2nd Race [2nd Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-13

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WALTES HACK br g 101 101Trainer By Hapsburgr Foneda by Kingston Kingston2h Trainer H Good Owner R H Good 616GI MHeights 68 101 good 21 107 2h G Willimsl2 Loch Loven Sea Board Cavalier 01354 Tijuana 58 l01fast 2 110 J R Carter 8 Shclf yville LySmall 61318 Tijuana 34 115 fast 2310 112 4 1 2 on3 R cnrtcr 10 NebukaLad IXiisvN JI VeraRIU 61171 Tijuana 51 f UGSrifasi 4 113 2 2B9225 1 21 G Willms S GdEnough McCroan H Sugg B9225 Tijuana 5S l05slop 1110 109 2 4 6 6 J Htamer 0 Bill Head Chrome Squash Wright 69104 Tijuana 6i f l03faat 2310 109 5 3 t So S Maskrld 10 MTilchinan Golllose E8SG7 Tijuana 58 103 fast 10 114 3 2 J 5a ° 8 T1Uot6 n LittleJake KycUrlghl MDbaj 6S555 NKfn Ab 58 105 hvy 126 U4 1 T Rae 0 Rafferty DixFJycr TandTlsht DOCTOR D b 10 108 108Traiaor TandTlshtBy p By Galvcstoa Verna Rice by Dr Rice Riceft Traiaor 0 Sico Owner 0 Darossett 61561 MHeighta 51 f l09iislow 7f 109J ft rV1 V1 MayMauIsby Legacy BillyBoots BillyBootsi 60990 Havana t ft r 5i l05hvy 3 110 7 Ke say 10 Jesaica F Banallan Starknder 60011 Havana 51 f 110 slow 21 116 1 i Ki l ° Sa i lmaPy Jickllealey Leenrack 60770 Havana 5i f l09slow 31 115 4 31 4 W Kelsay 9 Ruddles Don Thrush L Gentrv Gentrvit 58492 Maplell 5S l07hvy 75 113 4 ° r al alr I 5wllUt Ladlone JackUnij 68413 Mapl IL 51 f 110 slow 1110 HI 1 11 1 it I1 ii E Fator 0 Babylonian Circulate St ES24G E8 103 slow 175 113 Just Moplell Sr ator 8 St Just liclr t Trcadwell 68220 Maple H 58 IrtShvy U5 107 4 W AndBon fl CautGirl Sea Board K Wortt BIG BON b s 4 105 105Trainer By UcGec Precocious by Pirate of Peazaaco Trainer A Wallin Owner Wallin Bryan C0745 Mexico 5S l02 fast 4 112 3 1 1 C Watson 0 Zaincr My Friend Pat Pom Vac 60725 Mexico 53 101 fast 93 115 3 1 is C Watson Watson4s 8 Peg Eaton DocXab North Belle 60659 Mexico 58 l02ifast 12 110 5 5G8 4s 4s C Wiitsoi WiitsoiI1 1 Assumption Pomerene Xainer 60623 Mexico G8 l03Vifast 2710 112 5 I1 41 C Watson Watson3b fi Olive Jame Pomcreno Emrien 60C52 Mexico 12 23fast 1 117 1 3b 4i C Watson WatsonI1 5 MyFrPat BlLilly Propaganda 60247 Mexico 58 l03rifaBt 32 117 2 I1 11 C Watson G Tom Roach Lotta G Bdna I E9909 Mexico 58 l04fast 12 115 2 25S 2 3 C Watson fi Nolawn MarseJimmy BroBilly E9S97 Mexico 5S 101 fast 2110 112 2 1 I1 C Watson 8 BrookDeld Asuncion Ballynew BEA BOARD b g 4 106 106Trainer By Deutschlaad Polistcna by Polymelas Trainer F Tenaant Owner E Kelly 61C61 MHeighta CS 101 good 8 112 3 R Ball 12 LochLevcn WaltSIack Cavalier 60918 Mobile Ab 5S BS faat 1C5 115 1 3 II J C Garner 10 Eros Sacajawea Port Light C0878 Mobile Ab 58 59fast 165 111 C 5 4 3s J Conway 10 BackBay SauUiego FlyingOrb 60S11 Mobile Ab 5S l019ihvy 21 110 9 64 3 = 3 L Gray 10 Corkey W St Just Dahinda 607C3 Mobile Ab 5S l02slow 7 120 6 22 2 21 L Gray 10 MagLaud Sacajawea Ptendw 60C04 FGnda 61 f