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LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA, ICY.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921. Latonia 1 mile-. Sixtli day. Kentucky Jockey Club. .Autumn -Meeting of 31 days. Weather clear; temperature 90. Stewards. ChasTF. Price, S. C. Nuekols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. AV. Hay. Judges, W. II.- Shelley, N. H. McClelland and E. Jasper. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. II. Shelley. Racing Starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. QD A FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. June 7, 1921 1:10 6 110. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and Oc3jv upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; seeond. 00; thirdi 00, Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kuuiv. Odds Strt 5G500 HEREAFTER w -1 120 4 2 3 3 -2 P II J Burke R Gobse 21J-1 55579 G1PSY QUEEN ws G 107 S 4 4 4s S- 21 J Francis J P Baker 485-100 5G717KINGLIKE wis 4 117 3 1 l5 P 11 3l E Pool J McNamara IGU-I01 50594 MISS DORA wis 3 102 1 3 2i 21 P 4U B Kcnndy T Dcvcreaux 1155-PO 55174FOSTER EMERY wis 5 105 7 G Gl 5 5 51 G Fields Allen and Hall I7and5-W 56717 HAZEL AV. w 3 102 2 3 !! Sl Gl 6 S. McGraw F Myers . 122W-1C0 5G551CIIISCA w 4 110 G 10 7i 71 71 71 F Smith J McPherson GtSO-100 54903 SANDY H. wis 1 110 5 5 5J Gl 8l Sl J D M-ney O AVendel SU5-HKJ 5G0793CLEM TIIEISEN wn 3 110 3 7 Sl 3 01 0 T Murray AA L Young 42W-100 5G785 LADY MORROW w 3 105 10 8 10 10 10 10 F Porretto G AVatts 4305-100 Time, 24, 47, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hereafter, straight,. .50 place; ?2S0 show; Gipsy Queen, .40 place. ..80 show: Kinglike, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Hereafter. 210 to 100 straight, SO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Gipsy Queen, 120 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; KingliUe. 25 to 100 show. AAinner Ch. e, by Dick Finnell Octavo, by Octagon trained by R. Goose; bred by Mr. R. II. Anderson. AAent to post at 1:5s. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second and tiiird driving. HEREAFTER was saved close up for the first half mile, then moved up rapidly and, finishing fast, held GIPSY QUEEN safe; and won going ;siway. The latter ran well and finished gamely after losing ground by a wide turn into the stretch. KINGLIKE showed high speed .in paccniaking, but tired in the last eighth.. MISS DORA ran well. The others were always. outrun. , Scratched .".55223Grouiid-SwelI. 114; rG0SG-AViuchester, 100; 55413 May Bodine, 109; 507S2 Opportunity, 110; 50785 Jacobean. 100; 50711 Plus Ultra, 105; 50785 Dixie Girl, 107; 47109 Little Blossom, 107. Overweights Clem Theisen, 5 pounds. 5O QCiilTi SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7. 1909 1:05 3 93. Purse ,400. 2-ycar" 4?0 y JL olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Uct valuo to winner ,100; second; 00; . . third, 00. .- - - Index Horses AAAtPPSt A j j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 5G733COLLEGE GIRL w 113 2 1 H 1! 1J li II J Burke T C McDowell 110-KO" BONNIE CREST w 114 3 2 2 2 23 2 AV Mrissy J B Rcspcss 2!7-".-lt0 . 56732 MARG. AVINSOR w 113 5 G Gl 4- 31 3 AV AV Tlor D Lehan 3G5-o AVINDG THROUGH w 113 3 3 31 3 4 4s AV Andreas F II Hawkins 850-U 5555G BASHFUL w 113 8 4 i 5- 51 ok .1 D Mney J Marino 107hB-ll4 5G497 PLUNELLA wit 113 4 7 7- Gl G 6 E Barnes I B Bradfield 7CW-100 BLACK BETTY w 113 G 10 10 10 73 7 A Collins E R Bradley 2ii95-H,0 55735 HUMANITARIAN wis 113 1 9 Sl S S S 11 Lsford K Trotter Ci5-im 57S McGEES PINK w 113 7 S 9- 3i 3 fl T Mnrrav AV K Applegsite XTXiMim 5 55550 ETHEL AALE v 113 10 5 5 7i 10 10 S McGraw OMeara. Bros. ::2fr 1.1.1 Time,. 