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SATURDAYS OPENING SPECIAL Havre de Grace ... WON This special was sent to hundreds of followers throughout the country. You know my past record. Here is an exact list of my last five horses. Jean F $ 5.40- Won Jock Scot $ 4.00- 2nd Attorney Muir. $ 3.40- Won Lucky Girl . . . 5.30- Won War Note $ 4.00- Won NEVER SENT MORE THAN ONE HORSE. Have never sent out a horse I didnt file with the Racing Form. In business at same address for eighteen months. I HAVE NEVER DONE BUSINESS UNDER ANY NAME BUT J. F. BALDWIN I absolutely play every horse sent out for many hundreds and I pay large sums for my information. Do you want more convincing proof of my reliability? How long are you going to be misled by irresponsible people? How long are you going to waste your valuable time, shatter your nerves and lose your money? Why not join hands with a man of affairs, a man whose word is his bond, a man that can furnish the very highest business and banking references? I invite you to call and see me. I invite you to look up my record in the business world. My credit is good with everyone, whether they are connected with the mercantile lines or with racing. Believe I know a sure winner barring accidents for Tuesday, April 18. This is a specially-prepared proposition and my connections expect a nice long price. Goes rain or shine. YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS IT. NEW TERMS — Send immediately the price of six ten-word messages from New York and agree to wire promptly the winnings of a 0.00 straight play after you collect. No second telegram sent to anyone that does not remit for winners. If you cannot comply with my terms, go elsewhere. Absolutely no further wires will be sent to anyone in arrears for winners. In sending your subscription be sure to send your correct business or residence address. Positivley no telegrams sent collect nor any telegrams sent in care of telegraph company. You know who you are doing business with and I must know who I am doing business with. Have neither the time nor the inclination to do business with fakers, welchers or irresponsible people. Business men need have no fear that I will peddle their names, as I regard all communications with strictest confidence. I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN j 1303 LEXINGTON AVENUE : : NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ! TELEPHONE LEOX «1 10 or OOS. WIN : WITHOUT WORRY! For Steady Profits Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, Take Fnll Advantage of the Laws of Average. These Laws Make Millions for the Insurance Companies Every Year. OPERATE THE SCIENTIFIC GAINWAY SAFETY SYSTEM "Safety Is Its Middle Name." WIN JUST AS I AM WINNING! The wideawake, ever-ready-to-learn fellows — the get-there type — will not overlook this proposition. Its an all-year winner — an every-year winner. Ton can check it up yourself and make sure before starting. Can be played at or away from the tracks. All wagers can be placed at noon. No need to know the results of races until the next day. Positively not a "doufolinp-np" place or show system, but one that gives you remarkable odds. All bets made TO WIX only. Operate on any scale you please, depending upon your capital. This "stop-loss* System Is exactly what the sensible, businesslike players have always wanted. You cannot make a million in a week, but you can depend upon a satisfactory income. Write at once, or wire your name and address. You will receive some of the most interesting turf data ever published; also Table of Results showing profits made by the GAINAVAY SAFETY SYSTEM on every track for a full year. Get this sensational information about real systematic operation. It may save you great loss, for it points the definite road to success — shows how you can WIN WITHOUT WOIiRY. Postcards not answered. FRANK B. RIDLEY, IS* . State St., Boom 1111, Chicago, 111. HAVRE DE GRACE SPECIALS WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY WILL WIRE FOR WINNINGS OF WAGER. During Bowie meeting two won. OUR BIRTHDAY, 7-1, and HULLABALOO, 9-5, and two finished second, Romeo and Nightboat. I am on the j ground and am in a position to send first-class information. i Wire or write today. JAMES STEWART ! 509 SOUTH PACA ST. :: BALTIMORE, MB. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION I want to get in touch with reliable business and professional men who will place 0 for me in return for reliable information from a few stables only. Occasional safe bets advised by those who know. I am well connected at Maryland tracks. References required and exchanged, I will identify I myself to your satisfaction. Write NOW, Address W. D. L. 2816 North 28th Street :: :: Philadelphia, Pa. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. I 1*41 PLYMOUTH COURT :; CHICAGO, ILL. DAVE SHREVE 1545 BROADWAY. ROOM 410. NEW YORK CITY STABLE AND COMMISSION INFORMATION DAILY WEEKLY 0 SPECIAL OFFER FOR HAVRE DE GRACE MEETING. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION The following list is my list at Bowie from the first day of the meeting to Mondays results the day I mailed this ad. from my office in New York City. One Horse a day. Some days two. Never mora. MONDAY: Ultra Gold .80- Won MONDAY: Smarty .80- 2nd SUNDAY: Mulciber .60- Won SATURDAY * John Arbor .80- 2nd FRIDAY: Nutcracker .40- Won THURSDAY * Jock Scot .50- Won WEDNESDAY: S weepy .10- 2nd TUESDAY: Attorney .60- 2nd MONDAY: Camouflage .10- Won SATURDAY ■ K. of the Heather. .50- Won SATURDAY Search Light III. ..40- Won NEVER WORSE THAN SECOND. SEVEN WINNERS, FOUR SECONDS IN THE NINE DAYS. HOW DOES IT LOOK? MY SPECIAL OFFER— The Havre de Grace meeting 13 days racing starts next Saturday, April 15. I now have the names of three 3 good ones that will start at Havre de Grace. I will wire or phone you daily one special, and some days a commission horse. And, if you are not satisfied, I will carry you further New York and Ken* tacky races. SPECIAL OFFER: 0 in Advance MY REGULAR RATES ARE ABOVE WITH NAMX WIRE MONEY DAVE SHREVE 1545 BROADWAY. ROOM 410, NEW YORK CITY WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track: with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays eaoh week that nearly all win. Won big money on a straight flat bet. This marvelous method is giving many good -priced winners: Bobby Allen... 1.80-52 Mannikin II. . . 8.40- Al Wick 2.40- Alajah 3.60- Dare 6.G0- Clean Crone . . 5.50- Amaze 6.10- Allah 1.40-82 Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing oroof of what my system is doing sent you free. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as you win. Write today for fre« particulars. WATSON CORNELL 341 West 45th Street :: New York Citv, N. Y. -— r= ■ — ..j j FOR WINNERS get a copy of the •BLUE BOOK" 35 cents AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 112, Book 77*. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 22 West Quincy St. Chicago, I1L