Second Race [2nd Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-14

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I i i i i . , I 1 1 • I l : s 1 r 1 i [ , d . J " J D . , e y e r ■ r f SBCOXU BACK -i- I lilc. l- *:ir-« Hls ;i:i ! iijtt;iril. l:iiiniiiu. I l-«"li. U, l!|S 1:11 1-.~. B IIII.I BRISTOW- br. g. 4 110 By King James— Arlette, by Robert le Diablo Trainer, J. J. Troxler. Owner. J. J. Troxler. M1M F.Gnd* i.l: • !!•• I l .:,i.-i 12 Archive. I...-- ..,,l|..,.-. . | , KOI] F.Gnds :;-! l:is:hv 4i US 4 1 v M larner 10 BerthaB., Miracle Man Ar.-tiive 9X78 F.GBda 3-4 l:14y5fast 8 Ill 2 1 1 2» 3* C Lang 8 BrmPclr, "nsf.,ik. StfreChlle BETSINDA. b. m. 5 107 By Rockton— Winning Witch, by Broomstick Trainer. C. T. Worthinandton. Owner. C. T. Worthington . 1 ■: P.G d : 1 l« hvy l"l 2 111 1 C Dishinon 8 Back BaT, Sort* Kaon krehive • : P.Gndi 11:18? hvj 6-5 l« 4 2* il Ion - 12 CobtLass, s ,,. , LyMildd S9821 F.Gnds i I l:18%hvy 10 no E :: I " C Dishmon 10 Jago, Back Bay Nordech B975S F.Gnda 3-4 1 i".-..miil M 110 2 2 6 7i 7la C DUatinonll Actress, Bertha S Bach Bay S.a Lex*ton 3-4 1:13 slow 43 111 6 6 10 8J6;*i Plshmnl2 Meliora. Doric. Fort Light 7 7 K worth i| f l:19%hvy 2 102 5 4 3 2 2nk H Jonea 9 Baanrs, BagieMarck Lady lona E7739 Kworth -111;. .fast 8 104 7 « I 4» 4J H Jones M Mnniite, Cornviran. Great Hawk TITANIA. ch. m, B 107 By Bard of Horw — Lady Fern, by Hippodrome. I Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner. W. Durnan II ,1 ..lii:; i,..t J-2 193 2 2 ! q !•• C Lang 11 Wtancconne, Pising T Hull 595*4 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14%f»st 3 111 1 I 2 2«1 V L Coney 8 A.of Aces, Philanderer 01 Wood 139 F.Gnda 3-4 l:13%fast 9-6 Nd 1 1 1 1» 1» L Coney T Flying Orb. Mark Wesi D.inn.ll 5S685 Bowie 6i f 1:22 slow 7 IM M 6 3 3 4- L Coney IS Bnrgoyne, Moroni Tidings 58354 Laurel 1 1 :41--fast 14-5 113 2 2 2 2 42 44 A Allen T WhoCares, O Sinner TlicDer-lnn 53M1 l.nur.-l 3-1 1 20 KIT. 5 1 1 1» lJ F CltUetttlS OM Siinier. M,.-e. Bright Light, BENGALI, ch. g. 9 117 By Cederstrome — Malaspina, bv Brutus. Trainer. P. G. Magni. Owner, P. G. Magni. 1 , m.i. :m i:ij fast 12 lis s I S 4 1 G Ponce 12 Jago, Mi-- Rankin " MagnetLaad 9*453 F.Gnda ::-1 1 :l" .w 8 Hi 2 3 4 lh : ■* f Cttilettill Rolo, Sandalwood, Fleer r-i.-on 3-4 1:13%fast 12-5 MS 8 6 4 :. ".1 L Coney 8 A-of Ac,-. Prooagaada Pr Tom 5S213 JetCson Bi f 141 fast 16 MS 9 8 7 3!i 2 M HaraonlS MidnlSnn, Philanderer c;i stons 13353 Laurel 1 1 :4:iVifast 47 109J » 7 7 7 8ilO2R Holwaylo NorthBnore, Osgood, Peg kives Dorral I 1-M 1 i7-;.fast 8-5 1« 1 3 2 2 4« «° H Thurber B Blarney Boy. Fuse. Carry Oa SURMOUNT, k. g, 4 104 By The Manager— Alix. by Star Ruby. Trainer, H. Booker. Owner, B. C. Troxler. F.Gnds 3-4 l:15%slow 25 111 S i i 1" W • Im I! Rotw, Sandslw I, l-l.