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LATEST HAVEE WORK-OUTS 892 HAVRE PE GRACE, Md., April 15.— Todays training gallops at the Harford County track included the following : Three-Eighths Mil*. Athanna 38 751-Routledge 40 890-Better Luck .. .43 683-Runstar 41 858 Fluzey 43 883-T, Muleskinner.41 882-Mock Orange. .41 890-Yalor 41 Half Mil.. Cresta 56 «22-Pillory 56 890 Daniel 58% 884-Rajah 58 877 -Elemental 53 752 -Spanish Maize. 58 890 Grace Mayers. .55 885 Yashmak 57 74 S Me s sines 5S FiTe-Eighths Mils. 889-Bright Lightsl:09 738-Fairly 1:11 790-Char. Summyl:09 882-Nor.s Choice. 1:11 Three -Quarters Mile. 760 Carmandale .1:23 723-Sea Tale 1:26 841 -Comic Song. .1:21% 735-Sobrigade ...1:25 Faten 1:23 732-Sec. Thoughts! :23% 889 Frigate 1:21 796-Sagacity 1:26 889-Fusee 1:27 735-Snperlative .1:22 751-Opperman ...1:23 889-Sea Cove ....1:22 751 Prelude 1:20 750-Trevelyan ...1:22 872-Peuitent 1:10 7C3-Tidings 1:23 One Mile. 767-Duncecap ...1:50 890 N on us 1:58 704 Flying Cloud. .1:54 890-Pastl Swain. 1:50 767 Fairway 1:49 837-Royal Duck .1:58 772-Halu 1:54 890 Shoal 1:58 74S-Infidel II... .1:57 695 Sea Wolf ...1:57 886-Iron Boy ...1:50 887-T. McTaggartl:51 747-My Play 1:56 Runstar just cantered. Routledge had an easy gallop. Mock Orange was only cantering. The Muleskinner and Valor worked easily together. Elemental just opened for a work later on. Daniel worked the best half mile of the morning and seemed to like the going. Bright Lights was cantering. Op-perman was never extended. Penitent ran fast all the way. Frigate showed he could go in the heavy going. My Play was cantering. Pastoral Swain ran well all the way.