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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1922. Fair Hill until l mile. Thirty-seventh day. liii-iuo— Men- Baciiig A-socia t ion. Winter Meetiag of .",p day- Weather cloudy: temperature 68". Stewards. K C Smith, M. Macfarlaa. A. C~Mchle and-L. M. Holmes. Judges. J~B~~ Campbell and Joseph McLennan. Starter. A. B. Dade. Raring Secretary. Joseph Mclennan. Bating -tarts at 1M5 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. ftil9A FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile.. Jan. 19. 1922—34—2—114. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. tlvasOv Maidens, Special Weights, Net value to winner 00: seoond. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt , cj -~-4 Str Kin Jockey- Owners T 11 C P S~" A I LIK iCHS w 113 1 I I- P M Garner W Daniel V. i i3-.,6-5 .1-5 . 88148 DEARIE w BJ ". I l".. 2". L Morris Wondanl t K 2 1 58788 KKWHK S a lit 4 :: :j- 3] J Butwell P ,1 Laviu I ■ I 4-5 2-5 SlX.NV DUCROW w 111 _ s 5»* 4» F Muriihv C K Rowe ■ I •; ■ C-0 39799 ELIZABETH BHICEw 113 ti 7 91 5* J D MneyS Skinner JO JO 30 12 6 ."■ !"! LILAC TIME 113 7 6 K Weiner Waldeck SUUc M 10 M I - MAY BUDDY v 110 | 4 8 7 1" Smith .Mays Lake Farm M 1" 1". I I FULL PUN m ll ; II I 7* M C DvhmonC T Worthingtiin M IS ir I I t SOPHIA GOLDMAN a iin I I 41 M .1 RodguezShea Stable M ::n M 12 I 1 StvSff maR[ .m:i.i.a « us 12 11 14" io E l i .i M Goode m IS IS c G4M79 A MOLE v. Hi. I U li 11 F CttilettiH T Uriffin :: I 3$ M 1 - « N1M BESSIE LEIGHTON a 113 18 I II i- C Ponce ll RoaeaeJaer 1" If ! 4 I : Time. ISlfc. 35 = .,. Track fa-t. , Winner B. f hj North Star III Lady InstaUator, by InstaBator trained by A. ;. Rlakely; bred [ b] Mr. Tl las .1 Khan i. U.i.i in post i i l !. .i past :! minute* Htarl fowl and slow. Won easily: aecond and tMrd driv- ii in: in rroni an inside post position, took a R I lead al once and am* never in danger «,t j .i fei t DEARIE, aim beginning well, followed the irinnei rioaelj and made ■ tame Inisli. REWPIK s. sunTered from Interference Noon aftei tin- utart, but came fi-i through the -t r.t.h. si V DIcrow t a i- going fast al tht ad after closing a gap. LILAC TIME bad im mishaps. Her • i . ii .i!is- »-itil!. Gibson. 110: 0007H Ithlete, 116: •;iil7 The Plainsman. I1C; Milt Antonia, US. Overweight! . arp P 1 pound; Sophia Goldman, •"•. /r_r 0-| SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. i Feb. 9. 1918— 1 illVb— 6—116. Purse ,000. 4-year-old.; Dl/Aili l uai apward. Claiming. Net value to winner S700: cond. S2C0: third. 00. "iri.l. 11.777 AWtPPSt % j n Fin Jockeys Owners 11 C V S 60141*.Ml"KIHY WB 9 MC I i 1 1 1 1" J J Owens R T Walls I 7 i ii I I 49434 MACHIAVELL1 ill! •• I •] Sj 21 A Wilson G Arvin I 4 3 7-5 7-M 99474 *ROLO . i 1166 11 4 ; Breningi Oddo I 8 8 3 S-5 I 944M3*LOCARNO n 4 M7 8 5 I 11 1: 1 | A GantnerG J Long 8 12 12 S 21 59111 188CME a 8 166 I 7 7 4* l S] i. Morris .1 Leonard 3 14 2 59477 BIT OP i;REKN wb 4 M4 i 1" BJ ■ 8" I E Barnes i: R Bradley s s x :, I 94MI3 i ■! r l.i l_ASS wn 7 14* 2 3 • ." Lang .1 Randolph 8-3 i 949MM FLYING ilti- wb 5 M01 ."