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ANSWERS TO QUERIES Paul A., Chicago, III. For information desired inquire at the ticket office of either Pennsylvania or Baltimore and Ohio railroad. II. C. S., Covington, Ky. The present system of niutuel betting was first used at Latohia at the spring meeting of 1910. Joe 51.. Minneapolis, Minn. A place parlay on Penitent and Cahalah October 22 was entitled to payment at tiie rate of 3.10 to . . luquirers,, Chicago, 111. In race 5S234 at Laurel, the J. Ron-is and J. T. Buckley entry was Helen Atkin and Assumption. Some Baby was not a part of the entry and was erroneously indicated. Any wagers oil tlie entry won place and show, because Helen Atkin ran second. L,. ,M. L., Chicago, 111. According to, the present custom a wager on a single horse of , a coupled entry is on the entry, with tlie named horse to go. If it docs go eitiier horse of tlie entry winning is sufficient. If it docs not go the wager is a draw, whether the other horse wins or not.