8th Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-08

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OJU DAOC 1 38 Mile Ityearold and upward Claiming March 27 Oin ttAUt 1021 152 5 117 117DOMDTATOR DOMDTATOR h c 4 105 By Uncle Sonbonnet by Sunstsr SunstsrTrainer Trainer L H Tryon Owner Alien Tryon Breeder A K Macomtw 08056 Tijuana 1 l51hvy 23 102 5 5G7928 7 7 6n F Watrous S LewisB Lariat G Mueulfetaeh G7928 Tijuana Im70y l53hvy 4i 110 7 7C7876 786 41 R Carter 8 San Iledron Lariat Uackamore C7876 Tijuana 1 14 21354mud 5 105 2 2C780G 2 2l 31 C Rails 0 Madge F Vie Judge David C780G Tijuana 1 14 2G3 fast 95 110 1 1 I1 1 R Carter 11 Reydo John Aibor Lara 07760 Tijuana 1 143 fast 7 110 1 5 4 3J R Carter 9 PonzaUay Controit Pattern 67675 Tijuana 1 18 l56ttfast 33 105 1 9 9 y J Watrous 9 Montana Geiu Byng Pattern PatternC8 07408 Tijuana 58 l0lfast GS 110 7 7 7 6Ti R Carter 7 It Zindo Angela 07393 Tijuana 34 l14fast 24 113 8 7 6 611 R Carter 10 ThySevcn RLOwen Plunger 07245 Tijuana 34 l14Vtfast 7 108 4 4C7135 7 7 7 1 R Carter 7 Allcdcn Alazon Proclamation C7135 Tijuana DJ f lllhvy 12 ill 6 6DOLPH 7 7 41 R Carter 9 Black Dcor PcaceFlag Krippca DOLPH b f 6 110 110Trainer By Brummel Thrilled by Potomac PotomacA Trainer A H Gray Owner A Keith Breeder A L Ferguson 08042 Tijuana ImOy 153 hvy 7 106 5 6 3 41 W Pool 0 HLerch LFlorencc Fireworth 5753 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 29 110 S Sf7377 7 7s 7 1 E PetzolcltlO By Right Tom Owens Vic f7377 Tijuana 1 11G l47 4fast 2T10 710 115 7 3 31 3 i A Claver 8 ByRight WaltorDant Dkband 67339 Tijuana 1 13 l54fast 13 111 5 2 2 3i H Long 7 Eugenia K Vic Walter Dant 07300 Tijuana lr70y l46fast 21 110 6 6G7153 644 4J C Rails 7 Toombeola C Barkley W Dant G7153 Tijuana 1 18 204hvy 1 105 1 2 11 11 C Rails 7 JndgeDivid GcnByng SilcxIL 07097 Tijuana 1 11G 153 hvy 7 103 103G7002 5 2 2 21 C Rails 8 Frank Foparty Silex II Lola G7002 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 65 105 105GG899 5 5 41 41 C Rails 7 Torsiiln Poacher John Arbor GG899 Tijuana 1 116 l51slop 5 IIS 2J 3 R Sco villa Bill Head Lota Madrono 02680 Omaha 1 116 150 fast 145 113 113RAILBIRD 1 R Espene 10 Regrcso Herder Tyranny RAILBIRD ch p 7 110 By Plaudit Maud B L by Star Shoot Trainer B Campbell Owner Campbell Kipp Breeder A B Hancock G7998 Tijuana ImTOy 154 mud 13 1CS 2 4 oJ 1 J M Milrick 8 Pltagenet CabCrcek RcdMan 07950 Tijuana 1 18 202hvy 7 112 1 2 2i 3 M MUrick 8 PonzaRay LewisB EUarrigan G7928 Tijuana ImTOy l53hvy 56 110 4 423f 7 8 S M MUrick 8 San Iledron Lariat Hackaniora G7801 Tijuana 5S f l07fast 23f 113 7 8 8h G H S Jones 10 Due deGuisc Theresa Don Jose 07492 Tijuana ImTOy l47 fast 34 107 8 7 7 7 H Long S Yenuak Walter Dant CtBoris 07435 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 20 112 4 2 6 G l H Long 7 W Dant Lavaga C Barkley C077 Tiuana ImTOy lult hvy 11 101 6 2 1s 1J H Long 9 LOrphan llansTupaz JArbor G7C50 Tijuana 34 120 hyy hyyCG999 30 111 4 7 71 5 1 T Rae 8 Al Porter Midia Circulate CG999 Tijuana 5i f l10 mud 15 115 5 7 8 8 T Hae 8 NCR Plaiitagcnet Gadling GG145 Hlhorno 31 l20slow 41 112 1 5 6 6 L Gray 8 Nenette CaIcadourll