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i Tiuitii RACK — :i- I Mile. ::-«-:ir-«il«ls. Cletlanlapr. I i B. 8. sins iti I -a — » — l M.| FRED KINNEY, br. g. 3 102 By Towton Field— Maud McKee. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A. Baumgartnerl. POCS F.Gnds vii.07-.-k 1 • 110 B 1 11 I" A Wllsaa 11 DelhiMaM, Por.Qnn Simplicity *W F . :"iils :: 1 l.i:-.-.f:ist B 113 7 6 4 3- 33 A Wilson 18 Petie, Knot Grass Mabel Cartia 68434 F.Gnda EJ f 1 :i 7 fast 10 111 6 4 4 6" 63! Jl earner 11 Penitent, Comic Song Fly Kail r.9307 Jeffaon 3-4 l:l3%faat 7 in; r I I pa P I. Coney t flrlaoHa. Paaea, Birdie G. 59224 Jfffson 6if1:07 fast 6 111 5 2 1 U 33 K Holwayl2 Brilliant Baa Ashland. fTrlanlila 68154 J» ffson 3-4 1:15 good 6 US 11 7 7 31 3s F Murphy 12 Simplicity. Birdie G. Kirtle 58936 Jeff son hi f 1 :08~fast 8 108 1 1 1 Is P H Thurber 12 Bartered, LuckvGirl, Cr. o* Gold 68788 Jeffson fi| f l:iSVr,fast 6 111 I 7 6 41 4s J G Pftz 14 Dorius, Brush Boy, Voogeria GAMMER GURTON, ch. f. 3 107 By Von Troir.p— Balerian, by The Commoner. i Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner. C. W. Clark. ."-•;.;7 F.Gnda I l:14Hfaat 4-.", Ill 2 11 li ." M Garner 11 Mat.Mary, V.CoUeea, Pare 59414 F.Gnds r.i t l:07V3fast 4 Vtl 2 11 li 11 M Garner 11 Petie, Lit.Ammie, H.Kemble 6475" Latonia 41 f 67 mud 27-10 113 2 4 43 410 N Barrett fi Whirl. C. dAmour. P. Weateex 54416 riiuniil | f 65 mud 8 106 6 4 23 21 B Wida B Wm.OIdt. BeraiceK., Alam.Glrl G4::44 Chun hi 41. f 54Vifast 3a i 7 l ll1!2 B Wida 18 UBocheeter, Alrerida, BdaaStk 648M Church 1 1-2 47fast 19 115 6 9 9 9" N Barren it BeraiceK., NghtyNisba, At. Gal SIMPLICITY, b. f. 3 110 By Celt— Clara Atkin, by Stia. Trainer. J. P. Smith. Owner, L. T. BaueT, • H4 F.Gnda 3-4 l:18%hvy 21 10B :: I I B1 C Lang 8 ime. Galeta, Contort 58763 F.Gnda El f 1 :67*Ka;ood 4 116 5 7 fi 63 4«1 A Gantnerll DeikiMaid, P.Kiaaey, For Qun 68718 F.Gnda ::-4 141 %hvy 4 102 6 4 4 31 3=1 A Gantner 8 T.HareJr., C.McMeekia, Bweepy 59595 FGnds B-4 l:14ttTaat 7 113 0 3 2 P P T Pargton 8 Omnipotent, laaace, Pronaaade EMtt F. inds B-4 l:l.v-hvy 3 Ml 1 4 1 I4 l3 C Lang S Aanlaad, Cap Rock, Coaaie Song CliTj F.Gnda B-4 l:lfi%nrod 10 112 4 2 3 4* «1 H King M Mkin. Modeaty 69164 Jeff son 3-4 VJS good 9-E MB 3 1 1 11 i» A Gantnerl2 Birdie G.. Fred Kinney, Kirtle IMAGE, b: f, 3 105 My McGee— Mirror, by Sir Dixoa. Trainer. J. H. Baker. Owner, Treacy and Wal ker. Bflfl F.Gnda ! I l:M »1 m M fi l 2 4 I I . E tmbrae 9 F.Ball, BlkBetty, JpbineWdel BW14 !M; nda B-4 1 MM -hvy 