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1 Mile and TO Yardn 4yearolds and upward Claiming Feb 12 101G 142 15 4 lia MAY BOBEBTS ch m 6 95 95Trainer By Master Bobert Rose Prim by rotomao Trainer W J Sbeeaan Owner W Newman ureoders Young Gorh3ni 68009 FGrnds 1 116 l47sfast 41 102 3 2 2 21 B Harvey 8 AttaBoylL HGear ScotChief 67939 FGrnda ImTOy l41fast 12 36 1 6 6C7818 5k 3J B Harvey 11 Dghnut AttaBoylL Repeater C7818 FGrnds Im70y l47hvy 20 101 1 S 8 7IT B Harvey 8 Rama Ettahe Lampus 67777 FGrnds 1 1S l54fast 8 97 6 3 3C7586 Il 3 B Harvey 12 Natural Cnriucnclta Phclnn C7586 FGrnds 1 116 l43fcfast S 109 3 7 8 7 1 H J Burke 9 Gem Slippery Dim The Wit 67502 FGrnda 1 116 l4Sgood 41 101 3 2 3 31 G Mein 10 Matinee Idol Magician Phclai 67366 Jefferson ImTOy l45fast 6 104 S 1 Ik 21 G Mein 11 itamkin Deop Sinker Gem 67251 Jefferson 34 l14 fast 30 102 2 G 31 3 = 1 G Mein 12 Orcus Kirklevington Trantula 67093 Jefferson 1 116 l50hvy 15 109 8 7 76699C 911 919 jt McCrnnlO MtnRosell Amaze HonluBoy 6699C Jefferson 1 116 l527 mud 2 108 5 4 3 5 R McCrnn 7 Phelan Edaa D Bribed Voter VoterBy MAY BODINE b m 5 5Trainer IDS By Golden Maxim Mary Bodine by Star Shoot ShootBreeder Trainer K T Watts Owner R 7 Watta Breeder T M Murphy 67682 FGrnds 34 l13fast 3 5 3 J Owens 10 Camflage RalChlie PrWcllei PrWclleili 67555 FGrnda 34 l13good 10 li 1 J Owens 13 Alex II Spugs Full o Fun FunSI 67219 Jefferson 34 Ila7sslow 31 SI S J Owens 11 SprgVale SmIGuy Winnecne 66589 Latonia ImTOy l41fast 31 51 6 J Owena 8 PlneUltra TdIIonr BelnQua 66479 Latonia 34 l12 fast 2S10 6 2 J Owena 9 LastOne TdUonneur Mahony 6G312 Latonia 34 l12fast 133 5 C1 J Owens 9 GrnGold CHenry AAlexandet GC197 Latonia 34 114 good 6 3 4 J Owens 10 Ruby Royal Palm Lugs 62865 Latonia 34 lUfast 135 3 Ik J Owens 10 BPnrdon ScwCombs ANAkln h2783 Latonia 34 l13ifaat 2 11 2k J Owens 8 AAlexder HonorMan Mnhony R1977 Churchill 78 l25 fast 3 1 I1 J Owena 13 AAlexder Penwell FdKlnney FdKlnneyI4 C1769 Churchill 78 l267sraat 31 I4 1 J Owens 15 WmOldt Troilus CcmdAmouf TODY CycladesTrainer ch m 5 103 By Bard of Hope Telie Doe by Cyclades Trainer B Z 7loe n Owner E Z Cram Breeder W F Burro 68065 FGrnds 1 116 150 mud 2 103 2 2 Ik 1 G Mein G Dcvonite HKemble Day Lilly 67882 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast 146 102 1 1 Il 2 G MUn G Ramkin Consort Doughnut 67812 FGrnda 1 116 l 3 mud 165 106 1 1 2k 2 G Meln G Slippery Elm Repeater Kirah KirahG7C27 G7C27 FGrnds Im70y l41fcfast 135 101 126 = 6 J Crcoran 7 Funtoche BhIyLove JHareJr 67459 FGrnda 1 l16hvy 43 104 1 1 2 2 G Mein 5 