Preakness Stakes., Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-13

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PEEAKDTES3 STAKES For tlireeyearolds entire colts and fillies Starters to pay 1000 each to the winner with 50000 added of which 5000 to the second 3000 to the third and 2000 to the fourth Weight 126 pounds Nonwinners of 5090 allowed 4 pounds nonwinners of 3500 allowed 8 pounds nonwinners of 2000 allowed 12 pounds Closed Monday April 10 1922 One Mile and an Eighth EighthRecord Record for race Man o War 3 126 1 5135 XTote Geldings are not eligible to this race MISS JOY b f 3 121 By Peter Quince Proud Daisy by Pride PrideTrainer Trainer U Spence Owner Hontfort Jones C14 59 Lexton 1 l33Vfast 1310 121 1113 Il M Garner C Gentility Startle John Finn 58335 Lexington FC lllmud 14 121 4 C G C M Garner 4 Startle May lUcssom KrlltStar 5 203 Latonia 34 ll mud 23 132 1 1 1 I1 M Garner T Washgtun Startle Jnellovvdre Jnellovvdre5G 5G G3 Saratoga 5 f l03Mfast 35 127 2 1 I5 1 M Garner C CtyJane Roulette Jneltowdre Jneltowdre5G07G 5G07G Saratoga 5J f l03fast 720 127 1 1 1s 1J M Garner 6 SThghts NShanks Myllcverie 55994 Saratoga 5J f liCG fist 117 1 1 I1 I2 II Garner 7 ICaiSan LdHalmore Olympus 55389 Latonia 34 4 112 fast 15 115 2 1 1J 1U H Lunsfrd 8 Itonus FPhantom Rockrainistet 54837 Latonia 58105 8105 hvy 12 115 1 1 1 1s M Garner 4 Casey Ranker Illown Cold Boy BoyS 54708 Latonia 5S S lOOV lOOHfast fast fast54C58 110 111 1 1 I1 I T Murray 5 Mar Iullon Eq Rights LClark 54C58 Latonia 58 8 595fast 12 114 1 1 2s 21 F Keogh 8 FrPliantom DrofAllah Startle Startlef 54517 Churchill 41 f r3 fast 23 112 3 1 2J M Garner 8 FailPhantom Aloft Urof Allah Allahf 54309 Churchill 41 f 52fast 13 110 1 1s I10 M Garner 0 CdAmour JJNlsba Ir Trash 54245 Churchill 12 2 IGTsfast 1 110 110CHAMPLAIN 2 1i 1 M Garner 4 Rckab Adventure Tamper CHAMPLAIN b c 3 118 By Rapid Water Msttic Bereaud by Jean JeanBereaud Bereaud BereaudTrainer Trainer J H Stotler Owner G V J Bissall BissallG1525 G1525 Pimlico PimlicoG1448 1 13 slow 65 115 3 1 1 I1 D Stirling G Oil Man Hea Maryland Belle BelleG1448 G1448 Pimlico Pimlico53G79 31 lllfast 36 115 3 1 Il 1 D Stirling 0 Oil Man Ctretaker Prodigious Prodigious53G79 53G79 Bowie Bowie58G71 78 l2SHhvy 10 111 2 1 I3 Is C Robson 11 Yashmak All Over YankceStaf YankceStaf58G71 58G71 Bowie 78 l29hvy 12 111 1 1 1 2t C Robson 7 Modo Tangerine Doughnut 58057 Bowie 34 116 hvy 10 108 2 4 53 3s E Taylor 8 elemental Penitent Blackstone 158635 58635 Bowie Bowie5S441 Ci f 122 hvy 78 10716 3 35 4 D Stirling 11 Hcphstos Tangerine YkeeSUr 5S441 Pimlico 34 lltslop 57 10SJ 337 S ° J McTagt 10 GoodTimes Caretaker Stlleury 58328 Laurel Gi f l07fast 2 2s 21 