l10hvy 60 108 7 77 8 8J A McVlahl2 Herald Crest Locarno E9C57 FGnda 34 113 fast W 110 7 8 J 9 M Garner 11 Wiuneconne Pisins Tom Roln 52213 Jefreon 61 f 103 fast 30 109 2 4 S 91 10 i H Gregory 12 MidntSun Bengali Philanderei McLANZ b e 6 10G 10GTradaer By Duval Etta Ray by RasselL Tradaer B Emrie Owner R Eznrie 61627 MHelghta 51 f lOSKsood 17G 107 2 J Thomaa 11 Baliynew Just Fancy Rog 61201 Tijuana 58 102 fast 510 112 1 4 5 5J T Wilson 8 MadPyng SmilMaggie Perch 61152 Tijuana 34 l144faat 9 111 2 3 3C1087 31 5J C Rails S JohuJr QofTrunips H Rudder C1087 Tijuana 51 f UOSfcfast 7 117 3 2 2 T Wilson 10 Rosa Atkiti Ney Thuty Seven 61003 Tijuana 51 f l07faat 8 110 S 7 7 71 G Studer 8 MMaulsby HazelDale Tcnnllee 60787 Tijuana El f lOSJtfast 1910 112 4 42 J1 TcnnlleeJ1 lk J Htamer 8 RubrII ColMphy ThtySeyen 60693 TUuaaa 51 f I wy6fast 7 lli G 83 8 5 I H B Uw rU HazelDale TrumCall Rubberll 10 103 By Albula Peg Parks by Dandio Dinnont L Fitzgerald Owner E L Fitzcerald 51 f lC7fast 12 110 7 4 2 31 G Corey 10 Ruddles GallonBerry Chisca 34 111 fast G 110 1 4 5 6i S J A PIckens 9 AmEagle WarMap TwyScvtn 51 f lOSfagt 5 113 5 4 1 1 I1 A Pickens 10 Mike Machine Gunner Rir Jack 1 l40Vsfast 4 110 6 3 5 S 8 8 A Pickens 8 Hazel W Currency Quaker 61 f 103 good 20 108 7 G 7 8 8 A Flckens 8 Discussion Currency ilidiun 34 llo = tfast 85 112 2 1 1C 1 I1 I1 A Pickena 9 AAglow MisJiggs BevJemea C f 1OS fast 65 112 2 4 3 3ll 2n A Pickena 9 Tom Goose Mister Jiggs Cortea LUIHEKE br g 5 106 By Liiko HcLukc Hicaola by Watercress WatercressTrainer Trainer 0 L Foster Owccr 0 L Fester G1583 MIIeights 51 f lOSKOod 109 109 115 73 J McBride 12 Neg Marion Hollins Purdey C0951 Havana 51 f l07fast 10 112 3 6 G1 9i B Kenndyl2 MWinks GalBerry TwyScn G0872 Havana 51 f I07fa3t 10 110 G 7 S1 Gs B KcnndylO Ruddles GallonBerry Hutlur 60790 Havana 51 f l07good 20 110 0 4 3 33 3 3l 331 T Burns 10 Itengalese JgeBudroW Midinn GOCOS Havana 51 f l0slow 21 110 04 4 1 12 2 2t 5 J B Scheffel 10 MGunner Pokey B Acclamafn 6449 Hftvana 51 f lOSfcfost 3 110 10 4 12 G ° k 8 J F Mooro 9 Plttsburg LItCottage TGoose TGooseLO 5W24 Havana 51 f l03sow 15 110 LO 2 1 16 6 8 81 F Mooro 8 Discsion ShootAway NorBelle HABEL TRASK b m 7 104 104Trainer By Jack Atkin Balance All II by Luke Black BlackG Trainer G W Frits Owner G W 7 Fritz hum 57826 Erie Ab 5S l02good 13 115 15 4l W Dkson 7 FGCorley DrCampbI IMcliita CC22G Delmr 34 119 fast 34 113 13 9i O Atwell 9 Jnanita III Hatnick Circulate Circulatefl ED91S Kcmpton 34 11G fast 11 107 fl 4SJ O AtwMl S Dixie Flyir 1luvinda Cranium rS07 Mncve Ab 5S l02hvy 7 111 1 G1 O Atwell 0 No Trumps Doctor D PrimitiTo PrimitiToX 55743 Mneve Ab 5S l03mud 3710 103 X 31 O Atwell 8 Cuba Diocletian DTsFairbanks DTsFairbanksIS ST KEVIN b E 5 10S 10STrainer IS By His Majesty F Sharp by Fugleman Trainer V7 H Cissna Owner LBoido CS550 Cowie 1 11G lf3hvy 12f 113 G 4 4 5 31 5 A JohasonH Kings Bollf