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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. SUNDAY. FEERUARY 12. 1922. On- mii-i. Bixtj eighth day. Tijuana Jockey Lluh Winter Meeting of lu." ar atar* days. Weather clear: temperature 85 . - Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. V toffrotn and Leon Wing. Starter, Bacrj Morilaaey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wine Racine alarta at 1:33 p. in. Chicago time :S:7,3 p. m.i *ladlt atea apprentice allowance. 1 AA999 FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1 Cb1— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-Ovf anaanvand old- and npmard. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. - "imlcx Haraea AWtPPSl , ! ;i Str Fin Jockey* Owners Eoniv. Odds 8trt 94M72*DUC DE GUISE I C U2 II K 1 I II I Hun m.r /. B McGreg-or 2PM0U U 041 SO CHOIR MSTER wb 7 H7 5 1 B McEwea .1 Kern 504-100 0 twlMROSELLIS wb 8 112 12 i i r Kali. Thoiapaon t Berry Iltw-lim ■4 lSS *ORLE.ANS GIRL ■ 09 ! : Is 4*1 C Studer II T Palmer WO lot B 041S9*RAFFERTI u v 11- - I • I ■■: ■■ P Hum ll Walters tl49-10D 0 M1€0BIG SMOKE u !• 117 5 I I P Martinea P Fi Irwin + + .i . iipl.d in betting aa H. Waltera and ". It. Irwin entry. Time. 2bVs. 525. 1065. 1:13. Track heavy. |S iiiutn.N paid. Da.- oe Guiae, sti.jn atraigiit, s:i tin pia «-. srt. lii Know; Choir Master, 94.89 place. . 94.69 ahow; t oar Ilia I7J90 show. K.|iiialiiii I king odds Due de Guiae. 310 to 1 « ■* * arraighL 99 to Iimi aian, 99 t" Iimi ahow; Choir r Maatar, 149 to MO place. Iimi t.. M0 ahow: U adlia, i!in la Hi" ahow. Wituirr t h. g, bj star Bhaal Mbuj Granville, bj Yankee itraiaed by /. K. McGregor; bred by Mi. MM 17 Maildin. t 1 : , [ j t I I i = . i ; t I i i I : i |1 I « | , 1 1 1 i i i : | i | i ■ . ] ; i , i : ] , j i : - 1 - U 0 B 0 + + . r Went t.. post at 1 :".".. Ai pool 1 minttii . Start good and atoOr. Wmi driving; second and third the same. DIC DE QU18E raced iota a ausall had at pace and. k. MgdhS it under careful nursing. finisl;t d tamely. tHOlU MASTER hhished fast and gamely and graa wearing the winner down at the end. ROSELLIS did ner best. ORLEANS GIRL showed «| d. hut failed to stay. RAFKERTY and RIG SMOKE wede always far hack ami raced aostiy. Scratched— 49970 No Wonder, 11J. ftft fyty SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong. June 28. 191C— 1 05i— 3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-v* " +4 *£ £ olds and ■pward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: cecond. 00: third. 0. I ■ ■:■ Bora - AWtiisi Str Pin Joel ys Owners v£u. Odds strt OOISSMIKE DIXON a t 11" 8 2 l" I ] I V Gross ~ P Iiwyar yao-100 tiOlHI FOND HOPE an a HM 2 3 I I : iStu.Kr ii T Ialni r ISO-MS t.lriOl CRISPIE w 9 Ml 5 4 : -_ : R Hartoi F R Irwin KNM40 .»!«» VELVET a I 169 9 1 1 j l 3 v II Loagj Ialni. r ■ Caastt H20-1OD 60134 CAREEN wan 7 112 7 S : _.".- 5« li Carter Hall at DeBolt 7m-10 .-941H GEN; was 6 U4 i R s1 7* 61 i. E Taylor i W TaU .j:.i-ui 691S4*McMURPHY wsn 11 115 : . 