2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-08

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9nrl DA PC 5s Mile HycaroIds and upward Claiming May 2O 192O tnCI nrtUu 50 i 107 107TEMPT TEMPT DeerslayerTrainer DUNCAN b m 12 111 By Billy Mayhue Edna Edwards by Deerslayer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder W E Moody G8039 Tijuana 51 f l14 ihvy 3 113 1 2 2 3 P Martinezll Rag Doll Onwa Black Pat U8018 Tijuana 4S f C9 mud 95 5 106 1 15S 3 31 21 W Pool 10 Clr theWuy Babe Ruth Thrills G7929 Tijuana 5S l04shvy 11 1 116 1 15S 5 G 7 P Martinezll MEmG RosaAtkin Pina iuan 67911 Tijuana 5S 104 mud 2 109 2 25S 3 3i 5i H Lonff 14 Cicely Kay You Bet Car C7765 Tijuana 5S l01fast 2 114 1 2 2h 3s P MartinezlS Angelo CharrtteSmlth Trulin 51 f l09 fast 13f 114 1 2 2 85X P Martinezl2 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame FRENCH NURSE b ro 8 106 By Bey Hindoo Trained Nurse by To el Her Trainer G H Lambert Owner Uillerick Bros Bieedtr Lawrence tt Comstock ComstockC7955 C7955 Tijuana 34 l19V hvy 28 100 6 6 7 7 M Milrick 7 Shelbyville CharSmitU Thrilla 3I 61829 Tijuana 3 34 115 fast 17 103 7 6 7l 8 M Milrick S Sheka View Cannonball 167721 I 67721 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 18 10611 11 81 6 M MHrickl2 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame FlameC7615 C7615 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 61 108 4 8 8J 8J M MilriclUS Rafferty SwpUpIL PonzaRay 167533 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 11 106 4 3 4l 3 M Milrickl2 Myrtle A Dclancey Kirkwood 67431 Tijuana 6 58 l01irast 22 107 4 4 41 4 1 M MUrickll Virge Alajali Syncopation 67270 Tijuana 5 5S l01fast GSf 20S 8 7 7i GJ M Milrick 9 HillonA IIizelDiIe B Welch 63635 Reno 3 34 115 fast 31 Millerick 8 RcdMan PcgMartln ClovJunl JACK LEE br gr 5 By Jack Atkin Lady Galopin by St Serf HeadleyC7828 Trainer H Tullett Owner Tarn o Shanter Stable Breeder H P Headley C7828 Tijuana 34 l15fast 18C 115 7 S S 7 E Dugan 10 Lewis B WCDooly P Tenny 07763 Tijuana 5S l01fast 165 112 6 6 5 51 H S Jonesl2 Viva Ben Payee Irone Delsa 4 115 1 4 Z 7 i A Claver 12 Kirkwood Plunger Caamanu 57208 Con ght 51 f 109 good 23 106 3 33 41 5 F Murphy 7 Al Pierce Kinetic Rib Rib5707S 5707S Connht 34 115 fast 62 103 5 66 6 H Stearns 8 PropaMa Corilla GallonBerry GallonBerry5G702 5G702 Dorval 34 l14fast 29 100 5 4 6 7J1 K Parton 10 Ladylvan Pinard Dlamd Dal 56622 Dorval 34 l12fast 38 101 1 6 7 6 H Stearns 10 MGarner TtheMark HWillda 56290 FtErie 61 f l12hvy 55 106 3 7 7 7 A Rlchcrfc 7 Gratiun Gillou Berry Nenette 56137 Hamton 34 114 fast 29f 104 6 9 9 9 I Gordon 9 Gallipot Al Pierce OurBirtbday OurBirtbdayE6104 E6104 Connht Im70y l47fast 91 4 6 8 8 