■ " l" - ll Thomas C Applegati 1 i 16 I - Kfltttfl ROSECLIFF i l 1 M : 8 9 10* 10= 9 .1 Wallace J .1 OHara l I 12 6 2fltS4*PRINCES.s LOP w 5 Ml 611 II 11 n hi Roach i. .1 Brown 5a |i ■ ICO i 0 1 39999 PORT LIU HI MB 9 111 3 - 3 • 11 F Wi ner W O Stoner 14 la r C 3 Time. 23.-,. 47. 1:13«5. Track fast Winnei B. g, i • M .• • Intrigue, bj kingvl trained bj i: I Watts; bred by li Charles ". = Went ti i" -i • 2 I! i no«1 2 ninn en. Start good and don Won easily; aecond and third drii in. MIKPHY began I -i and. Hliowing the bhwI «peed. - I a fa»1 pan and. aithoogh tiring la the lit . pic th. won bj ■ -.i aaargia klACHIAYELLi ran a | i re and u.i- gaining last at the end. ROLO raced la rloaeRt imrMill t i the last eighth and tired badly. LOCARNO ran a good race. AssiMK ran i well aad bad na mishap* FLYING ORB was awenring otit la the atretch ; Rrratched fWiai IliilandenT. 104: 0005W I icamho, 113; rdHO.7 Harp ••! the North, I0t; 5flafiM Steren- - n. 103; 50078 Jai k ill 101. Orel . Ighta Flj lag I m; . J!_. |ioanda. t C*f*yfy*y THIRD RACF— 5 l-2 rnrlata *-°- 19- lSlo— 1:053.-,— 4— 129. Pam ,000. 4-year- D"oai olds :.ih! upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 5100. I, Horwen AWt PP«t j ; % 8tr Fin JoT-keys iiv.n r- Q H C P s" 5R033 BL1 e" i R I i - ..!; Barnes I! .1 Brannon W . »-:• :,! :,7 OL TAYLOR wb 6 in* 7 1 I .11 Thomas W Bavaacartner M 12 12 .-»!M :-sl RISING ROCK : ;"• 1 3 I F Smith .1 Mcllierson I :. 7-5 7 10 i 1.012.-; A ALEXANDER * ■ 108 7 7 7 I Wilson .1 Randolph 8 M 8 : B-j IM14S ARROWHEAD r • . M G I L Holland t I r 8-5 1-3 i 8dt4t 1 ANAMAN w 7 111 11 I P J P I Ponce l Knight S 7 SS-4and3 UPLE JACK ii 6 111 4 S F Uni diy «• Wendel IMIMI ACE OP w - ■ i: "■ 101 Hi II II :■ ■ 8 I Dwene I A Applegate 13 15 10 4 2 SM«5GR6CND SW ; !. v:. Ii: I ■■ r Weincr r McGar-e: 6 l .-.Si I REDMON r i S I" tO" ! WliamsE .1 Salt 13 15 13 i I MIM BSQI n:; aa I IU I i" S" 11 ll ll .1 Butwell i in Schoich 3« 30 .•• 12 h Ifaaw. 243. 46,. 1:C0. 1:06-,. Track fast. Winner B, m bj Helmet Baadello. by Kingston I rained bj B 1 Brani : bred bj Mr, Edward : K. Rradlej i i W. hi in |mm 3:00. t |mm I :? minutes Start and ] ■« Wt»a driving: s I and third |1 i,, K:ime. RLIK PARADISE ifti racing in i-IoseKl |inrsnit ; r. in the atart. finHhed l.i-t and gi Ij itad imtKtayed COL TAYIjOB through the last fifty raids. COL l*AYLOR showed the aaosl early speed I ami made a gaaae finish RISING ROGK siiffen-d from Interferenci and had t«i iiane aride in the strel I. in hi- going at Ha- end. ARCHIE ILEXANDEH began tangled up and finished with a rush. « ARROWHEAD liad mi misliaps. | , tched lOOOHOlSagamnri ItW K0038 ricklish, 111; 90142 Moi istery, UM; 90141 Rep, 111; 110080 1 1 1 Hidden Jewel, 100. Overweight* Bin* Paradise, - : pomads; Rednaoa i nQafi* * TOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Eel-.. 8. 