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DAIL Y RACING FORM HANDICAPS LATONIA The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Latonla, Ky., October 19, 1922. 1 GLYN, Isosceles, Manicure. 2 Princesse dOuilly, Thelma K.. Heskiluna. 3 Ferguson, Alameda Girl. Ashland. 4 Bullion, Green Gold, Sewell Combs. 5 Indian Trail, Prince K., Oui Oui. C Locust Leaves, Split Grass, Diana. 7 Dimples, Walk Up, Hysteria. J. L. Dcmpsey. New York TTniirtlenp. 1 Glyn, Little Blaek Sheep, James B. Brown, Ogarite. 2 Belle Amie, Thelma K., Princesse dOuilly, My Lorraine. 3 Ferguson, Alameda Girl, Rekab, Louanna. 4 Bullion, Green Gold. Ruby, Sewell Combs. 3 OUI OUI, Prince K., Indian Trail, Blossom Time. 6 Megan. Locust Leaves, Mary Maxim, Brit ish Maid. 7 Escarpolette, Birdie G., Mom, Hysteria. Iiicauo ami Ituir.-ilo II si ml leu p. 1 Little Black Sheep, Avispa, Manicure, Ogarite. 2 Princesse dOuilly, Thelma K., Belle Amie, Bedazzle. 3 Ferguson, Evelyn White, Louanna, Pumps. 1 Green Gold, Bullion, Ruby, May Bodine. 5 OUI OUI, Prince K.. Metric, Indian Trail. C Diana, Locust Leaves, Megan, Mary Maxim. 7- Dimples, Hysteria, Walk Up, Birdie G. Observers Handicap. 1 Avispa, Glyn, Manicure, Ogarite. 2 Princesse DOuilly, Belle Amie, Thelma K., Heskiluna. 3 Evelyn White, Ferguson, Jordan, Alameda Girl. 4 Bullion. Green Gold, Sewell Combs, Ruby. 5 OUI OUI, Prince K., Indian Trail, Metric. 6 Megan, Locust Leaves, Diana, Mary Maxim. 7 Dimples, Escarpolette, Hysteria, Walk . Up. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Glyn, Little Black Sheep, Avispa, Mani cure. 2 Princesse dOuilly, Belle Amie, Thelma K., Heskiluna. 3 Ferguson, Evelyn White, Alameda Girl, Louanna. 1 Bullion, Green Gold, Ruby, Sewell Combs. 5 OUI OUI, Indian Trail, Prince K., Metric. C Megan, Locust Leaves, Diana, Mary Maxim. 7 Dimples, Escarpolette, Walk Up, Hysteria. EMPIRE CITY The horses which seem best in Fridays races are : Empire City YonUers, 3f. Y., October 19, 1922. 1 Raffles, Paula Shay, Driftwood. 2 Amanda Hoey, Elected II., Leghorn. 3 Bright Lights, Carmencita, Ting-a-Ling. 1 -Nose Dive, Tufter, Bridesman. 5 VENDOR, Sea Cove, Sea Mint. G Little Celt, Shamrock, Osprey. F. J. Ortell. j Ncir York 1I:iiiiHv;i. 1 Ben Wood, Raffles, Allic Ochs, Rork. 2 Elected II., Leghorn, Arrow of Gold, Amanda Hoey. 3 Nightboat, Esquire, Bright Lights, Ting- a-Ling. 4 Nose Dive, Bridesman, Tufter, Violinist. 5 Vendor, Scottish Chief, Sea Mint, Star Court. G SHAMROCK, Mutiny, Osprey, Best Love. Chicago ami II ti Halo Handicap. 1 Allie Ochs, Rork, Ben Wood, Raffles. 2 Arrow of Gold, Leghorn, Marie Maxim, Scotland Yet. 3 Carmencita, Fluff, Pastoral, Bright Lights. 4 BRIDESMAN, Tufter, Costigan, Wynne- wood. 5 Scottish Chief, Sea Cove, Vendor, Armis tice. C Osprey, Little Celt, Suweep, Best Love. Observers II ;inil lea p. 1 Raffles, Ben Wood, Rork, Driftwood. 2 Leghorn, Arrow of Gold, Amanda Hoey, Elected II. 3 Carmencita, Bright Lights, Esquire, Pas toral. 4 BRIDESMAN, Tufter, Nose Dive, Cos tigan. 5 Vendor, Scottish Chief, Sea Cove, Sea Mint. 6 Osprey, Shamrock, Little Celt, Mutiny. Consensus of Handicap. 1 Raffles, Allie Ochs, Ben Wood, Rork. 2 Amanda Hoey, Elected II., Arrow of Gold, Leghorn. 3 Carmencita, Bright Lights, Nightboat, Ting-a-Ling. 4 Nose Dive, Bridesman, Tufter, Costigan. 5 VENDOR, Scottish Chief, Sea Cove, Sea Mint. 0 Osprey, Little Celt, Shamrock, Mutiny. LAUREL PARK The horses which seem best in Fridays races are : Laurel Park Laurel, 3rd., October 19, 1922. 1 Rummel, Papillon, Paul Micou. 2 SECOND THOUGHTS, E. B. McLean and C. Fellowes entry, Bigheart. 