8 J Wallace 8 BrBill GFrin e SportChanca BLACK PRINCE blk h 6 108 By Tony Bonero Clothes Brush br BOB Break BreakTrainer Trainer G Boyd Owner R Pillans Breeder estate of F J Pens 68003 Tijuana 5S l03mud i 106 3 4 31 35J G Rose 9 BBlnckwell Cncutter Amtarta 57992 Erie Ab 5S l03hvy 1710 118 6 C Garner 10 AMaid DrCmpbell DoctorD 53272 Havana 34 l13i fast 2 99 1 2 2 21 21 L Penman 7 Sirccco TBDnke PrinMyrtl 53217 Havana 34 l12 = fast 4 101 3 2 S 4l 3 L Penman 7 Sirocco TBelgianll AsmpUoa AsmpUoa531C1 531C1 Havana 51 f l06fast 2 112 1 3 3 6 3i W Kelsay 5 Brig of War Osgood KdOarrlson 33037 Havana 51 f l07Wfast 1 107 2 4 3 2 1 J Francis 6 Brig of War Discussion MFeast MFeastGALLOUBERRY GALLOUBERRY b e 5 113 By Galatine Kate Kittleberry by Cerasus CerasusTrainer Trainer H E Davis Owner H E Davis Breeder J E Seagram SeagramC7722 C7722 Tijuana 5S l02fast 13 115 11 11 91 S T Wilson 11 Yukon Delancey Phyllis K 67672 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 17 114 9 6 71 SJJ 1 Fletcher 11 FondHope NebrnskaLad Nizam 67658 Tijuana 5S l01fast 9 112 11 6 3 3 I Fletcher 12 Melchoir Noonliour Kljti 67595 Tijuana 58 l02fast 2 115 7 4 41 4 M Andsonl2 Piiilanderer Viva Bacchus 67211 Tijuana 34 116 slow 260 100 4 6 6s 51 M Andson 7 Pueblo John Jr Madge K 67051 Tijuana 58 l04 hvy 122 114 6 5 6 6 M Andson 7 Harry D Kimono Ella Waldo 65034 Mneuve ImDOy l5Shvy 12 112 Pulled up H Gibson 7 BrdvJew Satinmore FandWer 65791 Mneuve Ab 34 l17 l17sfast = sfast 5 116 31 W Smith C FlyingFonl Broadview Dormal DormalC5694 C5694 Mneuve Ab 58 100 fast 5 110 3 J H Gibson 8 Lyllarrigan MissHold Humpy HumpyC5546 C5546 Kempton 34 l15fast 2310 112 3 J E T Moore 7 Almirante Foxliaven Dependc DependcVIEW VIEW b g 9 113 By McGee Parkview by Humhnrs HumhnrsTrainer Trainer F Bisk Owner H L James Breeder C W Moore 67026 Tijuana 34 l18hvy 3 113 3 3 41 4 R Flynn 11 Choir Master JackLedl Balfoor 67802 Tijuana 34 118 mud 85 107 3 4 4 21 F Stevens 12 Fickle Fancy Ermitana Dora DoraC7820 C7820 Tijuana 34 113 fast 5 115 2 1 1 2 C Thpson 9 Sheka Caunonball EuiWeller 67786 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 9 115 2 1 21 6 C Thpson 11 GoldBryan Delancey UosaAtkin 67657 Tijuana 5S lolsfast 175 116 6 7 SJi 7 i F Serembal2 Pewaukee Slieka Fickle Fancy FancyC7638 C7638 Tijuana 5S l01fast 52 110 1 3 6h 7S3 F Seremba 8 Barriskano CtBoris II Rudder 67507 Tijuana 58 102 fast 3 110 7 4 31 3 = J E Petzoldtl2 Lobelia Delancey Plantagenet 67470 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4 108 3 3MAXINE 2 21 21 E PetzoldtlO VanWelles Pltagenet KMan KManMAXINE MAXINE b m 6 111 111Trainer By Luck and Charity Lady Maffitt Trainer L E Old Owner L E Old 67840 Tijuana 51 f l10mud SO 10S 4 6 6 6 W Dean 