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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 692 1ATONIA. LATONIA, Ky., September 9. Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three Eighths Mile. fiOO-Abndane 37 CS7-Glyn C90-Bonero Blue ...?,and",a C33-Guy -10 i:!l-Brother John ..37 087-Happy Girl ...39 filS-Ilit o Black... 3R 090-Hainet 3i fiSO-Bobbed Hair ..SC, 0!K-Hodge 37 090-Bal. Dancer 11.37 COS-Legal 3S" C89-Canny Lady ...39 08i-Lient. Colonel.. 36 686-Columbia Tenn.37 S5-Mis Fontaine.. SS 520-Colonel G 37 iStStonewnll 3fi 090-Firebrand 3G 089-Tulsa 38 Half Mile. 690-AcceIerate HO C35-Don Pepe 52 C89-Bost Pal 51 fiOO-Guaranteed 53 ill-Belgian Queen.. 50and 630-Ground-Swell .. 680-Black Servant.. 4S G08-Jim Hcffering. .54 !89-Ben Bolt 48 035-Monaco 50 013-Captain Burns.. 55 443-North Elkhorn..f3 C89-Distinction 50 CS9-01d Chap 53 CS7-Dainty Lass ...50 089-Talisman 49 Daniel Boone... 52 691-Tippo Sahib ...53 Five-Eighths Mile. CSS-B. McDa well. 1:06 5S9-Opulent 1:03 C91-Castlereagh . .1:0314 599-Ormu Dale ..1:03 527-Dear Me 1:00 S7-Omnipotent ..1:081s iRJO-KrsUindale ..1:00 S9-rostlude 1:02 liRO-Fair Phantoml:01 017-Pluudelia ....1:05 090-Honolulu Boy .1:05 025-Recruit 1:08 WMlutehison ...1:04 i!0-Saudm:in II. 1:04 fiSS-Jouett 1:01 091-Tliibodeaux ..1:05 GSO-Mahony 1:07 C90-Wise Man ...1:04 088-Monljoy 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. ftfi8-Bright Trash. 1:17 C9l-Miss Joy l:lS1f. ;S9-l!lue Jeans .1:10 fiftl-Martha Fallonl:14 C80-Bill and Coo.. 1:11 ;92-Melnn 1:18 i87-Bemorecareful.l:li; CS9-01d Miss 1:15 ISO-Dernier Sou.. 1:20 6S0-Kockminister l:10i 090-11. B. Colemanl :1! Shakealay ...1:14 ;0-.Tackstraw ...1:101and S7-Skilos Knob.. 1:19 OOl-Janku 1 :2 ftS7-Virgo 1:17 CSO-Jhine Wiedell:li IS OO-Woodtrap ...1:17 090-Lord Allen ..1:18 OS!-Warsaw 1:10 CSS-Lugs 1:17 iSi-Wapiti 1:20 Seven-Eighths Mile. 0S9-Fluzev 1:28 iS9-Pahaska ...1:29 0S7-Marj;ie Hynesl:2S GS9-Twinkle Blue. 1:29 One Mile. OSG-Advoeatc 1:42 tiSS-Dixic Carroll. 1:43 ;sn-Aph 1:45 090-Dr. Rae 1:4S GS7-Bullion 1:42 ISC.-Harlock 1:45 077-Bit of White. 1:42 ,89-Little Blossoinl:4C OSO-Rlue Paradisel:45 W.tO-Miss Petite.. .1:43 COC-Cantilever ...1:45 C91-Shipmate 1:4215; C90-Cheer Leader. 1:44 089-Sds of Pfmrel:45 033-Cozette 1:43 NEW YORK, X. Y., September 9. Todays training gallops over local tracks were as follows: BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weallier clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. !9S-Arrow of Gold.. 38 S4-Colunm 35 OSS-Bigbeart 30 iS5-Citation 41 SS-Bantry Pass . . .30 Deadlock 30 IS54-Blaek Fox 30 ;S1-Evil 30 000-Charlie Suinmy.40 iSl-Toil 35 Half Mil. 078- Oalisluga 51 Simplicity 50 CS2-Careful r5 090-Swecp By 49 690-Dan Boiling ...48 689-Squaw Man 49 CS7-Dunboyne 4S C79-Superlative 49 079- Flying Jib f.C C90-San Stefano ..52 C90-Lord Baltimore. 47 090-Sea Wolf 49 C72-Mission Bells ..r0 089-Turnabout 52 090-Night Boat 49 Five -Eighth! Mile. CSG-Aiken 1:01 CaO-Nancy Shanksl:04 C82-Korest Queen. 1:12 G82-Straight Shotl:08 C90-Modo 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. GS4-Bud Fisher ..1:20 G8S-St. Henry ...1:20 GSS-Castleton ...1:20 GSS-Superwoman .1:20 089- Edgar A. Poel:17 409-Titanium 1:17 090- Grey Lag 1:15 "Mi-Uncertainty .1:22 588-Hobey Baker.l:20 089-Vic 1:18 GSO-Mad Hatter. .1:15 090-W. T. Grives.l:17 One Mile. CSO-Faunus 1:54 684-Patil Jones ..1:43 074-Mnsty 1:54 Bantry Pass has her speed. Toil and Column went easily together. Dunboyne showed fine speed. Sweep By seems in best of condition. Lord Baltimore was never better. Modo did an excellent work. Grey Lag and Mad Hatter went on even terms not extended. Edgar Allan Poe was under restraint. Paul Jones bad an easy mile. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 090-Care Free 45 C90-Modesty 30 OS-MCing Albert ...38 C90-Odcssa 3G Half Mile. 088- Arapahne -18 C-U -Queen Blonde ..54 GS9-Ballot Mark ...50 SS7-KoyaI Charlie.. .49 089- Challenger r.O GS5-Uoyal Greens. . .05 G88-Domingo 55 WO-Simple Simon ..50 090- Pire Qui P.oulelS CSS-Salute 5fi liSO-lenitent r.l OSS-Wireless 50 GS7-Pietnis 49 Five-Eighths Mile. CR7-Clnnghjordan 1:02 072-LKnjoIeur ...1:05 C!0-Horologc 1:04 090-Moody 1:02 CS9-.lules Garson..l:04 OSS-Queen Mab...l:05 Three -Quarters Mile. GS9-A1. namilton.l:lS OSS-Fort Churehill.l :1fl OSS-Black Knight. 1:17 081-Prelude 1:21 OSS-Bright Lights. 1:18 GOO-Uolo 1:20 GS9-Elected II. ...1:10 Seven-Eighths Mile. 090 Golden Flint.. 1:29 One Mile. OSS-Marie Maxim. 1:44 089-Tan II 1:44 Mile and an Eighth. OSS-Eye Opener ..2:00