23, 47, 1:00, 1:07. Track fast. , mutuels paid. College Girl. .20 straight; .40 place, .50 show; Bonnie Crest, C.S0 place, .1V show; Margaret AVinsor, .S0 show. Equivalent booting odds College Girl. 110 to 100 straight, t 100 place, 23 to 100 sliuw; Bonnie Crest. 740 to 100 place, 203 to 100 show; Margaret AVinsor, 40 to 100 show; Winner Ch. f, by Tiio Manager School Mistress, by Hamburg trained by S. Chenault; bred by Mr. Thomas O. McDowell. Went to post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start Rood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same, COLLEGE GIRL began fast and showed thn most speed all the way, but ..swerved out badly on the stretch turn and lost ground, then came fast again in the stretch and outstayed BONNIE CRES.T. The latter raced in nearest pursuit from the start and made a game finish. MARGARET WINSOR came with a rush in the stretch. WINDING THROUGH ran fairly well. HUMANITARIAN was always far back. Scratched 30703 Wiio Can Tell. 113. CCi5QO3 THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7,-1916 1:43 3 122. Purse ,300. 3-ycar-CljOO,cr6 olds. Claiming. Net value to winner ,,000; second, 00; third, 00. - . Indftx Horses AWtPPSt and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 56788 RADIO ws 112 4 G C 4 3 2 is 3 pool AV Perkins " 83-100 56822 YELLOAA BLOSSOM w 10C 7 1 l"t 1 1- 11 2": J McCoy J O and G II Kcene. 1335-100 5l4073KLEANOR S. wis 100 5 2 2s 2- 21 3 s J d Mney A Raker 10C-100 55528 M1LLERSBURG WW 2 1 4 51 i3 4 4 R Kennedy H K Nichols -1 tr.-100 55528 BRITISH LINER w 112 fi : 3 3V 53 53 53 N Barrett T J r.rtndergast 2:i:!0-100 557883HUEN wii 107 1 3 7 7 7 Gl G3 P. Scheffel R L Putnam 920-100 568 183TAAVASI5NTHA w 105 3 7 51,0H 7.7 J Francis J L Paul 1070-100 Time, 23. 48, 1:14, 1:40, 1:40. Track fast. . mutuels paid. Radio, .70 straight 3.i place, .70. show; Yellow Blossom, place, .70 show; Eleanor S., .. SO show. Equivalent hooking odds Radio 83 to 100 straiglit, 70 to 100 place, 33 to 100 show; Yellow Blossom, :X0 to lOO place. 133 to 100 show; Kleanor S.. 140 to 100. show. Winner B. g. by The Manager Clara Louise, by Ben Strome trained by AV. Perkins; bred by Mr. W. l Goodloo." Went to post at 3:01. At post 1 minute. Start good anil slow. Won easily; second and third driving. RADIO began slowly, but saved ground on the turns and. finishing fast, raced into a good lead in the last sixteenth. YK1.I.OW BLOSSOM began fast and showed the most speed to the stretch, but tired in l lie last sixteenth. ELEANOR S. raced forwardlv to the last eighth, where she gave way. MlLLERSRlRO ran fairly well. BRITISH LINER tired in the last quarter. TAWASENTHA and lUBN were always far back. Overweights. Tawascntha. 2 ponnds. KI2GO FOURTH RACE 1 Uile. July 3. 1919-1:30 4 IOC. Purse ,500. 3-year.old3. OOOJO Allowances. Net value to winner .150; second. 25; third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt lA StrFin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 55582 BEN VALET w 111 :: 1 1 Ii 11 1 l1. 11 .1 Burke 1! TBedford Admlnstr C50 100 .35072 BUNGA BUCK will 0 2 3 3 3i 2i 2 K Media w M Dattuor 2S0-100 554973RETT1NA wi: 102 2 5 4" 410 4 4l .TJ E Seobie .1 N Camden JI5-1V0 .1581! UNCLE AELO ws 107 1 3 21 23 2 S1 45 K Pool C V Baker 973-100 5o::42cipsy bad wb hi n o t; r. 5 r.5 r.rt n Barrett i: n shannon i:r,o-ioo 5203! WADE MeLEMORE w 100 4 I 51 0 C O 0 J D Mney G L Blackford CJ20-100 Time, 23, 47, 1:12, 1:39. Track fast. mutuels paid. Ben Valet, 313.00 straight, place, .10 show; Bunga Buck, .00 place, .30 show; Rett iiia, .30 show. Equivalent hooking odds Ben Valet, 030 to 100 straight, 223 to 100 place, 33 to 100 show; Bunga Buck, 100 to 100 place, 23 to 100 show: Bottina. 