7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-08

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7fh RfiPP 4 8 Sliles aycarolrts III nHLrC and upward Claiming March 27 lOi 1C2 5 117 117LONE LONE PINE b f 6 115 By Dentschland JonesTrainer Pepperwood by Eddie Jones Trainer P Campbell OWBCT S Higoera Breeder Navada Stock Fans 67978 Tijuana 1 14 2i5smud S 113 2 1 Il 1 E Dugan 8 Lit Dear Tawasentha Veteran 67912 Tijuana 5S lC4 mud 5 116 6 31 3J E Dugan 11 Velvet Plantagcnet Mistake 67890 Tijuana 34 llSsmud 2 107 6 4 4 27 C Rails 10 DblcEye MdieWilxoit CMter 67100 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 60 104 6 6 6 = 6J M Milrick 7 Harry D Pueblo John Jr Jr5S K7055 Tijuana GeorgeSi 5S lui hvy 51 103 S S 7i 7 i J Thomas 9 BBlkwell UT ven H George 63622 Reno Si 1CS fast 2310 109 1 P Hum 7 Contriot HtursPcint CCannclI JTTDGE DAVEO b h 7 By McGee Benedetia by The Pepper Tanner D Dennhon Owner F J OBonrke Breeder E fit K Con 67876 Tijuana 1 14 213VSmud 5 111 6 4 43 41 H Long K Madge F Vic Dominator 67749 Tijuana Im70y l437ifast 13 113 6 5 7 7 E Taplin 7 Louis KRaukin Black Thong 67664 Tijuana 1 14 2C9 fast 6 120 2 3 21 21 E Taplin 8 WJudse CBarkJer Shoreacrc 67548 Tijuana 1 1S l567sfast 65 113 1 3 2 I1 G Rails S Fircworth Don High Olympus OlympusG7515 Rhymeri G7515 Tijuana 1 11G l43 ifast 135 IIS S 7 7 7 A Claver 8 Shoreacres Unriat Rhymer i 67277 RliymerGEOBGE Tijuana 1 18 l53ifast 195 111 S 3 21 21 E PetzoIdtlO Madge F Drifting Rliymer GEOBGE IHnestonTrainer MTCHLEBACH b g 7 110 By McGee Stolen Moments by IHneston Trainer I Manale Owner J Manale Breeder C W lloore 68056 Tijuana 1 l31ihvy 6 104 3 4 3l 3 F Stevens 8 Lewis II Lariat Olympiad RoachG7927 68020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 110 444 3 = 1 W Pool 7 Vera Rita Midian Tom Roach G7927 Tijuana ImTOy l32hvy 17 113 677 = 7 D Hurn 11 HorLercl XhShotc Pltagenet 67744 NcbrnsLailG763G Tijuana 34 l14fast 42 113 7 5i 5J F Stevens 8 Virge TomCraven NcbrnsLail G763G LavaG7G16 Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 21 110 4 1 IJ 1 E PetzoldtlO Seven Sers Pink Tenor Lava G7G16 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 44 110 S 4 3 3 = E PctzoldtlO J Parmer Tillolson Clearfield ClearfieldBHYMER BHYMER ch g 9 115 By Salvation I Poeta by Honduras HondurasTrainer Trainer G W Atkinson Owner 6 W Atkinson Breeders Lawreaca Comstock 68019 CarC7876 Tijuana ImTOy l53mud 6 10S C 3 Sl 3 F Stevens 7 Lewis B Cabin Creek Car C7876 Tijuana 1 14 213mud 11 108 S 5 3 5 F Seremba 6 Madge P Vic Doraiuator 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OSfast 10 107 1 4 6 = 1 6 ° E Petzoldt 9 Firewth YorkLassio LitDear 67743 UighOlympuG7515 Tijuana 1 18 lC7fast 51 110 5 1 1J il F Stevens 9 BesYoimg I jra UighOlympu G7515 Tijuana 1 11G lM9 l49Kfast fast 13 113 6 5 3l 3 E Fator S Shoreacres lariat Reydo 67471 Tijuana 1 1S 1 367ifast 2310 110 6 4 4i 6 i W Pool 10 Argento AI Wick Deckhand DeckhandAL AL WICK ch sr 10 110 By Albulx Eubywick by Hawkswick HawkswickTrainer Trainer A M Gray Owner A M Gray Breeder W J Grist 67956 Tijuana 1 1S 202hvy 11 112 4 51 31 F Seremba 8 Ponza Ray Lewis B Railbird 67674 Tiiuana 1 18 l36 ifast 3110 110 2 4 21 11 F Seremba 9 Little Gink Obstinate Dora G7618 DoraG7618 Tijuana 1 18 l5S ifast 1110 110 5 2 2J 2 t F Seremba 8 Sweuson Tag Day Steve 67547 Tijuana 1 1S l56fast 1 110 2 3 3 2 = II Molters S IWHarper Meteor JohnArbor G7471 JohnArborG7471 Tijuana 1 18 l56iraEt 5 110 2 21 H Molters 10 Argento Deckhand John Arbor 67453 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 8 112 8 6 51 5 1 H Mollers 11 WiseJudge TornCraven Flame LITTLE GINi b g 10 110 110Trainer By Tim Payne La Poeta by Honduras HondurasBreeder Trainer J McPherson Owner J McFarlane Breeder Xawrsncc