Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-14

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FAIR GROUNDS The horsea which se.-ui best in Tuesdays races .*» re : Fair Grounds — New Orleans. La.. February 13. 1922 I FWtat Major, Baa Time, Pattern. i — Bristmv. Baadj 11.. Itiagall :i Berdire K . Last Kffort. Knot Brass. a — BtrdJte G Delhi Maid, Baaaatte. 5 — Bands of Pleasure. .Neddam, Bygone Days. • — Brotherly Lore, Tody, Diaaa 7— CCRSON, Mi— Rankin, Crlataoa Rambler. .1 L. Dearpsej New York Handicap. 1 — Herat odea, Forest Hajor, Baa Tiaae, Prom eaade. L — Betsinda. Bristow. Titania, Bastler. 3 — Fred Kinney, Knot i ;rn-. Beraice K .. Gam int-r Uurtoa. 4— Gmcc Mayers, Forest Qaeea, I.inln G., Delhi Man!. ."■ Slippery Elm, Lanetta, Neddam, Sand- of Pleasure. ! Mario Maxim, lanky B., Little Ed, Iunzaf. 7- CORSn.N. Mis- Rattkta I. ink Bay, Mab. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap*. 1 Hmaaudia, Ran Thae, Promenade, Sparkling. 2 — Briatoar, Betsinda. Titaaia BeaaTall 3 — Fred Kinney, Gammer Gorton, Simplicity, Image. i Grace Mayers, Forest Qaeea, Devon I te. S— 4iaada of Pleaaare Bygoae Daya, Neddaai sim i Kin. »; DIANA, Clayaaore, lanky p. Todj 7 — Oaraaa, Senile star Mab, Johaajr Overt oa. Observers Handicap. 1 Sun Tiaae, Heraaodea, Plarlbelle, Pattern. 2 Bettdada, Bristow, Bengali, North Shore .". Gammer Cur ton, Bernk-e K . Ft -.1 Kinney, Km. i Urn--. 1 Beth! Maid, Grace Mayers, Rirdie «. . tin Dear ."»— SAMis of im.KAS! i:r. Neddam, Bjfaxiae Daya, Gobi mainl. at — Diaaa, Clayaaore, Baamaf, lank.1 B 7— Oaraaa, Mab, Mi— Rankin sir.-, sin- Deri!. Consensu*] of Handicaps. I— Heraaodea, Forest Major, Sua ! im.-. Prouae- aade. J Bristow, Betsinda. Bengali, Titania. 0 Pied Kinney, Beraice K . Gaanaer Gorton, Km. i Grass 4 4hraee Mayers, Birdie ■.. DeBil Maid, Forest jin-i a. I — Sands of Pleaarre, Btipperj Elm, Neddam, By roae Days. 1 Diaaa, Brotherly Love, Mario Maxim. Claj more. 7— COBSO.V Miaa RaakJa Mab, Berrlei Btai

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922021401/drf1922021401_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1922021401_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800