First Race [1st Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-14

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Plat NT 1: I - - ! Mile ;i«kI 7*1 karalM. S-yrar-olalH ■■• ajpvrardl. laiil -ns. iaimiiiu. 1 ! •! . 12. ! ! if, !:«2 l-.» J i I :.. » Imlei 1 1 il ! ii • 1 ■ ivi.i.l- Wt si -i 1 . ■ , sir 1 1 1, Jockeys Started Order of riaiak HERM0DEN. eh. c. 3 M 99 By Prince Herniis— Modcna, by Armeath II. 1 Trainer. R. J. Gilniere. Owner. R. J. Gllmore. • "-v. r- M -.iiii.i ].: dir Man, BractNla. Uickory i-«: mis innv 1:45 last I 91 .,.., 1 . Lang 11 Little Ammie, Lacky Girl Pare . ■ • nd lm70j 1. Rood 1 M 7 •. r. i _; C i ang 12 M.BappM, Archive. Gol.Aatuau , .1 it - n 1 1:42 last s I07J 6 a 1 i R Barnes IO Field Lark, Hotspur. K.-irsjght leffaon :; I l:14%fast N KK ID iu I » | 9»» A Wilson 11 Honorable, Wlretesa K..v c. M4 Jefraon H-i ! i. . 1-w I MS 2 3 I I | I ! Lang 12 Briarcliff, PaulMieoa, llun-lia I SUN TIME. ch. g, 3 M 104 By YanKoe— Stella Moberly. by Woolsthoi !■«, 1 li mcr. J. M. Goode. Owner, J. M. Goode. G nd* I I:- mud :■ : 1 I 1 11 .1 Burke 1; Consort, Pli lla. Poresl Queen 1 • r Ill. is ;; 1 1 ! - mud - 7 $• 7" l] .1 BnrkelO OurBetay, Joa.H.Lery, Max Hold I F.Gnda lin7 1 1 t-t 25 MS 2 11 1 4L :,- v Wetaei II l.ii.AnnniP. Hermoilen, LkyGlr l I.i". ivIh Jni7y 1 17 goodS Ml .2 2 t $ 7 1" V inor 12 M.Rappold Ihrmoden. Arehivf : :.•:.;.; P.Gnda 3-4 l:18%mud 7 liii 4 4 3 S± t* Ii J Bvjrkoll Coattsau, C.nsori. Plnrilielle PROMENADE, th. f. 3 Hi 99 By Cock o the Walk— Prude, by Meddler. Trriner. E. T. Crawford. Owner. E. J. Crawford. .- P.Gnds -1 11- mud MB 1 9 i J « II M.Crestwd, B.Varden, B.aLnck s , Gnda 1 1:14 fast BS ••. ."■ •. 6" r F Welner 8 Omnipotent, BiuinUetty, Image isis Brnptn a t l:«8%fast 13 107 o 8 s s1 7 J leollac J Awnns. Mir, Man, rorge Attend 1 S932S .1., milieu. H t 1 m7 fast I MB ii •! I 3s 32J J Zof-Her 12 Climlifielil. Awning. K.Kinney r 1 Jamaica I 1 I 14 food IS l"f« I 5 7 f » r.9i .1 Zoelier 9 Atuhm, Dolly Vnrden, Exerution 1 .7-1; 1 Jiimnica B! f 1 : --fast LO 1"*! 2 6 5 51 4Lj I Zoeller » Avippa, Mnr White, Red Tom i SPARKLING, b. f. 4 M 106 By Pebbles— Ambrosial, by Voter. 1 inner. B. Wilhrn.b. Owner, B. Williams. :■■ 1i.i.i. Im70j 1:46 good 31 8 3 2 3 1 1"- 1- : 8 Turpno 11 Kitrunri. v H .Bknei . At.Muir ..:m; 1 1-8 1:54 inst M KiO S 3 2 I 3- 47 B Man Hi 7 LorenaMons, I.Orerton, P.McGee [ P.Gnda 1 1-lf; l:l7%taat 39 •- H 1110 1 71 »;» K sharjn- 11 J.Overton. .Machiavelli, Iron iioj , k ! 7 .l.ffsor. Im70y 1:46 fast 15 195 10 13 18 M M In" J J laaMler HI Verity. Damoris, Flypaper .:, 1 : .■ 1 1-n 1 . -■ %nt . 