6th Race [6th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-08

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Ctlt DA PC 1 1S Miles yearolds and upward Claiming March 14 Dill tlMUt 19O8 151 45 a 122 JACK F AIRMAN b c 4 96 By Marta Santa Bettie ODay by P ep eTBay eTBayTrainer Trainer J H Burns Owner S If Holman Breeder G Watts 68073 FGrnds 1 116 l50hvy S 101 2 1 2 4J W Fronk 11 Ballybell Buxom Fomovo 67903 FGrnds 1 316 200 4fast 10 94 9 3 3 9 W Fronk 10 Huonec KBpoIette GtlenJett GtlenJett678C2 678C2 FGrnds 1 1S l55good 80 87 6 2 3 2 1 W Fronk 10 Ettahe Gen Cadorna Tnlsa 67752 FGrnds 34 l12fast JO 103 13 14 14 14 R RomelliU RapidDay Monastery Sagame 6528 Toledo Ab 34 110 fast 8 105 2 1 1 1 E Petzoldt 7 TbeEnqrer Magician AmEagle AmEagle664G1 664G1 Toledo 61 f l07fast 13 107 2 1 1 21 G Mangan 7 ColMatt VanWelles Meas Kit 66393 Toledo Ab 34 114 hvy 20 103 4 4 4 3 G Mangan 5 Delhimar Lit Less JHoffraan 66359 Toledo DJ f lOGJ4fast 13 109 3 4 4 4 1 J Chlmers 7 Dili lUackwell Lurj De Land 66324 Toledo Ab 34 l09fast 12 102 4 2 21 3 G Mangan 7 AsnQueen FGCley Hdcross HdcrossToledo Toledo Ei f lOSfast 360 112 8 7 71 4ll C Phillips 9 DonJose ArrowPont Puff Ball Ball6617C 6617C Hthorne 61 fl12 slow 25 ICC 2 1 1 4 E Owens 11 MDenunzio HRuddcr CBuras CBurasBUXOM BUXOM b f 4 1CS By Ballot Lady Doncaster by Elopement ElopementTrainer Trainer H Randolph Owner W H Fizer Breeder E Bnckrv 68073 FGrnds 1 116 l50hvy l50hvy679G8 10 102 4 T 4 2 G Mein 12 Ballybell FornoTO J Fainnan 679G8 FGrnds 1 316 201fast 4 10211 6 El 4 G Mein 13 Ace Bolster Bill and Coo CooB 67756 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast l47fast67G93 B 101 12 9 41 3 H Shillick 12 GenCadna Stanley LcharesII 67G93 FGrnds ImTOy IMCTfast IMCTfastG7G08 10 102 4 9 6 3s H Shillick 12 Demos Wylie Gen Cadorna G7G08 FGrnds 1 18 l55 ifast 6 102 5 6 3 3l II Khillick 9 StisliCIiief Ilandfnll Encrinite 67559 FGrnds 1116149 good 15 09 4 6 4 431 H Shillick 10 BrownBill Carmencita Tingling 67131 Jefferson 1 116 l53 mud 12 10210 10 61 5 H Shillick 11 LitPatsy Hickory GraceFoster GraceFoster6G912 6G912 Jefferson 1 1S 153 fast 7 10116 8 8 711 F Sharpe 8 British Liner Dr Rae Secret Secret6G477 6G477 Empire 1116150 fast 7 102 7 8 6 SiH Shillick 11 Care Free Star Court Juno Juno6G373 6G373 Empire 1 142 fast 8 1011 7 4 4 1 H Shillick 11 Nightboat Ballot Mark Consort Consort6G159 6G159 Jamaica ImTOy l46fast 21 97 6 1 1 I1 H Shillick 7 Gunsight Esquire Wylia WyliaA A N AKIN b ST 11 108 By Algol Tremar by Tremont TremontTrainer Trainer M Shields Owner M Shields Breeder R F Bodson 67730 FGrnds 34 l13fast 31 109 9 7 6i 4 E Roehm 11 Relbility RStride Flibtyet 67443 FGrnds 1 116 l53hvy 1S5 106 1 3 5 E Roehm 14 Ettahe Jordan Chief 66481 Latonia ImTOy 144 fast 8 104 10 11 II1 11 C Rails 12 BnddKcan WalHall Claymore 66200 Latonia 114211 hvy 2 21 2 C Rails 9 Fantoche Merchant Pit 660GG Latonia 34 117 hvy 910 104 6 8 7 7 T Brothers S Sam Reh Demos Harvest King 65951 Latonia 1 116 l4SUast 21 104 3 3 2 2 E Roehm 8 Sea Court TonyBeau Merchant 65811 Latonia 0 103 6 3 3 2 C Balls G Ruby BlaeParadise SewComhs 63331 Latonia 1 1S l 9hvy 4 100 3 1 2 2 C Rails 9 Countess La Foudrc Nurture 63248 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 31 1 101 4 1 1 1 C Rails 9 Penwell Arraran Bermont 63151 Latonia 34 l13 good 115 5 108 3 3 3 2 2k C Rails 9 Whirl Birdie G Richelieu 62865 Latonia 34 l13 fast 9 108 7 6 41 4 C Rails Ra119WAR 10 MBodine BegPardon SllCombs WAR PRIZE b g 7 113 By Star ShooiTrainer Shoot Raglan by Plaudit PlauditF Trainer G Richardson Owner F Peyton Breeder J E Madden 68072 FGrnds 1 18 l5Thvy 30 109 7 6 6 S 3 G Breung 10 Ettahe Escarpolette Ballotcar 67947 FGrnds 1 18 l52fast 20 112 G 2 7 7 3 L Morris 9 SFrank TMcTagRart Attorny 67819 FGrnds 1 116 151 nvy 12 108 4 4 4 11 A Wilson 9 Advture MorElder StGermn 67777 FGrnds 1 1S l54fast 10 105 10 11 11 11 A Wilson 12 Natural Carmencita MRobcrt 67714 FGrnds 1 18 155 fast 20 106 9 8 6 3 1 A Wilson 11 LitAmmie Encrinite LdHbert 67558 FGrnds 1 116 IMSgood 20 108 6 7 8 7 G Breung 9 Huonec Wylie Bravo 67288 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sfast 60 103 9 9 9 Sl G Mein 9 Goaler Exhorter Tulate 66894 Jefferson 1 116 l4Tfast 20 106 8 9 8 9 R Doyle 12 MyAgnesS ServStar Ckroach Ckroach6GG39 6GG39 Latonia 1 1S l53 ifast 15 102 5 6 Ci 5 1 A Roach 7 Salvo Tulsa Loveliness LovelinessGGG13 GGG13 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 48 106 11 10 7 6 C Dlshmonl2 Carnarvon Wickford LWldrig LWldrigGG519 GG519 Latonia 1 18 lD3Xfast 30 103 7 2 4 E i C DemellelO Meclianic Walk Up Gem GemPIRATE PIRATE McGEE ch g 6 103 By McGee Precocious by Pirate of Fenzanca FenzancaOwner Owner L W Johnson Breeder C W Mcore Mcore679G8 679G8 FGrnds 1 316 201fast S IDS 13 12 8 6J W GourlcylS Ace Bolster Bill and Coo 67587 FGrnds 1 316 202 fart 5 112 6 6 6 6 W Gourley 7 KingTroJan Exhorter Magicn 67382 Jefferson 1 1S l5 ifast 7 112 11 4 11 I4 W Gourleyl2 Tyranny BrownBill Solid Rock 67286 Jefferson 1 116 l49fast 