6 MB 4 1 1 F ]h n Komelh B Galeta, Consort. JC. *l Leaf BMJB9 F.Gnda B-4 l:13%faat 10 106 3 4 6 41 6" R RanelHIO Ietie, Knot Grass, Fred Kinney 69695 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14%fast 20 106 2 6 4 4- 3* R Romelh 8 Omnipotent, Simplicity, Iromde HG35 F.Gnda B-4 l:15%hvy 30 103 1 12 3 5:J P. RomeUi 8 Slaipiieity, Ashland, Can Rock 6H4 4 F.Gnds EJfl:07 fast 20 1"3 I 6 8 92 94 .1 McCoy 11 Penitent. Comic Song, Fly Bail 69::40 Jeff son 51 f 1 :0G £fast 8 109 3 3 3 31 li C Lang S Colored Boy, CapePffiar, ByC.osh 69110 Jeff son 61 f 1 :llmud 41 108 4 4 4 6 6« A Wilson 8 Toogeria, Lit.lolly, Rchambeau OO LA LA. br. 1, 3 102 By Pataud— Rusty Coat, by Ethelbert. Traner, A. L. Kirby. Owaer, A. L. Kirby. EMM Jeff son g| f i:ij-hvy ■ ■ I : 2«* 1 1 F Weiner B Dbfooi ler, BillBloek, Briarrliff I H915 Jeffson B-8 l:0::»-Sood 6 Ufl R 4 I 4 V P Weiner 11 Paaee, ; Ihart, Lady Eeua 582."9 Lexton FC 1:1. :. slow M 110 6 B 7 7- 711 .1 Burke 12 Thilip. M.Crextwd, VfdgThak 1 67074 Latonia 61 f 1 :0X fast 11 104 9 8 9 91 8«1 B Parke 12 I. Ioliy, T.Col TsLad.r. Bkjrham 1 66895 Latonia 51 f l:07*jsfast 8f 103 7 7 7 81 6«1 B Parke 12 BaMMe,, LillianMaeB 66322 Ft. Erie 6i f 147%COOd 5 100 4 4 4 4 22 11 Stearns 10 Chloris. Al. Moco BERNICE K.. rh. f. 3 108 By Golden Maxim— Eva K., by The Friar. Trainer. G. Land. Owner. C. Wiedemann. ."M74 church 1 6: f l ISftfaat II MB I fi 41 I 4 P| B P:-.i!.e 8 WoraCry, BillyStar. Bobd Hair E8BM Chorea.! J-4 l:l3%iaat E 111 6 4 2 p 2» E Pool 15 Omnipmt. BaarePriace, B.llair 57727 Latonia Ei f l.o;.,fast 7 112 8 7 6 63 6+ M Garner 12 Briirhtl.e.if. CoLGiri, IlecLula 67496 Latonia I -4 1 :13 -"-.goodSl-lO 107 2 6 2 212IM iarn»r B Lard Allen. TenBMSt, Lugs 67313 Latonia 61 f 1 :li-V,mud 10 Hfi 3 6 6 4J 4* M Garner 6 Itekah. Una Clark. Wolfs Cry 67171 Latonia ::-l 1 I2%faat 11 106 4 4 5 31 31 M Garner 7 UMetber, M. Fallon. Bill andCoo I 67040 Latonia 61 f IM good 6 111 2 5 5 51 6*1 M Garner 8 LtaaClark, Onuiipotent, Btljeaf KNOT GRASS, b. o, 3 117 By Short Grass— Gentlewoman, by Sain. Trainer, C. N. Freeman. Owner. M. R. Pons. ... ivy p.Gnda 3-4 1 :UVif ant M 112 7 1 * C Ponce 11 Omnipotent. Br.Bay. M.Bla BM39 i"«;nds 3-4 Lli.ihvy 11-5 114 1 1 . -■ 23 C Ponce 8 Omnipotent. BillyDunn, DeTonite . 