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: i . , I : . 1 j j i I I I i j I I i I I 1 ! i HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES The Past Perfomsnce* of the horses entered | I at Havre de Grace Monday will be r.rin?ed in I ! Mondays edition of Daily Racing Form. «• * Probabilities: Weather clear; track good Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago UaM 1:30. ® NiiPiior mud runner. X Good mul runner. :•: Pair mud runner. II Maidens. •Apprentice alio wan e. b Clink. -rs. First Race — 1-2 Kile. HarfonI Junior Purse. Purse ,200. 2-yeir-olds. Allow... I;"*. Track record: April L9, 1918 — 47-. 112. 1 days Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A Wt.llan. 61811 Woodland 112 :48, 110. .725 60373 True Flier 118 -.47*-, 110X720 611?0» Daniel 116 :492s 1MX71S OS Setting Sun M.. 110.. 710 Osajro 110 Veronica 107 Irish Pat liO Keenan 110 Second Race — About 2 Miles. MMptedasft, Pur-e ..~.00. 4 year-olds and upward. S. -Iling. 58580 Le V* !■■■!■ R 149X700 ,54035 Bronze K.ijle 7 142. .695 58009= Infidel II 9 141X690 57829 fii«ht Captain .. S 13ft.. 690 61216 Fair Mae 12 14* 190 55205 Smitlifield 10 13* X MS 58229 Sinn Feiner II. M 4 131. 685 53692 •Hfcfktoai Lad ill. 8 139X685 £8566 J Brigaaaa M 4 131X680 58603 Kathrju Harlan iM S 139.. 6S0 47235 la-tora M 7 133. .680 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Pure tl.200. 3 -year-olds and upward, Claiming. Tra-k record: Sept. IT, 1919— 1:11 — S 128. 61250 intra Cold 116 l:12f. 7 109. .750 612r6 Bright Lights 103 1:12% 6 KUX745 61251 War Note 105 1:12 6 115X740 58664 arm. indole 109 1:11-, 5 126x740 59382 I«5ds Love 108 1:12 6 115x740 56522 bSidereul 3 113. .740 COS54 Lnd Man 112 1:12% 5 1 1 5 X 735 61145= Sweeny Ill 1:13M; 3 110X735 5S7J0 hArrah Co On 113 1:14% 7 117x730 59271 Sagacity 109 1:13 4 110*"25 611S0 «bl night of the Heather 113 1:12% 4 122X725 61221 bTroubler 110 1:15% I 99X725 5868i« Tidings 10311:12% 4 108x725 56371 bLEclair 115 1:14% 4 115. .720 Fourth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Toggery Purse. Iure ,200. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Alowances. Track record: April 16, 1921— 1:05.;,-3 -108. 573043 Second Thoughts. . .124 1:06% 118x750 58484 Prelude 110*1:07% 108x745 611SS» bBountiful 112 1:05% 102. .745 60188 Penitent 107 1:06% 10SX745 68682 Koulette 112 1:06 104X740 61161 All Fair 114 1:07 112X740 61189 «;ra -e Mayers 108 1:07% 104. .740 68322- onfusion tM 102 1:07 OR v 735 60102= litimata 107 1:08 102x735 61180 bSailiug Along 96 1:07% 102.. 735 53803 The Vengeance ...104 1:08% 102x730 58747 Maryland Belle ...112 1:08% 102x730 Firth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Kdgewood Purse. Purse ,500. 4 -year-olds and npward. Track record: Sept. 25, 1915— 1:42%— 4-119. 61282 OUR FLAG 4 106x750 58585 Jeg 104 1:43% 4 109x740 68721 bFairway I 106X735 58749s Halu 106 1:49s 4 109x735 90189 Merrimae 107 1:44% 4 106x730 61215= Turn McTaggart ..112 1:144% 8 109®725 61281 bDuc de Moray 10711:45% 4 106x725 Sixth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,200. 4-y ear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 27, 1010— 1:50— •"• 126. 61252 Sister Flo 4 103X725 61176= Midnight Snn 103 1:53% 7 113X720 61252 bAjmue 5 108x715 61284 .Verity 104 1:56% 6 103X715 604C0 bK.ival Duck 112 1:53 5 108. .715 61252- •Tri.k-ter II 108 1:54 6 112x710 60432 Cote dOr 108 1:56% 4 100. .705 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 18, 1920-l:44%-3 138. 57550 Phalaris 110 1:46% 7 101X725 61224= Iron Hoy 105 1:47% 6 105x720 57490 bKol-ter 10911:45% 7 1«X715 60536: t.Lary Lou 109 1:46% 8 108®715 61000 •Kosate 105 1:46% 4 100X715 61249= »Biyngar 105 1:50% 5 91. .715 57346 Prunes 88J1:48% 7 101x715 61237 Vanity Dresser 3 9 . .710 61279 Pansy 05 1:47% 4 9t!X710 58655 Drifting M 3 t-9. .705 61260 Car Ill 1 :50%i 5 105 x 705 61050 •Hill Hunley 08 1:46% 7 105x705 55059 l.Ravenswood M . . 3 89.. 700 55821 Refugee 113 1:46% 9 101*700 61284 bMary Jane Baker.. 107 1:47% 4 100X700 61039 Dolly C 104 1:47% 4 105x700 65535 Thistle Qneen 108 1:48% 8 101.. 700 61237 Veiled Colleen 3 85X700 61038 Little Dear 95 1:49% 4 101X700