20 105 9 11 71 6s W Gourleylt Winneconne Eterity Tingling 66990 Jefferson 1 116 148 fast 12 105 10 6 4 351 J Owens 12 Rama St Donard Brown Bill 66959 Jefferson 1 1S l54fast 10 11010 10 9 7 E Pool 12 Richelieu Amaze JohnnyOtoa 6G913 Jefferson 1 18 l54fast 18ft 105 3 8 6 fi i J Corcorn 9 Magician Hope Amaze 66G27 Latonia 1 14 206fast 22 103 6 1 3 3 J Corcoranl2 The Wit Rama Jake Feld 6G515 Latonia ImTOy l44fast 8 1H 9 7 S 5 J Heupel 12 Wickford Uuen Mary Maxim ENCRINITE b m 6 103 By Rockton Rockwater by Laureate or Clifford Trainer C N Freeman Owntr C N Freeman Breeder J Snford SnfordC8031 C8031 FGrnds 1 316 202fast 10 104 1 8 10 10 J Wallace 10 Repeater Wylie Ashland C7940 FGrnds 1 116 l48fast 6 104 7 6 CJ B H Thurberl2 Ailliro My Rosie Fast Trial 7777 FGrnds 1 18 l54fast 16G 99 7 6 41 E4 J Wallace 12 Natural Carmencita MRoberte 67714 FGrnds 118155 fast 7 100 3 4 4 21 J Wallace 11 Encrinite WarPrize LdHerbert LdHerbert67G50 67G50 FGrnds 1 116 l4Sfast 10 102 1 C C BTi J Chimersll SamFranK Magicn DoctorJim j 67608 FGrnds 1 18 l55ifast 32 106 3 6 4 41 J Wallace 9 ScottishChief llandfull Buxom 67500 FGrnds 1 116 149 good 20 104 6 3 2k 21 J Wallace 8 Little Ammie Kirah Dimples 67286 Jefferson 1 116 l49fast 7 106 4 6 10 10 C Lang 11 Winuccoime Eterity Tineling 67204 Jefferson 1 116 l51hvy 10 108 6 6 7 7 F Shaipe 10 Tulsa King Trojan Betty J JFORNOVO FORNOVO ch h 5 114 By Hcouen May Dora by Isidor Trainer A C Porrotto Owner W 7 Kramer Bred in France by J Sanferd 68073 FGrnds 1 116 l50hvy 21 105 7 3 Sl 3s J Crcoranll Ballyuel Buxom Jack Fainnan 67988 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast 20 103 7 6 6 5J B Renretti 7 MatIdol Loveliss GcnCdorna 67939 FGrnds ImTOy l44 fast 7 110 7 9l 10 1 C Lang 11 Diriiiiiit AtBoyll M Roberts 67811 FGrnds ImTOy l45mud 15 101 5 4 C 4 H Thomas B JHareJr Episode HloPardner 67713 FGrnds ImTOy 146 fast fast6G141 20 103 9 5 31 2 1 A Abel 9 Lainpus Citation St Donard 6G141 Laurel 1 18 157 good good6G108 9 110 4 7 71 6 = J Rowan 9 On High Clean Gone Dolly C 6G108 Lauerl 1 1161 l51good 6 115 3 6 6 7 J Rowan 11 Glivant Ettahe KathRankin 65968 Kworth 1 ll l53Ubvy 85 113 4 3 21 J McTagt 7 Flibberlygibbet Rouen Onllich 61828 Kworth 1 1M l46 ifast S 109 1 4 E S T Nolan G IlighGcar BlosIlouse RGaiety 65174 Dorval ImTOy lldSftbvy 4 106 4 5 I1 2 F Sharpe 7 FrzySneczy Austral Gallivant JACOBEAN b g 5 By Folymelian Jacoba by Jack Atiir Trainer F R Doyle Owner S Jones Breeder E T Oxnard 67984 FGrnds 34 l14fast 15 107 9 10 10 9 S