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i BAIL Y RA CING FORM HANDICAPS HAWTHORNE The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Hawthorne Park Chicago, 111., October 4, 1922. 1 Gen. Petain, Little Billie, Roy C. 2 Will o the Wisp, Railbird, Laura Miller. 3 SIROCCO, Harp of the North, Old Home stead. 4 Harry B., Incognance, Diomed. 5 Whippet, Brown Bill, Buckboard. C Ring Rose, Piedra, Frank Fogarty P. Clark. New York Handicap. 1 Sarafax, Lendonia, Roy C, Little Billie. 2 Bonero Blue, Scarpia II., Railbird, Laura Miller. 3 Mary Reigel, Christie Holters, Desert Rose, Harp of the North. 4 LAST ONE, Harry B., Betsinda, Incog- nance. 5 Brown Bill, Whippet, Elias O., Buckboard. 6 Walk Up, Ring Rose, Piedra, Louis. Chicago anil Ituffnlo Handicap. 1 Roy C., Sarafax, Ruth E., Sundo. 2 Railbird, Laura Miller, Bonero Blue, Mary G. 3 Harp of the North, Sirocco, Mary Reigel, Desert Rose. 4 LAST ONE, Harry B., Belle of Elizabeth- town, Betsinda. 5 Elias O., Buckboard, Water Willow, Friz. G Ring Rose, Louis, Frank Fogarty, Walk Up. Observers Handicap. 1 Sarafax, Roy C, Gen. Petain, Little Bil lie. 2 Railbird, Will o the Wisp, Arrow Point, Laura Miller. 3 Sirocco, Harp of the North, Christie Hol ters, Mary Reigel. 4 LAST ONE, Harry B., Betsinda, Belle of Elizabethtown. 5 Buckboard, Elias O., Brown Bill, Whip pet. G Piedra, Walk Up, Ring Rose, Frank Fogarty. Consensu. of Iln ml lean. 1 Sarafax, Gen. Petain, Roy C, Little Billie. 2 Railbird, Will o the Wisp, Bonero Blue, Laura Miller. 3 Sirocco, Mary Reigel, Harp of the North, Christie Holters. 4 LAST ONE, Harry B., Betsinda, Belle of Elizabethtown. 5 Whippet, Brown Bill, Elias O., Buckboard. 6 Ring Rose, Walk Up, Piedra, Frank Fo garty. LAT0NIA The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Latonia, Ky., October 4, 1922. 1 James B. Brown, Louanna, Moonwinks. 2 Sway, Lord Wrack, Trooper. 3 Bradleys Toney, Reel Foot, Prince Tii Tii. 4 TRANSLATE, Barracuda, James F. OHara. 5 Rouleau, Cherry Tree, Dartmoor. C Taylor Hay, Mart OHara, Chiva. 7 Brilliant Star, Rib Grass, Tulane. J. L. Dempsey. New Vorlf TTmifllcnp. 1 James B. Brown, Gammer Gurton, Tony Sue, Louanna. 2 Sway, Hyanpom, Nancy Lane, Pirate Mc- Gec. 3 Bradleys Toney, Prince Tii Tii, Cash, Wida. 4 TRANSLATE, Miss Muffins, James F. OHara, Barracuda. 5 Rouleau, Dartmoor, Cherry Tree, Yoshimi. C Antonia, Ailsie Vernor, Taylor Hay, Dearie. 7 Rib Grass, Tulane, Brilliant Star, Toma-hoi. Chlcnuo nnl lluITnlo Tin ml Ion i. 1 Gammer Gurton, Tony Sue, Janku, Moon Winks. 2 Sway, Hyanpom. Split Grass, Lord Wrack. 3 Cash. Prince Tii Tii, Tender Seth, Green Spring. 4 Translate, Barracuda, Miss Muffins, James F. OHara. 5 ROULEAU, Cherry Tree, Dartmoor, Lady Champ. 6 Taylor Hay, Antonia, Mart OHara, Teds Plum. 7 Brilliant Star, Ashland, Tulane, Tomahoi. Observers Handicap. 