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f 6 nays ASlLAfilriial SUMMER MEETING AUSPICES H Elks Boyd County Agricultural fair 1 7 RACES DAILY 7 1 I FINE HALF MILE TRACK, PLENTY OF G000 STABLE ROOM I For Book of the Meeting, Stall Reservations, and Other Information, Address K I . 27. PJIIPPS Secretary 1 I ASHLAND, KENTUCKY J I THE GOLD BOND SYSTEM 3 OF TUEF SPEGTJLATIOH. A An oricint.1, sticecrtful. powerful method of trf r,;ccnlaiicn, based on the invincible srd in- X a ditpztable lsw of average. A tyrtcni which eliminates tba chance element and make: raciEg a X X systematic business investment instead of a chnnco speculation. a SENT 0T APPEOVAL. I I GUARANTEED TO WIN CONSISTENTLY Oil IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. ? This system riqaircs no knowledge of racinjr, handicapping or any of the technicalities of tho J? S gair.e. It ruay he operated at the track or in the hooks, raid is ro simple that a child caned go Y a wrens. It is the only syslom seit on appioval. Guaranteed to win or no pay. X I SEED 110 MOSEY. X Simply serd year name and address today. Get this wonderful system on approval. Try it at A a cur risk. Not ens day, but tsn drys, ten waekr or ten months. If it doesnt win it costs yon noth- a Under thii oifer von tal:o no risk. Why not invest:.;-ate today? i Sin?. SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO., f LOUISVILLE Dept. I KENTUCKY THE HOME OK THE TIIOIlOUGItURED. e and GARS Chief Observer S5 CENTS: K AILED 10 WEEKS, ?3. TODAYS FSEE CODES: LATONIA XUihiari-Scd-Wciie-Occaa DEV0N3XIEE Florida-Ocean-Water-Bey TODAY BIG GETAWAY LONG SHOT AT LATONIA Here is one that has been primed and cocked for a sensational race. Dont Hiss It. j WEDNESDAY ALL THREE WON j Bendita 9.20- Won Pindar Feel .10- Won Go right now to your newsdealer and get this long shot. GARS DAILY CIIIfF OBSfRVER ONLY COO DAILY AT LEADIKG NEWSSTANDS. WINXEES LAST wEES G 17X11 BY THE GUARANTEE 5YSTEK: Flea .0.5-S2 Euwoep 21-1 LtTEsa .. ?2S.60-?2 Lady Inci 2M Gray Gables . .1.30-?2 Top Euns 511.55-S2 JIartirssalo C-l Suweep 21-1 Eunga. Buck ....73-$; Jako Schas .10 Grcand-Swoll .?10.40- Elemental S S0-S2 L?.lly 7-1 Hy P. GardneiS3.10- Chief Sponsor ..?S.6D- Ths Nephew- ....30- Kschhis 3-1 Fauan3 31-1 Top Eua? ....?10.S542 Waae ?10.S0-?2 You are losing money every day you are not playing this system. Why depend on tips and KnetsSTork when from hitter experience ycu have loaned that ycu cannot boat them that way. Email payment down secures system, complete oa a three days trial. If it dees net earn its cost in throe days your mercy will ho refunded. Your name and address secures frco book showing profits obtained for past two years at every track in IT. S. and Canada. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin St. Baltimore, Hd. GRAND OPENING DAY Special at Windsor This is a real rood thins that was recently slupped from Old Kentucky to Canada, and the connections are Groins to pet this one- over at a nice prico. I will bo on tho jcb c-penin- day and will wire this horse to those who will bet 0 straight for me. Hy record as a successful jockey, owner and trainer Is my reference. Write or wire at enca and pet in line for some real good things coming eff in Canada. EX-JQCKEY TED KOERNER Apt 4., Liberal Bid?., 8th and John Sts., CINCINNATI, OHIO. TURF TOPICS ALL NEWSSTANDS, 35 CENTS EVERY WEEK. NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY. TODAYS FSEE CODES: Latonia: Lake-15 -58. Tort Erio: Ocean-14-S3. Empire: Strwcn-12-22. Ill NASSAU ST. E002I 64 NEW YOEK CITY Opulent 2.70- Won WAS THURSDAYS LONG SHOT SPECIAL, DONT FALL TO GET TODAYS Two Getaway Specials ALL THEY COST IS 60 cents DAILY AT ALL NEWS STANDS CO cents National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411 Baltimore Hide. Chicago, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Fom LOOK ! BOYS, LOOK Si This wonderful system only had 14 losers out of E0 in the first 3 days at Latocia, including the beet bets. In two wetks at the different tracks same system only had 17 losers out of 114 bets. SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still pickinr the Ion? shots. Here are a few winners: Slartinsale 5-1 Barracuda . . . .J59.C0-52 Saddle and Boots ..20-1 Sea Pirate ...?35.0C- Alcoa 10-1 Brainstorm ...0.40-?2 Ekeczix lG.G0-?2 Honest George. ?39.80- Gecrgetto 3.40- Frophocy . . . . .S.00- Austral UC.7J42 Dnto Ecff .