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THE POETYEIGHTH EUHHING OF THE KENTUCKY DERBY For threeyearolds By subscription of 25 each 500 additional to start 50000 added of which 8000 to second 3000 to third and 1000 to fourth In addition to first money the winner to receive a Gold Cnp and Combination Service donated by the Kentucky Jockey Club Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing closingTrack Track record May 9 1914 Old Rosebud 3 114 20325 20325One One Mile and OneQuarter MORVICH far c 3 126 126Trainer By Runnymede Hymir by Dr Lcggo Lcggo1J Trainer F Burlew Owner B Block 58507 Pimlico 1 142 good 1310 122 2 1J A Johnson 11 IkyHour Runtell SpanMaias 57304 IIdeGrace 34 l3sop lC 130 1 15CG30 1 A Johnson 7 Dexterous SThchts DofAIIah 5CG30 Saratoga 34 l12slow 1310 120 1 15G29S 1 I2 A Johnson 12 ICaiS up TVhiskaway Violinist 5G29S Saratoga 34 l12yEgood 35 122 1 1J F Keogrh 4 KaiSang Whiskaway lUUHe 50150 Saratoga 34 lll fast SS 125 1 i l k F Keogh 12 KaiSang Oil Man Sir ninrh 55755 Empire 51 f l0fslow 35 122 1 1 11 B Sande 5 MnstSecd YanStar StMaurlce 55575 Empire 61 f l07Hfaat 13 116 1 1 Il F Keogh 4 Sidereal Missionary Nose DJTO 55385 Aqueduct 58 l01slow 14 122 1225S 1 1 F Keogh 9 KlyKall Occident FirmFriend 55013 Aqueduct Aqueduct5420S 5S 5Ssood 13 110 1105J 1 1 F Keogh 7 Draft Relay So It Goes 5420S Jamaica 5J f 107 slow 920 112 1 1 1 t Ensor C Brush Boy D Tarden Lltratsy 54039 Jamaica 53 l00 good 30 112 1 1 J Metcalf 12 Brlilioy DolTarden Duncecap DEADLOCK TroutbeckTrriaer b c 3 126 By Sir Wilfred Hcrtcnse II by Troutbeck Trriaer R H Shannon Owner R H Shannon C1468 Lexton 1 116 l45fast 4 103 3 1 IJ 1 E Martin 7 SarfPider JohnFinn WaBheton 5C939 Belmont 34 1IC lllfast 30 119 10 5 6J 5SJ F Keosh 22 Buildup GaUmtman D of Allah 5C710 Belmont 34 lllfast 12 103 5 6 5l 651 C Turner 7 Snob ij June Grass Sedge 5CGSO Saratoga 34 l12slow 30 115 10 10 10J CJ C Ponco 12 Morvich KaiSang Whiskaway Whiskaway5C1GO Pegasns5C3C8 5C1GO Saratoga 34 l12tfast SO 115 4 0 101 91 C H MillerlS KaiSans William A Pegasns 5C3C8 Saratoga 34 lasfast 1320 115 4 1 1s 1s E Sande 7 FkPurst Cliesterbrook FlyBall FlyBall5S245 5S245 Saratoga 34 113 fast 6 114 6 7 fi 4J E Sande 8 Sir Hugh Bigheart Column Column5G150 5G150 Saratoga 34 llUiTast 15 112 6 10 91 6 L Fator 12 Morvich KalSang Oil Man 55997 Saratoga 6i f lOGfast 186 113 1 3 S 3 D Sande 12 Oceanic FrankFuret Flf Fifty FiftyBY BY GOSH ForfarshireTrainer b c 3 128 By Black Toney Acutissima by Forfarshire Trainer H J Thompson Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable 60370 FairGrounds 1 l Sfefast 4 105 5 4 2 It E Barnes 0 BallotMark Lighter ComlcSonff 59340 Jefferson 6J f l06fcfaat 05 107 8 6 51 351 B Barnes 8 Colored Boy Cape Pillar Image 59270 Jefferson El f lOSfast 25 115 4 3 21 E E Barnes 12 Crock oGold BallotMark Tricki 59192 