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. EAST INDIAN BY A HEAD » Scores Grand Triumph in 0,000 Baja California Handicap. a Jockey Thompson Shares in Glory of the Victory — Furbelow Great in Defeat. rill ANA. Mexico, Pebraary IS. A g 1 harse .nl good Jockej are ■ coaiMaatiaa which i- often bard to beat. Jockey C. Tboaapaoa and Bast demonstrated tlii- fact yesterdaj urhea thej took first honors in the 010.000 Barja California Handicap, at oae and .in- sixteenth miies. It aras Bast Indian that again proved the ii.-m.--i- ..f the Peter Pan marc Furbelow, for it a- the second thae I a- many -tart- that the former vanquished the latter by a small margin. l.i-t Sun-; .-1 ;. East Indian, ranryiag 112 pounds lo Purbeiows 11 ;. beat her bj a seek in tin- Tijuana Busineaa Mens Handicap, at a mile and a sixteenth, ,i ■ fast track. Vesterday osier a heavy track, with a pi.itnd differeace between the tv... bat that in favor of Ki-t Indian, be again thundered acrasa the winning line witb the major portion of lii- goo«l _ head showing in front However, to Jockey Ti ■ inps.-n belongs Ho- bulk of the praise, foi be clearlj rode Jockej Harrington, on Furbelow. great field of thoroughbreds i.-.l for honors a the first of Tijuanas major -iak.-- and of iln-eleven carded to start overnight niae answered the -all ..f tin- bugle. Owner ■ Watkins»B withdrew Tailor Maid, while the Bronx stable elected to send Sunnyland after the rich prise and -a.- Be Frank for the future. The start was a good oae, Morrisfcey catching the fiehl .in even terms, witi ly the fraction -d a !- delay. Motor Cop. uliiiii Saturday was humbled hj tlie sensational colt Lantados in a -|.e.-ial race, aras a starter in the fixtare and at Hi,. ii,. of the barrier t..k up the running. He led by a gcod margin around the first turn and down the backstretcb, withParbeiow, Plaael and Sunnyland l.i- closesl rival-. During the early running fockej Th niii-..n was sol hurrying East ladiaa, being coatenl to place him ..n the outside in the best u..ihl. Bounding the for turn there was a general closing up of the field, with Motor Cop -till setting the pace. Here East Indian was called on and be qaiekly raced up into a contending position, retaialag additional -l i for the final brash Entering Ihe Motor Cop tired and. exhausted, fell back lo tin- rear. THOMFSON SEES AN OPENING. Then game little Furbelow took np the rauning. with East Indian and Begresu ranging op along side of her. The three Jockeys sat dawn t«. ride for that bountiful -um ahich awaited the victor. Stride for stride t ht-y measured aa they approached the g al. Then suddenly Begreso tired and Pnrbe low swerved*. It was -it tbi- moment that Tboaip- took advautage of the break and. calliag on East Indian for a supreme effort With band- and In ■•!-. the black and gold colors of George J. Mill. a flashed past the winning i •■- to a bead victory. Furl-clow was -till fighting with the heart of a lion at the -o.l and finished a leagth and a half in front of Begres i. Those » In. closely observed the race wen of the opinion that had the mare kept -traight she pcrhaiw would have survived the desperate dael and would have been returned the winner. Such are the vicls si f tides -f racing. lit taking third asoaey Begreso ran i corking go i race. At osx stage of the race be was In last position, a docen lengtlia behind the :, uler, and ;v.-t midway in the stretch be a- ii in.. -i . n even terms with Parbelow. l!."..i Ids off.. n from tlie half tail.- post i the stretch to make up the ground evident Ij took much out of him and in consequence be tired at the crucial mo in. nl Of those which followed in the wake of Ihe first three the oalj harse that bad an exeaae la offei w.i- Lodge. II.- was in close quarters soon after the start and Jockey C. II. Miller was forced to take him up. Planet, the good foar-year-old, which was coupled in the betting with Furbelow, showed a flash of -pi-.-!, bat hi- illness during the early day- of tlii- aseetiag has evidently left it-maik with ti,.- youngster and be i- far from ih-good horse he was in his only three-year-old f nn Another record breaking crowd waa on band sun day. The weather araa ideal far raring purposes, a warm sun beating down throughout the day. M.i tor travel was the heaviest of the naeetiag and the parking space outside the track was inadequate t-i handle the automobiles, with the result that . • r. parked up the highway alaaasl t.. the bordt -- edge MIKE DIXON A BIG SURPRISE. Barring the econd the ra im: was formful. fa r rites and second choices accounting for the long pud of il- purses! Mike Dixon proved the surprise in the second, winning at better than :j:? t. 1. n -i-iii- tin- fact that in- won iii- previous race tin-talent aiaaosl entirelj overlooked him, with tin-result that be pah] the liberal price mentioned above. He to.,k the favorite, F I Hop.-, into .amp. showing her the «;n bj two Ipagths at the end. One of tlie i l seat rinish. - of 11 daj was recorded in the fourth race, in srhieh [jrvaga arith the proaaisiag M. Fa tor in tin- saddle, triumphed .. Plaatag ; !.. a nose, aith Mistake thirl Master Fator r..l.- an excellent race, makiag his i ..i experienced rival. I Hum, took lik.- a n.i n i- when it came down to a nlp-and tuck finish Ed i. Soule. owner of Begal Lodge, astarter in th-- I.aja California Handicap, came down from In- lionte in Oakland. Cal., to witness the running of the stellar eveat. Mr. Boule Intends t-. ri here for the remainder of the meeting Bill Smith, brother ..f the fatuous plunger of bj gone days, "Pitsbargh Phil," was a gaest at the i-lubhoiisc- today He i- the proud owner of the In -lianap. lis baseball dub and outside .d that sport racing i- next dear si t.. In- heart Harry Moiiiaaej reported that the first foal at his Ki-mpland Kann. mar Lexingtoa, Ky., i- a haj ...It by Great Britain storm Bound. It i- owned by George M. Hendrie. the arell-known Canadian I in f man. The brown gelding Louis, bj Leaaid l»..!l Haj man. baa lost the -igbt of hi- right eye through an infection. The sightless member i- as bright a-ean be and the ailment has pusxled the veterinarians I Jockey George Carroll i- a receat arrival hen from New Orleans. /. Barnett, win. Buffered a serious automobile accident before the commencement «.i the meeting, in Which he sustain..! a compound fracture of tin- ribt leg. ha- left the hospital and wn- at tin- track yesterdaj However, he has not entirely recovered and i- confined to ■ wheel chair.