FanBean QiieenHIgh BBeauty 67252 Jefferson 1 l41 ifaat 21 110 S 3 2 2l L McDott 8 St Donard Tan Son Tulane 65767 Latonia ImTOy l43fast 5 103 3 1 21 2 W Pool G KewOXeill Bullion SofPsurt 63500 Windsor 1 l39Vlast 8 110 Lost rider D Stirling 10 Messines AmericanBoy Citation MAGICIAN br f 8 109 By Salvation Illusion by Mesmerist MesmeristTrainer Trainer F B Doyle Owner S Jones Breeder E Cebrian 67946 FGrnds 1 116 146 fast 8 104 7 6 6 5l B Doyle 7 Valor Fannie Bean Normal 67904 FGrnds 1 116 143 fast 85 113 5 1 1 1 E Pool 12 Wylie Tulsa Ace 67650 FGrnda 1 116 IMSrsfast 5 112 10 5 4 2J R Doyle 11 Sam Frank Doctor Jim Gath Gath7S87 7S87 FGrnda 1 S16 202 fast 1110 107 7 1 31 31 R Doyle 7 Kiug Trojan Exhorter Phelan 67502 FGrnds 1 116 l48igood 3 106 9 4 2 21 R Doyle 10 Matinceldol MayUobcrts Phelan Phelan6738G 6738G Jefferson 1 116 l4S fast 4 107 6 2 2l 21 R Doyle S Winneconne DoctirJim Ettahe 67310 Jefferson 1 116 149 fast 1310 108 8 3 4 41 F Sharpe 0 Natural Tulsa White Haven Haven6G913 6G913 Jefferson 1 18 l54faat 4 116 4 2 I1 I1 F Sharpe 9 Hope Amaze Johnny Overton 66780 DadePrk 1 l44hvy 2 1 1 J Owens 5 Crnyson Jake Fold Bill Ilunley GG770 DadePrk 1 14S hvy 135 110 Gil1 T Burns 12 Amanda MlssProspcrity Silence 66681 DadePrk 34 l14V fast 8 102 9 7 41 4s J Chlmersl4 Jacobean Mahony Amanda GG528 Toledo Ab 34 110 fast 31 113 4 6 5k 3s T Wayt 7 JFairman ThcEmirer AEaglt 6G260 Toledo Ab 34 l09 fast 6 109 6 6 6 6 i T AVayt G Ultimata BulRoy HBurgoyn 65312 Woodne 1116147 fast 9 104 2 5 4k 2 = 1 M Fator 9 Yorkist Sister Flo Claymore 65018 Thncliffe 1 116 l49slop l49slopUNCLE 51 SS 8 2 2 2 = J Thomas 8 WildFler Fluzey BlosmUoust UNCLE VELO b e 5 108 By Uncle Velocity by Henry of Navarre NavarreB Trainer R McGarvey Owner B McGarvey Breeder H P Hcadiey 67937 FGrnds ImTOy l44ifast 13 ICC 2 5 4 41 J Wallace G Servitor Episode Canyon 67521 FGrnda 1 116 l4S7sgood 15 107 8 7 S1 S J J Owens 11 CoDawn Ramkin AmcrBoy 67328 Jefferson 1 1S 157 hvy 165 5 105 4 5 4l 4 J Owens 5 Easteside CoDawn Woodtrap 67254 Jefferson Im70y l46 ast 7 104 3 3GG9G9 4 31 5J R Doyle 8 CoDawn ABoylL Billylartor GG9G9 Jefferson 1 1S l52 fast 2 106 3 3 4J 4 J Owens G Wapiti Fantoche BlarnStone 66929 Jcfferscn 1 l33fast 5 106 1 2 3 3 J Owens 7 Wynnewcod Sway Citation 667 14 DadePrk 1 116 l43ysfast 7 102 3 1 I1 673 J Owens 8 Normal Eleanor S Dimples 66582 Latonia 1 116 l45 fast 6 100 7 7SUNNY 5 5k 6 J J Owens 10 KewpicOXeil Joiiett Baigneur SUNNY GIBL ch m 5 108 By Bunnymede Napa Girl by Solitaire II Formerly ran as Madeline Lillian Breeder A B Sprockets Trainer A S Woodcliffe