untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-10


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S100 Guaranteed SPECIAL "information" on this horse is of such THE a character as to warrant us making our most liberal offer. Here it is: The horse GOES Tuesday, Sept. 13. The price is .00 and NO propositions accepted. If it dont WIN at odds of 4 to 1 or better we will refund your subscription. We dont need to tell you we DEMONSTRATE we have "the goods." Mavourneen . .4-1 Won Bromelia 5-1 Won Cho Cho ..20- Won a SAMPLE of our "information." Do JUST you think such is GUESSWORK. Throw away your dope books. We are experts too busy BUYING and selling "information," not "tips," to make invidious comparisons or bother what others are doing. Please do not annoy us with such inquiries. If you want info, please remember our melon cutting with Leatherface 5-1 Tuesdays 00 Guaranteed Special is, WE BELIEVE, the best proposition ever handled by us. We reiterate, NO PROPOSITIONS accepted. Include your phone number and telegraph your remittance AT OUR EXPENSE. DO IT NOW. National News Service Turf Dept. SUITE 1002 109 N. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, IILINOIS If You Want Winners Get the New Book on Sale Today 35 Cents at All Newsstands. Gives best line on live ones at Ky., N. V. and Can. Todays Form Special: October-Banana-40-60-4G-12. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Boom 403. 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. LATONIA RACES J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker A sufficient period, to firmly establish my reputation for expertness and success. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU ?16 FOR TEN DAYS From Me You Get Track Conditions and No Scratched Horses, but Fit Horsos. Rush Your Order, with Address, for My New Code. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous Success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. Propositions Not Considered. Strictly Cash Only. 237 E. THIRD STREET COVINGTON, KY. STRANGS SMART STUFF 00 FREE SPi CIAL GOES TODAY, FIRST RACE AT LATONIA Wire 0 NOW for the next 0 days service and receive this 100 Special FREE with your subscription. IV. not think this is Knby. which I gave Monday and won at better than 5 to 1. IT IS NOT. Name of this horse now on rilr with this publication. RADIO EROUGHT HOME THE BACON FRIDAY Of course, I cannot make the price or stop the "come-back" man, when the "smart stuff" is sent in. Again I say, the day you miss is the day you lose. Get yours today. GEO. L. STRANG Suite 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. T H E GUARANTEE SYSTEM Our method of selecting the system horses and placing our investments is obtaining wonderful results. An investment not a speculation. If yon expect fabulous results do not inquire. No handicapping selections made from entries. Profits moderate, but positive. You cannot win without a method of play. Why keep losing when the Yiriee of our system is no more than a small bet? GUARANTEE Must win its cost in three days or money refunded. Data and investment sheets sent upon request, which show its winnings and capital used for past year on every track in the United States and Canada. Small payment down, balance from winnings. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 1 117 W. FRANKLIN ST. BALTIMORE, MD. I How to Win The New Success Manual of Turf Speculation, the wonder book of the turf, containing forty-four systematic, businesslike methods of turf speculation selection of winners prompt recovery of losses handicapping, weights, time, track conditions, etc. FREE TO YOU We are giving away absolutely free of charge 500 copies of this wonderful book regular price 0 to advertise and introduce Kentucky Turf Success, the great Kentucky Turf weekly. Write Today Before They Are Gone. SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO. DEPARTMENT 1 LOUISVILLE, KY. READ THIS FREE PROPOSITION You cant handicap the horses, nor can I; but when the owner FIGURES he is going to win, and bets his money that way look out. I will have four such horses next week, the first going September 13. My Proposition: If you will send to guarantee your paying telegraph charges, I will send you the horse going September 13 FREE. Bet the s: me as if information cost you 0. The other three I will expect you to bet . for me, and wire winnings to nie the following morning. Rush your name and address. GLENN AVENT 305 PROVIDENT BANK