9 MissDnnbar Review PhyllisK 63733 Reno Im70y l47fast 36 106 7 W Davis 9 Al Wick TomBrojks UlnknTnn 63588 Reno 1 l41fast IS 104 715 W Dean 9 Kimberly Weinland PinkTenuy PinkTenuyInk 63485 Reno 34 l16fast 17 106 1 Ink W v Dean 9 ChasCnnnrll Kazan Ermitana 63425 Reno 34 l15fast 69 106 4 W Davis 10 PerfDay KofPylhias SamlllU 63317 Reno 61 f l08fast 9 106 8 W Dean 9 BillBlackwell Canchm MrsPat 63211 Reno 6 f lOSVtfast 96 103 63 H Long LongC2769 9 Operator Qulnam Gcc TrlmbU C2769 Reno 34 l19ilow 9 jQ2 10 W Miller 10 HNegra Riukavous SanthiaO 61377 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 36f 106 9 9 91 G ° W Davis 10 UTiptoe RJohnson SHawklu 61334 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 45 113 3 388 8 8l 671 D Hum HumMISS 11 Bookworm Apropos ItlnkuvoM ItlnkuvoMch MISS FRAULAND ch EsterlingSheldon f 4 104 By Malamont MalamontTrainer Sister Baby by Lord Esterling Trainer B J Sheldon Owner Nebraska Stable Breeder A Brown 67914 Tijuana 34 llC2 mud 110 ICC 3 6 8 S15 P Hum 8 Dclhimar JustRight Pretender Pretendern70yl48 07598 Tijuana Im70y n70yl48 148 fast 89f 105 4 8 8 S H Long LongC7573 8 TomCraven Fircwlh Cafeteria C7573 Tijuana 61 f 109 fast 7f 105 7 9 91 S H Long 12 Gen Czar MIdlan Review 67297 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 67 107 4 7 6 3 E Fator 7 II Rudder O Wood II Major 67262 Tijuana 34 l14fast 9 106 9 9 9 9 H Long 10 NebkaLnd TCraven Slbyvllla 66074 Tijuana 61 f l10Hhvy 61 S9 2 3 61 5ri P Walls LFlorce DrTnlbs McGslInlc 66950 Tijuana 6S l03slop 46 107 6 7 61 6 2 P Walls 7 FCCorley Hazel Dale Milda 65210 Hastings 34 l19siow 10 0 104 3si T Wilson S Jerry RoscoeGoose GoldieUoM BABE RTJTH b f 3 93 93Trainer By Light o m Life Cleopat by Canopus CanopusGray Trainer G Gray Owner G Gray GrayC8018 Breeder R Giffin C8018 Tijuana 41 f 59mud 9 96 6 4 4s Zl P Hum 10 CtheWay TpyDuncan Thrllbj 67265 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 4 101 3 6 101 H11 G Babin 12 BrianKent Iyf onid Bowsprit 64945 Bgliouse 68 l024good 22 2 110 110C4360 4 S Smith 7 CarEnrique DTtrpln IvyGray C4360 Hastings Ab 5S l01slop SI il 117 4 S Smith 4 CEnrique DkTfrpin ElmerW 63022 Brhouse 12 48 fast 2 tZ 1 H Long 12 OkanBell LmrdJr BlickTraek 62 768 Reno 12 51 slow 910 10 112 4l TV Garsan 6 OIIenry Qucencuiitl FKSore 60982 Tijuana 12 49 fast fastWILD 5 105 5 3 3l C51 J Htamer 9 Faber Miss Edna Pat Harnpso WILD WoolsthorpaTrainsr BRIER br m 5 M 106 By Joe Carey Woolen by Woolsthorpa Trainsr H C Masters Owner H Masters Breeder 0 L Rogers 67801 Tijuana 34 l18mud 13 101 8 10 10 10t7 F Stevens 11 VledColn Canvasbl MnFluke MnFlukeG7828 G7828 Tijuana 34 l15fast ISf 10810 10 7i C F Stevens 10 Lewis B WCDooly P Tonny 6 6i i 765 Tijuana 5S l01fast 