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BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART MONTREAL. QUE.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921. Blue Rounds 1 1-8 miles. Sisth day. Montreal .loi-key Ctuli. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear; temperature 78". Steward to Repiesent. Canadian Racing Associations, Francis Nelson. Stewards of Meeting, K. T. Dawes, H. B. Mr.cDougall ami J. P.. Campbell. Judges, D. S. Gillies and W. !. Hagar. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Seen lary, J. P.. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:20 p. m. Chicago time 1 :30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. frQjr FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Sept. 4. .1915 1:12 5 105. Puree ,000. 3.year-olds and tJlOOtf 4 upward. Allowances. Canadian-bred. Net valmi to winner U0; second, 00; third, . 00. . . Index Horsew AWtPPSt A and and Str Fin Jockey Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 55728 LANDLESS w 2 Urn -2- 3 1 1 1" A Gaudier J Uhyte 1021-100 5C7!2 .l UTETTE w I Ho 1 2 2-k 3 2andt 2 R ltanelli D Raymond li..-10C 5C3i:i WILLIAM GILL wi: 3 107 5 5 43 42 wu 3s II Ericksn .1 AV Hammond 21 45-100 5C792 DOBMAl W 3 100 4 I 0 5 f. ! 11 B B wer H Nesbilt S41O-1O0 56002 VvAAO w 2 lufl 0 1 1 2?. 43 f.5 C Lang E AAarner S2Ti-100 5510! SIR LAUNCELOT v 10 110 :: o 5"t 6 0 0 .1 Pierce C F Lj on SSfifl-100 Time. 24. 43. l:14ji. Track fast. mutiuls paid, I.-andless, .25 straight, .20 place, .20 show: Mouette, .20 place, .25 show; William Gill, .15 show.. I3quivnlent. booking odds f-iiidless. 102. to 100 straight. 15 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Mouette, 10 to 101 plaee. 12 to 100 show; AVilliam Gill,. 57 to Bin show. Winner Ch. f,Uy Cliarles Id ward Moki L-uhI, by Sleipner trained by J. AVhyte; bred by Sir John Hendrie. Went to post at 2:2.!. At post .". minutes. Start good and slow. AAon driving; second ami third the same. LANDLESS raced .close, up to WAAC until rounding the L-ir turn, whil-e she. raced to the front with :i rush and look a rlenr lead. but. had to be hard ridden all through the homestretch to outstay MOUETTE. The latter dropped hack and was saved, but came fnst near the end and was wearing the winner down with every stride. WILLIAM JILL showed speed and ran a game race. WAAJ set the early pace, but quit after going a good half. Scratched 50523 Statim, 110. Xfifitifi SECOND RACE1 3-4 Mile. Sept. 4, 19151:125105. Furso ,000.: 3-ycarroUls and ODOtfO upward. , Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third,. 00. "inder Horses AAAtPPSt V4 4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. oThlsStr7! 5 5 ! WRACIC GRASS w 3 Hi" 1 1 2 Ill3 1 R Rauelli .Mrs F A Claris !0-lK 55248 Til KODOS1 A w 3 107 fi 3 3i Xs 3 2 .1 McTast D A Colin 550-100 , 50730 LEIPSIC w 3 107 2 2 41 41 1 2 A Gantnr A B Spreekols 1120-100 504843SUN TURRET w 2 110 :: 1 B-u -j 2 4 A Claver J K L Bo.s.s 53-lK 5l!3753F01tNOVA w :: 110 5 5 5" 0- 53 53 V Bogski HA Letourneau 3150-100 1 66775 TIP FORD W C 112 8 0 G3 5t 0 GJ M Buxton E T .ollicoffer 3155 100 , , : i . 