Chin Walsh Allah 58563 NKton Gl f 130 slow 5 lit 2l F Hunt 8 Roy Ennls View Minnie II II5S553 5S553 NKton 58100 hvy 910112 Fell J Connors C MyErb ClFrances MnsicCastle MnsicCastleSS19S 5S19S NKfn Ab 5S 103 mud 1910 11G 11 J Connors 0 Sh Change Grllnss MarDixon MarDixonE8JfS E8JfS NKfn Ab 58 101 fast 1 111 45 D Priblu 0 Prcsuraptn Kayman Participle ParticipleCS374 CS374 NKfn Ab 5S 102 fast G 112 21 B Illce 8 PokoyJane TopRung Ruhberll RuhberllC7SOS C7SOS Mt MtRoyal Royal 58 l05Vfchvy Yl10 10 111 9 N Foden 11 Glenn Lady Ivan St Just Just575C9 575C9 MLRoyal 51 f l10hvy 45f 112 1 V Hinphy 12 Wane Helen Lucas Iivasa Iivasa3GSC9 3GSC9 BBonts 1 142 fast 1G9 ICG 7 2 1 G 9 9 II B Bwcr 9 Rock Silk Just Fancy Mildred MildrediClSO iClSO Windsor 1 1S l53fost 27 108 2 1 2 3 10 10 H EricksnlO Biddledee FraukF Ul l2nliavn 55157 Connht 34 l14fast S3 110 11 10 10 12 12 A RichcrklJ Oornioran Efficient Blazonry Blazonry53S33 53S33 ILdeGce 34114 fast 24 11211 9 10 11 12 S Wida 15 LlUMnuilie BlackTop Rafferty RaffertyLEADING LEADING STAR b h 6 114 By Sweep Star of Runnymede by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer C Koemer Owner C Koerner Koerner5S109 5S109 Church1 1 1 11G l47fast 29f 106 5 4 3 8 10 10 B Parke 12 FosEmbry Amanda FairOrient 57772 Latonia 1 11G l4Sfast 4S 114 5 2 3 G 11 II14 H Shilling 12 Guaranteed Furbelow Cut Up 57491 Latonia 34 l14good 56 1161 5 7 6 5 5T H Shillingll SLiberty G Swell HBurgoyne 56960 Dufrin 78 l35fast 5 112 Gi II Shilling 7 Fin Rooster Bond lntty aby 56003 Dufrin 78 135 fast 1 118 4 H Shilling S Circulate Tom Logan Safranor Safranor5632S 5632S FtErle Im70y l44VsSOOd 6 108 4 2 7 7 7 7 H J Burke 7 OihrMiitn Darnay Trickster U U5C255 5C255 FtErie 1 116 l47fast 7 111 1 1 1 1 12 2 H Shilling 13 Dof Wellington Pledru Madrono MadronoELGA ELGA ch m 6 101 By Frco Lance Hlustriouz by Galore GaloreTrainer Trainer D B Freeman Owner D B Freoraan Freoraan6C743 6C743 Mexico 58 l02fast 13 104 1 G G G G T Wayt 6 BigSon Zainer My Friend Pat 60726 Mexico 58 101 fast 27 1CS 1 26 26GPG25 6 GJ 8 E T Moore 8 BigSon PeggyEaton DoctorZab GPG25 Mexico 5S l03 fast 16 103 4 4 45 5 52 GT1 T Brooke 0 Olive James Pomerene Emdcn 60424 Mexico 51 f 111 fast 10 104 1 4 G 7 7C1 T Wayt 7 Zainer NPelle My Friend Pat 60363 Mexico 51 f 112 fast 8 105 G 7 78 786030S 8 71 5 i I Gordon 8 St Just Olive James My Rose 6030S Mexico 51 f l10fast 11 108 5 5 55 5 51 4 3 W Bogski 0 Vanity Dresser Chicken llmden 50163 Mexico 34 118 fast 16 103 4 4 44 4 42 5i W Bogski 6 Ballyrcw ValWest LtPerkins 60008 Mexico 58 104 fast 75 110 2 11 11M997 1111 l i T Wayt C Aslilin Ormlos Nancy Ann M997 Mexico 78 132 fast 19 113 3 3 35 35DD35S 5 5s G31 J Smwood C Amazs OliveJamcs Jeanllullant DD35S Mexico 5S 104 fast 5 1CG1 1 2 22 2 1 1s C OMahy 7 DoctorZab ScSanders PEaton 58963 Jeff son 31119 mud 12 107110 6 9 9NO 8l S16 R IIolwayl2 Perhaps BackBay Sacajawea SacajaweaBy NO VONDEE ch gr 7 