-r .".m 7 : .I.-ttsi.u -11:1.". fast s 111 I I 7 S I I. Mw.;- IS The Moor, Role Ballynew 58278 Empire Ab 3-4 l:13%fast 31 IM 4 :; 4 4 P|C Ton." 9 Monastery Bsqirire, Tnmahont 50528 Sar*toga 3-4 l:14%slow 7 102 2 3 4 4 4" 8 Bullman 1 Nolawn, Saddle Ring, Fiufr 5f.".61 Sartoga 3-41:12%fast 10 11 ;J 1 ?. 3 4 7»1 C Hummer 12 M. Barnes. GrnyLee, P*goardiM 53504 SartOgn 1-4 LI"1 11-5 111 2 3 3 3 4: C Turn, r 8 BlueBelle. OceanSwell SS316 Sartoga 1-4 l:12%fOnt 6 111 5 5 4i 4«i C Turner 18 JockScot, Ragacity l"i i-ourdlne 5579» Kworth 3-1 I 1 H3fast and 118 3 3 2 2i ii1* J AVilliamslI Sergt. York. Doyle! Old Chap NORTH SHORE, b. f, 4 102 By Martinet — Galinda. bv Galveston. Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner. G. E. Phillips. s: F.Gnds i 1 i: hvj 8 KK "• i Z V P A Wilson 8 Betsinda, Bark Baj Irehive 58685 Bowii H f 1-222 slow f M i 7 8 fi1. |s| C Lang IS Bnrgoyne. Moroni, TMtngs 58362 Laurel 1 LI"1. 11 M fi 3 2 2 V l| C Lang 19 Oogood. Peggy Rf~ a Dnm ipi. 58128 Laurel I l:42%fast 5 OS 4 2 2 4 61 7"i C Lang IS Cur.ErenU. Peg.Rrres, RzuPaira 3 Kworth lnt79y l:M%h-ry 7 Mill 1 9 M C Lang 7 Roseate. Gilt Fringe Seereiary and777H Kworth 7.J f l:19%stop 11 95 1 11 lJ 1» C Lang I i.-n. AgmsMMte, Bel jov Lara Theiiffe i l:49%good 12 -i3 6" ci.ang IS Black Top, Broadview, Walk U| GREENLAND, cb. g, 4 115 Bv Broomstick— Hania, by Hamburg. Trainer, W. M. Cain. Owner, Cain tc Sanford. F.Gnda 3 ! i 17%hvj 1. 119 5 s 7 71 T«i E Scohie il The DecisfMi. lag*, k„i0 3534 F.Gnda I i l:M hvy M-S 113 S I Z f f M Garner 12 M.Rankin, Concentrate B*kBaa 51133 Churchl ."- 1:l:; Cf 112 S E 5 M* M*| ■ Pollard 1". Judge Prvor. Tharon. Berrooni 57402 Wdbine 1 1-M 1:43 fast Ifif 94 5 I 2 2 21 3« LM-Dottll .M.,ig. F.. loan of Arc, Fxhorter 57347 Th* cliff a 1 l:49%good 11 Ml B* E Pollard 12 Black Top, Broadview, Walk Cp 57283 Theliffa I -4 I :15%fast 13-5 112 5» R Pollard 12 Humpy. Dora, Secretary ROUNDEL, eh. %. 6 106 By Petar Quince— Balkis, by Orlando. Trailer. J. Boland. Owner. S. B. Steele . KS19C Havana lmS9y l:43%ras» 1 MS 2222 ?i : | R Lcaster H Mush, juke y,-u. nip 53175 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 12 111 2 1 1 Ink 21 F Merlmee 8 Finn 111. Serf oik Belle. Hainan 5*534 Havana lmMy l:43%faat 5 MS 3 3 2 2 2h 31 R 1.. aster 7 Mather. Black Thong. Bocnlr 53O20 Havana 1 IM fast 10 103 : ■; fi fi fi *«] I Smtth 7 nunoyvea. Polar Cub. Grundy E28M Havana 3-4 l:13%fast .. Ill 1 1 1 1| 1 R Lcaster 7 Litholiek, Langhoma. Hocnir EMM Havana lnir.iy 1:43 fast 8 Will 1 1* I1 1 Lcaster S Mather. Huntress. Punctual CAPERS, hr. in, 7 96 By The Commoner — Lady Eastman, by Masetto. Trainer. T. Cullen. Owner. G. Sanders. 