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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8 8WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each horso at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished la cases where record was mxde on other than a fast or Rood track abbreviations show track conditions Racine starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 Superior mud runner X Good muJ runner J Fjiir mini runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds Maidens Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 107Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 67472 May Bnten l K Xl l03 f 10i 71 72 67882 Rimer W 101 102J4 102J468C531 107 720 72068C531 68C531 Iacchus lit 104 107X715 67996 Spring Bonnet 99 104 Hi 105 715 67827 = Quecncup II 100 710 680171 Xorfoid Honey 112 103 102 715 679135 Smile Again IOC 104 103 715 67017 Iarkdale 102 710 67472 Iady Lioness 103 103 100 703 65017 Lola Kluke 85 103 100 700 67827 Vinloo 102 700 68017 Xarin 103 700 67473 Edna Y 101 l10Hh 105 700 67493 Calzar 107 700 700Claiming Second Race 58 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 1 107 68102 Tcmpy Duncan 113 101 12 111X72 67955 Frencli Nurse 114 101 8 100 720 67828 Tack Lre 110 102 10268C031 5 113 715 715i 68C031 Black Jrinrc 105 104 m i 6 10SX7I5 67722 rallouBerry 103 102 5 113X71 68103 View Ill 102 9 113X710 67849 Maxine Ill 101 i 111 711 67914 lMiss Kranland 112 102 1026B9181 4 104X710 6B9181 Babe Ituth 3 95 70 67891 Wild Brier M 110 l03 f 5 10G700 67761 Irish Rcina M 95 103 4 109 700 7763 Net Star M 108 104 4 109 700 67765 Trulane 110101 11 113 700 700Claiming Third Race 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 1 107 67977 Tabloid 91 l00 f 4 109X72T 67891 Moo Campbell Ifrl 101 4 KK5X720 68017 Yon Bet Ill 03 6 lllXlr 67005 Marion Hollins 111 05li 7 111X715 679771 Review 112 01 6 113X715 67491 Syncopation 101 02 7 111 710 68039 blluntcra 1olnt 99 02 r 113X710 6792S l ave Man M lli 102 102C7911 8 113X703 C7911 Blanche Myers 113 102 9 100X70D 67763 Irene Delsa M 105 103 4 10970J 68021 Southern Gentle ¬ man M 113 l07h 67764 Saint Pierre 100 104 = 3 67853 Runike M Fourth Race 58 Kile KilePurs Purs 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Mays20 1920 59 4 107 68024 Sister Susie 110 101 10 111X725 66024 Lady Bonrbon 105 101 HI 720 67929 Do Admit 104 101 8 111 715 C79152 bDancing Girl 109 100 7 11GX715 68054 Miss Dunbar 98 102 5 116X700 671S2 Clear Lake 106 100 9 11GX710 11GX71010S 68000 bCuba 10S 101 6 11CX705 67996 Caunrel 110 103 4 114X705 68040 The Veneration 115 l03s 4 109X705 63585 Alicfi Atkin Ml2 103 5 111 700 67831 Nellie Harper 103 lOSsy 4 114700 114700Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse COO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 1 107 678012 Theresa 101102 fi 110XV 67833 Lady Leonid 95101 3 96X720 96X72068024s 68024s St Angelina 1031102 3 101X715 67658 bMelchoir 90 101 3 101 715 67552 bAryanna 105101 B r 111 715 68000 Pinaqnana 93 93102 102 3 96X710 67800 Lenieve 115 102 7 110 710 67851 Viva 106 101 11 111X705 67660 Endive M 103102 3 101 700 67833 Dark Ages 115100 4109X700 Sixth Race 34 Mile Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track recoid Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 676S11 POLLY WALK 111 113 4 110X725 67855 bFireplace 100112 7 115X715 67749 Woodie MoutgomerylOO 113 10 115X715 67661 bBreeze 113 l13h 9 115X715 67768 Katherine Bankin110 1 13 7 113 715 68088 bBoisterer 111112 6 6115X710 115X710 65283 b r n Mint Ill 113 7 115X710 67875 Blossom House 10SJ113 4 112X705 eJOSO Marcella Boy 101115 5 115 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 1 18 Miles Purse COO 3yearolds nnd upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 27 1921 152 5 117 67978 Lone Pine 6115X725 67876 Wiidpe David 105 155 7 113X720 113X720680565bOeorge 680565bOeorge Muehlebachll2 155 7 110X715 68019 Kliynicr 107153 9115X715 9115X71567S56 67S56 A1 Wick 109155 10 110 710 68032 Little Jink 107 154 10 110X710 110X710679S8 679S8 Drifting 103 150 4 103X705 68054 Benecia lit 157 6 113X705 67956 Montona 105155 6115X700 6115X700G8041 G8041 bN K Beal 10D 201m 9 1150700 Eighth Race 1 18 Miles Pit se 600 3yearolds and upward Track record March I 7 1921 152 68058 Domlnator 105 158 63042 Dolph 106 153 679S3 bRaiIbnl 103 156 67956 I W Harper 115 150 67927 Argento 107 155 6SC57 bCharley Boy 116 156 G7721 lilrophecy 68103 York Lassie 67534 Laura Cochron