6j i.- 7-1.7- E Fator .I MorHson UDO-lOli •1052 JOSIE GORMAN « 4 lif; I 7 7i S y 8* j Hnn*mer T .1 Elward fiOti 100 r.MUt ART RICK a ll ill I 9 1 I I I I Caron " Moore CO |no Time 25a5, 523,. l:06-3. 1:14%. Track heavy. s_ niiitiii-K paid. Mik.- Dixon, 940.00 straight, 0,811 place, si. in -ti.-.u : Fond H.if 94.40 place, shou : i ti-pi . 0 Show. Eajuivalenl booking odds Mike Dixon, 22hM to 199 straight. !M» ta 109 place, 129 la Hni anew; Fund Hope, 120 t.. inn place, M t" Uai show; Crhnate. 110 ta 199 show. Winner Br. g, by Bamsdale Iaiy Dixon, bj sir i»i. s trained bj P. Dwyer; hred by Mr. K. K. Graham i . Went to post at 2:18. t p«.--t 1 minnte start | i and slow. W. ii eaaRy; second and third lriv iu:. MIKE DIXON aaoved tip steadilj an tin- outside and. dashing lati tn- lead after entering tin-stretch, easllj laid sway t.. the end. Komi llori: closed np ground and aatsbed gamely FRISPIG was a forward contender t" the last eighth, where she tired. YELVbTT ael the pace aadrr atnVeranre and .,ait in the linal eighth. CAREEN showed speed. Scratched 50007 Misa Hilda II., nil. Overweights Gen. Byng, .i pounds. 0/ tf!5 d THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1 :05 5— 3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-UV sngdhfrm olds gad upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWi Ilst , j . , str Fin Jockeys Own ■]• ET|7iv7odds strt C0179 Al. FORTER 1115 7 ". I . ■ 2 I C 4a77 w Sims 00201 ROSA AlKtX era I M - I I I r 2" C «u ll Waltera MO-MO 64201 TAMBIAN wb 6 144 3 I I 8 7- SJ II B Bwer .1 Wilson 160-100 60203 INFIELD a IM 5 E I ■ I ! Gross W X Beechwood 0018O* INDIAN BRGADE s 9 116 17 7 7 I I Hut, A Wrhght rtd-ioi ■ S7«» DOROTH1 a a ! l". 1 2 .v •" 3 t I Car., n .1 I. Brannon s I0B G0201 TOM CARO m:-.i1!ii 6 l 2«« |»J 5| 7 1.1 Hm ner P A Sandtdge 7 MOO 60202 KIT. CHEATHAM a 8 108 . 3 :. »•• K i c Ralls / E McGregor .... p,. Time. 25*-,. 52--,. FOGs. l:132i. heavy. nutuels paid, Al Porter, .00 -n.iiuit. .40 plice, .20 ahow: l--.i Arkin, S7. »0 pan .99 ahoa . Tambian. 29 dwra . Equivalent I kin;: odds Al Porter. 230 t" 100 straight. 120 to 109 place, IM t.. inn ahow; Rosa Atkin. 290 to 190 place. 1 to Iimi show: Tambian. :i1" to Iini show. Winner B. g, bj Sweep Chicklets, bj 1 1 ■ -- Highness trained by W siin hred bj Mr .1 c Car-rickl Went I" posl ai :ll Ai post :: minutes. Start I and slow Woa l.nndiH : at rand and third dri ins AI. PORTER moved up fas! after nssadins the far tnra and, passing the leader ander hard riding maintained his advantage t" the end i;os. ATKIN showed the im,~i speed in parfasaking but tired badlj in the eighth and just managed to save ad place I VMR1AN closed a ids eap and Onished fastest of all. INFIELD sras going fast at the end. Sera tilted 60203 Brown Bee. 110; OOOOSlWalter WhitSker 11": 60100 Hug Me. 113. Overwi ight Dorol i,. . 1 MMind. ftA99i FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17, 191G— 1:38— 3 — 95. Purse C0. 