Rlvnlet GG077 Hthorno 34 l234mud 5 112 6 6US 6 3 21 L Gray 10 N 1C Bcal May Girl Vansylvia VansylviaBy I W HARPER b B 8 US By J F Crowley Fenclon by Governor Foraker Trtiner F B Irnrin Owner F R Irwin Breeder H H Schrimshcr 07956 Tijuana 1 18 202 hvy 8 117 5 6 6s 6J D Hurn S Ponza Uay Lewis B Uailbird 07927 Tijuana ImTOy l52v hvy 20 115 8 11 11 10 H Molters 11 ULerch NthShorc Pltagcnct 07604 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 11 112 6 6 6s T11 G Rose 8 AVJudgp JDavid ChkBarkley 07547 Tijuana 1 1S l36Hfast 17 115 4 1 I1 1J J Sinston S Al Wick Meteor John Arbor 07453 Tijuana 1 l42Kast 14 117 3 11 11 II15 J Singtonll WiseJmlKC TomCraven Flame 07429 Tijuana 58 102 fast 2 115 9 11 101 t 5 J SingtonlS LadySniall Bookworm Olympd OlympdC7S94 C7S94 Tijuana 34 llVsfast 95 115 9 11 9i 4 P Martinczll Poorluss TomOwcris Celebrate 07204 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 19 114 3 6 51 3J P Martinez 8 CSnidcr DonJosc F G Corlcy 67227 Tijuana 58 l02i good G 114 2 6 51 3J P MartinczU Ainickissin Tonnilee VcralUta 07079 Tijuana 61 f lllhvy 11 112 5 7 G5 6J J Sington S It Cascade Chrosa ChrosaAHGENTO AHGENTO br g 9 115 By Jake Argent Ardenes by Amieo AmieoTrainer Trainer C Edwards Owner M Martin Breeder Ettate of E J BiMwte 07927 Tijuana ImTOy l52Xhvy 19 115 9 9 S1 SI C Rails 11 HLerch NthShore Pltagenet PltagenetC787G C787G Tijuana 1 11 213V3mud 11 10S 4 G C 6 E Pctzoldt 0 Madge F Vic nominator 07834 Tijuana 1 14 208fast 22 112 2 7 5 4 C Rails 9 Firewtli YorkLnssie LitDoar LitDoarG7G64 G7G64 Tijuana 1 14 2C9 fast 9 112 8 7 7l 6 ° P Poiriir 8 WJiidgp JDavid ChkBarklty 07471 Tijuana 1 18 l56fast 9 110 7 3 3J V E PetzoldtlO Al Wick Deckhand John Arbor 67409 Tijuana 113157 fast 12 108 3 3 3 2J E Pctzoldt 9 Drifting JohuAroor Caamano 67395 Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast 21 110 11 7 71 5 i E PetzoldtlO l iuraCochion Lariat Khymer KhymerCHARLEY CHARLEY EOT i gr 5 110 By Zeus Romania by Po p oDsT oDsTTrainer Trainer F Bochtelheimor Owner Sunflower Stable Breeder White fr Gamfltt 08057 Tijuana 1 1S 203 hvy 10 106 2 4 41 4s H Zander 0 Whippet Rajnli Poor Puss 08045 Tijuana 1 150 hvy 14 110 664 3 1 II Zander 8 SIIcdrpn MEniG Doc Tubh 67981 Tijuana 1 l48mud 43 108 4 5 4s 31 H Zander 10 NthShorc GoldBryan NKBeal 67932 Tijuana 1 316 207 hvy 14 112 5 6 5 5 H Molters 0 Torsida Whippet Uajah UajahG7831 G7831 Tijuana ImTOy lM5 lM5sfast sfast 3T10 111 6 8 7l 7 C Rails 9 She Devil My Kose Irosity 67791 Tijuana ImTOy l43fast 3 106 9 8 C 2 C Rails i DOM at olio Fireworlli renccFlas 67707 Tijuana ImTOy 145 fast 3t 112 3 6 51 4 i H Molters 7 FFogarty Itegrcso WMgomy WMgomyG7663 G7663 Tijuana 1 116 l47ifast 12 117 3 7 7 7 i H Molter 7 Bkliornll WMIgomy Piedra 07493 Tijuana 1 l42fast 30 110 4 4 3J 1 H Molters 7 SiimrSigh CoISnider GipJoa GipJoaPROPHECY PROPHECY ch K 7 110 By Astronomer Fleda B by Falsetto FalsettoTrainer Trainer D Bennison Owner D Dennison Breeder K P Shipp 07721 Tijuana 51 f I00l4fast 13f 108 5 5 41 1 E Petzoldtl2 Nonsuit Flame Plantagenet 67015 Tijuana 51 f lC3fast 11 110 3 4 4 3l E Pet2oldtl2 Rafferty SwpUpIL PonzaUay PonzaUayi37 i37 