6th Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-06

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6th RACE lil Furloncrs IIyearoldls antl uiii Claiming 191 105 15 3 118 ABADANE b g 8 118 118Trainer By Mbonl U Alby by Xabelals XabelalsBred Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Bred in France by V de Fontarce 68058 Tijuana 1 l46Hhvy 65 91 7 4 3s 1i H Long 9 TMaid BuckhnlL TButtons 67804 Tijuana ImTCy l42fast 2110 116 15 10 10G7494 41 3 T Duel 15 Sunnyland Cofficld Tassel G7494 Tijuana 34 l12fcfast 21 116 4 4 4G 2 21 C Buel Lion tlOr LkyButton Krewer 674 67412 12 Tijuana 58 59jifast G US 10 9 9G7321 5 1 C Bu l 10 Lion dOr MotorCop L Button G7321 Tijuana 34 l12 = ifast 25 115 5 3 11 I5 C Buel G Ikyllutton Cofficld PlkBetty G7281 Tijuana 32 114 6 5 3U 2 C Buel 8 Feylance DrJohnson JSRdon 6G711 DadePrk 34 112 fast 13 110 4 3 21 1 = J D Mney 5 RrilliantRay Tuscola AtleMiy G6G01 Latonia 34 lllfast 32 112 5 5 2 1 J D Mney 8 DrHickman Ablaze SIrTKcan G6145 Latonia 34 lllfast 31 106 7 5 5 3s J Owens 11 Make Up Be Good White Star StarBy DOCTOR CORBETT b 103 By Rapid Water Bridge Light by Lamplighter Trainer B M Hollenbeck Owner B M Hollenbeck Breeder T H Jones JonesG7959 G7959 Tijuana 5S l0ishvy 23 109 5 5 5 r5l R Flynn 5 HarryD CocaCola DrJohnson 07832 Tijuana 34 l12fast 5 111 6 4 SJ 31 F Seremba 8 Knighthood CocaCola Settle 67789 Tijuana 5S C3fast 23 106 2 4 3l 31 E Petzoldt 7 MotorCop Krcwer Knighthood 67578 Tijuana 34 113 fast 7 111 5 3 31 4i II Molters S BrilHay LuckyButton Cofficld CofficldB7455 B7455 Tijuana 34 l12fast S3 111 2 3 1 1 II Molters 10 Cofficld Miy Manlshy Tassel 67412 Tijuana 58 59fast 2S 104 2 4 4 4l E PctzoldtlO Lion dOr MotorCop 1 Button 67359 Tijuana 51 f lOG fast 22 105 7 4 31 3 E Petzoldt 7 LkyButton MotorCop Lion dOr dOrCOCA COCA COLA br m 5 107 By Superman Rupicola by Advance Guard GuardTrainer Trainer W Walker Ownsr W Walk r Breeder K T Oxnsr1 67959 Tijuana 58 l02hvy 4 107 3 4 31 21 F Stevens Harry D DrCorbett DrJnson 07832 Tijuana 34 l12ifast 31 107 4 3 2 2 F Stevens S Knighthood DrCorbett Settle SettleG7549 G7549 SpinawayC7456 Tijuana 51 f lOCjfast 32 116 G 2 11 17 F Stevens G Rins Grace K Spinaway C7456 MManagsG7249 Tijaana 5S lOOHfast R 113 5 3 1J I1 F Stevens 8 Aryanna PhWarod MManags AllcginaS7189 G7249 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 32 113 3 5 51 4 F Stevens 8 MMnulsby PhWsinl Allcgina S7189 WMcomyG7155 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 3 101 4 4 4 3J F Stevens f DrJnson LKlorVc WMcomy G7155 Tijuana 3i 118 hvy 4 106 3 2 41 G J F Stevens G CrystalFord Tailor Maid Rajah 67053 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 13 120 411 2J F Stevens G Florence AUegina MBaraet MBaraetDB DB OgdenTrainer JOHNSON b g 8 103 By Sir John Johnson Quack by Ogden Trainer J Lahey Owner