1 Gammer Gurton, Noon Winks, Janku, James B. Brown. 2 Sway, Trooper, Lord Wrack, Hyanpom. 3 Prince Tii Tii, Cash, Bradleys Toney, Glenlivet. 4 TRANSLATE, Miss Muffins, Barracuda, James F. OHara. 5 Rouleau, Dartmoor, Cherry Tree, Yoshimi. C Antonia, Taylor Hay, Ailsie Vernor, Ben- dita. 7 Tulane, Brilliant Star, Ashland, TomahoL Consensus of Handicaps. 1 James B. Brown, Gammer Gurton, Tony Sue, Janku. 2 Sway, Hyanpom, Lord Wrack, Trooper. 3 Bradleys Toney, Cash, Prince Tii Tii, Reel Foot. 4 TRANSLATE, Barracuda, Miss Muffins, James F. OHara. 5 Rouleau, Cherry Tree, Dartmoor, Yoshimi. 6 Taylor Hay, Antonia, Mart OHara, Ail sie Vernor. 7 Brilliant Star, Rib Grass, Tulane, Ashland. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are : Jamaica, L. I., 2i. Y., October 4, 1922. 1 Mawrcoron, Heremon, Humboldt. 2 BANTRY, Service Star, Maize. 3 Cloughjordan, Evil, Shaffer. 4 Bud Lerner, Tall Timber, Cyclops. 5 Chile, Winnipeg, Sophia Goldman. 6 Pilgrim, Sedgefield, Flannel Shirt. F. J. OrtelL New York Handicap. 1 Heremon, Mary Patricia, Humboldt, Mawrcoron. 2 Bantry, Horeb, Lackawanna, Maize. 3 Sling, The Peruvian, Shaffer, Cloughjor dan. 4 Bud Lerner, Cyclops, Tall Timber, Cherry Pie. 5 Chile, Bowsprit, Faithful Girl, Soviet. C FLANNEL SHIRT, John Paul Jones, Sedgefield, Tangerine. . Chicago nml ISufTalo Handicap. 1 Mawrcoran, Mary Patricia, Dolores, Deep Sinker. 2 Bantry, L Herbert, Lackawanna, Maize. 3 Evil, Cloughjordan, Sling, John Joseph. 4 TALL TIMBER, Bud Lerner, Cherry Pie, Osprey. 5 Chile, Bowspirit, Temptress, Winnipeg. C Flannel Shirt, Sedgefield, John Paul Jones, June Grass. Observers Handicap. 1 Mawrcoron, Heremon, Mary Patricia, Sat ellite. 2 BANTRY, Maize, Lord Herbert, Servic Star. 3 Cloughjordan, The Peruvian, Evil, Pas toral. 4 Bud Lerner, Tall Timber, Cherry Pie, Blanc Seing. 5 Winnipeg, Chile, Bowsprit, Lucidus. 6 Flannel Shirt, Pilgrim, Sedgefield, Tan gerine. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Mawrocoron, Heremon, Mary Patricia, Humboldt. 2 BANTRY, Maize, Lord Herbert, Service Star. 3 Cloughjordan, Sling, Evil, Shaffer. 4 Bud Lerner, Tall Timber, Cherry Pie. Cy clops. 5 Chile, Winnipeg, Bowsprit, Temptress. 6 Flannel Shirt, Pilgrim, Sedgefield, John Paul Jones. LAUREL PARK The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Laurel Park Laurel, Md., October 4, 1922. 1 Josephine C, Noon Glide, Veronica. 2 Treviscot, Reparation, Gimme. 3 Racquetta, Welcome Stranger, Rummel. 4 E. B. McLEAN ENTRY, Transom, Eliza beth Bean. 5 Polly Ann, Knot, Muttikins. 6 S. Ross entry, Hidden Jewel, Royal Char lie. 7 Royal Dick, Tingling, Sunny Hill. C. J. Connors. Xcw Yorlc Handicap. 1 Veronica, Josephine C, Noon Glide, Sweet and Pretty. 