Irwin Supreme At Tijuana: Abadane Comes Back After Sundays Victory to Score Again.; Jockey W. Pools Eventful Day--Rides Three Winners, One Second and Figures in a Fall, Escaping Any Serious Injuries., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-08


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IRWIN SUPREME AT TIJUANA i iAbadane Abadane Comes Back After Sun ¬ days Victory to Score Again Jockey W Pools Eventful Day Rides Three ThreeWinners Winners One Second and Figures in a aFall Fall Escaping any Serious Injuries SAN DIEGO Cal February 7 Its the unexpected that furnishes many of racings thrills Folk of the race course become blase now and then from routine but at such times a lurking surprise rouses them from their lethargy The surprise and wonder man ot the Tijuana course is C B Irwin Aside from being the largest winner of the meeting he keeps on doing things with thoroughbreds which cause veterans to open their mouths in astonishment In a way he hurls defiance in the face of good judgment but in the end the decision almost invariably is that owner Irwin is correct His wisdom in racing horses was again illustrated at Tijuana yes I terday afternoon Irwin runs horses at any time and at any distance Today an Irwin colorbearer may be sent at fiveeighths tomorrow at a mile It may be vice versa He runs his horses thats all and incident ¬ ally he has some running horses horsesAbadane Abadane is one of these Sunday this campaigner which was claimed by Irwin for 4000 won the Owners Handicap at one mile Within fortyeight hours Irwin saddled him the winner of a handicap at five and a half furlongs This was yester ¬ day Furthermore Abadane defeated a band of good sprinters surprised all by getting away like a flash against his usual role of being a slow beginner and covered the dis ¬ tance in 1 lOCi to win easily by an even length lengthDISPLAYS DISPLAYS DAZZLING SPEED SPEEDThere There was nothing to it but Abadane Jockey Martinez had him away in front to make the pace He made it fast too so fast that the half was run in 47 and the five eighths in one minute In nearest pursuit of him was Brilliant Ray but he was never dangerous Third was Coca Cola three and a half lengths back of Brilliant Ray Abadane did all of this while carrying top weight of 118 pounds and giving seven pounds and ele ¬ ven pounds to these nearest him at the finish And when it was all over Abadane was dec ¬ orated with a floral horseshoe by the win ¬ some Miss May Clay leading woman of the Kolb Dill comedy Now and Then ThenEnter Enter jockey W Pool for another big aft ¬ ernoon with three winners and one second horse and a fall thrown in for good measure It must be said that this young star im ¬ proves so much with each mount that only an injury or retirement from the saddle will prevent him from being the riding sensation of the turf this year yearPools Pools best trump is his great judgment of pace and distance and his ability to make a horse run at the proper time In order he rode Car Chief Barthell and Black Betty Continued on twelfth page IRWIN SUPREME AT TIJUANA Continued from first page to victory Car was reserved in close at ¬ tendance on the pacemaker in the second at a mile and seventy yards Under hard riding in the stretch he came fast and held Little Gink safe in the final strides Then Pool came right back with Chief Barthcll in the next race at a mile It was for horses which had never won at this distance but w th Pool aboard Chief Barthell won easily after making the pace paceHere Here the track was becoming faster and the fourth race saw the technical description of the change from good to fast A fall in this race in which jockeys Pool riding Ollie Wood and Hose on Amackassin furnished the thrill It was a sixteenth out and was occasioned when Ollie Wood crossed his legs He went down throwing his rider and in the mixup Hose vaulted safely from the back of Amackassin Neither rider or horse was scratched scratchedTiefusing Tiefusing to cancel his other mounts of the afternoon Pool continued and made it a somewhat perfect day by piloting Elack Betty another Irwin thoroughbred to victory in the last race at a mile and a sixteenth sixteenthThe The question of supremacy between Battle Shot and Norwood apparent leaders of the twoyearold division was settled at least temporarily yesterday afternoon with the former the victory The winner was away fast to be never headed but to the credt of Norwood finishing third it must be said that he raced greenly and wide all the way but showed good speed speedJockey Jockey Iool lost his apprentice allowance today and consequently pusses into the ranks of fullHedged riders ridersCount Count Boris was purchased at private sale yesterday by William Walker from IL E Davis DavisS S J Lcvi manager of the Vancouver rac ¬ ing track left yesterday for the North after passing a month here He visted Tijuana for the purpose of getting ideas to guide him in in the rebuilding of the Minoru Park plant which was destroyed by lire last fall

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