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CONNAUGHT PARK A LOSER For Second Year in Succession Ottawa Racing Association Shows Deficit. OTTAWA, Ont., October IS. At the annual meeting of the Connaught Park Jockey Club, held yesterday, Hon. Senator Belcourt, president, occupied the chair and the financial statement presented by E. S. Houston, honorary treasurer, showed a loss on the years operations of about 4,000. It was shown that the attendance at both meetings had been larger, but that the heavy taxation by the provincial government had caused the club to "pocket a loss" for the second year in succession. Senator Belcourt explained that a request for relief from this intolerable taxation was now before the Quebec government and Stewart McClenaghan, chairman of the management committee, made it clear that if this were not granted Connaught Park, along with other racing associations in Quebec, would be forced out of business. The election of officers resulted in the unanimous return of the same board, the officers for 1922-23 being as follows: Honorary President, His Excellency Baron Byng, Honorary Vice President, Mr. II. B. McGiv-crin, M. P. ; President, Hon. N. A. Belcourt, K. C; Vice-Presidents, Sir Clifford Sifton, Thomas Ahcarn and G. E. Fauquier; Board of Directors, Stewart McLenaghan, W. P. McCauliff, J. K. Paisley, E. S. Houston, L. M. Bate, W. F. Powell, J. J. Heney, J. Bain, T. F.. Ahearn, II. B. McGiverin, D. J. McDougall, F. W. Carling, Allan Ross, P. J. Baskerville, J. B. Duford and C. A. Irvin. B. S. Houston was re-elected honorary treasurer and Stewart McClenaghan chairman of the management committee.