R Doyle 10 Youneed Mahony Ilolo 67777 FGrnds 1 18 l54fast 13 102 2 C S 6 R Doyle 12 Natural Carmencita MRoberts1 67709 FGrnds 34 l14 4fast 15 108 7 4 2 3 R Doyle 12 Mahony Fred Kinney Hillsdale 673G2 Jefferson 34 l14fast 1C 103 7 7 6i 6 i R Doyle 12 Royal Dick Grayson Jock Scot GG970 Jefferson 34 l14fast 16 107 9 10 10 8 R Doyle 12 PMicou ThePeruvian Youneed 66797 DadePrk 1 l43M low 44 106 6 E 5 R Doyle 7 SmartGuy Bvcrkill GoldFloss 66752 DadePrk 78 l31VimuU 22 103 6 7 4 4 R Doyla 8 Golden Floss Repeater Bojul I I 66713 DadePrk 1 l3Sfast 40 105 3 3 21 33 U Doyle G JnUoshor HhGear Ravenswd 66681 DadePrk 34 lI4 faat 63 104 4 E 3 1 H Clmentsl4 Maliony Amanda Magician 66S33 Toledo ImTOy l44ifast 48 104 8 8 8 R Doyle 9 RexGaicty Dukeltuff StMoncy SCOURGEMAN b f 8 113 By Stanhope n Salamis by Sensation Trainer J H Tevis Owner J H Teris Breeder Mrs L A Livingston 67947 FGrnds 1 1S l52r fast 7 107 8 7 9 911 T Doyle 9 SFrank TMcTapgart Attorny 67692 FGrnds ImTOy l46 fast 76 109 8 8 71 6s J Crcoranll TMcTaggart Bolster Handfull 67565 FGrnds 1 116 l48fast 2 101 6 4 3 lt G Mein 8 FrankW Gen Cadorna Bermont 02555 Belmont 1 116 l4G5fcfast 165 115 C S A Johnson Devonite LorilUerbert SerStar 62393 Belmont 1 l40ltfast 15 107 9 11 9 8 T Finn 12 Winneeonne Vendor Anniversy 62206 Belmont 1 l39ifast 12 102 6 4 64 B l T Ferire 11 Winneconne Pansy Fantoche SATANA ch b 6 By Le Lorrain Soda by Mordant Trainer J Tisrue Owner C J Brockmiller Bred in France by G G Zousnet Zousnetzoff zoff zoffffi 67968 FGrnds 1 316 201 fast ffi 108 1 13 121 12 C Lang 13 Ace Bolster Bill and Coo 67686 FGrnds 1 316 200fast 7 97 2 i S 9 J CTrcoranlO Huonec Hickory Bermont 67483 FGrnds 1 1S l57hvy 7 101 C 1 1 3 J G Meln 12 Lord Herbert Bravo BrownBill 67462 FGrnds 1 116 l53 hvy 10 1C3 8 3 4 21 G Mein 8 Ettahe Amaze Who Cares 67348 Jefferson 1 316 203fast 41 105 6 4 4 71 J Corcoranl2 JOverton StGcrmaln Bermont 67175 Jefferson 1 116 l53bvy 1310 111 6 4 3 5 J Corcoran 11 Wylie Ashlin Hope FAREWELL TAPS b f 4 101 By Patand Knhla by Gold Heels or Trentol TrentolTrainer Trainer J Battiste Owner 7 Battiste Breeder S F Owen 68073 FGrnds 1 116 l50 ihvy 20 106 11 Ifl 11 11 L McDot 12 Ballybell Buxom Fornovo 6G437 Akron ImTOy l5S7ihvy S 109 II K T Moore 7 Wreckless Melba Polly Berlin 66299 Akron 61 f 125 fast 44 1091 7 T Willlms 9 StarBanner Benecia JapMuma 66186 MHghta ImTOy 200 hvy 29 103 A Arvln 7 OldMcKenna JohnArbor Pierrot Pierrott6 66151 MHghts 34 123 mud l6 t6 105 S15 T Burns 8 Pretender Femim Mar Hollins 