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Akron Form Chart AKRON, Ohio, Wednesday, October 18, 1922. Half mile. First day. Akron Jockey Clubs autumn meeting of 10 days. Weather clear. Presiding judge, P. E. Calleu. Starter, Lester Dean. Racing secretary, F. II. Sproule. 6fi9fl9 FIRST HACE About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. AU Ages. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0. Eijulv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65504 sFait Acpli 110 l1 C Eames SO-100 66118 Biff Son 110 2 J Pevic 900-100 66033 Goldie S. 115 35 AV Taylor 1GO0-1O0 66184 JJIar. Hollins 119 4k T Rac 280-103 6G049 Q. of t. Spa 115 5l T Williams 2300-100 05939 Black Pat 119 6t F Lux 0500-100 G541G Enos 119 7 E T Moore 2100-100 mutuels paid, Fait Accompli, 3.60 straight, .20 place, .20 show; Big Son, .40 place, .10 show; Goldie S., .C0 show. Equivalent booking odds Fait Accompli, SO to 100 straight, CO to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Big Son, 120 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Goldie S., 30 to 100 show. Time, 1:01. Track fast. Winner n. W. Moores blk. m. 5. by Von Trorap Make Good, by Luck and Charity trained by H. Stewart; bred by Mr. J. H. Rosscter. Went to post at 2:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second and third driving. Scratched GG149Dioclctian, 114; G5S953Mab, 115; 62975 Sinn Fein, 115. fifi9fi3 SECOND RACE About 5-8 Mile. Purso 4C0 3.yeap.0lds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65985 Right Angle 1141 1 L Mink 150-100 661833Zainer 110 21 E T Moore 310-100 G61183Treadwell 102 3 J Pevic 1700-100 65983 K. CheathamlOO 41 T Williams 6900-100 GG118 Parlor Maid 107 5and A Arvin 9000-100 C4418 Cover Up 110 61 C Eames 450-100 G6182 Efficient 108 7i V Fulton 550-100 66117 Virge 1081 8 T Rao 2000-100 mutuels paid. Right Angle, .00 straight, .20 place, .00 show; Zainer, .20 place, .20 show; Treadwell, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Right Angle, 150 to 100 straight, 00 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Zainer, 60 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Treadwell, 110 to 100 show. Time. 1:01. Track fast. Winner R. Groves br. g. 7, by Peter Quince Deceptive Angle, by Sir Dixon trained by R. Groves; bred by Mr. Catesby Woodford. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 661S3 Malvolio, 107; 66151 Minnie H., 107. Overweights Right Angle, 1 pounds; Zainer, 3; Kitty Cheatham, 2; Cover Up, 3; Virge, l1-. 66264 THraD RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 -year-olds and upward. Claim-ing. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Hon . Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65987 Cavalier 110 1: F Moore 520-100 65931 Kayman 110 2 E T Moore 2700-100 G6018C1. Frances 102 and J Pevic 7500-100 63981:Polygamist 107 4l V Fulton 12C0-100 6G151 Lucky Pearl 110 51 T Rao 3500-100 G5709Rosefield 110 GJ C Eames 120-100 5709 Safranor 107 73 A Arvin 500-100 65G56 Balarosa 107 8 O Atwell 700-100 mutuels paid, Cavalier, 2.40 straight. .60 place, .60 show; Kayman, .00 place, .00 show; Clare Frances, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Cavalier, 520 to 100 straight, 2S0 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Kayman, 350 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Clare Frances, 270 to 100 show. Time, 1:25. Track fast. Winner C. E. Hudsons b. g, G, by Cavalcadour Miss Perigord, by Perigord trained by C. E. Hudson; bred by Major E. B. Cassatt. AVent to post at 3:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Kayman, 3 pounds. 66265 FOURTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. G6184 Marse JinunyllS - K T Moore .120-100 G50SI Dependence 110 T- AV Taylor 770-100 63979Edith K. 110 31 C Eames 210-100 GG085 Melba Polly 1081 41 T Rae 340-100 657133Miss Orb 113 5 N Burger 5SO-100 65843 Montperri 102 G P Gross 1400-100 GG11G Our Alice 107 AVhd.F Moore 1100-100 2 mutuels paid, Marse Jimmy, 0.40 straight, .80 place, .40 show: Dependence, . GO place, .00 show; Edith K., .G0 show. Equivalent booking odds Marse Jimmy, 920 to 100 litraight, 190 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Dependence, ISO to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Edith K., 30 to 100 show. Time, 1:25. Track fast. AVinncr W. F. Strauss b. h, 7, by Cameion Bermuda, by Frederick AVilliam trained ly C. II. AYilson; bred by Mr. James Sureget. AVent to post at 3:44. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Our Alice. Wen easily; second and third driving. Scratched 65G54 Prince Bonero, 107. Overweights Melba Polly, 1 pounds. 66266 FIFTH RACE About 5-8 Mile. Good year Tire and Rubber Handicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65938 3Capers 108 1 J Pevic 1080-100 65891 Panaman 111 21 AV Taylor 200-1C0 66150 Redmon 110 31 C Eames 422-100 65938 Loch Levcnl08 4 O Atr-ell 300-100 6G152 Advance 114 51 F Mooro 1070-100 66187 My Rose 105 6- N Burger 4370-103 G5987 H. Go Lcky 103 7 E T Moore 1100-100 mutuels paid. Capers, 3.G0 straight, .S0 place, .20 show; Panaman, .40 place, .00 show; Redmon, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Capers, 10SO to 100 straight, 210 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Panaman, 70 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Redmou, GO to 100 show. Time, 59. Track fast. Winner Br. m, by The Commoner Lady Eastman, by Masetto trained by T. Cullen; bred by Messrs. Parmer and Hendrie. AVent to post at 4:14. At post 2 minutes. Start good and 6low. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 633123My Gracie, 117; 06159 Bally-new, 105. Overweights Redmon, 2 pounds. 66267 SLXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 660883Little Dear 97 1 J Pevic 330-100 GG08"3Blondel U41 21 L Mink 920-100 G6018 Fr. Shannon 109 3 T Rae 100-1CO 65888 Silex II. 110 43 E T Moore 920-100 66148 Berlin 10G 53 F Moore 1080-100 G608G Rapidan 10 G N Burger 2740-100 mutuels paid. Little Dear. .00 straight, .20 place, ,20 show; Blondel, .20 place, .20 show; Frank Shannon, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Little Dear, 330 to 100 straight, CO to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Blondel, 160 to 100 place, 10 to 103 show; Frank Shannon, 10 to 100 show. Time, 1:44. Track fast. Winner T. Harris b. g, 4, by Olambala Ma Wee Dear, by Love AVisely trained by R. E. Mil- ler; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson. AVent to post at 4:43. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Little Dear, 1 pound; Blondel. 2K; Silex II., 1; Berlin, 5. Results of last race delayed in transmission.