139 1" 8 4 2 4J tJ R Manolll 10 Flypap.r. Marie RappoUI, Plate d WM7 BoWta 1 1-lfi I 1" 95 6 3 2 1 l| 3» R McNaee 7 H.i kamnre, HgTIirouffh, Bar0n« . 9MB Iimlico 11-181331 h-y 92 1*9 11 11 11 10 10* 9» A Gantner12 Vice-Chairman. Koroeo. Spuga EASTWARD PRINCESS. blk.f.4Ml 111 By Rapid Water— Mabel Richardson, by Halma. Trainer. J. Partridge. Owner. P. Bush. JeCTaon 3-4 l:15%fnst 81 134 $ 10 11 11 11* K Bcobta 12 Plato, Golden Autumn. Archive 53152 Jet fson 1 1:42" [o«19 MI 7 IM M l | »*• A Wilson 11 Dnnaoris, Doaatnco, Flypaper SS372 .1. lfson 11-n1:7 fast M 103 11 6 12 13 13 13" F Weiner IS OLWooi, IMllll, LytJranlte H914 JefTson Midi good 10 107 I 8 7 7i V C Lang II Marjorie M., Oauioris, Domingo J , J--ft son 1 l:43%hvy »J Ml 4 3 4 I 6s 6-2 A Gantner 1 Car. Conceiitrnte Damorls * ftntJettmtm 3-4 1 :1V fast 10 109 6 7 5 4" lh M Garner IS Jallant Foe. Damoris. Not Yet PLURIBELLE. ch. f. 3 M 94 By Pluvious— Ossabar, by Ossary. TlB I— I T. J, Shannon. Owner T. W. OBrienl. • ,:•;.; KC/ini- l I ■ fast • M 7 5 I 4! ■ : .1 Owena 12 Brtatow, areitire. Baaaaaaalionac " ti-.ill I.l. :;-! 1 :131 .hvy 12 1031 1 ,; I "i" V Wilson 18 Bertha S., Bn-mw. .Miia.-le.Mau and373I K.Gndn 1-4 l:13%mud 12 110 I 5 4 41 4si C Iang 1" OnrBetsy, J..s H Levy. Max Gold J H8M l-iinds iif 6 98 4 8 4 4J 42J C Lang 11 ll.-epSinker. r.Micou, M. Maxim D P.Gndn .",-4 l:18%naud 15 111 2 I ii 4* 4* C Lang 11 Costigan. Sun Time, Consort ..••7 IUndi" Wfl.1"-iiv 15 io" io in 10 9« 9" B Marinellll2 Ietie. Lit. Patsy, LyRocheater CONCENTRATE, br. c, 4 M 111 By Elkhorn — Intensity, by Pentecoit. Trainer, A. G. Woodman. Owner. Woodman Bros. . K. ad :; 4 1 li-.;. -t :;" IM 12 ■• 7 M M A Rondi 12 Briatow, Arenlre, I.l" nll..u-.- . .. p.Gnda 1-4 l:M hw IS Ml 7 7 K- v a Roacli 1 llilalnda. Back Hay. .n. Baon , t83n P.Gada lm7iy l:17%good 12 1"7 1 5 7 8 4 ."," A Hoafh 12 M.Rappold, Herni" len, Archive e 19594 r.GndM 3-4 LIS hvy 40 ins 4 I 4 C :;«J A Roach IS Grnland, MissKanUin. BaekBay y : .Lit son. 1 l:4S%h«7 U 110 3 1 1 1 2s 2 F Cltihttl 1 Car. Paninris. Marie Runpold MTM JntT— 1 BJ f 1 ;".-ifaat M 110 7 8 6 fih C" A Roa.h 12 Trader. Damoris. Cremona 5»!% Churchl 1 I OJl ml 13f 110 4 5 6 7 fij V* A Koacta 14 TwkleBlue, Bermt. WillowTree e 3—il Cnwilin I 3-lfi ? OiHfaat 26f 105 3 4 4 6 7 «7| A Roaeh 11 M Corns. M .liapnnld. Ton. Lady r PATTERN, b. c. 4 M 11C By The Picket— Hawklet, by Hawkswick. Trainer. S. Williams. Ow-er. W, Overton. OMMF.Gnda 1-4 l:t4%fast 38 11111 12 12 1. 12* • I-: Aantarse 12 Briatow, ArenJr*. Baonaaaillanat ■ WKWF.C.nfis 11-16 1:53 hvy 8 Ml 17 7 7 ii4 3:!E Pool I M. Rankin. Vthnlius. Dabiahll. 