Jefferson 5S l01fast 85 115 3 2 2l 2i E Barnes 12 OPillar Honorable MiracleMan MiracleManSURF SURF ShootTrainer RIDER b g 3 126 By Superman Sea Spray by Star Shoot Trainer K Spence Owner Uontfort Jones 01 GonnnndGI554 657 Lex ton 1 14 2OCslow 1910 104 3 2 2J 2 E Scobie 7 C Verde BlarStone Gonnnnd GI554 StartlaC14G8 Lex ton 1 1S l53hvy 1MO 126 2 3 5 5 E Scobie 6 BusyAmorin BetMosle Startla C14G8 I axton 1 116 l43fast 3310 IIS 6 4 3J 2 E Scobio 7 Ddlock JohnFinn Washington TdHonr578G3 G1437 WashingtonG1437 Leiton 34 l14i l14igood good 05 1021 7 G JJ 31 E Scobio 0 Centimeter SCombs TdHonr 578G3 Jamaica 34 ll2 fcfast 55 120 1 1 1 1 l Fator G IIJrigadier My Play Aknostl 57712 Jamaica S4 l13fast 135 120 7 6 B 3s I Fator 7 Missionary MSeed IrBrisadlei 57147 Aqueduct 34 l13 ifast 2 120 6 4 4s 1 J L Fator 7 SweepBy RayJay KyPlay 5 230 Aqueduct 34 112 fast 31 122 2 3 3 4 i L Fator 7 Ray Jay Yankee Star Modo 57067 Belmont 78 JIG l23ifast 65 107 2 2 2l 1 I Fator 4 Galantman Modo Junn Grass 5C9S9 Grass5C9S9 Allah5G522 Belmont 34 1IC lllfast 4 122 4 6 51 41 E Sande 22 Buntins Galantman D of Allah 5G522 Violinist5G3G5 Saratoga 5J f l05fast 6 110 3 2 1 11 L Fator 8 Bunting Runstar Violinist 5G3G5 Runstar5G12G Saratoga 34 lllfast 15 110 3 2 31 2l i Fator 12 Pegasus Pillory Runstar 5G12G Phantom55C30 Saratoga C8 E3fast 8 113 7 5 71 Cci B Sande 1C Toil Bigheart Fair Phantom 55C30 Empire 5i f 107 fast 5 100 1 1 lot 11 L Fator 11 Yankee llald Modo Lejrhora 55548 FriendC5410 Aqueduct 58 lOOVifast 12 11G 2 1 1 E Sando 11 Oceanic Sedge Firm Friend C5410 Aqueduct 58 S9 S9sfast = sfast 30 115 S 8l Sl E Martin 13 Sidereal Ultimo NorthclUX STARTLE ch f 3 3Trainer 121 AyrshireH By Star Hawk Inspiration by Ayrshire Trainer J I Smith Owner H H Hewitt 01551 Irf5ton 1 13 l55hvy 75 75CHC9 121 1 1 1 3 = D Connelly 3 RusyAmerjn BetMosie J Fi n CHC9 Los ton 1 l29VLfast 1 121 3 2 21 2J D Connlly 4 MissJoy MayBlossom RriltStar 58335 Lexington FC lll lllsmucl = smucl 7 7GS042 124 1 2 3 2 D Connlly G Gentility JolmFinn FiirPIitoin GS042 Churchill 1 l3Sfast C 119 2 2 H Il D Connlly 9 Rocket lolin Finn Cherry Tree 57597 Litonia 1 l3Sfast 135 135K7203 115 2 2 11 L Lylca 12 JFinn JuneGrass Itockmitiister K7203 Litonia 34 l15mud 215 117 4 4 3l 3l E Pool 5 MissJoy Washtoii Jaelfowdra 50787 lAtonia 51 t l09fchvy 2310 2310C53S 115 3 2 2J 1 D Connlly 8 Stirtlfi Rirlie C Linn Clark C53S Latonia 34 l12fast S 122 3 3 5J 5J J Butwcll 8 Miss Joy Bonus Fair Phantom 54058 Latonia 5S CDfast 12 12540G4 122 34 41 4 W Lilley 8 FrPhtotn MissJoy Drof Allah 540G4 Churchill 12 4Cifast 1910 122 7 10 10 1 D ConnllylS Fair Phantom M FalUm Aloft 53889 Lexington 12 47 good 4110 119 1 Il I2 D ConnllylO Fair Phantom Aloft Red I af 53825 Lcsington 12 47 fast 135 135MY 1141 1 lh H Lykc 12 FairPhantom RritLeaf TjSu MY PLAY b c 3 3Trainer 126 By Fair Play Mahubah