Owner L Liebling 68070 FGrnds 34 l13hvy 8 104 6 5 GJ C A Wilson 7 TipWitchet ScaCove Harry B 08027 FGrnda 34 l137srast 20 1C2 365 = C l A Wilson G LEffaie HidJewcl Centimeter CentimeterC 07732 FGrnds 34 113 fast C 109 3 2 21 21 A Wilson 7 Colando Orcus Mock Orange 67646 FGrnda 34 l137ifaat 4 1031 1 2 21 C Lang 9 LEffare Fame Last Effort 67562 FGrnds 34 l13J fast 8 106 3 4 41 4J II Thomas 13 Louis A Rapid Day Mom 65966 K worth 34 116 hvy 11 106 2 4 3 3 F Weiner 8 Marsdale Ablaze Sagamore 65872 K worth 7S l25sfast 13 103 2 5 6 5i M Andson 5 BrillJcstcr Procyon Fair Gain 65825 Kworth 78 l26TJfast 31 108 1 3 2 2 = 1 M Antlson G Elemental Dark Horse S Bras 65133 Thncliffe 1 116 l4Sslow 9 100 3 2 31 31 E Petzoldt 5 IrishJig AmerBoy Gourmand G50 J8 Thncliffo 54 f lOC slow 13 106 5 4 31 3 J Chalmers 5 Carmdale Wraith ChfSpousor 64983 Thnclltfe 1 l2Sfast 13 97 2 7 61 6 1 J Chlmers 8 Fair Gain Crack o Dawn Guy GuyG4621 G4621 DeVshlre 1 l44hvy 7 100 3 6 6 6 J Chlmers 7 Stoto Rubidium Lunetta 64589 Devonshire 34 112 fast 41 103 2 4 4h 35 E Smliwd 7 Ptoplay Cmandalc MinMan MinManBEOTHEBLY BEOTHEBLY MartagonTrainer LOVE b g 6 113 By Helmet Santa Anna H by Martagon Trainer J McPherson Owner J McPherson Breeder E B Bradley 67734 FGrnds 1 116 l467ifast 1C5 112 1 G 5k 5le E Pool 8 IrishKiss PastoralSwain Valor ValorG7627 G7627 FGrnda ImTOy l44fast 41 108 3 5 21 2 E Pool 7 Fantoche J Hare Jr Servitor G6G03 Latonia 1 1S l52fast 1710 110 6 4 21 1 = J Owens 7 Sea Prince Pumps Mechanic 66553 Latonia 1 1S 1 2 2sfast = sfast 95 103 6 6 6l 5 1 M Garner 8 ParMaid Runquni BlarnStone BlarnStonei C590G Latonia 1 1S l52fast 31 109 5 4 4l 4 = 1 D Connlly G Joiiett Normal Blarney Slono G5727 Latonia 1 116 I45y5fast 31 110 7 5 3l 3J D Connlly 7 Adonis Runquoi Uncle Vclo 65486 Lcxton 1 116 l44ifast 70 113 4 4 4 4 J Heupcl 4 Runquoi Adonis Jimrnie Daw DawBIFF BIFF BANG b h 6 108 By Tortile Byf by Miller MillerTrainer Trainer W Livingston Owner L T Bauer Breeder T Mnnahan C8065 FGrnds 1 116 150 mud 2 102 4 4 5 5T1 L Morris G Tody Dcvonite Hermis Kemblo 67811 FGrnds ImTOy l4iimud 135 103 1 4 J 5 5 L McDott 5 JHaieJr Episode UPirdner 67480 FGrnda 6 107 1 1 4 = 4s E Pool Maximac CDemon Pas Swain 67417 FairGda 34 l157ihvy 0 07 3 4 3i 3 = i C Inn r 7 MyRevcrie Centility MnrvMay G3125 Dcvshire ImTOy 153 hvy 1 111 6 1 2k 47i J Metcalf 7 Morriuiac EkanorS DukcJohn 62670 Dcrval ImTOy l51 slop 3310 113 3 1 1 33 D Stirlins 7 JIoco Clansman Sansnido C2367 BBnnets 1 18 133 faat 7 113 4 51 6 T Rowan 6 EleanorS Tantalus KcntishBoy 62051 Wdbine ImTOy 115 fast 24 105 