13 to 100 show. . Winner Ch. c, by Great Britain Virginia Nunn, by Gold Heels trained by J. M. Goode; bred by Mr. Sidney Bedford. Went, to post at 3:30. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BEN AALET began fast and, taking a good lead, at once set a fast pace and held BUNGA BUCK safe in the final drive. BUNGA BUCK was saved in the early running ami finished fast and gamely. BKTT1NA, away poorly, was much used in the early miming and tired in the stretch. UNCLE V 1-31.0 tired. The others were badly outpaced. Overweights Uncle Aelo, 2 -pounds; Wade McLcmorc, 3. KCQQJ FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. June 7, 1921 1:10 C 110. Newport Handicap. Purse ODOUt: ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,500; second, 25 ; third, $ 175. index Horses AWtPPSt VI 3A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt nr.UDU DRi CLARK w 1 US I 9 41 2 V ll G Fields M foldblatt 41KMO0 r.C7l5C GINGER 3 107 3 3 3J 4i 2J 21 E Pool W K Applegate t-Mn-lCO r.CC!!3BBACKlE DAW wn S 103 2 0 31 4 3 It Parke A B Kirby 3470-100 r.ClCrf-PMINUTE MAN w 4 112 0 1 l1 l.nk 3i 4 J Deavpt M Dattner 1370-100 35705 HIGH COST wn C 117 1 5 0 C. !- t,- II . Jjunsf.d Florisant Stable 235-100 nC75 BROOK1IOBT wit 4 120 3 S S 9 Si G H .T Burke Montfort Jones 375-100 , r.C7iC3ANGONT wn 4 Hi 7 7 7" 7 7h 7U W W Tlor I. Gentry DO.-JOO f,?.3023AMERICAN ACE w it 5 110 S 4 2i:!1 d Ss J D Mney E Cebrian 1025-100 33472 MIJ.R, DAZ1E w 4 93 9 2 TM Snt 9 .9 C Studer K Spence t Y,upled in betting as W. 13. Applegate and K. Spence entry. Time, 23, 4G. 1:11. Track fast. 2 mutuels paid. Dr. Clark, .SO straight, place, .00 show; W. 13. Applegate and K. Spence entry, place. .00 show; Blackie Daw. 4.20 sliow, . Kauivalent booking odds Br. Clark. 4!0 to 100 straight, 230 to 100 place, ISO to 100 show; W. 13. Applegate and K. Spence entry. 203 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Blackie Daw, 010 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Broomstick Panasine, by Peter Pan trained by M. Goldblatt; bred by Mr. Hairy Payne Whitney. Went to post at 3:39. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slaw. AVon easily: second and il.ird driving. DR. CBARIC began slowly, but moved up steadily and raced into the lead in the stretch to win casing up. GINGI-3R gained steadily and was going fast sit the end. RLACKII-3 DAW closed a big gap and came with a rush in the stretch after saving much ground on the turns. MINUTE MAN tired after setting a great pace to the stretch. AMERICAN ACE quit. IUGU COST showed improvement. BROOK-HOlr was impeded badly when AMERICAN ACE ran out on the stretch turn. Overweights Ginger. 1 pound. EQQE SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7, 18091:05 3 93. Parse ,500. 2-ycax- uUOy D olds. Claiming. Net value , to winner ,150;, second, 25; third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt j VL- "A Str Fitf Jockeys Owners Entiiv. Odds Strt 33334 HOBD ME w 10S 2 3 2i 23 1 l3 .1 D Mney J Lowe 240-100 31757 LITTLE POLLY w ICS 7 3 1 lh 2 2? II J Burke. S C Lyne 2and-100 36817BlLLIAN MAE B. w 108 9 1 41 4l 41 3i E Pool G F Baker S33-100 55295 TULAL1P w 108 5 G C 5 5J 43. AV Morsey T C McDowell lOT-T-lfltf : 55757 MOORESQUE w 103 11 11 55 61 Gl 5 G Fields M Goldblatt 3960-100 50322 - 00 LA LA w 103 1 7 7l5 h 81 C B Parke A L Kirby ilGTt-lOft i 55469 RANDEL w 112 G 9 11s If 7i 7i W Crump Mueller and Brooks t 55964 ARTICLE X. wn U6 10 10 8l 8l 9l S- B Kennedy F J Kelley 795-100 . 