by Rock Sand Sandington Trainer H Waldron Owner Xes ington Stable Stable11G G1508 Pimlico 1 l l43Hmud Hmud 12 11G 1112 1 = 1 C nobson fi PiKdigous AllOver Trcvclyan Trcvclyan10D 0143 HdeGce 31 lllfast 45 45S4 10D 5 4 4 2 C Robson 5 Mercury Wellfiader Mcsshiej OJKOS HdeGce S4 l13Uf st 34 110 5 5 5s 31 C Robson 7 Prainstorm Righeirt Caretaker 6iJ5S HcleGce 31 l13fefast 5 5El 116 3 1 11 li C Robson S KiipeMativc SpanMaire Pight CIS 12 HdoGee El f lOSRooc 12 116 1 1 I1 I C Robson 15 Olynthns Dinalimr Supcilativc r807 Pimlico 1 142 gooi gooir good 13 122 3 S 10 10 C Robson 11 Morvicli Luckyllour Runantcll r 8181 Empire 51 f 107 fast 710 710i ICG 4 3 2l 2s L Fator G Lucky Hour S Adams K Grass 580 Kmpire Ab i 34 lG lCOUfast l fast 5 107 6 5 4 45i B Marielli G Runantell KaiSang Emotion R78G3 Jamaica 34 ll fast 35 ICS 2 3 3 3l A Schugr G SurfRider IBrigadier Akntisti 57447 Aqueduct 34 l13 fast 1S0 112 1 2 21 41 C Robson 7 Surf Uiilor Sweep ly Ray Jay 5719 Aqueduct 34 l14goo 31 31MC 107 3 1 1 3s A Schusrl2 Missionary All Over Rmotion BG939 Belmont 3J MC lllTsfast 10 10fst 117 1 15 15 = 11 = 1 C Robson 22 Bunting Galantman D of Allah 5GG93 Iehnont 51 fst l0 fast 05 115 3 4 21 2t C Robson 10 YankeeStar Relay FirmFrlend 50593 Saratoga 31 f lC4fcfast 20 103 4 9 0 Ss A Schugrll Bunting Snob II Sunreigh 50522 Faratoga 51 f lC5fast 12 107 1 5 41 01 C Robson S Surf Rider Bunting Runstar 55970 Empire 5S l01Hslow 114 3 C 7 74 A Schusr 7 Knot Grass Vcaizelos Shaffer BET MOSIE b c 3 3Trainer MartagonIdle 126 By North Star 111 Santa Anna by Martagon Trainer II J Thompson Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable 01551 Iexton 1 13 l55 ihvy 7 12 5 5 4 25 E Barnes 5 RnsyAmerican Startle JoimFinn 01441 Lexton 1 llo l45good 13 105 6 7 C1 C3 E Barnes 7 UnitedVcrde Advocate Rouleau 58212 Churchill 78 l24fast 114 9 10 10 S5i W MorseylO J I5ovdre Rkminister J Finn 58107 Churchill 34 llfast llfast57G50 114 6 5 5J S J D Mney 7 BolUk FPhantom Brdalbane 57G50 Churchill 1 140 good goodG7272 111 2 6 3 2k W Murray 8 Yoshimi Bill and Coo Demos j G7272 Latonia 31 l12 fast fast5G991 116 8 S Gt 6 J L Lyke 8 Bdlbane BBrush Rkministcr 5G991 Latonia 34 l179ihvy l179ihvy563G5 116 6 6 6 C J L Lylco G Rkmster PeRasus MthaFallon 563G5 Saratoga 34 llliifast llliifast5G12G 112 10 9 7 S1 L Lyke 12 Pesasns Surf Rider Pillory 5G12G Saratoga 58 53fast 10 112J13 12 12 = 12r L Lyke 1C Toil Bigheart Fair Phantom 55527 Latonia 34 l12fast 8 US 4 2 11 1 = L Lylco G Rkministcr DofAllah Yoshimi 55275 Latonia 51 f 107 fast 2710 121 1 4 41 4 L Lyke 8 Santa Clara Bonus Washington 55151 Latonia 51 f l07ttfast 1910 19105S 115 1 1 I1 I1 L Lyke 8 Bernice K Lucknow Rekab 55027 Latonia 5S 101 fast 32 324J 115 5 1 Il 1J L Lyke 12 JBBrown Billy Star Tamper 51378 Churchill 4J f 53 = ffast 4 115 6 4 3 = 2l L Lyke 12 Royal Palm LUKS Montjoy 54231 Churchill 