1915— l:242i— 3— 110. Lake Shore Handicap. "J"-el «i Pure 1.500. 3-year-o!db. Not value to wiasaw SI. 000: second. S200 : third. 50: Jourth. 0. Index I ]..r- - AWt PI St 4 Btr Fin Jockey: iiwn.i » Vl C V 8~ R4M39 SWEEPY i E Iool J L Holland S 7" ,»IXH XI IP SONG B 11 " 1 ! ; l :: ll Thomas G Konigsa il«l ; r 8-3 7-10 i OOISI i:1 V K BETT1 »B 1- i 6 C C l-ans M Smith 14. !-5 »-l i : "!»r i; YASHMAK rs 106 0 S 8 * 7 I1 F Cltil ttiH P Whitne 36 20 0 I I r«OI2lFl BALL »• 108 1 3 : C Ponci .1 R Skinker .". 31 16-56-5 3-3 ."! i»7" iSHLAND wb 103 I 7 ■ ." • M Garn rC Weideman 3 31 :. 1 1-2 SOO30 BILL1 lilXX i MR 7 7 Wilson l Knebelkamp 10 12 12 3 2 :.ii~4; COMR M *MEEKIN I!1 ;1416"»8 8 8JZ Bros H I". 13 "■ Time. 233.,. 4745 1:1* 1:2G2-,. Tiack fast. v m . B. ■ i- Sweej Enanwdine, i Vl.isett«i itraincl by V. Shields; tared by Mr. -I S. Town aend I. | : i 1., no : it : 1. Al |i"-i ■"• minntes. Start u."id i ml I a Won driving: second aad third the aamc SWEEP! et I la ■ • irlj |taci then fid lowed COMIC sum; rloselj to the last eighth and outstayed iiim in tin- dosing strides. COMIC SONG, also racing in improved form, rushed Into a u"»l lead ■-•"•ii after the start and made a auit- finish. BLACK BETTI suffered from Interferenci soon after . .• start ami moved np fast when dear. YASHMAK closed an immense gap. FL! BALL and ASM- l.AMt suffered from Intel fen m . . i.ti|...| . .nis-,,,111:1,1.1. ir. 111. 00039 Devooite, 103. == i AAAQ A FIFTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miler. Feb. 27. 19C4— 1 :58--.— 5—107. ,000 Added. 4-year- | OvFcl ~4 ;!ds and upv; rd Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 2i: third. 14. i ! ,,l. v ii. , - AWtPPSl U L- Str Fin Jockeys Owners » U i-!-- ■ . ] i Ml 7 77 FSli KSTKR II. w 6 SS 3 4 4 1 PI [j G BrenlngW I Bernhardt 6 8 8 3 64170 KXHORTER a - 144 2 4 2* _ 11 Tnoma G M ll ndrie 3 18-53 1 i 2 64144 ! l Y LILLIAN i I I ■ 6 i; 7 kC Fonx E Hankins 16-516-54 .",!»",."».■ DAINTY I. ASS w I 102 I 1 5* ■ ■ i ! A Wilson J s Ownbej ». 7 7 21 6-5 I SOOOt* BRITISH I.IVK w4MG .1 Owen i I Pendergasl 10 15 15 601 II* PIT wb 9 108 7 7 7 i; i. ■ • Lang .1 Phillip* i I3-52J I 3 f7dS* WICK FORD 109 1 2J 7 7 7 J Wallaci K McOarvey 8 m . 7-5 Tim.-. 24-.. 49. 1:14%, 1:41. I:f4%, 2:01;,. Track fast. Winner B. g, bj Irish Lad Artless, bj Hamburg trained bj l Woaaeldorff; bred in Franc by Mr. ll man B. I ui yea I. . nt to p.- : 57. At post t minnte. Start -•» and slow. AVaii driving; second and third the saaae. IRHKSTl K I! vblie saving mncfa ground nn-ed into the lead with a rush • • 1 1 ih - stretch turn ; and held BXHORTER safe in tlie final drivi EXHORTKR was a close up contender all lln- way ami i , finished resolutely. l.A!» LILLIAN closed a big rap Into a IaM going third. DAINTY LABS ran well, l, at in-, il as 11 -ii.ii. FIT retired after riiallenging m.-na. in_l. on tlie stretch turn. WICKFORD quit i leading to tl" backstreteh. i s. i. it. -in-i, IMMI I Anna Gallup, .!•: 38061 Royal Duck, 112; 09170 Dancing Spraj 104; 90193 loiinny .. ertou 107 i17n Kingfisher. 