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i • NEW RACE TRACK FOR TORONTO TORONTO, »nl.. February 13. The Globe today published the following: "The Ontario Jockey Club i- -aid t « have pare hand aboul 5 ni seres of the w.ll known Trethewey farm on the Weetoa road, between We t Toronto and Weston It i- aasured thai Hie Club will build a new race com si- thereon. Fh.- price i- -aid to have been in the aehrhharaeed .,f 81,600.000. •The Oatario lackey Club has negotiated for the pur.ha- Of Other properti.s in reeenl year-, one in the vicinity of [jong Branch and another on the Kingston road. The expectation is that Woodbiae Park will cveiituallv be -ubdivid.d for buildup par- a