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DUFFERIN PARK ENTRIES Probabilities: TVeather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. ui. Chicago time, 1:30. Superior mud ruuncr. X Good mud runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race About 5-8. Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Todays Ind. norsc. Wt. Rec. A.AVt.Hnn. 56877 Macquerie M 95. -.700 ."film May Hartmau M. lOjr.Ofr. 55070 Pcppergrass 31... 307.. 090 50877 Lina ; 115XO!iO 50171 Plaildel 31 . .. 107. :ti, 50877 Aunt Agnes 335. .SM 50S77 Ben Bliven M ... 107.. GSO 51571 Brilcroney 31 ... 110.. 0S0 Second Race About 5-8. Mile. Purse 00. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Foaled in Canada. 50410 Shorcacrcs .... 7 107X725 50110 Chantour O 112.. 720 50905 Corn Broom 10 1070735 50905 Lady Binmore 5 107X710 50878 Satinmore 4 107.. 710 54532 bBonna A. 31 ... 5 107.. 705 50721 Dorothy Carlin ... 8 107X700 50078 Red Post 9 107X700 Third Race About 5-8 Milo. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 50003 bJIilitary Girl : 4 107X725 50507 bArrowpoint. 4 112.. 720 55540 Hattie 3IcCarly .. 0 107.. 715 50000 bEarncst 5 112X710 55899 bBIuebaiinock 7 107X710 5GSS0 bApple Jack 7 107 X 70.- 50879 Curious 33 107X700 37177 3Iuzanti 9 107X710 Fourth Race 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 50727 olouel 31a tt 8 105X725 50SKO bIMetty Baby 0 305X720 50909 bLoading Star 98 1:25 if. 5 110..715 5t;0OS3 Ii;nd 109 HUX"k 7 109X715 50SS13 Financial Rooster.. 115 1:32 1 105X710 50025 bSteve 107 l:37h 4 103X705 503S0 Little Niece : . 4 105. .700 Fifth Race 7-8 Mile.. Purse . 3-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap. 50570 LOiJIS 92 1:27 4 100.. 725 50010 bFranklin 109 1:29 8 110X715 50700!YhAssunition 5 118.. 715 50772 -f Helen Atkiu 0 100X710 50275 l.JIurray 4 112X7.05 50009 blair L:issie 3 95.. 700 fj. Rorris and J. T. Buckley entry-Sixth Race G 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 50883 Secretary 100X725 50S83 North Shore 9G..1:2I 102X721 50S7S3 Ragged Robin 10S 1:30 90X715 508S1 Loch Leven 102.. .710 ,r.0S83 bBIack Top 100 l:31h 10S..710 50077 bCharles A. Byrne.. 114 l:2S?i 10SX705 50445 bCanteen Girl 100. .705 56014 Lt. AVilliam J. 3Iur- ray 31 110.. 700 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 50005 Handfull 110 1:40 S 310X725 50057 bSpeedster 114 1:40 0 107.X72O 50SS2 Prunes 133 1:48 0 107x715 5C87S Fair and AVarmer. .Ill 1:49 5 105X715 50449 bSemper Stalwart... 98 1:47 S 107X710 50177 bKilkehny 109 1:40 7 110X710 5C.S0S3 Pepper Sauce 104 1:49 9 105X7C5 50SS2 b3Iistrcss Polly 10S 1:40 0 107X700