56626 COMRE INGHAMw 3 107 4 3 75 73 73 7B K Parton AV L SaunderH 16S95-10 56574 PEARL SEA w 5 112 7 7 S 8 S 8 H Stearns Q P Finniean 1826S-10O Time, 2.1, 48, 1:14. Track fast. " mutuels paid, Wrack Grass, 1.30 straight, .10 place., .S5 show; Theodosia, .85 place, .60 show; Leipsic, .00 show.. Equivalent booking odds Wrack Grass, 405 to 100 straight, 105 to 100 place, 92 to 100 show; Theodosia, 142. to 100 place, 80 to. 100 show; Leipsic. 150 to 100 show. AVinner P.. f, by AVrack Meadowsweet, bv Yankee trained by T. J. Donohue; bred by Mr. F. A. Clark. -j Went to post at 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. AVRACK GRASS soon raced SUN TURRET into defeat and took a clear lead, buti wafi ridden put nt the end to- maintain - her advantage. THEODOSIA followed close to the leaders and,- finishing fast, jva slowly wearing the winner down. LKIPSK; was sharply cut ofT on the backstretch and again In the homestretch, but easily held third place safe. SUN TURRET began well and set a fast early pace, but gavo way when collared. Scratched 54997 Kismer, 112; 507O2 Miss Ouri. 112. KiandQiandih THIliD RACE Alout 2 Milos. Steeplechase. Fursa .500.: -t-year.olds and upward. JOOJyiD Allowances. -Met-value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 50; .fourth.. 0. "index Horse; AWt PlSt 5 8 12 11 Fin Jockeys Owners . Eqniv. Odds Strt 5 6152 TRANSPERO w 5 m 4 2 4 ii 3 1 O DlamiKt II Allen 512i-100 5577:!1UBLER w 12 RiS 2 I V.- 33 21?. 2i 2" I. Ilayne.-i C Neil 63-100 56K;2LlEUi"NT SEAS w 4 131 l i v. 1 l4 1" 3 ii AVli.nns Lord Shaughnessy 175-100 DEPUTY ArEST w 4 120 3 2 2 2. Ij.Rider. B Kleeger Sir Mortimer- Davis 1105-100 Time, 4:01. Track fast. mntue! paid. Transpero. 2.25 straiglit. .05.pinc: Hitler. .05 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Transpero, 512 " to 100 straight, 102 to 100 place; Ilibler, 52 to 100 place. AVinner B. g, by Transvaal Espeio, by Sir Dixon trained by S. Aeitch; bred by Mr. Willis Sharps Kilmer. . Went to post at 3:11. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. TRANSPERO followed the others, for the first turn of the field, then raced Into n coritenuini position at the twelfth Jump and outstayed the others in the linal drive. HIBLER was saved close, up to tiie pacemakers and. making a game finiOi. succeeded in wearing LIEUTENANT SEAS down in-the-last stride. The latter set the pace and held DEPUTY. VEST safe ih all times; but tired in the last eighth-anil stmnbled at the fourteenth jump, but soon recovered. DEPUTY VEST forced a good pace to the first turn qf the field, but lost his rider at, th. .ninth jump. vKOtfifil FOURTH RACK 3-4 Mile.. 8ept. 4. 19151:125105. Piirso ,000. 3-y?.ar-Qlds Jf9iJ xfj. ami; upward. Clauningj Net value to winner 00; second. 00; thirds 00." Indei Horses AWtPPSt Str Fiu Jockeys- Owners Equlr; Odds Strt 557022PINARD w 5 107 if 1 l i "ls l"i C Lahg E T Zollieof fer 3717M0O 55703 MESS KIT wis 4 110 5 ;:3 ::l y Eogski M 10 Thompson IsO-lW 567!0:!PLAIN BILL w 4 Y 1 ! 4,.,.4 4- 21 II Krieksn WT Hickrv " CC-W 55r57PUItL ws 4 107 0 5 5 51 51 4 A Claver a Bennett 105--1W 566I6JGLENN . w 5 107 3 2 2t 2t 2"t 5 .1 Drover J H Shea 1000-100 56278 IVGlVS FBANKS w 4 In? 7 10 S3 St S 03 It Romelli J Lopez 110CO-100 5653.1 SPORT. .CHANCE wi: 2 102 I ! 103 9 9s 71 A Can t net- p Renter lfljrf-lfrt 561433STEPSON wr: 5 110 !l 0 7 7 71 S1 K Pargton Florida Stable 55677 LUCKY PEARL w 5 107 10 7 :i 10 10- M P.uxtoii J S Baldwin VW-IW " 55677 PLANTAGENET w 9 107 S X ;u 01 0 1Q? II Stearns J W Sliockiey t 56703 YOUNEED wit 5 115 2 11 11 11 11 II J . Gtiejnen R .1 Gilmore r.r.