3-year-o!d-, and 99££andi9J Bpward, Claiming. Net value to winnei 50: recor.d. S100: third. 0. Index Horses AWlITSt , ■■■ str Fin Jockeys Owners la|iiiv. odds strt .oTiTo-"i ayai ;"a7 «777p7 •. : ;i ". _i v 7 m Fatoi niaikw.-u .v cripp.-i. T-.?.,. 94M4M PLANTAGENET 10 103 11 I 1 i* . r Hum I V Shock le 140179 MISTAKE - 10 112 :: I 5S 7 I P Caron W . OBrien 190-IOn 60021 NEOSHO DALE « 10 103 ■" i I I , . .1 Hunmer W T Orerbj 113 l fiOlHIl ISPHAM a 107 4 § I* J1 E Fati I 11 A Lott 900-100 ."■.!t7!C2 X UNTR1 - !•. I "• s s s j ,; c Studer Tun o Shanter Stable 964-fM »■.» ; DUL1 FASHION i « 111 - 2 1 ■ .". , I 7 li B r.u.r .1 a Parson 1740-100 10202 MTER FRKLIN « 10 112 7 I 3 3 7 n s k Carter W I Moore ■ •; , i ■ , Time. 2535. 5145. l-2035. 1:49%. Track heavy. su mutuels paid. Lavaga, .89 straight, 4-00 placo. 86 -i ,. : Plantagenet, .«.".. so place, .20 anon ; Mistake. 96 ahi a . i:. hooking odds Lavaga, 290 t.. 100 straight, 104 t.. M9 place, W t.i Hat «hoW; Plantagenet, 180 to Hm place, mi to KM show; Mistake. I" to Hm -li"« Winner I.r. m, bj Prosperc Charleys Aunt, bj st Florian trained bj tl. V. irippen: bred bj Mr. Samuel A. Beckluim I Went t. post it :.:iis past 1 minute, start ;ood and alow. Woa drivins: aceond and third the same. I.WAi.A v..i- outrun early, but moved np with a rusk after rounding the far turn and. rhaUeng inj. PLANTAGENET when an eighth out, outstayed Mm in a long stretch drive. PLANTAGENET showed tin most speed ia pacemaking and hang on resolutely when put t.. a drive. MISTAKE made np some ground. NEOSHO DALE did her bes Overweights Country, 3 pounds. UA6T 6 *r-a FIFTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 24. 1910—1:45—3—110. Second RunningBAJA SJandandS CALIFORNIA HANDICAP. S10 COO Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner .7E0: second. .25C: third, 50; fourth, 50. Index Hnri-- AWtPPSl : . , Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.|iiiv. odds strt 4sM74EAS1 INDIAN w 5 115 i _• V ~T i . c Tirps,,.. a .1 Mill-r :!S.l-lH,i :007 1 Il RBELOW v ■ 116 9i 11 2J R Harton Shafer tt Conway tjfiO-100 84126 REGRESO KW I :• 9 9 .■ Y- .1 Hunmer C B Irwin 440-100 39999 STAR REA1 M wn « 11" R 5 • " I ! I- II B Mw.r W Wall., i « l 7."» REGAL LODGE WB 7 116 3 K § 8- 7 5 "■ c H Miller H Hi, a-. .80-101 ■107-1 BREEZK wn 8 111 7 "7 4 tl ; ■- C Duggan J li Abbot! 720-100 ;o7 I SUNNY1 WI i i 7 ll". 7 i » P 9* 8* i I Taylor Bronx Stable 1620-100 66203 : MOTOR COP «sn 7 1» 1 1 1- ll 1 i R" P Martinez r B lr in .1107 1 PLANET 108 I 2 S 9 1 T Hurra Shafer 4 Conwaj j-Coupled in betting as Rhnfei I nwnj entry; ,: Irwla entry. Time. 245. 0-,. 1:17H. l:453i. 1:52. Track heavy. sl mutuels paid. East Indian. .66 straight, s4 tu place, s;.sn show; Shafer A Conway entry, .96 place, s::.iit show; C. B. Irwin entry, .80 ahoa Bquivalenl booking odds Bast Indian. . n la 190 straight. luu to loo place, M Is 190 ahow; Shafer A: Conway entry. HO to 100 place. 90 to Hm show; C. B. Irwin entry. 