59892 F.Gnds lm7dy 1 £2%hvy 1"0 M .".6 6 6 fi C» J Wallace 8 8*0 Cove. Runraf, Rep tf238 .leffson 1 1-4 2:07 fast 81 104J 14 5 6 4- 4*1 L Coney I On High. Gourmand, Devlldog- 5M9X .lef fson 11-81:84 fast :» lOlill 11 11 11 8JS" L Coney 11 Gorilla, Z.dArmee, AttoryMulr r 5.I152 .leffson 1 l:4t%trood 7 M7 Mil 11 11 7 51S N J B*rnesll Damoris, Dmingo, Flypaper 69055 Jeff son 1 3-lti IJBfoSOod 0 lu4 6 6 6 5 4J 3i N J Brnes 7 OldFaithful, On High, Blazonry f I ■ J • i . ■ 1 l ; 1 i , , , THERESA, b. f. 4 M 106 By Sain— Bashford Belle, by Falsetto. Trainer. R. Williams. Owner, G. J. Long 108 K Im is 3-4 l.ll.-.ia.-t 12 II" I 1 5| 7»1 I l Mil -12 Brkttow Archive. Bln-som House KIM F.Gnda 3-4 l:14%nlo« M M2|9 I I fi !•" W Lancet 10 Bandy II, Pnilanderer, Aetreaa 8MM F.C.nds 3-4 1 :20 hvy 40 Mi S 11 11 11 11" W Lancet 11 Bon. Blue. Arrhive. ;rannr Lee ■8*4 3-4 l:14%good 30 Ml 7 9 9 9l S11 W Lancet 18 Troilus, «;rnnny Lee, Inn hfield MR. GRAFTER, ch. g, 3 M 104 By King James— Rosecrest, by Goldcrest. Trainer. J. H. Baker. Owner. J. H. Baker. eat*5 FGnda I i ■ 115 M U 11 li- ii- R RonTcUilS Miracle Man, Braendn, fill lai a 59fi81 F.CncIs lanMy l:45%fast 50 103 8 1111 11 11 ll"1 R Ranelll 11 Lit. Ammie. Hermoden, LkvtHrl M573 F.Gnds lm7ov l:47%good 30 103 10 7 9 12 12 12" S Romellil2 M.Rappold, Hermoden. Archire 59414 F.Gnds BJ f 1 :074fast 30 Mill 11 11 11 ll"B Mair*elU11 Gam. Curton. Petie. Lit. Ammie 59318 Jeff son 5-8 1 :0]%fast 12 117 5 7 6 6 6" J Butwell 10 Hillsdale, SunTime. Van. Dreader 59279 Jeff son 6J f 1 :08%f ast 15 115 10 8 8 SI 8" H King V2 Crk o KM. By Gosh. 11 1 1 Mark TOREST MAJOR, ch. c, 3 M 99 By Star Shoot — My Princess, by Ogden. Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. R. Skinker. ::;ii P.Gnda i l:and3%mud 11 119 ■• 1 ■■ I i,u !•• L Cotaejr 8 Oanaart, Ban Tnmt Pfcgn 33 MSB K.Gnda I -I t:M%hvy M 114 7 5 5 6i 7" H King 9 Delhi Slaid, Galeta. Our Betsy BLACK WATCH II. . b. g. 5 M 116 By Majdonald II.— Black Venus, by Kantaka. Trainer. W. Woodard. Owner. W. Woodard. 318 F.Gnds 1 l-lfi l:4*%fast 31 112 ". fi 7 I »■ g •■ , Morris 8 BalM Ko.k. Cacfcrssark, CBtwanni B338 F.GBda 1 1-3 2-o.i:.hvy 40 112 fi fi fi 7 3* $•• L Morris J sUefecHaa, PiekMi.-k. YngAdam 9397 r.Gnda 1 1-16 1;4S «fast 20 l"9 7 fi 6 5 6» S» L Morris S Fnorinite. Pickwick. Great Gull 59212 .leffson I 1 I 1 WUfnnt 1" 1 10 fi 6 6 -5 6J o»i I Morris 7 Lavaga. Toreador. Montague 5S493 MapleH. 3-4 1:21 %hvy 6 l"i I 7 7 7 7" P Long 12 Bermont, Louis Adair, Doyle 58360 Lexton 3-4 1:16 slow 43 115 7 7 M 10 10« R Harton 11 Kimpalong. La Foudre. FrankV. 