BLDG., CINCINNATI, 0. ALL MISSOURiAHS DOUBTERS -SKEPTICS LOSERS ! ! ! Write Today for Complete Prospectus of TmmmmT!t!TTmmmmt WONDERFULLY KOT A THE MIRACLE SYSTEM "SES"" 76NDERFTTL 1 11 L 1vLL INVESTMENT hmbbmmhmI FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED faMMMHHMMMki OUR CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL, containing 2ft page of valuable turf data, vitally la. portant racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the best known "systems" published, will be sent you absolutely with, cut charge or obligation. Postals are ignored. YOU CAN MAKE EVERY DAY A WINNING DAY with the same assurance as you would negotiate a oertifled check! The System is not a list of hortei to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE. Hundreds of prosperous, satisfied olients, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying consistency of this Percentage Winner Supreme. We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in original form, with the envelope attached showing post-mark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidence it a hundred fold more convincing than our full-page ad. We are waiting for you to check us up. If you appreciate the true meaning of the word N-O-W, you will soon spell it the other way around, W-O-Nl Liberal terras, contingent upon resultant earnings. If the System does not win consistently and fulfill every claim, you owe us nothing. cVbaa M. P. WALTER and CO., eSSd CANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. E. ARTHUR, Public Relations Mgr. PRIVATE LOCK BOX 40F ----- TOWSON, MD. THE Commissioner 50c DAILY. For Sale at All Newsstands Everywflere Near Latonia Is for Sale: COVINGTON, Ky. Gordon Pharmacy, 4th and Scott CINCINNATI, 0 All Newsstands. Again a Long Shot Won Thursday at Latonia: BUCKINGHAM ..-3.80 WON The Commissioner is back at his old trick when, at all the Windsor meetings, he practically slammed over A LONG SHOT EVERY DAY out of the -seven races. Players told me as I was leaving Windsor for Cincinnati that they had WON THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON THE COMMISSIONER by using a slight progressive scale and playing each and every race run at Devonshire and Kcnilworth and Windsor racetrack. Now that is DELIVERING THE GOODS Money does not matter when it comes to buying the best information it is possible to get. Also Gave to Win Thursday: CHO CHO $ 3.20 WON GOURMAND 1T30W0N CANDLE LIGHT LOST WEDNESDAY AT LATONIA FIVE OUT OF SEVEN WON HERE THEY ARE: HUMPHREY .40 WON LILLIAN MAE B.... 6.50 WON HERD GIRL 3.90 WON BRAEDALBANE . . . 6.20 WON LA FOUDRE 6.10 WON J. S. REARDON .... 6.00 3rd and Marvin May, which had no chance with break. When you get The Commissioner you are getting our best possible efforts to make you a big winner. TODAY A Special Long Shol AT LATONIA Here is one ripe baby, and when I say that I got this one given to me EXTRA STRONG I mean every word of it. Here is the one place to go to it. DONT GO TO LATONIA Without The Commissioner Today. Only 50 Cents. IMPORTANT NOTICE: COVINGTON For Sale: Gordons Pharmacy, 4th and Scott Sts. CINCINNATI For Sale: 3.ey Pierces Newsstand, 5th and Vine Sts. Bishows Newsstand, 5th and Walnut Sts. W. Storeys Newsstand, 4th St. and Central Ave. Callups Newsstand, 5th and Walnut Sts. And All Principal Newsstands. Mailed 2 Weeks, . Remit to THE COMMISSIONER Room 308, 102 W. 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY OH, BOYS. LOOK! This wonderful system only had 11 losing plays out of 88 bets. The lest bet only had 3 losers in 31 days at Latonia. The first 26 horses it picked there was only 1 losing play. At another time it had 22 with only 1 loser. Last fall, same track, this system had 2 losers in 28 days. My occasional for one month, on a 0.00 flat bet to win, figured .J028.00 profit. .lust think: Over 3.00 per day! SYSTEM NO. 2 This system is still picking the winners. Here are n few: GLENN 2.45- WON PIT , 3.35- WON SEA PRINCE 538.80- WON TAWASENTHA G.05- WON TOUCH ME NOT 8-1 WON ICON 3.05-82 WON DOROTHY BUCKNER S20.75- WON FURBELOW 8.75-82 WON BETTY J S20.80- WON KINBURN S19.10-S2 WON FRANKLIN 7.60-52 WON DEVONITE 1.95-82 WON AND A LARGE NUMBER OF OTHERS. It can be played at or away from the track. Price in Full for Both Systems 0.00. After you get them and if they have not done just as I say I will glndly return your money. J. H. CROSMAN BOX 2060 LOUISVILLE, KY. CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents Per Copy. TODAYS FREE CODES: Belmont: Michigan-8-16-24 Montreal: FIorida-24-C-8 Latonia: Ma.ine-19-3-21 TURF TOPICS For Sale at All Leading Newsstands 5.00 Publication for 35 Cents. NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAYS FREE CODES: Latonia: Occan-30-58 Belmont: Gulf -62-64 TURF TOPICS PUBLISHING CO. BOOM 64, 111 NASSAU ST. NEW YORK CITY Chief Observer 35 CENTS PER COPY For Sale at All Newsstands Everywhere Mailed 10 Weeks, .00. Thursdays 0 Free Special: CHO CHO .20 WON Thursdays Belmont Special: MAVOURNEEN 5-2 WON Thursdays Occasional: UNITED VERDE LOST Wednesdays Occasional: LILLIAN MAE B.....50 WON Tuesdays Occasional: WASHINGTON .....40 WON Yes, Sir, So Far Two Out of Three OCCASIONALS Have Won at Latonia. Today Another Big Latonia Occasional Primed and cocked, this one should win pulling up by himself. This one given to us as A REAL GOOD THING By all means dont go to Latonia without this one today. Here is the place to SEND IT IN. For this Occasional just go to your newsdealer and ask for the CHIEF OBSERVERS OCCASIONAL For Sale at All Leading Newsstands in Cincinnati and in COVINGTON at Gordons Pharmacy, 4th and Scott. Also, By All Means Dont Fail to Get the Big Special Latonia Sleeper Today which is given on the Daily Track Letter, a real bargain for ."0 cenls, one that should cost every bit of .$."0. The Chief got the . K., so for this one just ask your newsdealer for the Chief Observers Daily Track Letter ONLY 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Mailed 2 Weeks, .00. Remit to CHIEF OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 WEST FORTY-SECOND ST. NEW YORK and receive it first mail in the morning, day of the races. NOTE Covington, for Sale: Gordons Pharmacy, 4th and Scott Sts. NOTE Cincinnati, for Sale: Bishows Newsstand. 5th and Walnut Sts. Rey Pierce, 5th and Vine Sts. And All Other Leading Newsstands. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Goodman. 227 4th Ave. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Wm. Laser, 70, Market St., Lobby. ST. LOUIS. Mo. Foster Book Co., 410 Washington. JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS. ONE HORSE A DAY PRICE . WOULD YOU GIVE TO GET AT LATONIA TODAY A 10 to 1 SHOT? So rush to your newsdealer and get JACK FIELD SPECIAL today and you surely will be surprised, as this one has been UNDER COVER, and TODAY IS THE DAY. You remember last Kentucky tracks, when I GAVE WINNER AFTER WINNER at big prices, and my followers WON HANDSOMELY on a flat play on my Daily Special during the Kentucky tracks last spring. Ask any one of my followers and they will tell you this also. "I CAN MAKE YOU WIN." If you will have a flat play on my Daily Special. Today on my sheet I have A WINNING SYSTEM Read all about it. You should follow this system, like hundreds of my followers are, and they are all big winners. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING from today on. Never be without my sheet one day, and remember I give ONLY ONE A DAY and never mote, as you cant heat all seven races a day, but you can beat one a day. Get me? SOLD AT: CINCINNATI, O. Bishows Fountain News Co., 5th and Walnut Sts. LOUISVILLE, Ky Eiler and Goodman. 227 S. 4th St. LEXINGTON, Ky. Bishow, Main and Limestone St. HAMILTON, 0. Halperin and Son, 338 High St. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Laser, 705 Market St. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Cigar Store, 410 Washington Ave. Also Sold in Other Cities. Daily, or Mailed to You, Week. JACK FIELD 20 W. Jackson St. Chicago, 111. National 0. K. Racing Letter Yesterdays "Best Bet" Won. This Makes 2 Winners Out of the Last 3. Get the Old Reliable "0. K." 50c Daily at All Newsstands 50c Mailed Direct, 1 Week, .00; 2 Weeks, .00. National 0. K. Publishing Co. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. THE TURF REPORTER. 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1804, Chicago, Illinoi. Saturdays Special: Mail-Tuesday-Will-Bed-One-Won Book on Sale Everywhere Racing Form is. 35 Cents Per Copy. 1 Get the Thoroughbred if You Want Winners. Now Book on Sale at All Newsstands, 35c. Good for a Week. Todays Best: Hurry-Southern -Nix-Pay -Far-For. PHB AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907. Chicago, Illinois SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING 00. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921091001/drf1921091001_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1921091001_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800