106; Ii0103-Current Events, ln7. 5007H Romeo, 11.! Overweights Iwi ntj l-ass, 1 pound : CA90K SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mil-:. Feb. 13. 1915—1:44*—3—104. ,000 Added. 4-year-OvTe- «3 »!di and npward. Claiminij. Net value to winner S7C0: aocond, 21: third, 14. ln,|, Horses AUtiis- j s. i ,,, Jockeys Owners " H C 1 S M~ti7i »CORSt N w 6 102 i l X GantnerB C Bunbury "~7-107-lni-2 I-.", mil ] 59039 HARK WEST wb 5 108 i j Sl 1 l 2 i. Morris Sunnyland Sth I 8 8 9-5 7-10 64146 QUITO wb 7 102 6 i ; J McCo; .1 Carney 20 20 li 60172 l K BLEUE7 98 7 4 - I r Lang I. Seregni m 1." 15 ."• 2 £•4341 MAB v 101 Is F Weiner li T Batchler v 15 15 . r.;;: NOHANT wb i M6 7777. E Imbroa i A Appleg I 8 » 9 ■ ,014i- CtKKROACH ... . • I 7 , II Thonuue !■ Howard 3 ! I : Time. 2433. 49. 1:14-. 1:41. 1:483... Track fast. Winner Ch _ bj Ivaa the TerriMi Frogmore, bj Quicklime trained by B. C. Bunbury; bred b] Ii l-;.lu in 8. Gardnei , Wen to |* ■ i 19 Al post 1 nun. it.- Start good and alow. Won handily; aecond and third driving. CORSON, i-lose up from the start, had t. be ridden strongly in the stretch, but overhauled MARK WES1 last sixteenth and aron L"it away. UARK WEST ran a good race and held i. gamely la the fin I Irive. QUITO showed improved form and «a- going well al Ihe end tOt KROACH »vas done aftei going a lialf mile in tin lead. Scratched HtgWl Napthnlins. Hat; :.d!7t Far. 101; i;iiiis7 Brown Bill, Hs. Ovi .-ilit~ Corson. 1 pound; Mark Wesl 2*j; Quito. :;. I.. Blenet. I; Sonant, 2. £*£V f l aC5 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-iG Milts. iFcb. 13. 191i— 1 :4445— 3— 1C4. ,000 Added 4-year-O1ro 0 elds and upw?id. Claimine. Net value to winner S7C0: tecond. 21: third. £114. 1,„|, n,,,-.. s AWtPPSl , •, str Kin Jockeys Owner* t» II r 1" s~ j HMI HUONI ■ ~~ I i"i 7 6 l"~l ~ 1« 1 7-7 Low- V~~. _ H.777i ■- C :i77i"7 04171 lili;i . wn I 99 -" i ! . - . .1 Wallace W E Jones 13-34-5 1-6 Hill PIRATE McGEE a 5 MM ■ 7 5" 5 l! M Garner J Stocklej 8-5 2 3-2 2-5 1 S ■41441 PAULA wn 7 M9 6 4 2 i 17 AmbroaeA Fmley 8 1". 12 I 94l7f PANSY * 1 ■• . H Thomas F .1 Kahn l". :• 15 5 2 . !♦ •. MAIZE a 3 :«". 1 l . ; t •• i ; BreningFarnum ft Fixer 16 20 : • B 4 04171 KORDECK « 5 1W 1 ! Loat rider. .1 l MneyC Chappell S - I 3 7-3 Tiiiifc, 24*,. 49-,. 1:15. l:4i0. 1:48,. Track fast. u ,.,,,, , Br . bj IIiiiih Am-. d..i. . bj T N-hiltree trained bj K A. Hit. Id: bred bj Mr. Willis i s ..-ii -p.- Kiliin ii Went i" |««*l ii 4:11. At i "-i 1 minute. Start u I and sh»w. Woa easily; aecond and third i i i iag Ml ON El rushed mi" the lead soon alt, r the start and held swa] thruughanl to aria in a caater. PHELAN raced foraardly ail IIm waj and laished gamely. PIRATE McGEE closed a gap. PAULA V tired in lite stretch. VORDECK was rrowded and i.dl Iteavilj nn tin Oral turn. Scratched 90171 Dickie U 106; 09091 Dalmhiah 11. 101; 90146 Black Watch II. 101; .".nils Plato, in ii. t uretgl i- Xi i ■!• i . ! Bounds. :