58293 Lex ton 1 1-4 2:05*Bfast 65 112 9 10 10 10 8l 7" H Barnes 13 Flypaper. Marie Rappold. Plato POWDER RIVER, b. g. 5 M 116 By Ossary— Sweet Roederer, by Scarborough. Trainer. D. McDermid. Owner, D. McDermid. BMtt Whcclg Ab5-S 1:03 fast 9 113 6" E Smith 8 Lit.Nieee. Tiilol.-y. H.Harttnan EVER BOLD, b. c. 3 M 99 By Hespems — Bella Mayes, by Borgia or Borghesl. Trainer. T. B. Mumford. Owner, E. Hawkins. 99085 F.Gnds E f 1 !••- ..hvy M 115 1 9 6 6 V C Ponce 12 Miracle Man, Braruda, Birkvr* 59780 F.Gnds 1-4 1:11 mud M IM 7 4 4 7,j ff*j Wilson 11 M.Crestwd, D.Vardea, EMM F.Gnda 5 f 1:07--fast 12 lllj Lost rider. H J Burkell DeofBiaker, P.MJcao, M Maxim 59507 F.Gnds H f l:10=.-.hvy 8 108 9 9 5 6J 7»J F Cltilettil2 Ietie. Lit. Patsy, f I Jjtttk Jlu 59154 Jeff son :;-4 1 15 good 20 109 1 12 12 11« ll» H Gregoryl2 Simplicity. BinlieG.. FdKinney 59032 Jeff son 3-4 1:17 slow 10 113 1 9 9 71 7" H Gregory 9 Voogeria, LkyUirl. K.Brummsl WADE McLEMORE. ch. c. 4 M 116 By MeeUck— Meadow, by Leonid, Trainer. R. N. Vestal. Owner. G. L. Blackford. .hiii F.Gnds I II i:."P h 109 B 1 1 I S 7 .1 Cor ai 8 R.ofPleasare, Costigaa In Verde MM2 F.Gnds f 1:1"-.hvy pv p. fi T T T T1* K Robbins 7 High Cost, Mnlciber Serai. is SMM F.Gnda -4 l:13%fast 20 114 9 10 9 8J 8ri El Robbinsll M.uliiavi Hi. .lerrv Actual ■9573 F.Gnda InaTOy l:4T%»ood 8 112 11 9 8 6 7» I" K Pool IS M.BanpaM, llrrnialia. Anhive SS78T J.-ff son 1-4 l:14%fast M 112 10 10 lo M l "-:- R Davies jo Mm- Bo.linc. Doric, The Moor 56S93 La tenia 1 1 :..9%f ast 69 106 4 6 « 6 6 •»• J D Mney « Boa Valet, Bunga Puck Bettlna •rfi39 F C.nrls fij f 1 :07%fa?t 12 110 1 14 8* 8«t S McGraw 13 Jim Fog. Repent. Damorls GRACE KING. b. f. 4 Ml 111 By Judge Wright— Princess Thorpe, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. E. C Crockett. Owner. J. S. Watson . , ii - •• H»1J i ■". . ; : : Wilson 7 La Kroxs, K-nufi-in r Taan .■ 19 F.Gnds 3-1 1:2" hvy mi IM ii ;• i" ■•- P i. i one] II Bon. Bine, Arrhive Granny Lea 59678 F.Gnda S I I : I "•" 1"l 8 8 8 7- 7" L tfelVott 8 Binil.-.l.lir. Cerastalk Briatow •152 J.-ff son 1 l:42%a;ood M Ml s 9 8 8 10t 10" R McDottll Damons. D-minco. rijnipiil i Jeff son 14fl:I0%slow M 112 M 10 10 9= :v~ L McDottl2 Moeletian, Donatelkt, Scarpiall. ,7351 B.Grasa I l:19%nrad 7 102 4" L Canflehl I Qn.Ward. Tenallee, S.i.WicKins .fiii;:. B.Grasa f f 1 *9% slow 8 lit 6" .1 Sinwoo-i Balnor, Nan. Black Watek II. iS37S B.Grasa 1 I M .mud 107 42 J Smwood .". rut. lies. Dolce Tnkalan. BTng

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Local Identifier: drf1922021401_4_3
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