90 to 100 shi u. Winner i.r g, bj Delhi Kiiliecrankie, by Kilmarnock trained by U. .1. Miller; bred by Mr. Jaaaes V. . rrigan i W.iii in p.,st at i :I7 At pnM 1 minute. Btjrt good and l.. W w driving; aetond and third tin-aame. EAST INDIAN, admirably ridden, am* aaved for the nrst three-qnarters, then made his and. rescinding to his riders .all. outflaished Ft IM.l.I.oW in a «|drlted drive The bitter ran a good and game race, i .-ait: prominent from tin- start, but swerved hsidly in the linal severity yards, which pwhnhlj cosl her the race. REGRESO. after raring far hack in the earlj running, rushed up to tin- leadera odd-way of the stretch, but t it-. ,1 nnalh siAlt REALM mi d gamelj and bad imj mishaps. IH.i.Al. I.oI»i;k was in trouble soon after the start. Moloi; iol- sel a fasl pace to the last turn, then qnll ll.VNip M h idly. Scratched 33378Be Frank. 133; 00074 Tailor Maid. M. Overweights Regreso, _ pounds. *-af"| r Opf SIXTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse C0. ITyear-olds kJ "andana 4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSl % . 4 Bti Fin Jockeys Owners Eijuiv. Odda Strt 01.15 cii.MMA.NDKH use. i 117 ."■ IJ 1 P Martrnes C B Irwiii 220-109 60135 BOONEVILLE vvsb s U2 I I : 2J 2 C Studer .1 A Parson 120-Wfl ,0101 ; MHLEBACH wsb 6 107 .... ! I» C Thpson Manual- 4 Baomstock IC4»-109 60208-•MISTRESS IOLLYw 7 HO 7 7 6] I 4 .1 Hunmer D s Fountain "j in 642041 RHYMER I I S I 7 i _ l Fator G W Atkinson _H -p;. 641S53 VERMAK v. 9 112 3 1 4 I S I il B Bwer W M Walker .V -po ;til." 8 HVERS TOPAZ a i-. 7 117 7 fi .".- 6* 7 7 7 K Carter .1 Lynch I266-10H Time. 2523. 51. 1:19%, 1:47. 1:534s. Track heavy. mntuels paid. Commander, Ml straight, stso place, .40 show; Booneville, .20 place, s:;.imi tlmw: George Muehiebach, .00 show. Equivalent i kinu ndda Comma mler. urn t.. li:o straight 1 in t.. luo place, 7n i.. 199 ~lm« : Boone- ville. lln to 100 place 30 to 109 show; George Muehlrbach. Ion to 109 ahow. Winner B. g, nj Broomstick Pollj Flinders, bj Bnrgomaster trained bj t B. Irwin; bred by Mr Barry Payne Whitnej I -at in pot at 4:ii4. At pool l minnte. stiii good and -1 . w Won easily; nrrond and third driv in COMMANDER steadily improved 1 1 i — position and. forging lo tiie front after entering the stretch, drew away into a long had and won in a ranter. BOONEVILLE. after racing rloae np, took the lea.i briefly la the stretch, bnl aras no amtch foe Ihe winner when rbaUeaged. GKORG8 MIKIII.KHAi 11 raced Into Ihe lead on the backstreteh. but Bnished tiring and ; i » — t managed ta save third place. MISTRESS POLLY Hosed a id- ap. YERMAK had ao mishaps Scratched 00134 l.i-~.i Curl, 107. / | 000 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-IG Mile: . June 24 1916—145—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds DI/IIO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Hnrsi- AWtPlSt i , Str Fin Jockeys Ownera Eqafv. odds strt 39749 VERDI LOON KM 13 4 I 1, l1 .: , .1 1, Bramnin :.20-lin 641S7ZPIEDRA wb 7 111 i ■ ■ I I I l 2 C Thpson J Bekert 020-Kai P0183*OLEN WEI I. w .. lnj .: 2 2» 1 _• - I lluri Bbshee Staid- 3460-100 94137 FRANKLIN «:•. ■ in7 ll.1" i i i: Fator s Folk 299-194 64192 BOBB1 ALLEN a ■"■ ll! 2 1 11 -; " ■ C Studer « I: Irwhg IM H9 60029 IK.WK FOGARTYu 1101 . I I . 