J McTagt 8 Sedge Fancier Montara 58255 Laurel Laurel57S9G 3 31 5J J McTast 11 Clansman Opperman Dolores 57S9G Laurel Laurel57G42 51 f 107 fast 4 45 431 J Keupel DofAllah Sedge YankeeStar 57G42 Laurel M 114 fast 5 4J 3 J Hcupel 8 All Fair Dexterous Ultimata 57520 HdeGce 5S 100 fast 3110 111 2 3 2l 21 J Heupel 8 Dexterous LiLBSheep Plucky 57382 HdeGce HdeGce5G25J 58 l00fast 126 111 2 1 li 2s J Heupel 12 Bountiful All Fair Carmencita 5G25J FtErie 34 l13fast 710 110 2 2 2s 2j J Butwell 9 Photoplay Fast Trial Devonite 56059 Hamton 58 l00 ifuat 1C10 112 1 1 I3 1 J McTagtll Buster Humorist Puff Ball HEPHAISTOS b c 3 114 By Vulcain Neva W by Rey del Sierras SierrasTrainer Trainer F E Brown Owner F E Brown BrownC1C51 C1C51 Pimlico 1 115 4fant 95 107 2 1 I1 Il L Morris 5 SpanMaizo Hea ParisDiamnd 61539 Jamaica 31 l12good 5 1141 1 3 3 3 = L McAtee 0 Galntman Lctrnian AVilliamA AVilliamAG1477 G1477 Jamaica 51 f lOVifast 12 118 2 9 S S1 T Rice 12 BeesWax StHenry JuneGrass 58747 Bowie 1 l4imud 1110 113 1 1 1 1J L McAtee C Modo WcssieB MarylandBclla 58091 Bowie 78 l23slop 32 110 1111 Il L McAtee G Plucky Yashmak Caretaker 58049 Bowie 78 l2Shvy S 113 1 2 I1 I1 L McAtee 10 Plucky Tangerine Opperman 58035 Bowie 61 f 122 hvy 22 ICCi 1 2 2J U L McAtee 11 Tangerine YkeeStar Uhampln 58540 Pimlico 31 l12fast irf 112 4 4 3 5 C RobsonlS Good Times Relay Picnic 53483 Pimlico 34 l16vihvy 22 105 2 5 5l 5J L McAtee 0 Good Times Kmotion Relay 58231 Empire Ab 24 l10wfast 41 108 2 1 1 2 M Buxton 4 Picnic IrishBgadr Cheafbrk 58120 Empire 51 f lOG fast Ci 114 4 5 31 33 L McAtee 7 MPatricia Picnic Chcsterbrook 58158 Empire Ab 34 lllEood 7 107 5 3 3s 2 L McAtee 7 Mawrcoron Timbrel Budana Budanariofio riofio i s i i Hfast 2 115 2 1 1J I1 L McAtee S Fgibbou TSDevn NatLand Quesada57G1G a Ttfast 7 10G 1 2 21 3 A Schusr 0 Mawrcorcn Leghorn Quesada 57G1G Jamaica 51 f 107 slow 11C 115 122 431 A Schugr 8 CMcMkln Veuizclos Repation 57190 Quesada5G483 Aqduct 5S l00good 7 105 5 5 51 3 G W Carllll Bantry Pass Modesty Quesada 5G483 Saratoga 51 f lOGfast 10 115 8 8 8s S1 A JohnsoulS Lglsland Mercutio Cheaterblc 55577 Betsy5549G Latonia 51 f l07fast 2310 112 1 2 2Z 21 L McAtee 0 Pegasus Fusee Our Betsy 5549G Latonia 51 f l07fast 185 112 4 1 11 2 = s L Lyke S BillyBrush Pegasus BlosHoni 55442 Latonia 51 f lOG fast 11 112 5 3 31 3 G Stack 9 SandBoots BlosIIouse Widgt 55271 Latonia 5S l00fast 50 11511 12 12 12 G Stack 12 Bit oBlk SirHugh SuavePrin SuavePrinC5151 C5151 Latonia 51 f l07fast 313 1C6 5 6 Gh a G Stack 8 Bet Mosie Bernice K Lucknovr 55027 Latonia 5S 101 fast 102 115 G 8 94 9 G Stack 12 BetMosie JBBrown BillyStar BillyStarPILLORY PILLORY DisguiseTrainer ch c 3 114 By Olambala Hester Prynne