6 S 4Ji F Weiner 8 PSwain Night Rilder Dresden M950 Wdbine 1 11C l46fast 23 110 2 6 6 ° 6 W Ridour 7 Servitor Tantalus Super SLIPPERY ELM br g 10 By Bannockbnrn Schwalbe by Sain Trainer W A Brrttschell Owner J B Sk inker Breeder B Sciireibcr 67987 FGrnds 118154 fast 7 109 1 2 11 21 E SmwodlO Huonec E eariKlette S 67818 FGrnds ImTOy l4T5Ujvy 4 110 5 1 31 4 B Smwod S Rama Ettahe Lampu 67812 FGrnds 1 116 lsXVlmud 95 111 3 4 I1 1 E Smlwd G Tody Repeater Kiran 67586 FGrnds 1 116 l48Jirast 4 113 7 4 11 SI II Shillick 9 3cm The Wit Jordan 67501 FGrnds 1 116 148 good 6 113 2 4 4 2 II Shillick 7 Tan Son Lampus Zone dArmee 67419 FairGds ImTOy l43J hvy 7 107 4 1 3 331 H Shillick 5 PasSwain HKiniblc ABoylL 67288 Jefferson 1 116 l48fast 3 110 4 2 4S T1 E Barnes 9 Joaler Exliortcr Tulane 67202 Jefferson ImTOy l4Thvy l4ThvyGG872 8 113 3 2 4 41 E Barnes G AmnBoy Ila ry Stone Clilevcr GG872 Bowie 1 18 l57Hfast l57HfastGG844 9 103 6 5 5J 65i II Shillick 7 Despair Tufter Overtake GG844 Bowia 1 116 l31fast l31fastGG831 41 110 7 7 7 6 E Barnes 7 AllOver John Paul Jones Super GG831 Bowie 1 116 l51fast l51fastGG816 38 102 4 2 21 4H E Bel 7 Tippity Witrhct Blaits Tuftel GG816 Bowie 1 116 lGO fast 14 103 4 4 4 4 1 E Smwod 4 Paul Jorcs Prudery Tufter THICKS b g 4 By Theo Cook Canny Miss by Oguen Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur Breeder W Garth 67963 FGrnds 1 316 201fast 10 E6 8 10 11 10 J Crcoranl3 Ace Bolster Bill and Coo 67735 FGrnds 1 316 202fast 13 9S1 7 6l 7 A Abel 9 Wuds Lust TlieWit DtorJira 67383 Jefferson 1 1S l55r fast 20 StanleyCO 1021U 2 2 2 R Doyla 12 Maize Bill and Coo Stanley 67348 Jefferson 1 316 203fast CO 102 4 3 Ck 9 J R Doylo 12 JOverton StCcrmnln Bermont 66996 Jefferson 1 116 l32 mud mudGG990 30 101 6 6 7 7 A Abel 7 Plulan Edna I Bribed Voter GG990 Jefferson 1 116 14S fast 23 93 5 10 10 = 10 A Abel 12 Rrana St Donard Pirate McGca GG833 Bowie 1 116 l53fast llf 93 15 14 14 14 H Shllllcklj Mystic Radical Kings Bell ABCHIE ALEXANDEB ch g 7 102 102Trainer By Harrigan Anytime by Yankee YankeeBreeder Trainer J Randolph Owner J Randolph Breeder B A Jones 67914 FGrnds 34 l12Hfast 6 111 7 7 4l 4 = 1 R Doylo S ElmerK RCharlic Mavournn 67879 FGrnda 34 l13fast 13 109 7 81 4 G Meln 11 ScwCombs PaulMicou AlcxII 67752 FGrnda 34 l12faat l12faat6C893 29 IOC 11 101 71 H Doyle 14 RapidDay Monastery Sagama 6C893 Jefferson 34 l14fast 31 10 5 51 5 J Corcoranll Ogarlte Monastery Ralco 66312 Latonia 34 l12fast 6 96 2 3k 3 1 J Corcoran 9 GrnGold CliadHenry JHoahot 66128 Latonia 34 117 hvy 3 101 4 4 4 W Pool 8 SewellCombs GrecnOoliJ Orlova 65902 Latonia 34 113 fast Zl5 114 2 2 21 B Scoble 11 Birdie G Mahony McGeeaPimk 15724 Latonia 34 l13 l13fast fast 431 IOC 2 3 1 W Pool 9 Mom Orlova Salamander 65197 Lexington 34 l13fut 14 111 8 Cl B B Scobo 11 XIarCorps Eteside RoyalDick 648 9 ChurchiU 34 113 faat 107 2 21 z W Pool 10 Ruby Jankti Dernier Sou By Bnckhorn Cntjrarse by Meddler Tnfauz X mitakni Owmee X T WHtonffl Breeder H P Hcadley HcadleyI I FGrBds 1 1S l ntcnad X MB 8 X S J Majestic 9 Tulsa Ettahe MountainRoscII m41 FGrnds H32HDhry MB 1 21 2 J Majestic 7 DrRae HwMBound AmSdicr XS3 FGrnds 1 XX SflZ tut V MT S S I1 R Doyle 9 LdIIerl crt Maize BritishLhier C9C22 FGrnds 1 14 248 good M IN 6 6 6 R Doyle G RibGrass Ballybell Doc Jin VMS FGrtida 1 116 l 4hvy t 3K 2 11 11 R Doyle 9 Wankcag Thornhcdgc KTrojan MIS FairGds 1 X1C 246 hry S K6 S 41 4 J Owens 8 DrRae MtnUosell UluBoy n29 Jefferson 1 111 l lJUivy UO II1 3J J Majestlcll Huonec Wylie Ettahe 8JDESADA ch e 4 By Delhi Mistress Quickly by Nasturtium NasturtiumBreeder Trainer T Kane Owner 0 K Moore j Breeder T Piatt U 66 FGrnds 1 116 l49mad 8 105 S 3 4 J Wallace G Tulalip Rep Wankcag C7 46 FGrDds 1 116 146 fast 80 109 7 Sl J Wallace 7 Valor Fannie Bean Normal 7837 FGrnds 84 l14Hhvy 30 119 8 8li J Wallace 10 Sagamore MinuteMan Gnvnor 7683 FGrnds 34 l13fast l13fastImTOy SO 113 1 10 10C 10 9 = i J Wallace 10 CamflaRe KalClilie MBodine 8545 Empire ImTOy 146 fast fastIm70y C 1M 2 4 4 H Shilllck C Leghorn TRCall ScliIJshtlll 66473 Empire Im70y l45fast 6 102 8 65 H Shillick 10 Mawrcoron Legtiom Snnnylaml CZ69 Empire 1 l41fast l41fastImTOy 125 ICO 2 I1 21 E Bell 9 Overtake ThcItollCall 1olWale 1olWaleT 8192 Empire ImTOy l44fast 12 108 T T M Mntain 8 KingAlbcrt Canyon Whisk 8060 Jamaica 1 116 149 mud 2 94 2 2 3 A McLlin 4 Kins Albert Vendor lug HEBMIS KEMBTK ch c 4 4Trainer 111 By Prince Hermis Fanny Keroble by Sempronius SemproniusC Trainer J H Bnseher Owner OwnerC8065 C A Coyle Breeder G L Blaekford BlaekfordIll C8065 FGrnds 1 11C 150 mud E Ill 1 1 l 3 E Smwod 6 Tody DcTonitc Day Lilly 7985 FGrnds 34 102fa8t 105 7 S IJ J CorcranlO Honor Man St Allan 1Effare C78GO FGrnds 1 l40good li 102 2 6 S 6 A Abel 8 Olynthus Plucky Colando 7818 FGrnds ImTOy l47hvy 108 6 6 6 5 G Meln 8 Rama Ettahe Lampns C7563 FGrnds ImTOy l45fast It 104 5 5 61 51 J Owens 7 B from Home Plucky Avisps 7419 FairGds ImTOy l49fcnvy 4 103 2 3 2 1 2 J Owens 5 PasSwain SHpKlm AttaBoyll 7323 Jefferson 34 118 hyy 1C 1CS7252 115 S 4 11 li J Owens 8 Camouflage Whalebone Marba S7252 Jefferson 1 l41faat C 105 2 6 5 E Barnes 8 St Donard Tody Tan Son