6G083 MHghta 34 119 mud 17 107 2 W Taylor 7 VanDresscr Plurality SilkSox 65713 XKton Ab B8 100 fast 33 106 6JJ T Drumnd G Itaffrrty Jnanita III Miss Orb 65655 NKton Ab 58 l02fast 35 113 51 B McCann G No Wonder Midian Marchtone 65313 NKton Ab 58 103 fast 23 113 Fell H Chppcll G Col Tex Sarafax Gin 65143 New Ken 61 f l26Vifast 8710 10 119 119HERMODEN 61 T Willims G Tatting Sarafax Kimcno HERMODEN ch c 4 M 96 96Trainer By Prince Hermis Modena by Armeath EL ELR Trainer R J Gilmore Owner R J GUmore Breeder G L Blackfcrd 08095 FGrnds 1 116 150 good 20 93 10 2 7 6 1 B Harvey 11 Light Wine Ashland Hickory 67856 FGrnds ImTOy l47J slow CO 111 12 7 7 9 F Kiniry 14 Nuvaka Rupee Juno 67820 FGrnds 1 116 l51V hvy 20 96 S 8 1 10 11 n Harvey 11 Serbian GDshorty Ballybell 67692 FGrnda ImTOy l46Mfast 20 96 1 10 K 10 i 9 7 B Harvey 11 TMcTagsart Bolster Handfull 67555 FGrnds 34 li icood 80 102 9 9 9 9 J McCoy 13 May Bodinc Alex II Spiigs C3899 MHghta 1 316 lC9ifast C 166 S 3 21 2 J Robblns S Sicrety Wodan SptaculurGIr 63823 MHchta ImTOy 145 fast f 110 4 3 21 2 J Robbins G BlosIlouse Smuts MAugusta HARVEY SMARR b g 1 By Woolwinder Pale Face by Glorifier Trainer J Hanover Owner J Hanorer Breeder O Eastcn 67819 FGrnds 1 116 151 hvy 0 K2 3 7 9 9 J Wallace 9 War Prize Advture MorElder 67483 FGrnds 1 18 l57hvy 40 101 S 7 S 10 H Shillick 12 Ixml Herliort Bravo Satana 67443 FGrnds 1 116 l 3hvy 20 181 9 9C7127 71 7 i H fchllliok 14 Ettahe Jordan Chief C7127 Jefferson 34 llTHmud 20 115 12 11 II1 11 C Lang 12 Anticipate Alva llcl n Atkin 63631 Reno El f l08fast 23 103 2J R Moss 7 Colil Flush Alaska Dots DotsJ4 63484 Reno 34 l15faat II 106 1066S425 8J P Caron S Sacramento DnAilmit Indianola 6S425 Reno S4 lOj faat 15 103 103CITATION Maloney 10 1erfDay KofPythias Samllill CITATION tr f 4 100 100Trainer By Ogden Meritorious by Miller Trainer F Farrar Owner T Farrar Breeder J E Maddea 68966 FGrnds 1 116 l49imud 10 96 6 S Ca 6 J Chlmers G Tulalip Rep Waukeag 68499 FGrnda 1 116 l4TSfaat 13 KQ 6 T 4 6 J Walla Wallace S Attaltoyll MIJomrts HGear 7756 FGrnds 1 12 l 4fat JS5 5 in 2 T 7 V C Lang LangC7713 7 Kscarpolte Tliornhedge Klrab C7713 FGrnds ln 7 y 146 faet 25 107 8 7 4 3H C Lang 9 Lampus Fornovo St Donard 726 FGrnds 1 l40fast 90 104 S T 1 7 J Walla Wallace 7 Avispa AuntieMpy MyRevcrie 67586 FGrnds 1 116 l4fast 10 106 C S 9 9 91 C Lang Gem Slippery Blm The Wit

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020801/drf1923020801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800