2 Keno ImTOy J4 fast 12 107 Gl H Molters S Glad News Conclion Norain 03449 Reno 1 l42fast M 110 TS P Caron S IIotFoot Kimberiy CaslleCrown 63421 Reno ImTOy l4GfasV 8 108 GJ P Caron 8 Al Wick Walter Dant Poacher 16 109 5 P Caron 10 Zamloch Caamano Alazon 10 108 2 P Caron 7 ColMntt LitOrpIian Dnckhanil 9 105 31 P Caron 7 TBikcnridgc Cinano O Hazel 11 106 2 P Caron 7 Clover Junia Argonto Sippara 01389 Tijuana 1 116 l48fast 22 110 2 71 7 P Caron 9 OrlennsGirl Daintylddy Zetctlc G13G5 Tijuana 1 1S l5Gi fast 9 112 4 25 21 P Caron 10 UourGrrcn MikcDaly Swenson YORK LASSIE br m 6 103 By Yorkshire Lad Lady Kiimarnock by Kilmar Kilmarnock Trainer T Crysler Owner T Crysler CryslerC305G nock Breeder C E Wilkersnn C305G Tijuana 1 151 hvy 31 104 7 7G8023 41 5i P Hum 8 Ijwisl Iwjriit G Mnehlcbacli G8023 Tijuana 34 l18mud 21 93 5 5G7834 5 5 L Crcery G C Stocking Pliilandcrcr Puclilo G7834 Tijuana 1 14 203fast 5 3S 4 2 2 P Hum 9 Fircworth Little Dear Argento Argento8i 07723 Tijuana ImTOy 1 47Vfait GJ 110 9 8i T6i L Crecry 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat Au Revolt 07534 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tsfast lOf 105 1 1G5283 8 SC3 L Creery 10 Iy Kigiit Tom Owens Vie Vie8IT G5283 Hastings 1 12 218 fast 24 104 104C525G 8IT AV Davis 9 Sample Ncl Harper PceDirect C525G Hastings 1 14 214Vigood 3 112 21 W Miller 7 YVhircKirii ImorcIL CCourt 05078 Hastings 61 f 125 mud 7 107 107GI876 Ol H Molters 7 CBoyle IIonIGeorgp FIorDeon GI876 Pghousc 1 116 l4Sfast 61 99 99G4781 1 = 1 P Hum 0 Tawasllia Deckhand I r Mo G4781 Brhousa ImTOy l14fast 16 102 102G4427 21 P Hurn 11 Cafeteria TBrooks I renaMos G4427 Hastings 34 l21 good 6 102 102G13G2 2 T Wilson 9 Velvet Cafeteria Ed Lc Van G13G2 Hastings 34 11S slop 14C 100 100LAURA 4 H Long 9 Sky Man MHrmann GollCosa LAURA COCHRON b m 5 113 By Leonid Helen Print by Argyle Trainer W L Staafield Owner WT L Stan field B eder C B Baniels 7534 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 42 108 2 3 3 G1 W Pool 10 By Uiglit Tom Owens Vic C7303 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast C3 110 3 4 3J I C Rails RailsG7S36 12 Lariat Rhymer Wise Judge Judge2J G7S36 Tijuana lm0y l47Hfast G 10S 2 2 2J 2J C Rails RailsG7300 11 iriynHarKan Driftg CMulIer CMulIerG G7300 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 10 103 5 6 G fi W Pool PoolKCQR 7 Toombeola C Barkley W Dant DantG1 KCQR Tiiuana Tijuana 1 l16VUivy 7 10S 1 5 G1 G1 Gi W Pool 7 Torsida Fircworth Silcx II G0897 Tijuana 21 110 7 5 5 5 W Pool It CavalcadrII Torsida Ycrmak 00143 irthome 51 f lCslow 20 11J 1 7 6i 4J C Buel 7 Whippet DonJose Dancing Girl 00070 Hlhorne 24 l23 4mud 20 112 4 8 8 8 A Tmbley 8 HoftNotth Whippet Normdfu NormdfuS 05928 Ilthorne 1 l42fast S 105 3 4 4 = J G i C Duel 8 EdnaD Jacobina ChrisHoItera G5783 Illhorno 34 l15faat 20 100 4 10 10 11 C Buel 11 BrowrBill Whippet Black Top 04984 Thorncfe ImTOy l44faat 29 99 8 11 11 11 J Thomas 11 Encriuite Stanley ColonelMatt

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020801/drf1923020801_12_4
Local Identifier: drf1923020801_12_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800