188 F.Gnds 3-4 l:17%bvj 91 N ■"• 8 2 3 1 Merime 11 Ira Boy. Crest, Lnd] MUdred 59433 F.Gnda 3-4 l:14%fasi El N" 9 1" I S* 9»a G BrenlnglS Oraleggo, Pavia. Philanderer 59153 JefTson 3-4 l:14%fast 31 i"-l I •" 0 1" M" J Sootier 11 Acs of Aces. Bengore. Sandy H. 58314 JefTson E f l:«S%fast 1". 113 I 4 2 # 4J S Pullman l Carline S., Roto. On High 53353 Tijuana 3-4 1:li%fast 7-5 107 1 11 1:J 1!J B MarteUilS Ermitana, Pat. Mack, L.Princeaa 53SM Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 8-5 108 fi « fi 6J f**i R MarieliilS 8. Baach, I! ami Stars. Wr-ws 5:1477 Tijuana 3-4 1:lt%fast 8-1 10O 4 11 1-J 1" B MarielliU Cobalt. Tor* Lassie. BrownBee 53433 Tijuana 5-8 l:01%fast 23-10 95 « 6 6 62i 6«j P Poieur 7 Perch. ElSablo, Smiling Maggie BACK BAY, b. g, 14 101 By Rubicon— Genna, by Balgowan. Trainer. E. Furman. Owner, E. Furman. . • 87 F.Gnds 3-4 l:M hvj IS BB ■"• 2 ! JJ » S Bullman 8 Betsinda, Nortk Shore. Archive ik". is F.Gnds 3-4 1 lsi-.hvy M 112 I M o 7 ?•♦ s Bullman 12 CobtLaas, Bttsindn. Bncajarwaa 59821 F.Gnds 3-4 l:ll%hvy I i"7 4 2 !• H Thomas N Jago. Betsinda, Nordcck 59753 F.Gnda J-4 l:13%nmd 8 11a 6 4 3 3* 3* H J Burkell Aetreaa, Bertha s. PerMouvdhaa ES394 F.Gnda 3-4 L14%fast 15 111 7 5 6 74 lJ II J Burke 9 Aceof Area, Philanderer. Titanla 59514 F.fPnds 3-4 1:18 hvy 3J 113 10 4 3 3J 4* A Wilson 12 Grnlanl. M. Rankin. ConctraU 51U4G lefTson 3-4 I ■■ 8 110 8 1 1 1 3J L McDott 12 Pretender, Horeb. Fleer BUGLE MARCH, b. g. 6 110 By Nealon— Mn. Frank Foster, by Ben Strome. Trainer. E. A. Steeds. Owner, T. Riddle. 57371 Kworth El f l:M%hvy 7 132 2 1! L Aroa !• Basags, Bstrindi Lnd] Sana 57113 Kworth El f 1:11 slop M-5 M9| 3 l "• li 1*1 F Murphy 8 Kenette, P. Moody. Anticipate r.7".fi7 W.ibine ;t 1:15 hvy37-10f Ml 10 0 S 51 4 F Murphy 11 T.lh»rhrlan. Csinman, H.Atkin :.7 ini Wdbine lmMy 1:41 fast M Ml 7 3 3 3 8* 11»* F Murphy 12 Yowell. Jim Petrie. June Fly 57311 Thviiftv 3-4 l:lT%naud C 112 1J A Richcrk 8 HeathBeU, t**r andWarnHJ. Flea "724s Thcliffe 1-4 l:13%fast I M7 4- 8 Boyle s LyFeBx, P..M..ody. F.aiidWmr ..,.,•.7 Iiufiin 7-1 l:33%fast :• 112 4 H Chappell I 80c lee, Bond. Hemloek 53971 Dufrin Ab 5-8 l:03%fast 5 I* l1 H Chappell S . IMiobin. L.Betty S53M Hnmton 1 1-v l:5S»~good 38 IM 4 2 2 4 9 9*1 E Taylor 9 AlgOHSJUkt, Dellahm. Woodbine RUSTLER, ch. g, 4 115 By Transvaal — Rusila. by Puryear D. Trainer. H. Randolph. Owner, Farnum and Fixer. 