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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 725 ! CHURCHILL DOWNS. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 12. Todays training -gallops at the track Included the following: Weather clear; track fast j Three-Eighths Mile. 723-Ainerican Ace .30" 723-Lueknow 3f77. 723-Ambirsh 3C 700-Monsoon 3d - 723-Dlazing Fire .352 703-Megan 3 J 720- Billy Brush ..US"-. 723-Omond 37 1 034-Ethel Vale 37ts 707-Smoke Screen 3." J 723-Honor Man 37 7l!-Topmast 30f, C02-Inspec. Hughes. 3S 723-Wind. Through. 35 J. Half Mile. 713-Aloft .g 711-IIigh Gear 4S?f, 723-Blitish Maid .31 723-Philanderer ...49 723-Cahalan ...... .48 713-Petrarch 30 f.S3-Captain Mac . .51 71S-Quality IS1..-. 710-Dolih r2 719-Quinee Garden no Flycast 4S 712-Wolfs Cry ...IS - Wi2-Glyn 51 713-Wiso Man 30 710-Gipsy Queen ..31 C29-Wyoming 32 t Five-Eighths Mile. 710- Bright Trash 1:01 71S-Marimba 1:02 j B.v Gosh 1:03 371-Mad. Gghaml:0-1 002- Oolonel G. ..1. 01 71S-Port Light ..1:03 723-Doyle 1:01 720-Wcstwood ...1:01 ; Three -Quarters Mile. : 713-Cho Cho 1:13 724-Mal 1:17 I .720-Elcanor S. ..1:10 710-Preeious Lula 1:10 721- George Starr 1:10 721-Ring Rose ..1:20 723-Gentility 1:18 721-Redmon 1:14 ; 717-Louaniia ....1:10 718-Eob 1:1S : 723-Martha FalIonl:13 723-Sagamook ...1:14 ; 717-Miss Muffins 1:15 720-AVake Up 1:13 One Mile. ? 711- Ava R 1:11 723-.Tune Grass ..1:42 i S9-Dolge 1:47 723-.Tolm Finn ...1:40 721-Day of Wrathl:4fi 700-Jouett 1:41 003- Exhorter 1:45 720-Melvin 1:30 ; 710- Herd Girl ...J:43 718-Tim McGce ..1:45 719-lIadhcrway .1:47 723-War Zone ...1:47 i 711- Impiiry .....1:43 CltH-Yel. Blossom 1:10 Mile- and an Eighth. j 702-Logal 1:3S 70i-Nouskid 2:02 LAUREL. J t LA I" R EL, Mil., October 12. Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. j 721-Chasscur 3S 723-Peerless One ..39 721- Dairyinan 10 712-See. Thoughts.. 30 723-.Ioseph Brant ..38 722-SiIence 37 j 709-.Tevell V. D....30 723-Tip. AVitchet ..37 699 -Moody 30 OUS-Vulcanize 30 723-Oil Man 3.0. Half Mile. 723-Ctossless 51 723-Plow Steel ...52 722- Early Bird 51 723-Taul Connelly. .51 70i-Fictile 51 722-Rubidium 50 719-Callivant .....55 TlSKimpatica 50 7l!0-llearth Money.51 ,52i-The Foreigner. 52 71S-Maryld Bclle..51 723-Wood Violet.. ..52 Five-Eigrhths Mile. 721-Alex II 1:04 7M-Mothor Carey.l:01 531-Chf Barthelll :03 720-Step Lightly. 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 723- Alice C. 1:21 710-Radiola 1:1S n7fi-Barriskane ..1:20 723-The Trout ..1:22 723-C.othp. Roost 1:2 1 723-Tantaiiis ....1:24 72t-Com. Colin... 1:19 724-The Post 1:19 435-5Iayor House.l:l9 722-Trantula 1:20 717-Messines ....1:19 721-Vie Munoz ..1:19 Proclamation 1:19 One Mile. 723-Brairistorin ..1:43 724-Indolence 1:48 721- Brtdmster ...1:45 722-.Iean Bullant.l:40 723-Cherry -Tree. .1:45 720-Madge F. ...1:30 58-Currt Events.l:40 723-Rocket 1:45 723- Cnrp. Sweeperl:48 720-Rajah 1:40 520-Dcvonite . ...1:49 700-ltosa Lee-. . .1:49 Mile and an Eighth. 719- Bygone Days.l:5C 724-Chat.Thierry 1:39 Mile and a Quarter. 717-Polly Ann ..2:10 JAMAICA. NEW YORK, N. Y., October 12. Todays training gallops over the local courses included the following : Wea tiler cloudy; track good: Three-Eighths Milo. 724- Eml Man 37 721-Roimd Robin ...40 720- Grace E. 39 710-Split Grass ...3!l 722- ilarie Maxim 4.305 722-Valentia 30 723- Penitent ...30 Half Mile. 712- Esquh-e 53 723-Rolo 49 72lTEpisode .......55 723-St. Allan 51 721 - Fred Kinney ..49 71S-Trader 50 722- Ilepliaistos ,,..49 Five-Eighths Mile. . 723- BalIotniark ..1:0S 723-Modcsty 1:01 723-Lueky Hour.. 1:02 723-Sun Girl ...1:08 Threc-Quartcrs Mile. 723-Draft 1:18 717-Tiug-a-Ling .1:19 723-lrish Dream.. 1:10 723-Vista 1:19 722- L. Gertrudp...l:22 Mile and an Eighth. ! 723-Arapahoe . 2:03 BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather cloudy; irack good Three-Eighths Mile. 721-P.illy McL;iughn40 723-Gcorgie 42 723- Bees Wrax 35 723-Mary Patricia. .30 701-GaIautmau ....37 721-Monastery 37 723-Gladiator -12 . 723-The Falconer ...7 Half Mile. 723-Bndana 50 723-Lady Baltimore32 723-Castlelon -19 !S 721-Playfellow 50 i7-EiifiIade 50 723-Sea .Alint ISJj 71S-Filzgibbon ....50 Five-Eighths Mile. 721-Anow of, Gldl:0t 723-Northcliff ..1:11 723-CliiH.hneld ...1:02. 723-Straight Shotl:03 713- Drirtiug ....1:07 721-Toil 1:05 Three -Quarters Mile. 723-Bantry Pass. 1:13 7P.-Iist Straw ..1:23 One Mile. 723-Tody 1:41 721-Wrecker 1:50