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MAJSONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART MONT2EAI Quo Friday May 12 1922 Mnisonncure Park Sixth day London Jockey Club Spring meeting of 7 days Weather claar claarStewards Stewards B St Pere and W W Lyles Judges JudgesC C C Campeau and S S Bender Starter Ed Tribe Itacing Secretary C C Campean CampeanRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 I 7 O 1 FIFST RACE About 58 Kile Purse u A 5400 3yearolds and upward Claim ing Net valua to winner 325 second 50 third 525 525Tfnir Tfnir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightGOG70 GOG70 Liszt 117 I E Atkinson 1017J100 1017J100C1G35 C1G35 No Trumps 117 25 A Erb 2iO100 2iO1005708G 5708G Sarivan 112 3l H Gibson 85100 85100JIC JIC Player 114J 4 W Prinrose 1755101 1755101C1G30 C1G30 Black Star 117 5 ° A Banks 145511 145511C1G9G C1G9G Chateau 107 C J Dawson 17S3100 2 inutuels paid Liszt 2235 straight 580 place 295 show No Trumps 335 place 5235 show Sarivan 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Liszt 10174 to 100 straight 190 to 100 place 47 to 100 show No Trnmiw C7Vj to 100 place 17M to 100 show Sarivan 20 to 100 show showTime Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner F McArdles b g 4 by Magneto Oka B by Ilandsel trained by J Kearns bred by Mr MrD D T Mat lack lackWent Went to post at 251 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but Chateau Won driving second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights Player 2li pounds Chateau 2 R u J 1 7 9 ° SECOlD EACE About 58 Mile Purse u 400 3yearolds and upward Clabn Ing Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25Enuir Enuir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightC1CU5 C1CU5 War Fox 1H 1 W Taylor C5100 C5100C1633 C1633 MouseEar 113 2 k J Dawson 1S30100 G1609 Wring WoodllS 3 A Erb 4350100 K1G33 Old Pop IIS 4 t F Bulunan 7W100 C 1GSS Impress 2 inutuels paid War For 310 straight 200 place 235 show Mouseear 590 place 310 show Wandering Wood 300 show showKqulvalent Kqulvalent booking odds War For 55 to ICO straight 30 to 100 place 17i to ICO show Mouse ear 195 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Wandering Wood SO to 100 show showTime Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner A II Warners b c 4 by nod For II Iidy Curzon by Plaudit trained by II Waiuer bred DytnentWent by Messrs S A K Dytnent Went to post at 328 At post 8 minutes Start good and slov Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched C1B33 Tag Day 109 61723 TK1IiI RACE About 58 Hile Parso 400 4yearolda and upward Claim in7 Net value to winner 825 second 50 third 25 25Eiiuir OddsInd Eiiuir Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightG1GS9 G1GS9 = F G Coriey IIS Il B McCann JJ100 G1G73 Top Rung 113 2 E Atkinson 713101 1G59 Flying Orb 113 3J A Banks G951CO 57403 Tlge 113 4i W Taylor lOgilO lOgilOG1G94 G1G94 L Gentry 113 5J J Connors 370100 GlG97Frenchy 113 C R Pauley 1H100 2 mntuels paid F 0 Coriey 1210 straight 050 place 375 show Top Hung 720 place 385 show Flying Orb 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds F J Coriey 505 to 100 straight 225 to 100 place S71C to 10 show Top Uung 2RO to 100 place 92 to 100 show Flying Orb 110 to 100 show showTime Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner J F JohnsonM br g G by Jack 4 tkin Kglanttne by Martinet trained by J F John ¬ son bred by Mr II Warfield WarfieldWent Went to post at 359 At pout 1 miriuti Sltart good and slow Won easily secuiid and third driTinj driTinjScratched Scratched 61G95Mikc 118 fi 1 7 2 4 CUHTH EACE About 53 Mile Pur = 500 3yearolds ClAimin Net Netvalue value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Kquiv Kquiv Odds OddsI I ml Hors Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightGOB71 GOB71 Aunt Agnes 10 I1 J Dawaon MliW G1GOO Mnight Sies 113 C Gross 221 221G16003Muzzey G16003Muzzey 103 3l F Hunt 2020100 2020100G0871 G0871 Last Girl 103 E Atkinson 21001CC G1600 Adelia S 101 5t A Sandstfom C790100 5R112 Pepper Tea iOS C F Bullman 280100 G1CSG Carrie Baker US 7 J Connors 1G10100 2 mutucls paid Aunt Agnes 320 straight 295 place 255 show Midnight Stories 720 place 345 show Muszsy 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent t ooking odds Aunt Agnes CO to 100 strnight 474 to 100 place 274 to 100 show Midnight Stories 2CO to 100 place 72 to ICO show Muzzey 110 to ICO show showTime Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner W M Thomas b f by Bard of Hope Aunty Sunnhinc by Paladin trained by I Scan Ian bred by Mr N 1C Gilpin GilpinWent Went to post at 429 At post 1 minute Start Rood and slow Wou handily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Carrie Baker 4 pounds fi 1 7 9 K FIFTH EACE About 58 Hile Purse w j u 1Mi 3year0ids and upwara claim ¬ ing Net value to winner 325 second 53 third 25 25Kvjtiiv OddsInd Kvjtiiv Odds Ind StraightG1034T Horc Wt Fin Jockey Straight 537i100GlGG8 G1034T Bcln II 121 In c Martin 537i100 GlGG8 = Spcody Lady 111 2 F Hunt 14100 14100GIGOOBab GIGOOBab 101 3J A Sandstrom 45100 45100G11S1 G11S1 Capers 111 4 C Gross 4KMQO 4KMQOG0878 G0878 Marsa JimmyllG G E AtJsinson 27GMOD C0932 Sevillian 121 G J Connors 90103 90103579G1 579G1 Nic London 115 7 J Dawson 23SO100 2 mutucls paid The Belgian II 1275 straight 405 place 340 show Speedy Lady 370 place 2r 0 show Bab 315 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds The Belgian II 537V to 100 straight 132 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Speedy Lady 85 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Bab 57 to 100 show showTiino Tiino 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner N K Moodys ch g 8 by Rabelais Suffragette IV by Voter trained by R Stralen dorff BuryeaWent bred in France by Mr Herman B Buryea Went to post at 459 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched G1009 King B 10G G1G95 Automatic Red 11G 61726 SIXTI1 HACE About 58 ililo Tursa 400 4yearolds and upward Claim ins Not value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25Equlr Equlr Ouds Ind Horse Wt WtG1700Bibbler Fin Jockey Straight G1700Bibbler 101 101GlG33Last 1 J Dawson W100 GlG33Last W100GlG33Last ChancelSO 2l C Gross SOlOO GlGGSMary SOlOOGlGGSMary MaUnllu 3s W Taylor 570100 5J 9393N Walcutt 112 4J J Connors 1235100 G0931D Frbanksm 5 B McCann 903100 G1G95 Truant 117 G F Hunt 1455100 2 mutuels paid Bibbler 320 straight 310 place 270 show Last Chance 415 place 315 show Mary Mallon 290 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bibbler GO to 100 straight 55 to 100 place 35 to 103 show Last Chance 107 to 100 place 57 to 100 show Mary Mallon 45 to 100 show showTime Time 1 03 Track fast fastWinner Winner M J Dalys b m 5 by Theo Cook Bacchante by Seahorse II trained by L A Daly GwathmoyWent bred by Mr J Temple Gwathmoy Went to post nt 529 At post 1 minute Start gocd and slow Won handily second and third driv 617P7 SEVENTH RACE About 34 Mile Purse 5400 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to tviascr 5325 second 53 third 25 25Eq Eq iv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightG1G97 G1G97 Sky Man 116 1 C Gross W710fl W710fl31G35 31G35 Bacchanalian 111 2J E Atkinson 115100 lG05sLavafra 111 34 J Dawson G05100 G05100GlGOBPrimitivo GlGOBPrimitivo 114 4l C Martin 11S5100 11S5100G1G72 G1G72 Fair Lassio 111 5s N Burger 790100 61 673 Banyan 10G G R Pauley 5101W 2 mutucls pnid Sky Man 1295 straight 450 place 425 show Bacchanalian 340 place 250 show Lavaga 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sky Man 54 Vj to 100 straight 125 to 100 place 112 to 100 show Bacchanalian 70 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Lavaga 95 to 100 sliow sliowTime Time l2Ui Track fast fastWinner Winner II S earners ch g G by Aeronaut Tranid by Voter trained by H S Carner bred by Mr S L Parsons ParsonsWent Went to post at i02 At post 1 miautc Start good and slow Won easily second and third diiving diivingOverweights Overweights Primitive 3 pounds