8th Race [8th Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-13

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4ycnroIi3s and upward Claiming KALLIPOLIS br m 5 101 By Glorifior or Celt Puritan Girl by Yankee Yankee5TJ Trainer D Hill Owner A Hill 61633 MHeishts 1 l2Dgood IS 1C2 1C2hts 5TJ C Rails 9 Short Stop AVodan Le Itahifrc hts Iiii70y 147 slow 13 110 110vuioJ 41 A Jacobs 9 IronBoy Miss Foutalne Illiymcr IlliymcrS vuioJ Mexico 78 1S6 fast 9 1011 77788 S S S C OMahy S My Itose Capt Burns On High 60665 Mexico 1 148 fast 5 100 2 1 1 1 35 35GC633 3 W Bogski 5 BcStiri ratMotmtn CaiUurns GC633 Mcrlco 1 146 fast 8 101 2 1 1 1 1 = li W Bogslci 5 BMountain B Sure Motillo 50562 Mexico 1 l47fast 16 105 3 2 2 3 3 3i 3 W Itosskl 7 TLogan Hemlock Warlike 60323 Mexico 78 131 fast 185 ICG 1 3 2 2 25 3 W Eogski 7 Ornilos KinglingH Zcnlciis 60293 Mexico 34 llS fast 2710 103 3 211 1 1 I2 W Bogski 0 Am Uose Lranite fns Knloe 60335 Mexico 34 llSfast S 110 6 64 4 O1 O1PAULA 45J N J Brnes 7 Ilay Perhaps Tho3FMeMihon PAULA V br m 7 Jftj By Marathon Jlisa Alert by Handspring Twiner J S Baldwin Owner J S Baldwin BaldwinG1598 G1598 MHghts 1116147 good S5 110 2J R Ball S DrShafer XYoke ElCapUnnia 60941 Mobile ImTOy 149 fast 3 ICG 411 1 = 1 K Rice 7 Obstinate Dickie W Kosefield S05G FGnds 1 116 l52livy 10 109 6 8 8 8 S 8 E Pool 8 John Arbor She Devil unl t 0372 FGnds 1 116 l47 fast 30 107 2 5 6 6 51 4i E AmlirselO British Liner Bond OlilKaithful 50163 FGnds Im70y l47V mud 10 105 2 5 6 7 7 7G023G 7 M Harson 9 LInkltoy KervStar Mechanic G023G FGnds 1 116 l4SVifast 12 109 4 2 2 3 3 4 E Ambrose 7 Uuonic Phelan Pirate MKiee 5C11G FGnds 1 11G l48 fast 20 107 1 2 3 3 41 41HcADOO 45 E Ambrose 9 Solid Rock Cockroach Clivects HcADOO br g 10 JOO By Electioneer Natasha by St Masim Trainer C Middle ten Owner C Hiddletoa HiddletoaG1G31 G1G31 MHeights 1 1S 153 good 55 M MG15G3 41 J Pevic 9 Boonpvilp MFntaine TI TItiran tiran G15G3 MIIghts ImTOy l17Vislow 4G 112 112GG914 64 T Willims 8 WTurnbow ASoldior Tarjscon GG914 Havana 1 18 l5SsIow 3 110 3 4 6 G1 G160S30 71 D Prible 8 Cstaiitine Mdoworth SCilsey 60S30 Havana 1 116 l19fast 6 110 6 2 2 2 6s 54 G Fields 8 Triomphaut lUIIHunley Vinall 50753 Havana 1 316 209smud 6 110 7 5 3 3 G 7 L Penman 8 Stanley Uatrack Dolph 50699 Havana IroSOy 145 fast 5 110 7 4 5 5 43 31 L Penman 8 Coseorron Zoie Triomphant 30670 Havana 1 18 l55ifast 10 117 6 6 5 3 3 3l G Fields 9 Marauder Navajo Meaduworth 50597 Havana ImSOy l51 ihvy 10 110 5 5 5 3 41 41THRILLS 21 G Fields 9 JoliiiICasey Udman liUnuiey THRILLS b m 7 10 By Coy Lad Aviston by Ayrshire Trainer J Croftoa Owner H B Gates C1G31 MHeishts 