56548NIG ws 109i 4 2 Si 31 3 93 II King .1 H Baker 7345-10,0 5532C BARTERED wn 10S S 4 10s 9U10 10J A Collins E R Bradley 3315-100 55325 3FLYIXG PRINCE w 111 3 12 12 12 12 ll5 E Barnes Dortch Bros t 55237 CDIE- D AMOUR w 108 12 S OJIO1 IV 12 N Barrett J O and G II Keene 3470-10-0 iMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:01, 1:07. Trad: fast. mutuels paid. Hold Me, straiglit, .00 place, .50 sliow; Little Polly, .50 place, .G0 show; Lillian Mae !., .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Hold Me, 240 to 1C0 straight, 100 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Little Polly, 130 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Lillian Mae B., 105 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Vou Tromp Dally, by Giganteuiu trained by J. Lowe; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. Went to post at 4:32. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and -third driving. HOLD ME began well and, being hard ridden, raced into the lead when straightened away in the stretch and won easing up. LITTLE POLLY showed the most early speed, but began tiring in the stretch. LILLIAN MAE B. saved much ground on the turns and finished gamely. TULALIP was in a tangle at the start and closed a gap. So did MOOBES.QUE. NIG quit. Scratched 50707 Colossus. 110; 5C7S3 Dis Bpnero, 111. Overweights Itandel, 1 pound; Nig, tfifiQA SEVENTH RACE-r-l.1-8 MUes,: Jtuio 20, T9141:50 3 105. ..Purse ,500. year-O O O tfU olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,150; second, 25;. third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt j Vz ?j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 55131 THE AVIT w 4 112 8 0 5 4i 3H 2A li R Harton R L Rogers C25-UM 55582 3PAR1S MAID w 3 112 3 1 71 0i 2 23 E Pool S K Nichols 623-100 55524 KLMPALONG wn 7 110 5 7 61 7 51 4l 3a J Francis J L Knight 495-100 55758 DANCG SPRAY w 5 109 2 2 I1 1; l1 3"k t1 H King Treacy and AValker S50-100 56764 HIGH GEAR w 7 110 7 S 4: 5 7l 51 51 E Scobie K Spence S90-1W 557158 BLARNEY STONE w 3 103 G 1 2i 21 01 Gl CK II J Burke Reiser Bros 4440-100 567JAVHIRLG DUN wb 7 110 1 S S S S 8 7" G Fields J Lowo 1430-100 5iJ93NATURAL BDGEw 5 118 4 3 Si 31 I1 71 S AV Heinch G Knebelkamp 210-1O0 Time, 24. 48, 1:14, 1:40, 1:52. Track fact. mutuels paid. The Wit, 4.50 straight, place, .30 show; Paris Maid, place, .30 show; Kinipalong, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds The AVit, 025 to 100 straiglit, 230 to 300 place, 113 to 100 show; Paris Maid. 245 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; Kinipalong, 105 to KM show. Winner Ch. g, by Ormnndale Witrull, by Mirthful trained by R. L. Rogers; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 5:05. At post. 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. THE AVIT moved up steadily in the stretch and. finishing gamely, outstayed PARIS MAID.. through tin; last sixteenth. PARIS MAID moved up with a rush on the stretch turn and took the lead.- but tired near lie end. K1MPALO.VG saved much ground on the last, litrn and got. up for third place in the last stride. DANCING SPRAY showed tine speed in pacemaking. but. lost third place by coming wide on the Mretch urn. NATURAL BRIDGE was dune after going three-quarters ami returned to the stand slightly lame.