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MAPLE HEIGHTS FORM CHART MATLE HEIGHTS Ohio Friday Hay 12 1922 One Milr Sixth lay Ohio State Jockey Club Spring meeting cf 13 dys Vcathor clear clearPresiding Presiding Steward Joseph A Murphy Judfe F W Gerhardy Starter Wm Snyder Racing Secre ¬ tary W R Norvell j Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago time 215 215flI flI OXIJ 75 A FIRST RACE 12 Kil3 May 9 1D22 4S2iC2 purse COO 2year olds Clcimirg ITct value to winner y453 second 100 third 50 50Eqniv Eqniv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightGlG2GzMiss GlG2GzMiss Beulah 112 1 A Pickens 751M 751MC102fi3Kisli C102fi3Kisli Tea 112 2 F Murphy 29100 29100GlCG03St GlCG03St Shooter ICO 33 R Bolton 41XMOO 41XMOOC1C26 C1C26 Raymond f 112 43 E Graves 701001 701001G10GO G10GO Lichen 10D 5J II Holloway 2OD1CO 2OD1COG1G2G G1G2G Valmonil 112 Cs V BogowsUi 4130iOO 4130iOOJanice Janice G 1C9 7 R Anderson 4560100 2 mr tinIs piid Miss Beilah 3rO straight 240 place 210 show High Tea 2 0 place 230 show Straight Shooter 5220 show showEiiuivalcnt Eiiuivalcnt litKiking tnlds Miss Beulah 75 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show High i Tea 40 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Straight Shooter 15 to ICO show showTime Time 49 Track fast fastWinner Winner E L Fitzgeralds b f by Dick Wcllos Cinella by McGce trained by E L Fitzgerald bred by Mr J B Respess RespessWent Went to post at 215 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv I ing 1 R OJiJ 1 7 1 PJ SECOND RACE 58 Hile laay 10 1022 101 110 Purse GOO 4 year olds and upward Claiming Het value to j winner 450 second 100 third 50 50Eqniv j Eqniv Odds 1 1 Ind Hor Horce e Wt Fin Jockey Straight j Straightj 58530 Bonstelle IU 110 1i C Kamcs 91100 91100C11503D C11503D Fashion 1C 1C5 G Williams 280100 j 50319 Runmic IV IVi 110 3 R Holloway 9501 JO i Gin03sPurdcy IU 110 4J L Gray 11401SO Glf GlBilly Boots 108 J Pcvic t tT G0739 Rivulet J07 T Wayt 1430JOO 1430JOOW 61159 St Just 308 W Bo owski 19101CO 58546 L HarKnlOS 8 J Walace HiOlCO 5S409 Csin o MincllO 9 T AVilliams t tG1C28 G1C28 Jill 108 10 T Ra3 2191100 2191100COCOi COCOi Bev James 110 11 T Burns 91001CO 91001COtMutnel tMutnel field 2 mntUU raid Bongtelle 19SO straight S20 place G20 show Duly Fashion 440 place 410 show Runmic 5570 show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odds Ponstelle 800 to 100 I straight 310 to 109 place 210 to 100 show Duly Fashion 120 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Run ¬ mic 185 to 100 show showTime Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner II W Moores ch c G by Hurst Park Herkyte by Ilerinis trained by C Drake bred by Mr E S Lyle LyleWent Went to pest at 240 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow for all but Beverly James Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 58109 Leading Star 113 C091S Arthur Miduleton 105 G1143 Propaganda 110 G15G1 Back Bay 110 5S512 Liberator 110 110Overweights Overweights Rivulet 4 pounds fi OJu 1 7 1 R THIRD EACE 53 Kile Kay 10 1322 101 4 110 Pune 600 3year chls Claiming Not value to winner 450 second S1CO third 50 50Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightCl Cl 04zLUtle LOPS i30 I3 C Rails SO100 SO100ClG87Hpy ClG87Hpy Euxton 1C6 21 J Wallace 700100 G1558Rubula 10S 3J F Moore 1G30100 ClOOflCanny LadylOS 4 W Bogowski 1250100 G1339Kimono 103 5 J Maiben 112010 C1594Fly Beauty 104 GJ F Sharpe 119JJOO 61E923Kitty Maude 104 71 J Smith 2210100 2210100Cir58Tatting Cir58Tatting 103 SI G Williams 12170100 12170100G1592 G1592 King Paul ICG 9 K Holloway t tG0877 G0877 L Rochester 301 30J A Pccarro 42CO1CO 60437 Deuces Wild 107 11 R Ball 7410100 7410100G1687 G1687 Baby EvelynlOl PupR Anderson t ttMntuel tMntuel field 2 mutuels paid Little Less 3GO straight 280 place 2CO show Happy Huston 440 place 410 show Rubnla 450 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Little Less 80 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Happy Buxton 120 to 100 place 103 to 100 show Rubula 125 to 100 show showTime Time 101 5 Track fast fastWinner Winner L T Whitehills b K 3 by Stem Winder Young Belle by 2dcn trained by L T Whitchill bred by Mr Orin C Mills MillsWent Went to post at 310 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driivng driivngScratched Scratched G155S Athgarvcn 110 Overweights Deuces Wild 3 pounds R OJ5JI 1 7 1 7 FOTTETH EACE 78 Mile Hay 9 1822 125 4 1C4 Purse 1OCO 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner C50 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 50Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightG1G29 G1G29 