3 Vanderburg, Buckwheat, Three Square. 4 Pilgrim, Spanish Maize, Due de Morny. 5 Trevclyan, Lunetta, Clansman. 6 Freezy Sncezy, Beverly Belle, Kathcrine Rankin. 7 Debadou, King Trojan, Solid Rock. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 Futen, Dalton, Panasain, Paul Micou. 2 Second Thoughts, Bigheart, May Blossom, Dan Boiling. 1 3 Vanderburg, Evelyn Sawyer, Noonglide, Miss Miami. 4 PILGRIM, Colando, Jock Scot, Spanish Maize. 5 Trevelyan, Clansman. Lunetta, Rubidium, i Katherine Rankin, Penelope, Simplicity, Kings Belle. 7 The Wag, On High, Solid Rock, King Trojan. Chicago and ItiifTalo Handicap, 1 Panasain, Papillon, Welcome Stranger, Futen. 2 Second Thoughts. Saddle and Boots, Big heart, May Blossom. 3 Evelyn Sawyer. Three Square, Saneho Pansy, Miss Miami. 4 Pilgrim, Colando, Due de Morny, Jock Scot. 5 CLANSMAN, Lunetta, Rubidium, Trevel yan. G Freezy Sncezy, Simplicity, Beverly Belle, Kings Belle. 7 On High, The Wag, King Trojan, Debadou. Observers II a mil tap. 1 Panasain. Futen, Paul Micou, Dalton. 2 Second Thoughts, Saddle and Boots, Big heart, Queereek. 3 Evelyn Sawyer, Vanderburg, Noonglide, Tassel. 4 PILGRIM, Due dc Morny, Bromelia, Co lando. a Lunetta, Rubidium, Clansman, Trevelyan. 6 Penelope, Katherine Rankin, Encrinit Beverly Belle. 7 King Trojan, Debadou, On High, The Wag. Consensus oC Handicap.. 1 Panasain. Rummel. Futen, Papillon. 2 SECOND THOUGHTS, E. B. McLean and C. Fellowes entry, Bigheart, Dan Boiling. 3 Vanderburg, Evelyn Sawyer, Noon Glide, Three Square. 4 Pilgrim, Colando, Due de Morny, Spanish Maize. 5 Trevelyan, Clansman, Lunetta, Rubidium. 6 Freezy Sneezy, Katherine Rankin, Penel ope, Simplicity. 7 Debadou, The AVag, On High, King Tro jan. TOLEDO The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Toledo, Oliio, October 19, 1922. 1 Flea, Harp of the North, Joyce Hoffman. 2 BATTY II., Vanessa Welles, Assyrian Queen. 3 Shoot Away, Don Jose, Skeer Face. . 4 Brilliant Ray, Lee Enfield, Assume. 5 Bills Luck. Hercules, Boonevillc. G Old Chap, Secretary, Seven Seas. 7 Bill Head-, Bees Wing, My Laddi.c T. Daly. Mew York Handicap. 1 Harp of the North, Joyce Hoffman, Flea, Ferrum. 2 F. G. Gorier, Vanessa Welles, Batty H., Heliocross. 3 Skeer Face, Plain Bill, Shoot Away, Carl Roberts. 4 ASSUME, Lee Enfield, Peter Piper, Chi r Sponsor. 5 Hercules, Tokalon March, Bills Luck, Tamper. 6 Whippet. Secretary, Old McKenna, Hush. 7 Bees Wing, Bill Head, My Laddie, ltois- terer. Cliioajso and llnfTalo Handicap. 1 Harp of the North, Joyce Hoffman, Mess Kit, Flea. 2 Assyrian Queen, Vanessa Welles,. F. G. Corley, Batty II. 3 American Eagle, Shoot Away. Don Jose, Skeer Face. 4 ASSUME. Lee Enfield, Brilliant Ray, Chief Sponsor. 5 Hercules, Tokalon March, Booneville, Bills Luck. G Secretary. Old McKenna, Hush, Hope. 7 Bees Wing, My Laddie, Roisterer, Elias O- Observers I la nil I en p. 1 Harp of the North, Flea, Joyce Hoffman, Mess Kit. 2 Vanessa Welles, Assyrian Queen, F. G. Corley, Batty II. "-American 3 Skeer Face, Eagle, Don Jose, Carl Roberts. 4 ASSUME, Brilliant Ray, Lee Enfield, Peter Piper. 5 Tokalon March, Booneville,- Hercules, Bills Luck. 0 Hush, Secretary, Old McKenna, Whippet. 7 Bees Wing, Bill Head, Roisterer, Elias O. Consensus of Ha ltd ica its. 1 Harp of the North, Flea, Joyce Hoffman, Mess Kit. 2 Batty II., F. G. Corley, Assyrian Queen, Vanessa Welles. 3 Skeer Face, Shoot Away, American Eagle, Don Jose. 4 ASSUME. Brilliant Ray, Lee Enfield, Peter Piper. 5 Hercules, Bills Luck, Tokalon March, Booneville. G Old Chap. Whippet, Secretary, Hush. 7 Bees Wing, Bill Head, My Laddie, Roisterer.