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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS TUESDAY FEBRUARY 6 6WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK HEAVY The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the hest time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or rood track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mud rnnner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersTint Tint Race 1 Kile and 70 Tards TardsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record Feb 12 1916 142 1 113 113Todays Todays lud Horse Vt Rec AWtHan 67687 Body Guard 110X725 67941 J All American 103 145 110 720 68026 Major Cliilton 110 713 67856 Bonfire 106 l48 s 110X713 67888 Kitty Carpenter 104 l4Ss 103X713 66991 Dont Bother Me 103X715 67120 Hilly Kern 110 710 68010 Keel Foot 1061146 110 703 67941 Sweet and Pretty 100 146 105 703 67941 Lucidus 1071146 110 700 7006B010 6B010 Henry Dattncr 103 140 110 700 67964 Fleeting 105 700 Second Race 34 Mile MileFnrse Fnrse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 1166789S 6789S Jago 110113 7 113072T 67438 bAnticipatc 107113 6108X720 7935 bRagazza Ill 113 K 0104X715 0104X7156T361 6T361 Plain Hill 109 113 5 113X715 113X715665S4 665S4 Manna 100 113 Vs 3114X710 67963 Hutchison 109 113 4 10CX710 67963 Macobina 103 113 C 103X710 66269 lUnnnyol 105 114 4 107 710 67882 Blue Brush 112 114 4 106 705 67251 Little Romper 90 114 M 5 109X705 67898 Billy Connor M106 114 5 109 700 60356 High Value M 115 114 5 109 700 67943 Marse Jimmy 110115 8 108 700 67942 Dr Little M 103115 4 102700 102700Third Third Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Feb 9 1918 111 Hi C 116 66241 Poe 11G 1 12sy 4 107 725 67418 bTippity Witchet 124 111 8 1150720 115072068030s 68030s Sea Core 108113 5107X715 68027 Snnny Girl 110 111 5 102X710 67863 Last Effort 104 113 4 100X710 67985 Harry B 111113 6109X705 67816 Charles Henry 109113 5107X700 67860 The Franciscan 105 l13Vfe 4 103 700 67964 Miss Claire M 95 115 3 95X700 95X700Fourth Fourth Hace 34 Kile KileGolden Golden Rod Parse ParsePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 67983 Sultan M 115 114 102X723 Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 67899 Jnpiter 101113 105X720 67239 Vanderburg 117 113 114X715 67899 Lady Myra 109 114 100X715 677102 bEliubeth Bean 102113 107X710 68064 Chiva 104 113 105 710 68064 Waywassamo 112113 114X710 114X710Stump Stump Jr 110112 105X705 67964 The Colonel M103 113 103 700 67687 Spinning Flax M103 115 97 700 67936 Bess L 102115 100 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 14 1908 151 3 122 67841 bDr Rne 109 152 7 10TX723 10TX72367S88 67S88 bMatinee Idol 116151 8109X720 679871 Slippery Elm 107152 101100715 1011007156S0672 6S0672 bEttabe 110155 8112X715 68067 bLord Herbert 110 133 8 107X715 107X71567840s 67840s Ballotcar 98150 5111X715 67987 Ettcarpolettc 99153 G 106X710 67813 bDemos 96156 4111X710 67947 bWar Prize 10115214 7109X710 67988 King Trojan 107154 5109X700 68009 bTulane 90153 4102X700 67819 Harrey Smarr 103 155 7105x700 66390 Troma 105155 6 100 700 67903 Gentleman Jonctt JoncttM M 93153 4 104 700 700Sixth Sixth Bace 1 116 MHes MHesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 13 1915 141 3 104 1046782C 6782C BaUybell 106147 6101X723 67903 Muck Fairman 4 101 720 67963 bBuiom 96 148 4 101 715 67841 bAustral 100146 8110X715 67988 Fornovo 97145 5105X713 67968 bSt Germain 100147 6105X715 67840 bService Star 108146 113 710 67608 Tyranny 7 110 710 67940 On High 97146 6111X710 66437 bFarewell Taps 4 106X710 106X710678S3 678S3 bMoody 111148 5110X705 67940 Jake Feld 112147 C 106 700 67968 Homeward Bound BoundM M 103148 8101X700 67904 Concentrate CM 105 149 5 106X700 106X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 HHes HHesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 67988 LOVELINESS 100146 5100X725 67889 bEternity 111147 5110X715 67462 bWho Cares 102147 6106X715 67940 Grace Daugherty 95 146 6 98X715 67947 Topmast 95146 4103X715 67839 bTliornliedge 110148 5113x710 67803 bHerald 105148 8113X710 67415 rTokalon March 110148 8100X710 67898 bFleer 108149 6108X703 67682 Pastoral 4 99 703 67820 Commander 115148 7110X705 67348 bWill Soon 112148 8113700 67940 bKxecntion 107150 4 104 700 67940 bPlantarede 103 147 7 113X700