1 1S 133 good 41 81 8 R Flynn 9 Roonoville MFntaine TLojran G1564 MHghls ImTOy 147 slow 50 102 6 i W Martin 9 Ironlioy Miss Fontaine Rhymer G1293 Tijuana ll42 fast 12 lit 4 5 5G127G S 8l C Rails 8 Careen Lavnga Miss Dunbir G127G Tijuana 58 l02fast 32 105 7 7 7G1229 7 6 G Wliams 8 Cover Up Ask Jessie Ella V aldo aldo4J G1229 Tijuana Im70y l4Sfast 41 103 1 1 1G119G 13 in T Wilson 9 Co On Ycra Wood Cohritn G119G Tijuana 1 l44V good 22 103 5 3 3G1171 33i 2 G Wliams 8 HalWrislit VcraWooU Ispham G1171 Tijuana 51 f lUSfast 71 106 8 8 8 W Martin 8 CKiiougli WalMaok McCnmn 61041 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 6 108 1 11 11 11s J Htamer 11 Dllt Van Cr TrlmMi Ispiiam 50182 Tijuana 1 116 157 mud 7 103 3 Pulled PulledBROWN up C StiJder 7 Leula H Dalwood TiimbJau BROWN FAVORITE br 3 9 100 By Bannockbura Gehcimniss by Sain Trainer R H Good Owzer R H Good 01691 MHeights 34 l15Mfast 61 101 1015E2G7 1 8 T AYayt S CliBarticll TMcOee DDodsc 5E2G7 Tijuana Im70y l51mud 8 117 4 5 4 3 3J 4 i W Gargan 8 IlStnirt MtnOirl AflerNUht 55226 Tijuana Im70y Iu2slop 7 113 1 3 3 2 V 41 P Carter 7 Undine FLotStcel Bu y Sister 59124 Tijuana InVTOy l47fast 19 115 9 9 9 10 10J 11 R Carter 11 GMuoblebli AudreyK UnlwooU 59018 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast 15 108 2 4 4 5 ot P Martinez 7 Pierrot Salirvor e Slienaiiloah 58930 Tijuana Im70y 117 fast 7 110 4 6 5 5 4l 3 P Martinez 9 Ilun er Shcnandoah OBarUey 5SS09 Tijuana Im70y l4Siifast 66 111 1 4 4 4 41 3 R Carter 7 Steve Dicnero tludino 5S767 Tijuana 1 l44fast 6 113 2 2 2 2J 2n 11 Carter 8 Comder After Nitjht Snsan M MIl 5S537 NKton 1 157 hvy 1310 111 Il W Gargan 4 Itailhird Will Soon Stey SWIEL b m 3 By Sweep Kaskaskia by YanUeo Traiser A F Bayton Owner B B Jones G1220 Bowie 34 115 mud 2SG 105 5 7 7 7 R Kaliski 7 Turnabt FpnedZoal PcrlRdine 5Kt36 Jeffson 1 116 l4Sfast 40 102 91010 10 10 9 R Temtonll Hay Armistice She Devi 58950 Jeff son 1 116 l55mud 30 106 8 10 10 10 9 9 R Temtonll On High Alcatraz Moniillo 5SS20 Jeffson 1 115 l50good 20 103 5 9 10 10 10 10 R TemtonlO Amaze MlssUankin Machiavelll 5S616 Jeffson 58 lOHsfast W 107 4 R Temton 7 Murphy Ernest A UoseoeGooso 57341 Latonia 1 18 l5Glihvy 99 106 9 C Parrish 9 Pit J C Stone Ales Jr 52S64 Wheels 34 120 fast 20 112 4 N J Brnea 10 GoldStone TopRims OslenGIrJ 53733 Wheels 51 f l09fast 20 109 4s N J Briii3 5 MKurutta OJames LLfclluw By Meelick Bona Hamilton by Donald A L Snyder Owner H W Sanders 01032 MHeights 1 l33goo l 4310 107 8 R Ball 9 Short Stop Wodan Le BnluCre GC8G1 Mobile Im70y lrlHfast 2 114 5 5 6 W Hinphy 8 Cockroach Horeh She Devil 69775 Mobile Ab 6Jf l27fsood 5 110 3 1 1 11 I1 W Hinphy 8 Hosccliff Cockronch Legacy 60235 FGnds 1 116 l43fast 15 101 3 3 2 4 6T F Weiner 7 Corson Mark West Quito 53438 FGnds 1 116 l4Stefast 15 ICG 6 5 7 7 7 A Wilson 9 Verily Zone dArmee P McGea 59398 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 7 103 B 2 2 2FLYPAPER gt s F Weiner 11 JOvertoa Machiavelll Iron Boy FLYPAPER blk m 5 103 By Aeronaut Foothold by Dicudoane Trainer E E Watkins Owner F J Shumaker G1G90 MHeights 34 115 fast i 916 J Groth 9 May Maulsby Xeg Iron Bny Gl 628 MHeights 5J f l07 good 8 9l G WillimsU CirfBtiicll SlipSilvcr SDevil 59118 FGnda 1 116 l47fast 4 100 gi 711 H Thomas 8 Oaliot Lazy Lou Challenger 9297 Teffsor ImTOy 146 fast 15 107 3 3 k J Wallace 10 Verity Dainoris Sentimental 59212 Jeffson 1 18 l55fast 115 104 I1 14 A Wilson 10 Marieltappold Plato Sparkling 59152 Jeffson 1 l4254good 4 114 1 1 2 2 3 3 W Heinchll DumorU Domingo clioland 5P091 Jeffson 34 las fast 7 102 4 2 2 2l 2k A Wilson 12 PromisgToni Loys Philanderer 58938 Jeffson 51 f lll hvy 12 108 5 8 10 91 915SOOS 615 E Banies 11 Serbian Malvollo Tijctr Koso 5SOOS Laurel 1 l41fast 5 1121 666 9 9 957SJ9 9 W Kelsay 10 NurChotce Edna I C Aehon 57SJ9 Laurel 34 l14sfast Gf 113 9 88 9 9SQUIRE 9l 741 W Kelsay 15 C o Doom Colanrto Pajah SQUIRE WIGGINS br c 4 El 10T B By Beach Ccinber Pauline Ilanc by Csdcrstroma Traicer T F Brannon Owner T F Brannoa 61720 MHghts Im70y 143 fast EX 115 115G1GGI 44J F Moore 11 IJog Ilopover Spectacular Girl G1GGI MHeishts 5S 101 good 54 115 115570S6 7JJ J Wallace 1H LochLervn jlack SeaBoard 570S6 BGrass 58 l01mud G 106 106570E8 4 II Gray C llox Bueswaw Yirgln 570E8 BGrass 34 llS imud G 1CS 3 II Gray 4 QuAVnrd Tenniloe Grace King 56961 BGrass 5J f l09 4slow 13 111 3J J Sinwood 5 Fox HoIIiiin Tiirnmtin 56911 BGrass 5S l01 mud 9 108 108EL G R Davles 7 IJowdy Tennilee Beeswaw EL CAPITANIA ch g 7 103 E By General Soberts Maurataaia by Cunard Trainer E Eice Owner E Rice 01598 MHghts 1 11G 147 good 50 1 4i T Wayt 8 DrShafer PatilaY XelleYorke XelleYorkeoJ COT35 Mexico 1 153 fast 21 103 1 oJ T Wayt i Kcbo Htmlack DecUmaJe CCG54 Mexico 58 103 fast 9 110 1 1 T Wayt 5 Bcitcnlatli Speed UccticWood 60628 Mexico 34 lIGfast 5 110 1 410 T Wayt 5 Lady Ward Mss Anna Billow 60452 Mexico 78 131 fast 5 107 6 67S 3 = T Wayt 8 T Logan AmRosc TFMcJIon 60337 Mexico 7S l23 = fast 8 104 6 5 T Wayt G Thunderhird LouieLou AtDeda 6CC06 Mexico 34 l19fast 2310 110 4 3 T Wayt 7 Asuncion PegEaton MissAnna

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922051301/drf1922051301_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1922051301_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800