-lo. JMut.uel field. Time, 23, 47j, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid. Pinard, 0.35 straight, 2.05 place, 2.15 sIiqw; Mess Kit, 5.05 straight .3 20 show; P.Iain Bill, .45 show. Equivalent booking odds Pinard, 2717.. to 100 straight. 1002,.. to 100. place 507. to 100 show Mess Kit, 052". to 100 place, 313 to 100 show: Plain Bill, 122 to 100 show. AViiiner Ch. g, by His Ma jesty Early Rose, by Star Shoot trained by W. A AIcKinnev bred bv Mr. A. Cochran. ,... AVent to jiost at 4:lti. At post 1 minute. Start poor and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. PINARD,- away quickly, sprinted, into a long lead ami saved ground on" all the turns, but was tiring at the end. MESS KIT came wide on the stretch turn, but finished fast and outstayed PLAIN BILL at the end. Tile. latter, a forward contender all the way, made a game finish. PURL began slowly and was taken to the outside, but finished fast. GLENN ran a fast half and quit. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS and YOUNEED we.e as good as left and the latter was made ho use of. " Scratched 55854 First Pullet, 107; 50775 Scarpia II., 107; 30331 Sweet Patutie. 102; 50774 Frivol. 102; 54920 Cast Ashore, 102. 5QVi FIFTH EACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Juno 9, 19111:0514114. Purse ,000. 2-year-O- Sjf nj 7 JL olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00 ;..tbird, 00. -Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equlv. Odds 8trt 56701 NAV1SCO w 111 7 5 43 S 23 1 A Gantnr P G Julian : rrW?i6o 56701 RUSSULA w 103 11 9 2- V U 21 K TartO!i A B Spreckels SoU-00 551!7 FERRUM w 10S 2 2 Gl 5 a S M Buxton L Meripole 1375-100 5664 13L1TTLE LESS will 4 0 51 4nt 4?. 4t J Gneisen L T AAhitehill 3M-ioo 56771 NELLIE HARPER w 111 5 4 7" 7 Gnfe 5h A Claver H Tuliett 6S0-10O 567893DADJA w 105 G 7 9s 7 0 II Steams AA Bernhardt 11C5-100 55771 ASHLIN w 100 1 1 33 7: H Ericksn J AV Dayton 460-ldil 5!7.7IOAERRUN w 10S S 10 101 101 9 S JDreyer H Neusteter S25-1C0 5576! BANDOLERO w 101 10 8 8t 9: 103 9 C Lang J C Fletcher fiC-lOO 55771 MARY D. wa 10S 0 11 11 11 11 lf.s w Bog-;ki H Field r 5670tCIRCUS w 103 3 3 2h 61 Sll rl B Bwer AV AValker "855-100 fMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:08. Track fast. mutuels paid, Navisco, 0.05 straight, .35 place, show; Russula, .25 place S4 95 " show-Ferrmn, 7.15 show. Equivalent booking odds Navisco, 902 to 100 straight, 307 to 100 place, 230 to 100 show- Russula 202 to 100 place, 147 to 100 show; Ferrum, 257 to 100 show. AVinner Br. f, by Trevisco Pitti, by Plaudit trained by P. G. Julian; bred bv Mr Kenneth D Alexander. AVent to post at 4:57. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NAATISCO followed the leaders close up until well around the last turn and, responding well when called 011, wore RUSSULA down in the stretch and won going away. RUSSULA began flutjfooted but raced into the lead with a rush and tired in the liiml eighth. PEItRUM outstaved LITTLE LESS at the end. NELLIE HARPER began slowly. ASHLIN quit after setting a fast early "pace. , Overweights Ashlin, 1 pound. SkfiQA SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. Sept. 7, 1911 1:37 3 107. Purse ,000. 3-year-oMs and JHJlJJi4 upward. Claimnnr. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Irider -Horsc3 - AWtPPSt -3; Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds Strt. 56728 YOAVELL ws 6 101 2 2 51 5"t 3 3 11 C Lang A A Thomas " 635-100 56625 A-ETERAN wb 5 103 1 1 G 6 G 5U 2 A Claver G AV Forma n 230-160 56829 ETTAHE wn G 103 5 5 "1 21 2 21 31 K Parton C O Lennox 1150-100 568253AMERICN EAGLEw 0 ICG 4 4 lb Ink 11. ik 41 j Dreyer B Mock 675-lub 56794 .SENTIMENTAL w 5 107 3 3 45 -U 45 6 5 AV Boyski AV E Jones G05-100 56828 SISTER FLO w 3 20 6 G 2" ;53 r.l 4 6 A Garitner C Buxton 183-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:13, .1:39. Tracl: fast. mutuels paid, Yowell, 5.70 straight, .95 place, .10 show; Veteran, 1.10 place, .45 show, Ettahe, .05 show. . . Equivalent booking odds Yowell, 0S3 to 100 straiglit, 197 to 100 place 120 to 100 show- Vcte-in 105 to 100 place, 72 to 100 show; Ettahe, 152 to 100 show. . 1 AVinner B. h. by Yorkshire Lad Winnie. AVclls, by Ort AVclls trained by A. . Thomas- bred by Mr. Charles E. Wilkinson. AAcnt to post at 5:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow, AVon driving, s-econd and third tho same. YOAVELL was saved along under slight restraint to the stretch, then- canfe with a, rush and held AETERAN safe at the end. VETERAN was far back to the last turn and finished with a belated rulY ETTAHE was much used in racing with AMERICAN EAGLE and tired. The latter set a fast .... Wiof to the last sixteenth and gave way. SISTER FLO quit. Scratched 567943Sans Peur II., 109. EandfiQft SEVENTH RACE Mr 8 Hiles. June 6, 19141:5225-109. Purse ,000. 3.yeax-L9 WJJ.J olds and upwards -Claiming. Net valuo to winner 00; second, 00; third. .l Index Horsea AWtPPSt U Str Flu- Jockeys Owners Iiqnly. OddkStrt 56729 11. M. STEVENS wn 5 105 3 4 23 31 lh iu H C Lang G K Allen tiom 56707 PIEDRA wn G 111 2 5 2 21 2 23 2 J Dreyer J Eckert 325:100 56791 ZOIE w5 103 S .1 9 8 S 4 01 It Ranelli E S Forman 425-100 567053BLA2:ONRY wsb G 105 1 ;! 51 51 41 3i 4 A Gantner T Hodge 340-1C0 56729FLY HOME w 9 100 0 S 7 73 7 8. 5 H H B-.ycr F Grace 13Vl0O 56707 CAPT. HODGE wsn C 103 9 7 4 4h 6h 7! G E Harbne S J Kelley 55793 IJAY w 9 105 5 1 8 C Gl 5a 71 H Kricksn J McNulty lHS-iOi 55795 GVSON RBLER ws 3 lui 4 2 1 ink ;;!. cu S AV Bogski A G Dunlap 2090-iOO 56795 EDITH K. w 4 103 7 9 G-k 9 ,9 9.9 J Oneiscu J C Mayes 7455-iO Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:40, 1:24. Track fast. mutuels paid. Harry M. Stevens, 0.20 straight, 4.90 place, .10 show; Tiedra, .C0 place .15 show; Zoie, .5 show. Equivalent Iwoking odds Harry M. Stevens, 410 to 100 straiglit, 145 to 100 place 55 to 100 show-Piedra. 130 to 100 place, 107 to 100 show; Zoie. 92 to 100 show. AAinuer Ch. g. y Superman Rose Prim, by Potomac trained by ,T. J. Alt; bred by Messrs Young A- Gorham. AVent. to post nt 5:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second nnd third driving. HARRY M. STEVENS, in close pursuit from the start, slipped through next to the inner rail while rounding the far turn and, taking the lead, outstayed PIEDRA in the tmal drive and won going awar The latter raced in closest pursuit all the way, but tired iu the final sixteenth. ZOIE began-slowly ana finished fast on the outside. BLAZONRY had no mishaps. CRIMSON RAMBLER set a good Pace 1 for three. quarters and quit badly. FLY HOME finished fast. - Scratched 50550 Salvatelle. IQti; 5G734 Plantarede 105; 5C775 Undine, 9S.