2 Comique, Reparation, The Sphinx, Page- bro;k. 3 Racquetta, Gipsy Joe, Romulus, Welcome Stranger. 4 TRANSOM, Crochet, Comixa, Elizabeth Bean. 5 Knot, Muttikins, Roulette, Prodigious. 8 Hidden Jewel, Lunetta, Wellfinder, Royal Charlie. 7 Royal Duck, Star Realm, Deckmate, King Trojan. Chicago nml llulTalo Handicap. 1 Josephine C, Noon Glide, Billy Gibson, Radiant. 2 Rocking Horse, Reparation, Treviscot, The Sphinx. 3 Romulus, Racquetta, Petite Dame, Wel come Stranger. 4 TRANSOM, Comixa, Crochet, Prince Re gent. 5 Knot, Muttikins, Thimble, By Jiminy. 6 Hidden Jewel, Minute Man, Wellfinder, Cum Sah. 7 Sunny Hill, King Trojan, Debadou, Royal Duck. Observers Handicap. 1 Noon Glide, Josephine C, Radiant, Vero nica. 2 Reparation, Treviscot, Rocking Horse, Comique. 3 Racquetta, Romulus, Welcome Stranger, Gipsy Joe. 4 Transom, Comixa, Elizabeth Bean, Cro chet. 5 KNOT, Thimble, Roulette, Muttikins. 6 Wellfinder, Hidden Jewel, Cum Sah, Crank. 7 Star Realm, Royal Duck, Sunny Hill, De badou. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Josephine C, Veronica, Noon Glide, Ra diant. 2 Treviscot, Comique, Rocking Horse, Rep aration. 3 Racquetta, Romulus, Welcome Stranger, Gipsy Joe. 4 TRANSOM, E. B. McLean entry, Crochet, Elizabeth Bean. 5 Knot, Polly Ann, Muttikins, Thimble. C Hidden Jewel, S. Ross entry, Wellfinder, Royal Charlie. 7 Royal Duck, Sunny Hill, Star Realm, King Trojan. KENILW0RTH PARK The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Kenilworth Park Windsor, Ont., October i, 1922. 1 EAU GALLIE, Floralia, Reformer. 2 Paul Connelly, Aunt Lin, Billy Lane. 3 Troubler, Eltrym, June Fly. 4 Fair Gain, Brilliant Jester, Procyon. 5 Azrael, Kentish Boy, Bribed Voter. C--The Wag, Devonite, Bills Luck. 7 Penelope, Lads Love, Flibbertygibbet. T. K. Lynch. Cblcaero and Buffalo Handicap. 1 Eau Gallie, Shue, Floralia, Reformer. 2 Billy Lane, Dark Ages, Selota, Flame. 3 War Tank, June Fly, Troubler, Eltrym. 4 -PROCYON, Brilliant Jester, Fair Gain, Madeline Lillian. 5 Kentish Boy, Azrael, George Duncan, Bribed Voter. 6 Devonite, The Wag, Blossom House, Bills Luck. 7 Tarascon, Penelope, Royallieu, Lads Love. Observers Ilamllcn". 1 Eau Gallie, Trippawa, Floralia, Shue. 2 Beckna, Billy Lane, Aunt Lin, Selota, 3 Troubler, War Tank, Eltrym, June Fly. 4 Procyon, Carmandale, Fair Gain, Brilliant Jester. 5 Azrael, Kentish Boy, George Duncan, Bribed Voter. 6 DEVONITE, Fair Virginia, The Wag, Bills Luck. 7 -Lads Lovei Penelope, Tarascon, Roy allieu. Consensus of Handicap. 1 EAU GALLIE, Floralia, Reformer, Shue, 2 Beckna, Paul Connelly, Billy Lane, Aunt Lin. 3 Troubler, June Fly, War Tank, Eltrym. 4 Procyon, Fair Gain, Carmandale, Bril liant Jester. 5 Azrael, Kentish Boy, George Duncan, Bribed Voter. 6 The Wag, Devonite, Fair Virginia, Bills Luck. 7 Lads Love, Penelope, Tarascon, Royallieu.