Comstcch CS082 Tijuana ImTOy l49i slow 9 113 4 1 11 2 E Dugan It Car Point to Point Dalwood 67955 Tijuana 34 l19hvy 9 113 4 2 63 6 i B Parke 7 Shelbyville CliarSmith Thrills 67745 Tijuana 1 18 l57itast 3 116 3 6 9 911 E Taylor 9 Rhymer Bessie Young Dora DoraC7G74 C7G74 Tijuana 1 1S lS67sfast 8 110 5 2 3 21 F Stevens 9 Al Wick Obstinate Dora G7548 DoraG7548 Tijuana 1 1S lD6fast 11 110 445 E Petzoldt S Judge David Firewortb Dora 67315 Tijuana 1 11C l4D fast 13 113 7 S S S = R Carter 8 Shoreacres Lariat Rhymer RhymerDEBATING DEBATING ch f 4 103 By Ballot Spindrift by Requital RequitalTrainer BerrymanG7S98 Trainer B Creech Ownor B Creech Breeder C H Berryman G7S98 Tijuana Im70y 154 mud 9 106 8 7 7 6 ° T Wilson 8 Pltagcnet CabCrcek RedMan 67664 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 31 ICG 5 5 5 5s J Thomas S WJudge JDuvid ChkBarkley 67409 Tijuana 1 1S 157 fast 1 103 2 4 IJ M Fator Arsn o John Arbor Caamano 67356 Tijuana ImTOy l47 fast 32 1C3 9 8 4 3Ji M Fator 11 EIIarrigan LCochron CMuller G7277 CMullerG7277 Tijuana 1 18 l53v faat 4 103 2 4 3l 31 J Thomas 10 Madge K Judge David Rhymer 67167 DeckhandBENECIA Tijuana ImTOy lClihvy 41 105 1 C 4 2j T Wilson S Poacher Argento Deckhand BENECIA ciu ss C 113 By TutorTraiaer Hoaeywood Bo ells by Tutor Traiaer a S Stewart Owner O Stewart Breeder Nevada Stock Farm G8054 Tijuana 51 f 114 hvy 51 113 4 9 7i W Jarrell 11 CMaster OHomestd TRoach j G7397 SlielbyvillaG7802 Tijuana ImTOy l53mud 12 111 2 3 3J 3 W Jarrell 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Slielbyvilla YukonG7743 G7802 Tijuana 51 f l07tsfast 35r 113 9 8 S1 5 W Jarrell JO Lobelia Poaclior Yukon G7743 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7S 116 3 5 9 9 T Rae 9 VanWelles CaliinCrk Poacher G7263 DnntC7187 PoacherG7263 Tijuana 1 113 l4S fast 12 117 2 6 C 6 i R R CTtcr 7 Eugenia K tr Walter Dnnt C7187 Tijuana 1 l4j l4j7sivy 7sivy 6 110 4 1 1 H R R Cter 7 CaveMan NorfurdsLast JayMac JayMacHONTONA HONTONA ScerborouznTrainer ch e 6 115 By Montgomery Ratona by Scerborouzn Trainer W Pinkstaff Ow = r W Pinks taff Breeder A S Willisr = 67956 Tijuana 1 1S 202ilivy 2310 117 3 8 8 S G Thpson S Ponza Riy Ijewis II Railbird LUtDearG7G75 67834 Tijuana 1 14 204fast 31 112 5 3 SJ a C Tupson 9 Firewcrtli YorkLassc LUtDear G7G75 Tijuana 1 1S l5GJ fast 115 115 7 3 11 Il II S Jones 9 enISyng Pattern BcssieYorng G7598 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 5 117 3 5 41 4 J II S Jones 8 TomCraven FJrewtb Cafeteria 07492 Tijuana ImTOy l47ifast IS 107 7 6 6 H Molters 8 Yeruiak Walter Daat CtBoris 63527 Reno 1 18 1 3ifast 2710 108 5 1 H Molters 7 WalDaut IcnnnMoss Sippara Continncd on twelfth page TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from eleventh page U K BEAL ch g 9 115 By Clorifier Puritan Girl by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer R E larell Owner H T Palmer Breeder J H Shrare ShrareC8011 C8011 Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 195 IDS 5 2 2 P W Pool 10 PlSteel Tawasentha riurality riuralityC7907 C7907 Tijuana ImOy l534mud 185 113 S 6 6 6 J Pevic 0 Cafeteria Olympiad Bcnecia BcneciaG7981 G7981 Tijuana 1 l48mud 14C 114 633 4 1 G BrdfootlO NthShore GdBryan ChleyBoy ChleyBoyma ma 34 117 mud 62 118 5 7 7 6 J Shaffer 8 Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk 48 Tijuana Sl l14ifast 166f 116 11 11 11 11 J Shaffer 11 MMaulsby Horinga Hs Heir HeirGC502 GC502 Akron 34 118 alow 55 117 8 A Richcrk 8 Euos Right Angle MarscJiramy MarscJiramy6C077 6C077 Hthorne 31 l23 mud 12 llfi 4 4 4h 11 A RichcrklO Kailbird May Girl Vansylrla

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020801/drf1923020801_11_3
Local Identifier: drf1923020801_11_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800