4 f 54Vcfast 28 110 3 6 5 2J C Thpson G Topmast Win Oldt Doriua 53935 Lexineton 41 f 5hvy 5hvyBUSY 115 9 S S S G W Car1110 Lknow ComMclIkin liutehn BUSY AMERICAN b c 3 126 By North Star I JL Breathing Spell by Dark DarkRonald Ronald RonaldIdle Twiner H J Thompson Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Stable1C 01551 Ix xton 1 1S l5Tuhvy 7 7G14GS 1C 4 4 31 1 = N Uarrett S Bet Mosie Startle John Finn G14GS Lcston 1 116 l45fast C 1051 255 6 E Barnes 7 Deadlock Surf Rider John Finn JOHN FINN ch c 3 126 126Trainer By Dick Finnell Coruscate by Chorister Chorister2i Trainer W Perkins Owner G F Baher 01531 I xton 1 1S l33ihvy 215 16 3 2 2611G5 2i 4 H Lunsfd 5 BnsyAmerin BetMosie Startle 611G5 I ston 1 116 l4 = ifast 32 115 4 3 3 T Murray 7 Ddlock SurfRider Washington 58535 Lxincton FC lllmud 21 127 6 4 21 3l E Pool G Gentility Startle Fair Phantom 58212 Churchill 7S l24fast 9 5 117 G 5 558D2 3l K Pool 10 TBowdre Rkminter FPhtom 58D2 Churchill 1 l33fast 21 122 7 6 3i 31 II Lunsrrd 9 Startle Rocket Cherry Tree 57597 Latonia 1 lC9fast 12 114 4 4 E Pool 12 Startle JuneGrass Rockmister 57402 Latonia onia 31 I l154 thvy hvy 225 118 2 2iilxvorth 2 1 E Pool G Violinist FPhantom THareJr iilxvorth 51 f lKffast 115 122 5 1 E Pool 7 SThoiBhts JDundee WessIfiB 55GS3 Windsor 31 f In3fast 2 1L E Pool 8 DofAllnh SThoughts JDundee 55070 Talonia 5S l lOnVffast XHffast 34 117 11754GSO 1 1 11 1 E Pool 0 Kkniinister Washton QOden QOdenJ 54GSO LntoRia 4i f r5 r3Vfast fast 1 111 2 I3 1J J E Pool 6 QuGarden Pr Welles LAUe 5451 J Churchill 41 f 54ffast 13 115 115LETTERF1AN 1s E Pool 11 Demos Montjoy Autocrat LETTERF1AN ch c 3 M 126 By Superman Arlette by Robert le Diable DiableTrainer Trainer S P Harlcn Owner Greentree Sta Wo WoG1574 G1574 7nwica Im70y l4 Vifast 2 S5 G 7 Ci 4 A McLhlin 7 PirGold June Grass St Henry 6 GI5S 153 Jamaica Sl l12s l12good od 25 IDS 3 2 2l 2l L Lyke 0 Galtman Ilephtos WilliaraA 545 13 I Imont 5S st 57fast 41 112 13 9 101 121 A Collins 14 Column NancvF Mustard Seed 54178 llelmont 41 f st 5 ifast ifastBANKER 4 115 3 4 42 2b E Sande 13 Bichcart Postltide Galantman BANKER BROWN br c 3 128 By Hclmst Vaila by Fariman Trainer H J Thompson Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable 5G2U Saratoga 51 f l031 fast 12 112 9 H 14 13 L Lyku 15 Whiakaway Pegasus KGrasa 55991 Saratoga 5 I l00faat l00faat533G7 25 114 4 6 C 6 L Lyke 7 MissJoy KaiSang LdBthnore 533G7 Latonia 51 f lOG lOSfasf lOSfasf551C9 fasf 13 3 5 112 2 1 li PJ 1 L Lyke 10 Sirllugh SandBoots BIHouse 551C9 Latonia 58 lCO fast 9 115 3 3 31 2 L Lyke 12 JBBrown SuavePrce Salader 5507 I Latonia 58 101 fast 145 115 399 9IS L Lyke Lyke5S 10 GteWare DpSinkcr Selrince 54837 Latonia 5S 105 hvy 14 112 2 2 3s 3 L Lyke 4 Miss Joy Casey Colored Ioy 54G55 Latonia 41 f 54fast 10 115 1 10 10 10 C Thpson 10 Cold Boy LcharcslL DSinker