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2,463,744 IN SEVENTEEN YEARS 1 TURF PRIZES IN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, CUBA . AND MEXICO SHOW THAT ENORMOUS AMOUNT IN TOTALS SINCE 1905 The compilation beneath show- tin- annual distribution in -ti.k.-- mid nurses per year fat and hsclud- w.ii -in.-i- IMS, not ani] in the Tailed State*, bill in Canada, Mexico mid Cuba. The total- gn eiiurmou- aeariy seventy two and one-hall million dollars of which tin- Halted Btatea gave more than two-third- Here i the table of total-: ■5 ■ s * s 2. 1 r - ng 7 J z V-.-ir. 1 |P3 I || | f*f S*r* 5 ST 5" 3" 3 ■• si = a - - a " 1905 $ 5.372.40-2 $ 229.1 56 $ 5t!01 .557 » lPOd B.1PC.S81 StS.850 5,420,181 1907 -4. 945 7.19 429.7s". 5.375.551 19iis 3.M2.151 UB.540 $ lsiMin i ji: i t;«tl f 1PM 2.409 5.-.S 488.WI I 42 MM % 145.070 24.0H 3 170.095 J 1911 2. 310.115 3S-1 .088 1s7.1t;.-. 47.175 2.942.333 1911 1.5.S3974 -130.710 2S1.658 65,615 2.337,957 t 191_ 1.507.025 539.110 199.100 145.790 2.391.025 | 1913 1 9 .s7s 594.0411 224. S95 210.550 2.920.903 1 1914 1.939.800 009.345 240.270 145.050 2.994.525 I 1915 1.792.705 O.W05J 228,420 143.2 MI 2,858.68! 1 IPlg 2.273.521 900.245 467,626 1*5,065 3.842.471 1 li.17 2.927.933 074. 1S5 225 225 23S.910 4,066.253 • 1«j1n 3.135.037 S.846 2S0.47O 3.425.347 Ifti 4 231197 4.520 407.148 4.642.8*5 101 4.993.007 1.8W.285 4*2,906 56T.C19 7.773.407 livj! 5 420.73s 1.710.615 .".11.215 144.666 011.915 8.435,688 j rotak foi Beveateea Tean ...5,725,551 0,830,182 K3.041.266 s 6*4,436 62,4*2.843 s7:.!::7n I , = =r---= j -