by Disguise Trainer T J Hoaley Owner R T Wilson 01404 Pimlico 1 l30sfast 75 103 4 2 I2 1i B Marieili 5 Mercutio By Jirainy Redstone RedstoneG142G G142G ILdeGce 34 l14Vfcfast 010 115 3 3 3 = 2 J Butwell 8 ComicSong Mercutio Redstone RedstoneEG3G5 EG3G5 Sartoga 34 lll ifast 15 111 11 8 6 4 3 = C H Miller 12 Pegasus Surf Rider Runstar RunstarSS039 SS039 Aqduct 58 D9fast 7 115 1 5 6 3J L Ensor 10 Sweep By Bizheart Toll TollB1832 B1832 Belmont 5if st l05Ufast 5 115 9 7 71 6 L McAtee 9 Galautman BrilRay Npolitaa 54630 Belmont 4if st 52fast 75 1111 2 2 21 1i E Sande 10 WilliamA Sweep By Bigheart 54178 Belmont 41f st 52laat 15 115 5 U 11 S Sl l L Ensor 13 Bigheart Letterman Postlnd PostlndaBy GALANTMAH b c 3 114 By Superman Galanta by William the Third ThirdTraujer Traujer S P Earlan Owner Greentree Stable 01539 Jamaica 34 l12isood 25 108 0 1 1i I1 H Thomas C Lotman HephaUtos WilliamA WilliamAG1477 G1477 Jamaica 51 f l05fast S5 103 4 7 G1 43 L Penman 12 BeesWax StHcnry JuneGrass 58582 Pimlico 1 l44 mud 60 11015 12 12 12 C H Mlllerl2 Relay St Henry Ly Baltiraora 58507 Pimlico 1 142 good 41f 122 8 7 S 85 C H Millerll Morvich Luckyllour Runantell 58320 Empire Ab 34 I03i4fast 41 112 2 2 2 2l C H Miller fl Rnnantcll KaiSang HI Rascal SThoushts570G7 57304 JLdeGce 34 l13slop U 112 3 2 5J 5 i L Fator 7 Morvich Dexterous SThoushts 570G7 Belmont 7S MC l25fast 2 102 3 4 1 2 L Penman 4 Surf Rider Modo June Grass 50939 Belmont 34 MC lllfast 8 117 2 1 1 2t L Lyko 22 Bunting DofAllah Surf Rider 50011 Saratoga 34 111 fast 8 100 2 1 I1 2 L Penman 4 Modo Hea Oil Man 50 94 Saratoga 34 lailjfast 25 10S 7 G G5 5 L Penman 9 Oil Man Modo Sir Hugh Pegasns5G365 50460 Saratoga 34 l12ifast 50 112 9 S 81 10 S Bullmanl3 KaiSang William A Pegasns 5G365 Pillory5J030 Saratoga 31 llltifast 30 110 639 11 S Bullmanl2 Pegasus Surf Rider Pillory 5J030 Belmont 41 f at 52fast 85 107 5 1 11 2S A Collins 9 Pillory BrillntRay Neapolitan 54543 Bolmont 5S st 571ifast 41 112 12 14 14 ll A Johnsonl4 Colnmn NancyE1 Mustard Seed Seed5447S 5447S Bohnont 41 f st 52 fast 4 115 8 2 2 4i A Collins 13 Bigheart Letterman Postlnde PostlndePIRATE PIRATE GOLD br c 3 114 By Rock View Gold by Golden Garter GarterTrainsr Trainsr S P Harlan Owner Greantree Stable StableG1574 G1574 Jamaica ImTOy I44ir3fast 21 93 2 4 2l 1 II Thomas 7 JuneGrass StHenry Lettemian LettemianC1518 C1518 Jamaica 31 lllinud 45 115 2 3 3s S L Lyke 8 Dan Boiling Olyntlius Boiom BoiomST ST HENRY ch c 3 114 By The Finn Lady Sterling by Hanover HanoverTrainer Trainer W S Walksr Owner llontfort Jones JonesC1574 C1574 Jamaica Im70y l4Uifast 2 107 3 2 3 3 B Marlelll 7 PirGold JnneGrass Letterman LettermanG1477 G1477 Jamaica 51 f l05Vsfast 3 112 5 