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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA TUESDAY FEBRUARY 6 6WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK 1IEAVT Tho figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each bane at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or Rood track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing start at lr 5 p m Chicago time 355 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair niiirt runner M Maidens Apprentice iilloxrance b Blinker BlinkerFirst First Race 3 12 Furlong FurlongPurse Purse 600 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Fob 12 1917 42s 2 112 112Todays Todays Inrt HOT Wt UPC AWtHan 679751 Norwood 117 44m 117X725 67975 Batlle Shot 107 44m 117X720G7975 117X7UO 117X7UOG7975 G7975 Wiki Jack M 110 44m 110 715 67975 Over Shot M 107 45m 107 715 67975 Miss Leggo M107 45m 107 710 67700 A Lester M 110 700 67700 Josephine Xcwell XcwellM M 107 705 705San San Dimas 110 Golden Orb 110 Second Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse r 00 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 21 1923 1 142 42 8 98 67338 bloint to Point 101 145 9 307725 67955 Lucky Pearl 106 148 l4Sif A 7 110X720 68019 Car 108 l49h 6 111X715 68021 Modiste 98 98144 144 0 0105X715 0105X71567S97 105X715 67S97 Lichen M 3 84 710 67978 Ii va 110 157 h 7 112 710 67933 blortna Moss 105 145 7 110X710 67926 Bmelda 112 147 11 105X705 68041 Dehra 103 147 10 105X705 68053 Dalwood 110 148 = 3 8 107X705 67893 Red Planet 3 85 700 Little Gink 108 l45f 10 118X700 68019 bJohn Arbor 102145 5118X700 5118X700Third Third Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 000 oycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 17 1910 138 3 95 680421 LITTLK F L 0 R EXCB 118 144 4 103X725 103X7256S002 6S002 liDflhimar 9G 143 4 105X715 68060 tiChlef Barthell 99 142 5 105X10 68040 Dissolute M 108 141 4 100 705 68042 old Bryan Ill l48 l48m 108X705 68001 bProclamation 107 142 4 110X705 67891 Kmma Weller G 1080700 Fourth Race 68 Mile Purye 000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 1 107 68038 bllarry Burgoyne 116 l04s 8 110XTT 67982 Fond Hope 10S 101 6 10SX720 68003 bllarry Rudder 112 100 7 115 715 68020 Vern Ritu 109 102 6 108X715 67977 = Tabloid 94 100 4 10fiX715 68021 Don Jose 113 101 8 110715 67918 Anpelo 4 10SX710 67933 Little Pointer 103 101 5 108X705 67939 Velvet 109 102 9 113X7O5 68023 Xeg 112 100 8 110X700 61388 Delia Welta 6 113 700 66812 blluzzas 8 115X700 115X700Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 68017 Quincy Ward 5110X725 67957 Stanley II 107 100 13 115X720 67977 Review 112 101 6 115X715 68044 OIlie Wood 112 101 6 110X715 68023 = Philanderer 115 102 5 110X7LT 67933 bF G Corley 112101 7115X715 7115X71568023s 68023s bPueblo 107 101 6 115X715 115X71568C54 68C54 bAmacknssin 113101 8110X710 63633 Grare Trimble 1O8 102 7 103X705 67996 Norfield 100102 3 100 700 53151 Rungeorge M 100 l05sy 5 115 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 28 191C 105 3 118 68058 Abadane 8118X750 8118X7506795S 6795S Doctor Corbett 103 100 10 109X745 67959 = Coca Cola 116 106 5 107X745 63060 bDr Johnson 123 lllm 8108X740 67789 bBrilliant Ray 101 100 4 111X740 68043 = Reap 115 107 3 92X730 92X730Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 110G78951 G78951 Bowsprit 109114 3102X725 68003 Bill Blackwell Ill 114 6 110X720 68002 Wolin Jr 113112 10107X720 10107X7206SOeo 6SOeo = bIIonest George 104 113 7 105X715 68023 Clock Stocking 109 116 3 92X710 68063 bFnlI Moon 90 114 5 108X710 67979 Veiled Colleen 98 114 4 103X705 67513 Miss Jane 3 83 700 67748 = Horinga 108 114 4 96 700 7006774S 6774S bllarrigans Heir 115 113 6 103X700 6960 Florence Deen 102114 4 101 700 700Eighth Eighth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 24 1916 145 3 110 67804 Black Betty 99145 4 102 725 68059 bSummer Sigh 100 147 7 111X720 68059 bRoisterer 1011146 6104X715 68022 Wild Flower 108 147 6 107X715 67980 bCavnlcadour II 105145 7114X715 67768 War Penny Ill 147 5 110 710 67768 Kathcrine Rankin 99 146 7 103 705 67930 bPiedra 106148 8112X705 68024 Gipsy Joe 4 95 700