Murray 107 1 R Holloway 1170300 1170300G1G29 G1G29 Reliability 93 2 J Wallace 750100 750100OlGSOBullct OlGSOBullct Prooflll 33 J Groth 70100 70100B1274 B1274 Kath RankinlOo 4 G Williams 490100 60920 Old FaithfuI109 5 R Anderson 3130100 3130100G15GO G15GO Col Chile 104 T J McBrido 28TO100 28TO100592CGZB111 592CGZB111 McCloy 107 7s F Murphy 1200100 4 787 = Jim Bing 107 8 F Moore 2 mutuels paid Murray 2540 straight GSO place 330 show Reliability GOO place 320 show Bullet Proof 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Murray 1170 to 100 straight 240 to 100 place G5 to 100 show Re liabilty 2CO to 100 place CO to 100 show Bullet Proof 20 to 100 show showTime Time 126 Track fast fastWinner Winner Coppage Parrishs b g 5 by King James Bellamia by Henry of Navarre trained by 0 Johnson bred by Mr Henry T Oinard OinardWent Went to pest at 340 At post 2 minutes Start gcod nnd slow Won driving tecoud and third the same sameScratched Scratched C13903Nan McKinncy 03 C15GO Cre ¬ ation 103 103Overweights Overweights Col Chile 2 pounds fl UJIJ 1 7 1 R ° FIFTH RACE 73 liile May 9 1C 125 4 104 Purse 000 yearolds and upward Claimnjr Het valuo to sinner 5450 second 10D third 50 50Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightGlG30 GlG30 = Zouave 103 1 R FJynn 80100 80100GlG30Plum GlG30Plum Bsom 103 24 C Rails G20100 G20100GlG32Railbird GlG32Railbird 107 3 T Wayt 1730100 1730100G1G93JT G1G93JT Pugucse 302 4 W Bogowskl C20100 C099I Currency 104 5s J McBride 12iO100 12iO100G13S93Zetetic G13S93Zetetic 105 G3 T Rae 890100 890100G1GC5T G1GC5T Cn Bawn 93 7 J Pevic 2900100 2 mutuels paid Zouave 300 straight 280 place 240 show Plum Blossom 440 place 310 show Railbird 580 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Zouave 80 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Plum Blossom 120 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Rail bird 1 JO to 100 show showTime Time 126 Track fast fastWinner Winner W L Saundcrs Wk g 8 by Sain Black Tail by Disguise trained by M Ilackett bred BradleyWent by Mr Edward H Bradley Went to post at 412 At post 1 minute Start good and Blow for all but The Colleen Bawn Won easily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Railbird 15 pounds Zetetic 5t n ujc 1 7 1 Q EIXTIt EACE 1 Mile and 70 Yarcs j7 11 1SC2 144 7 1C1 Purro vGSO 4yearold asd upward Claiminr ITct valua to wiisscr iCO second ylCO third JO Ind IIor e Wt Fin Jockey Straight filHBS Pie 307 I2 J Maibci litflUiO 03 5 50 Secretary 112 2 G Corey tnlCO 61 5IGMackrtr w 307 Sz J Wallace 100 GlCGl Cavalitr 107 4s W BOKW i 2TW1CO G1C30 Neenah 110 5J R Hollowiiy 40100 Gt5J 8 Cruces C1P27 Sabrctash 112 7 C Eames 9220100 9220100fiinOS fiinOS Blue Star 112 8 T Williams 470100 G09JJ = Obstinato 30 9 = G Williams S40100 G0002Boeawaw 103 10 A Jacobs S 00 ICO 2 mituols paid Pi GOO straiglit 11 SO place 410 shov Secretary 380 place 0 show Jackstraw 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Pie 1700 to 100 straight 4CO to 100 place 10 to ICO show Setre tiry 90 to 100 place 43 to 100 show Jackstraw 110 to 100 show showTime Time 1 W Track fast fastWinner Winner O E Van Winkles br g 5 hy Brum nul Ixi Mode by Peep oDay trained by O E Vvn Winkle bred liy Mr John S Barbee BarbeeWeit Weit to post at 440 At post 1 minute Ptart gr fd and slow Won easily second and third diiving diivingScratched Scratched C0374 Sra Urchin 112 61720 SEVEirXE RACE 1 Mile and 70 Ytrds Hay 13 1S22 7 104 Purse C030 4yearolds and unward Claiaar Ket valuo to winner fdCO second 1CO third 50 50Equiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight I ClC27 Rog 107 11 T Wayt t 703 CO GlTsfiWHopover 307 23 G Williams 440300 G1CSG3Specar Girl 310 3J R Holloway ICO 100 C1GG1 Sqre Wlsnsllo 4 F Moore TOOO103 TOOO103G0041 G0041 Captain Toml07 55 J AVallace 2i XJ300 G15G4N Milybht 307 G = W Boswslii 70300 1010052G01 G15G1 Alhcna 114 7 E Taylor 1 10100 52G01 Alexander 112 8 L Gray f CISOU Marsarot 2 110 9 R Ball CSC1CO CSC1COC1CCG C1CCG Selma G 110 10 = C Howard 113100 53532 Jamps G 112 11 T Williams t IMutuel fkid 02 iautuiI pjil ROC Ccll 9X0 rtrii t f 1 40 place 240 show llcpovcr 4 GO place J2CO show Spectacular Girl 240 show showEquivjilcnt Equivjilcnt IwoUinT odds Rog 370 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Uopovcr 15fi to 100 place 30 to ItO show Spectacular Girl LO to 100 show showTime Time 143 Track fast fastWinner Winner M Sanders ch g 7 by nine Royal Nettie II by Gymnast trained by M landers bred RogersWent by Mr A L Rogers Went to post at 510 At post 1 minute Stsrt good and slow Won ridden cut second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Alhcna 2 pounds