5 21 2l E Sande 12 BeesWar JneGrass Galautmn 58582 Pimlico 1 l mud 7 110 7 4 2s 2i L Fator 12 Relay LyBaltimore IBridlec 58507 Pimlico 1 142 good 50 122 10 10 91 9 E Scoblo 11 Morvich LuckyHour Rnnantell 58141 Pimlico 31 l14slop 25 107 5 2 21 S1 L Fator 10 GdTimes Caretaker YankStar YankStar571G5 571G5 Belmont 51f MC lWifast 920 115 1 1 1s 1J E Sando G Yankees tar Bnnantell KGrass 5GG33 Saratoga 51 f 107 slow 25 115 1 1 1J 1 L Fator 5 Chestcrbrook Caatletoa Tjanni Continued on fifteenth page PREAKNESS STAKES AT PIMLICO JUNE GRASS I 114 By Short Grass Corns ora by The Commoner Trainer J Evaas OWECT G A Cochran CochranCi C1571 Jamaica Im70y l4iifisi Ci i 102 1 1 lh 2 II Thurber 7 PirGold StHenry Letterman C1JY7 Jamaica 5J f lOr Mfast 4 ICO 6 4 3l 3 F Keogh 12 BecsWai StHenry Galantman fiJMtl Pimlico 34 lHslop 30 107 2 3 8s 7 i L McAtee 10 GoodTimes Caretaker StJJenry 58042 Churchill 1 l3Sfast 8 122 1 4 G1 5i G W Carli 9 Startle Kocket John Finn 57597 Latonia 1 l39fast 18 110 9 3 31 3 G W Car1112 Startle JohnFinn Rkmlnlitai RkmlnlitaiS5 57109 Aqueduct 34 lllgood S5 112 1 2 6J 7 C Kummerl2 Missionary All Over My Plaj Plaj1S5 57067 Belmt 7S M C l2Ssfast 1S5 107 1 1 4 4 G W Carli 4 Surf Bider Oalanlman MwJo 5G710 Belmont 34 lllHfast 185 1855GC30 115 4 2 11 2 C Kummer 7 Siiob II SdEe Aknuatl 5GC30 Saratoga 34 l12slow fi5G2C8 fi 115 5 7 9i 10 C Kummer 12 Monrlch KaiSang Whlskawaj 5G2C8 Saratoga El f l05fast 165 165B012S 115 3 1 I1 1 L Fator 14 Mercutlo Snob II Bundnf B012S Saratoga 58 53fas t E 104 7 6 Gi 5 C Ponco 10 Toil Bigheart Fair Phantom 55914 Empire 6J f 1OG fast 15 109 2 2 2 Sak C Ponce 7 Runstar Ray Jay Picnic 55812 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 15 110 1 3 61 7 L McAtee 8 Bunstar KalSang Little CM 53775 Empire Ab 34 l09fast S S55G92 112 1 1 1 2l J Metcalf 11 Kay Jay Snob II Lncky Hoc 55G92 Empire Si f l07slow 3d 112 7 9 8 7s C II MlllerM Little Chief Nancy F Penitent 55325 Aqduct 58 59fast 12 104 5 4 4 4 J L Penman 12 Uttlc Chief Modo Misdeal 55230 Aaduct 58 50fast 20 205501S 112 8 G 6 B i F CMtllcttltt Kroornuter Toil Olympus 5501S Aqduct 5S 53 53ssood = ssood V V541SO 40 105 7 3 3 C i L McAtee 7 Morvich Draft Relay 541SO Jamaica 58 lWfast 15 115 G 2 2 3 J B Kenndyl2 KulSang BudFisher WilliamA SPANISH MAIZE ch c 3 M 114 114Trainer By Spanish Prince II Wheatear by St StFrusquin Frusquin Trainer H UcDaniel Owner J K I Ross Ross5i RossP1G51 P1G51 Pimlico 1 11G l44fast 5i 108 1 2 2G14GO 2J 21 C Turner 5 Hophalstws Hea ParlsDlamcnd G14GO Pimlico 1 l33fast 1110 108 2 4 4G140G 4 3J C Turner 10 Star Jester Hea Double Cross G140G HdeGco ImTOy l44fast 35 10S G 4 4C1358 3 3s C Turner 5 Missionary SallAlong Violinist ViolinistG5 