59MS F.Gnda 1 in. 1:57 hvy 11-5 113 7 7 7 7 7 7?" .1 Coaley 7 Barbtaa, Pnelan, Bttahe 59SM F.Gnda 3-4 1:H hvy fi 112A .". «". I 41! in J Coaley 12 B. a Whig, H.leiiAtkin. Uagazza 53546 Bowie 7-8 l:28iigood21-10 112 2 6 7 8 8 8» J Conley I O.Agnimonte, Chevalier, umioi 53090 Sh port 5ifl:10*6hvy 13-5 111 I 7 7 71 V-* J Conley 8 End Man, Trusty. Sandy H. 53030 Sh port 55 11:15 hvy 13-6 113 2 1 1 2 l2 J Conley 5 Oraleggo, LucyKate. Y. Blossom 52727 F Gnda lm70y 1 :50%hvy 4 113 5 5 1 1 1* 1 J Connollyl- L.Wynne. J. Arbor. Wl otheWp S2135 Jefson 3-4 1:15 fast I 112 10 9 8 6» 6«J J Conley 10 The Moor. Sea Court, S.Sprioga HELI0CR0SS. b. h. 7 M 106 By Heliotrope— Applecross, by Lychnoscope. Trainer, F. Byer. Owner, B. F. Marshall. 53172 H.deC-ce :.i f 1 :U9andf ast 6f 10« 3 4 8 ll2 12* F Lux 13 LibertyGLrl, Pueblo, Lit.Maiidie SANDY H., ch. , 6 11T By Harrigan — Beatrice Soule, by Peep oDay, .Trainer. G. Ethington. Owner. 0. Wendfsl. Mid F.Gnda 1-11:14 fast BJ 112 :. 5 S 5* 5*1 F Murnko I AeeofAees, vHnesaHM, l*kBnal IrlM F.Gnda 3-4 L14%slow I lit 2 3 3 S l1 P Murphy 10 Philanderer. Actress. Horeb .".!»7:.2 F.Gnda 3-4 1:14 good 6 112 7 III! 651 A Wilson 10 Ace of Aces. Serbian. Jnjco S33S3 F.Gnds 111 WTnalasj 4 111 6 8 10 9J V C I ang 11 Rolo. Sandalwood. Fleer r.fl2Sl Jeffson 3-4 l:13%fast 5 115 4 3 2 2* 2* F Murphy 10 Satana. Heroisroe. SweelLiberty 9MM Jeffson 3-4 l:14%fast 15 110 8 7 3 34 3J C Lang 11 Ace of Aces. Beneore. Lively 590T.1 Jeffson 3-4 i:15%good 16 106 10 7 7 61 67 A Wilson 10 Cormoran, Murphy, Winneconaa 58819 Jeffson lm70y l:47%fast 8 Will 1 6 1 8»1 C Lang 9 Deckmate. Copyrig-ht. Joe Joe ROY C, ch. g. 4 M 104 By Runnymede — Ventura, by Puryear D. Trainer. H. L. Mnnson. Owner. H. L. Munson. 59S19 F inds 3-4 1:20 hvy 8 US 6 7 li 61 75i F Murphy 11 Bon. Blue. Archive, Granny Iee BfTfT F.Gnds 3-4 1:16V.hvy 30 11217 4 4 9* 9*1 F Chlavta 12 Anticipate. Helen Atkin. Kttaus 59630 FGnds 3 -4 1 :13%f ast :W 112 3 4 4 4» 6*» F Chlavtall MafMiffWI. Jerry Actress 59 "32 Jeffson 3-4 l:14%fast 8 US 5 2 1 2» 3» F Chlavtall Honorable. Wireless. Farsight 58914 Jeffson 3-4 1:16 good 10 UO 8 1 I J1 47 F Weiner 12 Marjorie M., Damorls, Domingo LAST MILDRED, ch. m, 9 105 By Dick Welles— Incendiary, by Lamplighter. Trainer. C. S. Wilson. Owner. W. F. Strauss. VMS P.Gnda 3-4 ii7«-.hvv 13-5 m I 1 I 43 4" A Ghuatnerll Iron l...v Canst Omen 00013 FGnds 3-4 l .ls.-.hvy » M2 2 i :: 4* 4: J Fraley IS CobtLaas Betslnda Bacajawea I 69890 FGnds B-4 1:M**hvy IE MB B 1 4 8= 6«« .1 Fraley 1J Cteuibe, Golden Autumn. Cur f.7543 Mt Royal 6-8 1 :o::-.hvy 12 M 6" B Moore 11 Oil—, Bafferty, Doug Fairbanks I 67242 Con ght J-4 1:16 fast 16 Ma 4 4 5 P 5" 87 Botrakl 7 Mike, Ballyaew TossGooae 67WI Connbt 61 f 1 *7%f apt BE ill 3 3 S 4 P W KogVki s DaaciagGirt, Talent, Diutv Monro I 6*;4i;. KingE. At 88 1:48 mud io m c.8 E AUJ— *■ ♦; 1 1 u r. n II.. Thirteen. NickKlesS | i

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