-.524.SO-52 Darius S1G.70-52 Euby 5.80- Uncle Velo . . .f32.SO-?2 and a large r.nmhor of others. Get those systems and pick voir own wieners. Can be piayed at or away from the track. Prico in full for both systems IIO.CQ. Then, after you get tham and if they have not done just as I advertise, I will gladly return your money. Nothing accepted by telegraph. J. H. CR0SMAH BOX 6 PAL1IYBA. INDIANA THE OHIO STATE JOCKEY CLUB July 15th to July 29th 13 DAYS RUNNING RACES Maple Heights Cleveland, Ohio PURSES S700 to ,000 Handicaps S1.20Q to ,590 For Further Information Address S. N. EOLMAN General Manager SUITE 457, HIPPODROME ANNEX Cleveland Ohio Special Won Easily Thousands failed to accept invitaticn for gal holiday, but from coast to coast there was rejoicing;. Another cces Saturday. joe Mccarty SARATOGA SMtlNGS NEW YOEIC THE TUEF EEPOETEE. Oldsst Publication in. Existence. Eeras the Best. Costs no more than the rest. Only Zoo at all Newsstands. SATURDAY" S SPECIAL: Wire-Tuesdny-Sea-Kur. -Why-Yen. 22 W. auincy St. Est. 1P04 CHICAGO, ILL. FOE REAL INFOBHATTCH ret "the THOE-OUGHBEED. Only 35o wherever Bacins Form is soli. TODAYS BEST: No. S. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1007 CHICAGO, ILL. FOE SLEEPEES fjet a copy of the "BLUE BOOH," S5c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FOEK SPECIAL: No. 8 on the Kiddle Pare of Book 791. STANDARD TUEF GUIDE Eoom 403, 2 West Quincy St. Chicaco, 111. The American Racing Manual for 1922 IS NOW ON SALE. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COUET :: CHICAGO, ILL. 1G7-150 EAST 82ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COUET :: CHICAGO, ILL. 167-169 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YOEK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. T, ws3ccctjw msixtaLS3MirL!ssm wsxrz2ijjrM !-aEMS7Ajjmirvmi tfjm xxtjilx mm. - uu .M w. iuwM THE 1HTERKATI8MAL AUTHORITY ON AMERICAN BAOlisI Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands, H Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austria, H Hungary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc., etc. H THIS BOOK CARRIEsI indexed form charts of all recognised racing in the United States, Can- H ada, Cuba and Mexico, has supplanted all others for the use of racing H officials and is universally used by jockey clubs throughout the world. H Compact, accurate, perfectly printed, with absolutely correct index, H on linen paper, lettered, and bound in flexible leather. Contains, H besides charts of all recognised racing on American tracks, the Amer- H ican and Canadian time records, scales of weights of various govern- H ing bodies and records of jockey mounts in the United States, Canada H and Mexico, for the year. H The Special Attention of Students or Form I is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows H each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, sec- H ends, thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each I and every start. By means of this innovation it is possible for the H user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run H on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as I shown in the following example : H FINANCIAL ROOSTER, b. tr, 5, by Little Dutcri Cloisteross, by Can. ton R. Warfield X k58S62 ..UsaO J 59904 MSVU.VJ 30KK "OOllO2 JUOJ13 Ji!0310 KKjo: H M30-12ii li.0479 "COTiSO 3CO-J3S 3fi0731 lC0764s t50S17Jh 603-17s "C03S05 lC0340 TC1124 PG117G V 61223 m PS12.T2 CI 030 PLAKTAGENET. b. e, 13. Ogden Kamia Worth, by St. Georje. .J. Shockley x H sSSM27m u417h E53r02h cr.9rc!2U I.OnOO u J.r.9793 n9SSlsy Jf.ODiSs Kmil iGOlSlm eiKKOtih 60225h 003S4 JROinOy" C.ai98m i.r,057ls KCOS10 nii00"3 f;07l 300803 lCJS2.-.m 1 00958 i 11023 s V.ior.t; J01O791 TiilOfio -G1119 GlliK IH 361247 "C12C0 3G133S R13SS 1C2772!s bG2S97 362939 1 EED KAN, cli. g, 8, by Abo Frank Alma. Gardia, by Eascccaa E. White X iS J59309 JMi70 359710 b5j772 ".VjHSly 59932 y 3i;kill JirnV y J-,0J7 1"C0701 -007is 3C0SO lC.U34!i --;093S 31030 3G11355 G11C7 301193 G1257 3G12S3 JC1H3S C13S7 hCl772s 3029J9 G302 "h" for heavy, "m" for muddy, "sy" for sloppy, "s" for slow; races not otherwise dts:suted were over fast or good tracks. The alphabetical sign beforo each race number shows the distance at which the race lias boen run according to tho key below: 1-4 and 3-8 Mile A 1 Mile H 3 1-2 Furlongs K From 1 3Iile 20 Yards to 1-2 Mile D 1 Stile 100 Yards O H 1-2 Furlongs P 1 1-1G aiiles P H 5-S 3Iile G 1 1-S 3Iilcfi Q, H 5 1-2 Fxirlonsrs It 1 3-1 G, 1 1-4 and 1 5-1G Slilcs. Ii H 3-4 Mile J 1 1-2 and 1 3-S Miles S H C 1-2 Fnrlonsrs . . . Iv 1 5-8 and 1 3-4 Miles T H 7-S Mile L 2 to 3 Miles TJ H 7 1-2 Furloass M! 3 to 4 Miles V H I 9 d . ! H lipuil Pachrf Forpi I has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of pre I spective purchasers of the 1921 edition is respectfully called to th H desirability of placing orders early. H VOLUME IL, 1921, I PUBLISHED W TWO VOUhSES I Price, Per Volume, 0 I Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with H an extra charge of ten cents for registration. H Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. H DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., I 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois. I 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - Kew York, H. Y. 74 Exchange Street Buffalo, N. Y. I