C1358 irdcGce 34 l13Vifast G5 109 G 3 3 3 C Turner S MyPlay Superlative Biglieart 58507 Pimlico 1 142 good 34 122 10 6 6DSSJS 4i 4s T Rice 11 Morvich LucfcyHonr Runantell DSSJS Laurel 1 l fast 25 105 9 6 4 3l II ErichsnlO Missionary All Fair Weesie B 581 GO Laurel 34 l14sood 26 10G 4 4 i 3 1 II Ericksn 5 AlexIL Cuerry Tree Ultimata 58004 Laurel 34 114 fast 7 112 5 4 4 3i II Ericksn G Alex H Maiiheim All Over 34 l13 4fast 1D10 112 5 6 6 6 W ICclsay 0 JohnDundce Redstone Ogatito OIL MAN ch c 3 3Trainer KingstonPelican 122 By North Star III Bandello by Kingston Trainer C J Carey Owner OwnerG1325 Pelican Stable Stable2J G1325 1imllco 1 143 slow slowG1448 2J 120 2 2 25 2J C Lang G Champllan Ufa Mrrylanl Telle G1448 Pimlico 34 Ill75fast 175 117 1 4 3 2 A Johnson G Champlain Caretaker Prcdigus PrcdigusS5 58582 Pimlico 1 l41 inud S5 US 3 3 51 S E Haynes 12 Relay StHcnry LyBaltimore 58173 Pimlico 34 l17 shvy 3310 12 5 1 1 11 1s E Haynes 7 Picnic Blnckstone I Brigadier 58335 Laurel 34 113 fast fast5GG11 31 97 1 1 1 2 A Gantner 4 Caligula Sailing B Vibrate 5GG11 Saratoga 34 111 fast fast5G494 75 123 3 3 3J 4 E Haynea 4 Modo Gnlantman Hea 5G494 Saratoga 34 lll fast fast5G1GO 3 119 1 1 21 13 E Haynes 9 Modo Sir Hugh Little Chief 5G1GO Saratoga 34 l12 = fast fast5G150 10 115 9 7 6i 43 E Haynes 13 HalSang William A Peganci 5G150 Saratoga 34 lUfast lUfast5G047 7 115 5 5 41 S i E Haynes 12 Morvich KaiSang Sir Hugh 5G047 Saratoga 58 53fast 125 113 4 2 21 1 E Haynes 12 Bigheart Pcsasus SleivcconanJ 55889 Empire G f 107 good 8 115 2 2 I1 1 E Haynes 8 YnkeeStar Reparation ShaJfej 71128 8 7l 5 E Haynes 11 Bay Jay June Grass Snob II 25 112 12 10 9s S A Collins 13 Little Chief Nancy F Penitent Penitentllo llo 115 7 75 4 = 1 E Haynes 11 SwcepBy BlkRascal WMrlljif REBUKE blk blkTrainer C 3 3H 126 By Dick Finnell The Scold by Meddler MeddlerT Trainer F H Bray Owner T Uonahan 61527 Pimlico 1 lM2slow 13 97 4 3 35 2 J Callahan 4 Sedgefield Lunetta SlipperyElm G 14 40 Pimlico 1 l39fast l39fastlm0y 6 107 6 6 6 61 C Lang G Mainmt BabyGrand Sedsefield C1314 HdcGce lm0y l4GVifast 15 105 3 2 23 11 L Penman 7 Comic Song Sidereal Violinist G1C52 Havana 1 18 l54 fast 7 110 7 5 3i 1i W TCclsay 9 LadyAstor Quesada CherryTrec G1008 Havana 1 l39good 35 91 7 3 41 41 A McLhlin 7 B Barton TheRollCall ElnorS G0915 Havana 1 l41slow 21 95 4 5 21 14 A McLhlin 7 Petrarch The Leopard Herron GOS10 Havana 34 l12fast 21 101 2 3 I1 2 A McLhlin G ChcrTree LitUSheep ColChlfc G0713 Havana 51 f l06fast l06fast5J 6 108 7 6 6l 53 V Kelsay 8 Cherry Tree Col Chile Leghorn GOG09 Havana 5J f l08slow 8G 103 4 5 4 4s W Kelsay 0 ColChlle Flncastle IBIkSheep GOOG5 Havana 34 l12fast 4 102 9 7 7l 63 A McLhlm 9 Leghorn