24f 1101313 H2 II1 F Stevens 13 Angelo ChtaStnUh T Duncan 07658 Tijuana 5S l01fast 29f 110 2 11 11iJl E Dnnhuel2 Melclioir Nnhour Gal Berry Berrya a 68 102 fast ISf 103 12 12 12 12 E Blind 12 Lobelia Delnnwy View 67336 Tijuana 34 l164fast 91 11112 10 10 10 H Moltersl2 Nizam Norfield Glcnzar Glcnzar6G973 6G973 Tijuana 5S l03 hvy 27 103 8 8 8 S W Miller 8 Harry D It TermMo TermMoIRISH IRISH REINA b f 4 II 109 By Irish Exile Qneenland II by Clleyeden ClleyedenTrainer Trainer L L Allen Owner Allen Wilkerson Breeder L L Alien AlienC7764 C7764 Tijuana 58 l02fast SOf 103 1 11 HilO J Thomas 12 Candon Santhia C Woolday 67450 Tijuana 6S 102 fast 4f 102 9 10 10 10 M MUrlcklO Hazel Dale View Delancey 07187 Tijuana 1 l497shvy 182 101 1 4 7 7 M Milrick 7 Benecia CaveMan NorfdMxtsi 67132 Tijuana 6S l03hvy ISO 106 4 6 7 7 R Flynn 8 Toyon Jane A Anna Star 66914 Tijuana CS l03 mud ITf 111 1 9 9HO H Molters 11 MarnZorn ArneFort CaveUan CaveUanK3729 K3729 Reno 5S 102 fast 19 93 CeJ Millerick S C Cannell Gltnzar Stanley U UC3419 C3419 Reno 68102 fast 15 93 E i H Long 0 W C Dooly Little One OliveD 63391 Reno 68 l01 l01sfast = sfast 22 S3 8 Millerick 10 Madamllurry Galwny Lit On 63228 Reno 6S l01 = fast 19 K 711 H Long 7 Cascade Pueblo Stanley U UNET NET STAR ch f M 109 By CelineTrainer Colinet Aunt Sal by Salvation Trainer G W Crippen Owner Blackwell Crippen Breeder J A Blackwell 67763 Tijuana 5S l01fast 18 110 3 6 11s II15 A Claver 12 Viva Ben Payne Irene Delsa 67505 Tijuana 6S l02fast 19f 105 10 10 10 S15 F Stevens 12 Philanderer Viva ISacchui 07490 Tijuana 68 l02 tfast 6S7 10S 9 6 61 77J H Molters 10 Vera Bita Tillot on Norfkld 67168 Tijuana 58 106 hvy 81 10S 7 6 7 A Moffatt 7 Kimono Ella Waldo Toyon ToyonTRULANE TRULANE HighnessTrainer b g 11 113 By Atkin Princess Tulane by Hi Highness Trainer H Ripley Owner R Eipley Breeder B A Jones Jones077C5 077C5 Tijuana 6S l01fast 10 112 9 4 4si 4J R Carter 13 Angelo ClitaSinith T Duncan 7704 Willows 34 l17 l17sfast = sfast 52 114 S R Small S Lady Small lobelia Cafeteria CafeteriaD6751 D6751 Bhouse H f 103 fast 8 114 1 R Small 12 MParnell C Master JsFavte JsFavteC129 C129 BdyallrlshDG35J Willows Im70y 150 fast 45 10S Il E Neal 6 CMnller Ykljissie Bdyallrlsh DG35J HarriganMC07 Willows 34 lU fast 7 107 21 E Xeal 7 Tillotson Thrills E Harrigan MC07 Hastings 34 l18 fast 2310 119 3 E McCown 6 Bevo Due lie Gnlse ChrManter ChrManterDC103 DC103 PayneK9 Hastings 34119 fast 35 116 11 B McCown r Ethel Jocnln Peter Payne K9 0 Bhouso 34 114 fast 7 10 V H Jones 7 LSmnll MlssSdalia EUrrlgaa

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020801/drf1923020801_9_4
Local Identifier: drf1923020801_9_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800