6j M Slnmghr C Irhj 209-1W 941341 I LACHMUND wn 8 MI 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 HI*. Bwer L Oalhraith 6Mf-10i Time. 26. 52. 1:19,. l:47t5. 1:54. Track heavy. su mntuels paid. Verdi I 2.40 xtraiglit. 90.00 place. -99 ahow; Pledra, . s.imi place, .99 -!!"« : 1. 1, n V. !l sssn -!„,« Bquivalenl booking udds itdi Loon. 529 t • loo Ktraight, 239 t" Uai ptace, t,. iimi ahow; Pledra, ;*oo in Inn pia. -c. l-n to Inn hbow; Glea Well, :tm ..i 199 show. Winner B. in. bj Marathon Bonnie Eloise, by CliaTord trained bj -I. I.. I.ranii.n: hred by Mr. Jeroaae B. ttespeas. U, ni 1.1 p.,~i at I Ls At past I aainntes. Start i ■ and alow. Won driving; second and third tin- Mime. VERDI LOON, after being forward! placed, nsaved up fast while ronndlng the last turn and. rhallenghha Ihe leader midway ,.| Ihe stretch, nrore him down in the dual twenty yards. IIFDKA ttrad into the had .n the backstreteh and. keeping it. iniwhed ganseiy and only snecaanhed riuht at the end. t;LEN WELL raced surprising! well. FRANKLIN aaade a game Bnlsh. BOBBY ALLEN tired FRANK FtNiARTY sulked and refused t.. extend hiaaseU. fifkyCk EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:1125— 3— 1100 Purse 00. 3-year-olds X$" £imi*J and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses A Wl Il St ;i js j Str Fin .luekiys Owners Fi|iiiv. Odds Strt. 44144 DON DODGE us 7 ill i :: r. l-v 1 |» c Thpsun .1 a Parson 309-lOn 6413flzORCHID KIM; usi: 7 11:; 1 2 V 2J 21 - P Maitfjoki C B Irwin 4:!D-iV, 164137 GEN. AGMONTE w i: I 112 .". :. s* 33 ■.- .1.1 KOanmer C Irby liO-lon -002! SHORT STOP sit7 111 7 7 7 7 5*1 4s C Studer H OCates ivfit;-l«i ■ r.9714 SIR JOHN VRGNBw C 111 2 t :;- i; 4 | :, .1 Majestic V St Vincent 24M MO 537*7*DAINTY LADY wn 4 Ml I I 6 ii- $ $« I Hum J s Baldwin 1 324 t4B 691S4*REVIEAV a E 9s I 1 "-..". 7 7 M Fator St rite A- Valentine 3MM0D Time. 2445. 50. 1:IT%. Track heavy. mntneb paid Don H.dye. *s.oo straight. ,60 plate. S.KO show; Orchid King. .20 place. .ti0 anon . Genera] Agramoate. slmio --how. i; liiivalent booking "dds Id n Dadge, 300 to 100 straight. SO to 10O place. 39 to 100 show: Orchid King. 110 to 100 place. ;0 to 100 nbew; Geaeral Agramonti . 30 to lot show. Winner B. g, b] ToddlngtSB Mi-s Ocrtel. t,y Handsel trained liy J. A. Parson: bred by Messrs. Stone and Ruckcri. Went la nasi at 4:39. At post 1 minule. Start good and -low. Won eased up: second and third diiving. DON DODGE took the lead quickly and. showing high -peed, won pulled up. ORCHID KlM.i raced in closest, but unavailing, pursuit if the speedy winnei and. tiring, had to be hard ridden to save second place. GENERAL AGRAMONTB ran well and thinned gamely. SHORT STOP came from far ha. k in the Inst quarter. SIR JOHN VKR;NK ran well.