CherryTree LadyAatoi 59922 Havana 12 110 5 2 I3 1s W Kelsay 9 Hyeres Kcltol Tag Day 59850 Havana 4 l15mud 5 93 5 5 4l 411 A McLhlin 5 Llewellyn CKncanto Don Pcpe 58254 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 7 112 5 6 G 5 C H Miller 9 Ncrthcliff DBolling Fsgibbon 58057 Empire 51 f 107 fast 3 114 9 8 S 67 C Ponce 9 LuckyHour NativeLaiid Ultimo 57512 Aqduct 5S 101 fast 1 112 3 5 5 = 41 C H MillerlO Nightboat Atto Miracle Man 5G509 SarHoga 34 lllfast 20 US 0 4 7 7 C H Miller 7 Saob II Snnrcigb Pietrus SUPERLATIVE b c 3 3Trainer 114 By Superman Rupicola by Advance Guard Trainer T J Healey Owner W T Salmon G15S3 Pimlico 34 l12fast 7 122 9 6 42 Il J Butwell 10 Messlnes N Raider Cromwell 61525 Pimlico 1 143 slow 7 7G1434 115 6 3 5J 61 J Butwell G Champlain Oil Man Hea G1434 HdeGce 1 116 l4S fast 17 17G1405 106 4 3 21 3 J B Marielll 4 Bunting LuckyUour SailAIong G1405 HdeGce 34 l13fast 45 45G1358 115 6 4 4 1 J Butwell 11 ThePeruvian SJester Vitamin G1358 HdcGce 34 l13 fast 176 176G1312 114 4 4 4 21 J Butwell 8 MyPlay SpanishMalie Illgurt G1312 HdeGce 61 f lC8good 14 116 7 3 3 k 4 i j Butwell 15 MyPlay Olynthus Dinahmeur HEA ch c 3 M 114 By Sea King Ballyshe by Frank Gill GillTrainer Trainer W H Brooks Owner Salubria Stable StableG1651 G1651 Pimlico 1 116 l44fast 25 100 5 4 3J 31 C Lang 5 Hephaistos SMaize ParDiamd ParDiamdC1525 C1525 Pimlico 1 143 slow 6 116 1 5 4 35 F Keogh G Champlain Oil Man MaryBelle MaryBelleG14GO G14GO Pimlico 1 l39fast 75 S3 9 3 34 21 F Keogh 10 StarJester SpMaize DoubCrosi DoubCrosi5GG11 5GG11 Saratoga 34111 fast 7 103 4 4 4 3s L McAtee 4 Modo Galantman Oil Man Man5G245 5G245 Saratoga 34 113 fast SO 112 7 8 72 771 F Keogh 8 Sir Hugh Islcheart Column ColumnThe The following table shows the races and money won by the horses carded to start in the Preakness Horse ColSesAVt Jockey Sts 1st 2d 3d UnpWinnings Champlain UnpWinningsChamplain b c 118 D Stirling 15 5 4 2 4 57649 57649Galantman Galantman b c 114 A Thomas 15 1 5 0 9 8546 8546Pirate Pirate Gold br c 114 L Lyke 2 1 1 0 0 900 900Spanish Spanish Maize ch c 114 C Turner 9 0 1 6 2 2550 2550Oil Oil Man ch c 122 CLang 14 4316 8935 8935June June Grass b c 114 CThompson 19 1 4 3 11 4250 4250Hephaistos Hephaistos b c 114 L McAtee 23 6 4 5 8 7532 7532Rebuke Rebuke blk c 126 W Kebay 16 4 2 0 10 18661 18661Hea Hea ch c 114 F Keogh 5 0 1 3 1 900 900St St Henry ch c 114 B Marinelli 7 2 2 2 1 3900 3900Miss Miss Joy b f 121 M Garner 13 10 2 0 1 34930 34930Superlative Superlative b c 114 J Butwell 6 2 1 1 2 2714 2714Pillory Pillory ch c 114 L Morris 7 3 0 2 2 3204

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Local Identifier: drf1922051301_3_4
Library of Congress Record: