent booking odds Parader, 1C5 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; General Haig, o0 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Furbelow, 95 to 100 sliow. Winner Ch. g, hy Whisk Broom II. Pageant, by Delhi trained by J. C. Calm; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. . , , ., Went to post at 5:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. A on easily; second and third driving P RADER -was saved under restraint until reaching the last quarter, then raced into the lead and wis shaken up near the end to outstay GEXERAL HAIG, but won comfortably. The latter appeared sore when goin" to the post, but showed the most speed to the far turn, then flinched and swerved out in the stretch but was going well again at the end. FURBELOW ran a good race. UNCLE VELO had no mishaps. BROTHERLY LOVE appeared sore while on his way to the post. DAXCIXG SPRAY raced poorly. Scratched 504070 Chap, 97.