A L Briggs Breeder J E Madden MaddenG80GO G80GO Tijuana 58 l04shvy 195 US 3 2 2 3SJ A Claver 8 Kinglike Honest George Settle SettleG7959 G7959 Tijuana 5S l02hvy 135 110 2 2 2l 4 1 C Thpson 5 HarryD Coca Cola DrCorbett 67917 Tijuana El f 1 C94mud 75 12 1 2 3i G I Parke 8 Nnhoiir TabbyA BBlackwell BBlackwellG7281 G7281 Tijuana 34 l137ifist 2110 116 1 1 I 3 n Carter 8 Feyianoe Abadane JSRnlon 67228 Tijuana 34 l137 g od 1710 115 3 1 Il Il A Claver 8 CrystalFord CaptClover Haiti HaitiC7189 C7189 WMgomeryG7138 Tijuana 34 l17i hvy 1110 112 2 1 I1 1 A Claver 5 LFlorence CCola WMgomery G7138 EBrowuG7040 Tijuana 5S 103 hvy 15 112 1 1 1 1 A Claver G Cltnrliiell Cornculler EBrowu G7040 Tijuana 34 l17ihvy 51 105 3 Z 51 5T1 E Fator G CapCIover Louanna CMarrone CMarroneBRILLIANT BRILLIANT RAT b g 4 111 By Pennant Sunglow n by Eundridn EundridnTrainer Trainer M Smith Owner M Smith Breeder G D Widener 07789 Tijuana 5S 53 fast S 93 S 3 5 6 C Rails 7 MotorCop Krowor Dr Corbett CorbettG772G G772G SnnnylndG7GG2 Tijuana 51 r 1C6 fast S 102 2 1 31 3ll F Stevens 8 Krewer Motor Cop Snnnylnd G7GG2 Tijuana 53 59 fast 15 103 4 3 41 4i F Stevens 8 Feviance Judge Pryor Krewer 67578 Tijuana 34 113 fust 33 103 I 1 12 U F Stevens S LkyButton Cofrield DrCorbett 07476 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 115 103 4 2 3 4 E PetzoUlt 7 HarryD B Blackwell GraieK 67455 MMaulxbyG7359 Tijuana 34 l121fast 5 108 5 2 41 C51 E PctzolUtlO DrCorbett Coffld MMaulxby G7359 Tijuana 61 f l06Hfast 9 97 2 3 7 G i C Rails 7 IkyButton MotCop DCorbett DCorbettG7S01 G7S01 Tijuana 58 l007ifaat 11 103 5 6 6 6i E Petzoldt G Joclla J Motor Cop Paisley PaisleyREAP REAP b g 3 92 By Bemlldon Harvest Qneen by Peep oD y Trainer J N Crofton Owner K Patterson Breeder W Garth G8043 Tijuana 51 f lllrshvy U 101 3 S 2 2 W Martin G Serapis I vitiia Black Deer DeerE3 07894 Tijuana SS 101 mu l arKnriqu1S5 E3 lOi 5 5 6l o W Martin 7 Paisley JkBaiicr arKnriqu C7640 Tijuana 51 f 10 fast 1S5 104 S 2 Ci Ih W Martin 8 Faber El Roble Lady Leonid 07533 Tijuana Di f lOSifast 30 107 5 4 3l 4S2 W Martin 5 Athanna Sir Leonid Kabor Kabor1CS G747G Tijuana 5S 101 fast 1CS 93 7 7 7 Cl W Martin 7 HarryD B Blackwell GraceR GraceRGO I 06687 Pimlico 34 114 fast GO 101 S 4 21 2 M Fator 15 Tasrvl Racket Eliciboth Bean BeanGS i GGG01 Pirnllco 34 l12 fast GS 105 12 9 7 S R McCrnnlL True Flier Al Itoyd ElizBean ElizBeanS3 GG522 Laurel 51 f 108 fast S3 105 1 2 5 5i R McCrnn S Bluellawk TrueFlier KSawyer CG418 Laurel 51 f l09fast 19 112 10 S 7 6 R McCrnnlO Noon Glide Pennon Rosie II GG138 Laurel 51 f lOJ good 16 107 8 6 61 6i W Organ S Hillhouse BeTrueman PrSiwrt

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020601/drf1923020601_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1923020601_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800