59917 F.Gnds 6 f 1 :I1 mud 13-5 Ml S 1 1 1- Is C Ponce B C.McMkin, A-hland. Red Ieaf r."vj P.G nda 51 I M%hvy 3 N 3 z 3 45 48 C Lang 7 High Cost. Mulciber, Serapis 5B7BI P.Gnda 3-4 i :ii;i:-,mud 4J ill 2 11 l2 pk C Ponce 8 3apBeck, BallotMark, Costigan , BB871 F.Gnda 3-4 l:13%fast 7-5 121 6 11 l| 2l C Lang 18 P tie. PredKiaaey, MabelCurtls , 69556 F.Gnds 5i f 1:08 slow 3-2 111 1 11 l3 I* C Lang S Birdie O., Rob. Caleta 69373 F.Gnds 6 f 1 :i7 .,fast 16-5 106 2 B 4 P P M Garner 9 Bant Ray, Modesty. St. Maurice , 59053 Jeffson 6b f 1 : I good i 1-5 MB 9 9 9 9 913 S Pullman 9 WolfsCry, Simplicy, Bob. Hair . ADVENTURE, b. c. 3 101 By Jack Atkin — Bessie Simpson, by Deceiver. Trainer, B. G. Denny. Owner, R. G. Denny. SB9B7 Jeif.-nii 3-4 I :i::.-.last 7 M8 4 E •• 6j - Bcoble • t.ii-l.l.i. 1ied Kinney. Pnaee DB234 j.-ffsiin E I 1 "7 faat 15 MB S I 5 E 1 •"■ B Scobie 12 BriliitRay, Ashland, FMKinney 5S38S l.miiio ! I H fast S li- 4 3 3 1* P C Robaon 11 Red Tom. Bian.Stanoa, K.Brumei ■ Empire 51 t l:08%faat 12 115 5 4 4 5 P| B MarielH 19 Gaadkart, Paaee, Citati-.n 58176 Empire Ab 3-4 l:12%faat 10 BS* 8 2 2 If IP* C Turner 14 Nose Dive, Nightboa t. Sweepy 58852 Empire Ab: 4 i.b-fast 12 117 9 3 3 I M" C Turner 12 Bweepy., Knot Crass 65581 Latonia 61 f 1 .»;= Bit 113 10 9 9 Ma*MM G FleMa 11 BirHagb. Graa.Ware, Way. Lady 653i;9 Latonia 61 f l:071j£faat 24f 115 3 4 4 81 817 o WUIbi 18 Dr.ofAllak, WaydLadp, B.llair ; C5199 Latonia 6-8 l.Oihvy 25 115 3 2 2 2 P G Fi. Ids 8 Qaia.Gardea, Bil.Star. Llewlyn 1 1 BLOSSOM HOUSE, b. g. 3 M 109 By Bulse— Agnes May, by The Commoner. Trainer, R. L. Rogers. Owner, R. L. Sogers. .,1,1.;,; i ,:,.!- , 1:14 .f;isi I IN I M ■ " 12 Brlstow, Archive, Man BMSB F.Gnda S-4 J.i7:.hw M Ml S E 4 4 8" J McCoj Oainipotent, KnotGraaa, I.. Dunn £9192 Jeffson 5-8 1 :01Vifast 8 115 7 7 6 63 57 N Barrel t 12 Cape Pillar, By Cosh, Honorable i 5P873 Jeffson 61 f 1:13 hvy 10 110 9 8 8 6l 67J N Garrett 18 Trico. Paraat Queen. Plunella 68170 Churchl 6* f 1:08 fast 31-10 110 4 8 3 21 21 B Parke 12 Radiola, WakeLp, Who Can Tell j • 68014 Churchl 3-4 l:U%faat 14f 10817 8 8 41 6i R Harton 18 Oatalpott, BeraiceK-, Su. Prince 9 57723 Latonia B-4 l:15%fast 29f 115 8 7 6 95 P» B Harton 12 Bed Wiagfleld, Settle, Hamet £7648 Latonia 3 4 1:14 good 3S 112 8 8 8 8i V R Hartcn 10 Ba IFisher. Treasurer. Bro.John 1 CONSORT, br. c. 3 114 By Celt — Silent Queen, by Forfarshire. Trainer, E. J. Crawford. Owner, E. J. Craw ford. 88481 p.Gnds : : l:20Vfehvy 4 lit 5 1 I I l Bntwell 7 May Rloaaoni, Lj-i Effort, Foy BM14 F.Gnda 3-4 l:I8l,rJn 13 7 14 li- • J Bntwell B Image. Galeta, Bed Leaf 69914 PGnda l I:50%mud 8-5 1M 12 2 2 l!iF Lang ". RunTime, Plnnella, Poreal Qaeen , 69633 RCFnds 11:41 fast 30 114 10 3 2 3 SlFJ Butwell 12 Bob, Bill Block, Grant Tree 59513 FTnds