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INTERSECTIONAL CONFLICT Stars of East and West to Meet in Latonia Championship. Most Valuable of Kentuckys Autumn Fixtures to Be Decided Saturday Great Contest In Prospect. LATOXIA. Ky.. October 19. The Latonia Cliampionship Stakes, richest of all the Kentucky Autumn racing fixtures, is scheduled to have its fourth annual running next Saturday at Latonia. and the interest already evinced by local racegoers in this important j turf event promises to make that day the banner one of the year. Arrangements are now being perfected by general manager ! Matt J. Winn to handle a record crowd next Saturday. This great race, at the popular distance of a mile and three-quarters, will, as in its past three runnings, resolve itself into an inter-sectional contest, and despite the fact that the easterners have vanquished their western opponents each year, the latter are not a bit discouraged and this year are going to j marshal a formidable array with improved chances of success. In Chatterton,. Rock-! minister and Surf Rider the westerners have j a trio of gladiators that are worthy to battle the best the easterners may send against them. Of the invaders from the East Lucky Hour, Missionary and Southern Cross are already upon the scene of the impending conflict, while Bunting is due to arrive shortly. It is not believed that any others will be shipped here for the big race. Other likely starters of western ownership are Startle, Yoshimi, Cherry Tree and Margaret Winsor. This will make a field of eleven and insure a most interesting contest. In former years this stake has brought to the post small fields. Although first money is generally expected to go to Bunting, Lucky Hour or Chatterton, there is a strong belief that one of the lightly regarded candidates may succeed in winning this coveted event. Chatterton, on the strength of his sterling performances and weight carrying ability, is conceded to be the best of the western owned aspirants, and if he is named to start he will attract a world of support. Cherry Tree is also coming in for considerable attention. The Latonia Championship closed with seventy-three final nominations, and the entrance and starting fees alone amount to over S1S.000. The Jockey Club adds ?1 5,000, making the gross value of the stake over 3, 000. Of this amount over 5,000 will go to the winner as his net portion. The nominators of the first, second, third and fourth horses receive amounts ranging from ,000 to 00. In winning the stake the first year Mad Hatter earned for his owner 5,090, the gret-est amount ever taken down by a winner of the race. Cleopatra won the following year and earned 2,S15. Sporting Bloods victory last year netted owner "Bud" Fisher 3,C35. The first and third running of the stake was over a heavy track. Mad Hatter racing the distance in 3 :0G, while Sporting Blood hung up 3:05. In winning the stake in 1920 Cleopatra established a track record of 2:5G- for the one mile and three-quarters, which in the event of a fast track prevailing Saturday may be lowered by the winner of this rears renewal.