untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-14


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Gor.Bobte L.inBlack Pl.Blosrn Ch„w Manlsl.v 1 Men, Damsel H.«;eu, M, Haven 1,„, N.Harpe? Blazonr, i Waldo lf*mte I HamiltonA. i M* Pueblo H War Way Md«M Utile B. H-Wjf D.deGuise OLW«*d E?se ffhraaadaek OrleanSG,rl fpsaH IT" Kooaerilie .•Vill.. ..rri.-l.i ffi.-l.l f eSSS Poacher g j IB., .„ Ckww iiw McLaae I -a lie Gwdoli dol. | f f* f renel ! • ♦ -*1 f I ♦ lv«.vne ■;:jl I f i Waldc | f g| t t J 1 r I nter I I | Waldo Chow *g 1 M I |t Man . | I I LI ! Kaa, - Nor- ror. j i THE n ««lpe J ,"■ »" ! t"- I j L.,„ bW iww J Past. nn ,es|it H g | Ml f tc JO O || J ,,,,. , I | I | » h, i J p. ! ! || O 4 « * 4 4M IE H i IB/ BLrl r i = ~~— The American Racing Manual FOR 1922 ~W ■■■■■■ib l— 1 1 11 ~ ll*""k***KmnouuuumuuoHB Ha A I I 1 I M I Hmlmit ml M ■ fl ll I I I 8 Ml « I am » ««, iV I mL I IF mm I f I 1 1 r-§ | 1 ■ ■ BjmUmm Bmmmm * The Encycjopedia of Thoroughbreddom ENGRAVED DIAGRAMS OF THIRTY-TWO LEADING AMERICAN RACE COURSES. WITH THEIR LOCATIONS. CAPACITIES, CHUTES STANDS, WIDTH OF TRACKS AND LENGTH OF STRETCHES IN DETAIL HM8i8 8»»»000000 tT"mittMII93l3 ■»-w"w"wwwrw THE 1922 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to | date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds, the three tables II ve all been modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their j application charts is an introduction and general directions for j7ldlCP1 the ]atfc Nin S- Hand an exPert of the first class |! PRICES— By Weil: LEATHERETTE BOUND, 60 ::::; PAPER BOUND, 10 full Purchase Price Must Accompany Each Order 1922 LEATHERETTE COVERED BOOK IS A DEPARTURE FROM THE OLD STYLE. IT IS MOST SERVICEABLY BOUND, G0ID LETTERED AND FLEXIBLE # , With this eminently handy book any admirer of racing can readly an-m almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing in the Its equal has never been printed and, the considering topics it covers is an extremely low-priced book of general and correct turf information ?"*~« ~»*~~ imoooomeoomoooowmooooo «- THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL % M a .mpwrtsmted ».MIe««lm . t ,ts mmmtmmU mmmi 1! t M , |t„our per„„io„. The t.,«.,r I. the I 1 sls of The A-erl— R.elli» „„. aal i. „rl«lnal u,„l ,.,, „....„ urittca n„,l ..on.p.le.l »,v |*. e.lltor, „n.l ♦ -«a,ls,l. ...oof of originality Is ♦ read, I. ,,,t- priM„.f lo„ „as ,„ ,e sol";l" auaiuM iiiiaii«lM.ri/« ,1 o,ists. A • ♦ 8 mm8momt888 »8»ooaaoi.*.1Mtn ttMH4Uu DAILY RACING F0Rand4 PU3LISi1l,% CO., 4*1 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY 74 EXCHANGE STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. . — — — — — — — — — — : O i :, M| i"»« 18mm. ! 01 **- • Ifceuld ihould ..ON ON . I , . tcri||- .script f J SlITl SI ITK NATIONAL NEWS SPECIAL OyrsLisssstii.Si sets asandandi? a-—- P-terers are UNUSUALLY Komg to be PURPOSELY! indefinite this time active, we are NAME OF HORSE READY la a xvoril. our t went | -ninth .SUM t.iMiranteeil Si.eeiil rnana . of this „a„er luesua, ai.,1 "framVuSatjTA" ? ;"nl r,,l«««" *•«»- SS-"*?* arp invited to •*• -AJtifrna-m ? PAID. Th,;s hor.e has been s!;eciallv prepared 2fT*S retUrn wire PHE" and if hU ™« get as good as 6 to 1 tor our money The fa* end of *L - T decent effort is a criterion we THE LIRE, Toss away your dope beoE? and A UT. "iNFROMATIO ?!£? .p-8 NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Turf Drnpt. 1»Q - |Q., VOHTH DKAHBUKX STHKKT - CHICAGO, ,LL. TH THE PU: W FOR HO HOME _ HOME STRETCH WEEKLY PUBLISHED AT SAN FRANCISCO CAL. PRICE 15 CENTS. TIJUANA S CODE HORSE: Jacobs-Hr ynes-Kederis-Hunt-Jacobb-Martinez. SALE AT ALL NEWS DEALERS. OFFICE. 411 PHELAN BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. SUBSC SUBSCRIBE !liRcr DAILY DAILY 003 PTt ?« 157-150 H 74 74 FOR DAILY RACING FORM RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 3ZY*0VTH COtrHT CHICAGO. ILL Last 32nd STREET. NEW YORK ■ 1 EXCHANGE STREET , BUFFALO: *. V | Todays Form Special: April-Banana-16-74-56-54 a «°Py °[ thf STANDARD. Contains code t„ t to Fiee : Specials that appear in this paper daily * M .CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TUB STANDARD TtRp tr.jiiJIB Room m 403. 22 West ftuincy St ChicaS: 111. Annual Racing form for 1922 Is Now On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO III 157-159 KAST S3nd STREET. NEW YORK N Y 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO N T

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922021401/drf1922021401_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1922021401_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800