B-4 l:18%mnd € 116 1 1 2 21 38 J Butwell 11 Costignn, Sun Time. Plurib-lle 59392 F.tFnds El f 12 116 6 6 5 51 413 J Zoeller 11 .l.ll.Ley, SunTim* t BStB Empire 51 f l:07"5fast 30 107110 6 6 S2 68 J Zoi Her 13 Knot Crass. Kirtle, Avispa TIMBREL, blk. c. 3 109 By Zeus — Biack Swan, by Herbert. Trainer. J. F. Richardson. Owner. J. F. Richardson, ggfgf p.Gnd 3-4 1:1 fast 40 104 M II 11 L McDottll Omnipotent, Br. Ray, M.BIo hhd cooi4 p.Gnda -4 1 :is;.-ii 8 Hi 8 s s 51 PI L McDott B Image, GaleU, Coaaorf 69917 F.Gnda 5 f 1:11 mud 30 MB 7 8 7 51 BM L McDott 8 K-Graaa, C.McMeekin, Aaalaai 6and7M F.Gnda 3-4 l:lMfcmud M i"3 4 6 6 6 6:: G W "arH t; KnotGraaa, CapBock, BaltMark 1 5866" Bowie lm70v 1 :5 --.slow 19-5 107 4 9 9 9 S3 t20 G Babin 8 Canada, Carmeacita, Citation 68649 Bowie 7-8 1 2S !-.hvv 207 187 2 10 10 10 10 P* G W CarMUO Hephaiatos, Tangerine BBBS5 Bowie 61 f 1:22 hvy 323 104 10 11 11 11 P* G W Carllll Hephstos, Tangerine, YkeeStar r FM55 pimiico 3-4 l:lJ:,smud 7 114 2 8 6 4* 4:l G W ;ir:l 9 Tangerine, Simplicity, Colaada LAST EFFORT, b. f, 3 110 By Ultimus — Dorval, by Darebin. Trainer. D. R. McDaniel. Owner. R. J. Brown. aaMJ P.Gnd 3-4 1:20 hvj W l«l I i 2 P P Lang 7 M:, Bio , Foj ■ - BS8B9 JefTaon " f 1:12 hvj • 6 T 1 I P 2 1 Lang 11 Simplicity, For.Qaeea, Bel. Maid 68833 Jeffson ■" II.: fast 4 1M fi IIP P C Lang 9 Pluiibelle. K.l.ruininel. S|iinning 5 55466 Aaduct 5-8 l:00%faat 8 12 8 IP 11** F Weiner 13 Zeanotta, GlenbeUa, Bounti.ui 65360 A. i du.t 5-8 SBttmud 30 MB 12 9 7= 4 F Weiner 14 II. Mary, Zeanotta, Promenade, 63691 H d. Gee 1-2 47 -fast 7f 114 11 9 91 11" T Da lea 11 Diadema, Bin.- Teal. Ogsirite 62476 F.Gnds 3-8 MTifaat S 115 9 8»t 510 T Nolan ll Fly. Beauty. B. While. M.Baon EVELYN WHITE, b. f. 3 104 By Zeus — Miss Oertel, by Handsel. Trainer. C. T. Worthineton. Ownei. C. T. Worthirgton . 6C121 P.Gnd* 1 ■ ■■ alo » 7 9 J 81 5S C Dishmon B P.Bali, BlkBetty, 1phineV M 014 F Gnda 8-4 !:ls..liv. 10 184 7 7 63 P C Diehmon B baage, Galeta, Consort I - 6 Lexton 1 l;4J.mud 5 102 4 3 3 3 3» 3" C Diaktmn 7 Bekab, Lady Astor. Billy Star i ."40 Iexton FC FICVifast M J8B 1 8 8 8 66 C Dfcdunn B Lord Allen, Billy Star, Bekab C3SM K-worth 51 f l:12%hvy 7-5 103 3 3 2 21 li J Htamer t Alva, Mandate, Plapwrlgbt 57811 Kwortb 5?. f 1 :ll%slop 24-5 109 4 3 2 21 22 II Jones 8 Ddhiniar. Q. Bun, T. Manageress J E7729 Kworth El f lKK%faat 7 104 B 6 6 41 4J H Jones 8 Mat.. Curtis. Crest. Bey. Marsdale 56634 D-shire 6* f l:l"-mud 17-10 114 1 2 2 2« 2" J Htamer 8 Hap. BaatOB, Veil. Colleen, Orris