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WORK-OUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 712 LATONIA. LATONIA, Ky., September 29. Todiiys workouts here were as follows: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 703-Ituckingham ...30 G91-Lustre 37 092-P.rothcr John .30 707-Meliora 35 703-Diana 35 090-Mclun 35 707-Grace 30 701-Sklles Knob ..38 703-Imago 30 G92-Thibodeaux ...38 Half Mile. 703-Bill and Coo 40 099-.Teanne Bowdre.50 698-Rrookholt . 47 700-Louanna 51 701-Bullet Proof ..48 707-Mab 49 711-Candle Light .50 707-Miss Joy 49 703- Dainty Lass ..49 707-Nelle Yorke ..49 092- Krskindale 51 701-The Col.s Lady48 710-Guvnor 49 710-Treasurer 48 700-Hysteria 49 701-Voogcria 51 G95-Harvest King 51 701-Woodtrap 50 Five Eighths Mile. 700- Billy Dunn ..1:04 705-Guaranteed .1:03 701- Bobbed Hair 1:07 097-Miss Muffins 1:01 701-Blond Buddy 1:02 Parisian Rosel:04 CSC-Blue Deep ..1:02 089-Reliability ..1:02 700- Firebrand ...1:00 710-Ring Rose ...1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 093- American Acel:15 7lO-Redmon 1:14 705-Birdie G. ....1:21 GS8-Service Flag 1:20 CSO-Donna Roma 1:17 094-Sewell Combsl:15 445-E1 Mahdl 1:19 700-Tom Norris ..1:10 710- Lady Morrow 1:19 701-Twinkle Bluel:lS TOt-Mahony 1:15 711-Westwood ..1:17 097-Memphis 1:10 702-Wolfs Cry ..1:15 711- Miss Jemima 1:14 Seven-Eighths Mile. 710-Bill McCloy 1:31 700-John Finn ...1:43 704- Demos 1:42 710-Marj. H.vncs.l:42 TTm-Dixie Carrolil:42 705-Peace Pnant 1:14 701- GouiTsnand ..1:40 700-Radio 1:42 097-Harlock 1:42 HAVRE DE GRACE. HAVRE DE GRACE. Md., September 29. Tha following work-outs took place this morning: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 710-Amackassin ...33 707-Maryland Belle37 507-I5urgoyne 30 083-Mollie Barnes. .37 !25-Doubie Cross ..37 705-Roeket 33 710-Foreclosure ...3S 5C2-St. Germain ..40 031-Gladbrook 41 Toddee 37 Hyperbole . . . .39 Half Mile. 710-Bnllymooney ..53 710-Lady Lillian.. .50 705- Ronevolent ....51 Lucie May 49 703-lSountiful 51 iOO-Pen Rose 55 Bill llimley ..51 71-.Sis. Kuihlem ..52 710-Fairly 52 709-Tlie Peruvian. .55 70i-Fr. tlio Great.. 51 709-Thrift 52 700-Gwyncdd .51 Fivo-Eighths Mile. 710-Carmandale .1:02 710-Sec. Tiioushtsl:03 707-Chasseur ....1:05 Sencrow ....1:0S 70G-Crossless 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 709- Rengalese ...1:19 Red Brand ..1:1S 710- l!riganna 1:21 709-Silent West .1:17 7lICh:ir. Summyl:10 703-Superwoninu 1:15 7;9-lough Girl .1:10 710-The Rov ....1:10 7iC-.atural 1:13 One Mile. 70G-l!elario 1:49 703-Sir Jack ....1:50 703-Goldine 1:46 710-Tantalus l:4S 707-Irlsh Kiss ..1:43 711-The Porter ..1:42 710-Merrimac ....1:47 710-Try8ter .,...1:43t6 Mile and a Quarter. 711- Thc Porter ..2:11 JAMAICA. NEW YORK, N Y.,- September 29. Todays training gallops included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 710-Draft 30 702-Lucky Hour ..30 GiS-Galeta 40 703-Pluribelle 39 Honorable 37 Half Milo. 710-Horologc .....50 702-Pitter Patter 51 710- Master Jack ..51 710-Stauncl 5-1 712- Marjorie M. ...51 702-Ting-a-Ling ...51 Five-Eighths Mile. 709- Forest Major 1:07 712-Knot Grass ..1:02 711- IIephaistos ..1:01 710-Modesty 1:02 710- Irish Bgadiei-l:01 710-Max Gold ...1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 710-Burley 1:18 707-Salute 1:10 704- B. of Phoenixl:22 707-Spinning 1:17 710-Esquire 1:13 700-Tiifter 1:15 710-Ft. Churchill 1:17 709-War Pennant 1:19 707- Nolawii .1:19 One Mile. 710-Armistice ....1:15 710-Genie W. ...1-13 709- Cr. o Dawn 1:42 70G-Neddam 1:43 BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. G93-Polyantha ....42 712-Toil 38 Half Mile. 710- Bcyerly Belle.. .4S 710-Northcliffe ... 50 705- Chewink ..51 704-Turnabout 50 70i -Gladiator 50 70!-Valor 50 710-Irish Confetti. .49 710-Venizelos" ..";. .50 ilO-May Hampton. .49 Five-Eighths Mile. 710-Bravo 1:03 709-Pantheon ....1:02 709-P.unting 1:01 709-Prudish 1:01"-- 709-Brainstorm ..1:02 710-Perfection ...1:0!5 709- Cnlnm. Jane. .1:01 703-Sedge 1-01 708- M. Patricia .1:04 707-Yasiimak ....1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 710- Invincible ...1:23 710-Rosaleen 1:17 710-Kiiin..iit 1:21 703-St. Henry ..1:27 707-Orderly .,...1:24 Seven-Eighths Mile. 710- Tidings 1:33 One Mile. 711- Blazcs 1:50 707-Favour 1:53 710-Beckna 1:40 703rGcm 1:12