1st Race [1st Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-13

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14 14IyVh3lZ IyVh3lZ IyVh3lZio 0 d3 3Iaidcns Allowances ISt RACE io May 9 1922 Inder Course Dist Time Tck OiJds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish THSJV fHa3schM V Owner E C Bellew KL7 KL7SdW SdW i1 45Iftr Jg i 1SSS28 ntlSpiSnoSns2 r SH22 rSH22 tnkJ eGce 12 4Sfast lOf ICG 11 13 13 I G Walls 13 B Leltton J phine C tnk ilountSJH5OW10 J dca ° ° J5 I3t 71 106 4 2 5 ° S C S 12 Soul Mate Soviet Gold ilount SJH5OW10 H ast 115 2 2 2I 3l J Atwell 12JeanP Dcntaria Ix uiSe Groody SiiiS GroodySiiiS L0 71144 3 314 J Butwell 11 BesLeighton JeanF KewplS 60380 FGnda 12 50hvy 10 111 1 3 31 4 H J Burkell Dearie Lilac Time MisVri 1 M140 FGnda 38 35faat 8 116 3 7 7J H J Burkel2 11 I Golden Fork FMCn Co Sempronins SemproninsC1G60 San Traier2 roer Owner J C1G60 MHeights 12 4R jSood 34 107 61 G Corey 7 FCanadn StyiMisa StrtShter EATMOND StrtShterEATMOND KingstonTrajior W bc 2 II 112 By ZeusLida B by Kingston Trajior F Cropper Owner F Cropper C1714 MKeights 12 49fcfast 70 112 1S 4 E Graves 7 MBonlah TI IliehTea ITV StrShooter s du 61G2G MIIeighta 12 43sood 43 103 T W Meehan 8 StyMiss MissBeulah 6145G Lexton 12 43 fast 64 107 11 11 11 J Kedcrta 11 Old Top Poppyc Ailsie nighTea Vernor JEAN HAEAN h f 2 H 109 109Owner By Sweep Anthem uy Fhjtow Owner A J Stafford StaffordC162G C162G lIHeights 12 4Sgood 5 10G 43 G Willims 8 StyMiss MissPoulah 61557 MHeights 12 51alow 12 112 HigliTea 4 i E Graves G UishTea Illusiouist FCauadian OHIEUTAX br f 2 M 109 109Trainer By Delhi Adore by Trap Hock Trainer C Smith Owner J Cooper 61626 MHeights lJ IS good 14 97 i Thomas 8 StyMiss MissBeulah 01557 MHeights 12 51 = islov G 113 G i G Willims 6 HighTea Illusionist FCanadian HigbTea VATHOKD ch c 2 M 112 112Traiaor By Frontenac Sigh Pass by TTltimus Traiaor D Hill Owner D Hill 61714 M Heights 12 43Vsfast 41 112 7 MB lah J AV TBosakI HishTca StrShooter 61626 MHeighta 12 4Sgood 60 Wo 6 J A Jacobs 8 StyMiss MissBeuIah HighTea BILVZE MAID ch f 2 M 109 109Owner Sy Atwell Hiss Vigilant by Eensselaer Owner H H Oots fiat start

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922051301/drf1922051301_12_3
Local Identifier: drf1922051301_12_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800