106 106Trainer By Fireman Belle of Portland by G V Johnson Trainer C Slaalay Owner K T Palmer G1391 Tijuana 5S 100 fast 33 112 4 G 4 4l W Garsan 8 Dancg Girl Hars Heir Angela 01339 Tijuana 34 l14 4fast 1310 112 2 2 2 4s T Wilson 8 Kimono Coombs Divlaml G1294 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 215 112 2 2 2 1 T Wilson 7 Alajah OrlnsGirl Col Murphy MurphyI I 61170 Tijuana 1 l43fast 1110 112 4 2 2 91 T Wilson 10 JnlyFly CMaster Oldllomestd OldllomestdG1140 G1140 Tijuana 1 141 fast 1710 112 4 1 11 2l T Wilson 8 Conichon SmilMaggie Sample 61091 Tijuana 1 l43fast 6 112 3 1 Il 2J P Hum 9 LCochran MyrtleA SocialStar 61018 Tijuana 1 l43itfaat 195 112 4 4 8 8lt C Studer 8 HotFoot KitChlham NkKlein NkKleinG0970 G0970 Tijuana 58 100 fast 7 112 2 3 2i 2 C Studer 7 Walter Dant Hot Foot Kimono 60960 Tijuana 1 l43faat 1910 112 3 4 6 4J C Studer 7 SadieD LPointer BdgThrgh BdgThrghRED RED ch E 6 106 By Poop oDay Hary Kichaels by Lissab LissabTrainer Trainer T Cheek Owner T Cheek 61005 Havana 34 113 good 5 115 2 3 11 1 F Hunt 12 JapMuma PrimitiveMDennnzio PrimitiveMDennnzioCOS91 COS91 Havana 51 f l15hvy 4 112 9 8 71 6 J G Corey 9 ClarkM SmilThrougb BerrctU BerrctU60SOS BerrctU60SOS 60SOS Havana 51 f lOSfast 4 113 4 4 7 S SH 7 L Penman 12 King B IA Balafre Hampy 60770 Havana 61 f lODV slow 4 112 8 99 81 8 L Penman 9 Ruddles Don Thrush L Gentry 60540 Havana 34 l17slop 12 112 2 43 2l 2 L Penman 8 Blondel Wrcckless Bnlfour BnlfourS001S S001S Havana El f lOStfast 12 105 10 10 10 9l 8 J Maiben 10 Lullaby Whippoorwill Lyric 59313 Havana El f l07faat 7 U2 9 8 3 81 7 A Pickens 10 Hoover Jill Lyric 39253 Havana 51 f l097isood 5 108 a 4 S 8 2 A Pickrns 10 Frisctielo BabyFauat WariliB WariliBJ J E HERTZ ch K 4 LI 100 By McGee Spiteful by Orlando OrlandoTrainer Trainer M Hackett Owner II Kackott KackottG1223 G1223 Bowie 1 116 l54mud 140 102 6 8 8 8 J Heupel S FinRooster Kebo TheColBawn TheColBawnG1133 G1133 Bowie 61 f l22fast 54f 101 12 12 13 13l R Fiynn 13 Whbone Pretender Perigrdine 53287 Mobile Ab Gl f 131 hvy 12 108 2 33 31 4 A Wilson 7 Countess CBarkley MarUray 53253 Mobile Ab 58 105 mud 20 107 2 7 7 7 7 N Collins 7 Virge Dr Slusfer Clean Up 55220 Mobile Ab 58 l01good 15 109 6 6 6 6 J Schlessr 0 OUartbell PepPolly NLondon 53105 Shport 61 f lll ood 7 100 8 8 8 8 8 L McDott 8 HRudder FRoostcr Balsihen 53052 Shport 61 f 119 hvy 3 110 7 6 6 6 6 J H Burke 7 liaud Sweep Royal Blood Tony 52013 Shport 61 f l18hvy 5 113 4 344 51 J H Burke 8 Uoreb Plato Sir John Verzne VerzneETHEL ETHEL H ch m 6 H 93 By Jnfi Jnfio o Wright or Tony Boaero Princess Pomona Pomonaby by The Commoner CommonerTORNADO TORNADO ch g 7 H 103 By ByTrainer Sweeper Lady Seliaa by Sslvator Trainer B E Chapman Owner B E Chapman

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922051301/drf1922051301_12_4
Local Identifier: drf1922051301_12_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800